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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 13 KB, 1200x627, og-polkadot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56125356 No.56125356 [Reply] [Original]

I've been accumulating DOT during this bear market and now stake around 3k.

To me this is THE sleeping giant in the top 100.

>developer activity constantly #1 or #2 behind ETH
>biggest corpo adoption along the likes of XRP, XLM, and HBAR
>internet of blockchains concept only has one serious competitor with Cosmos
>parachain projects gaining momentum
>one of the few coins not labeled a security by the SEC

>down 95% from ATH and back to pre-bullrun price
>higher token inflation than use

I can only see cons in terms of market price action. Am I missing something?

Also, Polkadot bagholder copium general.

>> No.56125366

Looks completely dead

>> No.56125375

Bought 100 DOT at $45 in 2021. Still bag-holding.

>> No.56125382
File: 143 KB, 864x1353, Screenshot_20230917-114239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ

>> No.56125391

nobody uses it though

>> No.56125393

Until they change tokenomics I’m sitting on the sidelines. I don’t want my meme cash to inflate 12% per year with no max supply whilst locked into staking and volatile price drops.

I think they will change tokenomics eventually. SEC peobsbly didn’t go after them because nobody is actually in profit.

>> No.56125404


>> No.56125406

Atom bros...we won?

>> No.56125408

You know nothing

>> No.56125409
File: 55 KB, 775x670, AVAXkillspedodot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>developer activity constantly #1 or #2 behind ETH
But delivered nothing. Meanwhile Ava Labs achieved more in the same time.
>biggest corpo adoption along the likes of XRP, XLM, and HBAR
haha no that would be Avalanche. All RWAs will be tokenized on Avalanche Subnets. (source: bank of america, SWIFT)
>internet of blockchains concept only has one serious competitor with Cosmos
Avalanche Subnets are superior to Poosmos AND Pedodot
>parachain projects gaining momentum
Nobody uses them for anything and there is a limit because Polkadot cant scale.
>one of the few coins not labeled a security by the SEC
Same goes for AVAX (which again is superior). Emin Gün Sirer is also Technical Advisor to the CFTC.

>down 95% from ATH and back to pre-bullrun price
>higher token inflation than use
you also forgot to mention that Gavin Wood is a Pedophile that likes to spread his STDs (HIV) to children.
Not a good look for the Project.

>> No.56125442

Well it's more like twice the size of that if you include canary network devs


AVAX somehow has worse inflation than DOT. No thanks.

>> No.56125446
File: 700 KB, 1440x872, Screenshot_20230917_105908_Sheets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I queefed a little of each.

>> No.56125449

>AVAX somehow has worse inflation than DOT
it doesnt

>> No.56125456

>internet of blockchains concept only has one serious competitor with Cosmos
You will be surprised by SKALE in the near future.

>> No.56125483
File: 101 KB, 864x977, Screenshot_20230917-120800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000% inflation in 2 years. Still more than twice the circulating supply left to dump
At the same time DOT had ~30% inflation and total supply = circulating supply basically

SKL is dinosaur L2 ETH tech from yesteryear

>> No.56125487


>> No.56125503

AVAX hardcapped and deflationary and most of it is staked or delegated to Validators, with the thousands of Subnets coming up more AVAX will be locked away forever.
meanwhile nobody uses DOT for anything, the token is simply not needed.

>> No.56125517

Hard cap doesn't mean anything when you have 20% inflation for the next 10 years (DOT has around 10% with 50% of the supply staked). Deflationary mechanisms will also be introduced in DOT 2.0.

But again this is a DOT thread and go shill your ghostchain in your own thread Rakesh.

>> No.56125529

I use DOT to earn 10% on coinbased

>> No.56125541
File: 1.32 MB, 1140x731, 1692736585648656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read again >>56125503
because apparently you cant read gud.
>But again this is a DOT thread
I dont give a shit.

not your keys not your coins, another mouthbreather about to learn it the hard way.

>> No.56125546

Avalanche inflation is due to unlocks though. After August 2024 the only unlocks are less than 7M AVAX for the foundation per year, It also burns around 1M AVAX per year. Add that to Protocol Inflation, and Inflation overall will drop to around 6% after August 2024. DOT has high inflation baked in with no max supply.

