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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56119660 No.56119660 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey sent over 15m Link to Binance.

It's fucking Joever.

WTF do they even need $100 for?

>> No.56119686


>> No.56119696

remember when he was sending millions every week to Bianance and the cult losers from here were saying it was to send to SWIFT and enterprise anonymously?
It was just Sergey market selling lol

>> No.56119699

He's got to be happy with his proud army of bagholding cucks

>> No.56119707

the warchest got plundered by useless wfh employees that do nothing all day, essentially biz dream jobs

>> No.56119710

His genius was to attract that special kind of people.

>> No.56119731

Did anything ever end up happening with SWIFT?

>> No.56119734

essentially the same thing that's been happening since 2017, more PoCs, more trials and betas, zero actual usage
a futile attempt to appeal to boomer investors in a nutshell

>> No.56119738

Oh damn. Pretty cool that trials are going on though.

>> No.56119747

>pretty cool that Chainlink remains a startup after 7 years
sure anon, whatever you say

>> No.56119753

You do you, man, I'm just speaking for myself.

>> No.56119761

but you said nothing? you just tried to indirectly shill your bags, like usual
>guise yuuuge news about SWIFT guise!
jump off a cliff

>> No.56119770
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Why do you act surprised when it was announced a while ago?

>> No.56119773

I haven't followed Chainlink news for about 6 months, just getting up to date.

>> No.56119825

but you just happened to miss completely the dozens of threads about the latest SWIFT news the shills have been spamming
sure dude

>> No.56119831


>> No.56119957

>15m link gets bought up and it just keeps crabbing
am i meant to feel bad about this or something? is that why it keeps getting spammed? it's just... more crab

>> No.56120057

Seriously. People act like it’s a bad thing but since dumping all that happened is the ranks went higher so it looks like a better project.

>> No.56120210

Chainlink is currently on a 7% annual inflation schedule, see >>56119770
That 15 million is 1.5%.

And before you start screeching; Bitcoin made most of its gains when the annual inflation rate was more than 50%.

>> No.56120225

Literally white paper day one you stupid fud cunts get bent

>> No.56120419

14% this year u nigger. Dont equate inflation% of the total ending supply you grifting linkscammer.

>> No.56120444

I hate this rationale it’s the same dumb shit the team uses “it’s less than other shitcoins!!”

Except that inflation is caused by fanatic retail baggies getting staking gains as a gift and they just HODL because they don’t know where the sell button is when this inflation is quite literally caused by the team dumping with no mercy on their fanatics and lowering the price.

It’s not apples to apples.

>> No.56120449

So it was a scam from day 1

>> No.56120464

I would work hard. Unfortunately sirgay does not want to hire me

>> No.56120466

oh noes, still a fraction of what Solana, Bitcoin, ETH, ... inflated during their biggest boom periods.

>I hate when you compare Link to other cryptos
I bet you do.
Because the only way you can fud Link is to attack it for things the entire market does as standard.

>> No.56120488

Holy shit you advocates are just blatantly lying now?! Literally wrong its 14% annually

>> No.56120501

They are releasing 7% of the TOTAL supply into the CIRCULATING supply per year. At the moment, that corresponds to around 14% inflation on the circulating supply. It trails down to 7% over the years.

Are you guys actually retarded?

>> No.56120512