So if your time frame is one year then yeah, but if you're looking at the Network over years then not even close.

>> No.56125551
File: 334 KB, 955x993, gavindead2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, Avalanche wins again.
Pedodot retards keep losing.

>> No.56125557

You can get 15% if you stake natively fren

>> No.56125575

Nice phoneposting. I know youre a paid shill and I'm just interacting with you so people see in the archives that you have no counterarguments outside ad hominems. More than double of the circulating AVAX supply will be dumped on the market and the chain itself is nothing but an ETH VC pump and dump fork. People who did their research know this so idk what you're trying to accomplish here posting in DOT threads. 0.05 AVAX sent.

>> No.56125638
File: 195 KB, 699x600, pedodotshed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt even know what phoneposting looks like thats how much of a newfag he is
>so people see in the archives
they will see that I was right and you were wrong. the People of the future will call you a dumb nigger.
>More than double of the circulating AVAX supply will be dumped
It wont because all the AVAX is needed for Staking.
>ETH fork
Avalanche supports any Virtual Machine, not just the EVM. There is no Limit to how many Subnets Avalanche can run.
>People who did their research know
that Avalanche is indeed the best.

>> No.56125650

>own mansion
>still uses toilet paper
Yes but I'm pretty dumb and accepted that

>> No.56125660

why even bother with crypto if you cant self custody?
now you gave your money to some jew who can take it from you any moment.

>> No.56125674

I use metamask for eth/btc/monero, I just use exchanges for shit like atom/dot because like I said I'm pretty dumb

>> No.56125711

if you dont want to get rugged you need to get away from these exchanges.
>like I said I'm pretty dumb
now thats a self fullfilling prophecy, if you think like this of course you will be dumb. you dont have to be tho.
you need to smarten the fuck up.

>> No.56125716
File: 337 KB, 800x778, Simple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prophecy is a scam and proptoshi is a scammer

>> No.56125730

great I look forward to your thread titled "centralized exchange stole all my money"

>> No.56125738

Yeah the highest fee niggercattle friendly exchange will rugpull in 2 more weeks. Maybe you're stupid too

>> No.56125746

>its too big too fail
top kek

>> No.56125754

>too big too
Just staked another $100 on coinbased fellow retard

>> No.56125757

How the fuck is having developers connected to people buying the coin lmao, no one cares

>> No.56125764

>you made a typo that means u wrong

>> No.56125777
File: 29 KB, 1080x461, Screenshot_20230917_042723_Coinbased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't hear you too busy getting rugged

>> No.56125824

that your lunch money?

>> No.56125829

That's the $100 I just sent off metamask to stake more DOT to upset your retarded ass

>> No.56125865

dont lie, its your entire portfolio

>> No.56125874

you went from

>> No.56125878

they will rug your lunch money
go ask the FTX bros

>> No.56125882

Coinbased has been around a decade with a hu-wite ceo. Sorry but I'm just not withdrawing I know I know I'm just not going to

>> No.56125953

Yup you just randomly shitpost off topic because of enthusiasm for your investment down 96% and not because you're paid to do so

>> No.56125957

>because of enthusiasm
yes, Avalanche is the best.

>> No.56125984

Um sweetie, you can't stake avax on coinbased. Looks like you lose

>> No.56126043
File: 162 KB, 1702x1384, 735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ting ting

I have an important announcement to make.

This weekend I began loading my baggies for my man servant to carry through the next run for myself.

I'd just like to inform you my baggies, for multiple currency lines across multiple currency pairings and multiple exchanges with different login details, is now... complete.

And so it begins.

>> No.56126290

I can stake it from my own wallet without having to trust a jew.
my keys my coins.

>> No.56127381

More developers means more development and activity on the blockchain. ETH wouldn't be comfortably number 2 today if it weren't for developers building dApp, ICOs, NFTs, etc to build that ecosystem.

>> No.56127615

I DCA in during the bear market like this and DCA out during the bull market. Buy
>> XMR

>> No.56128951
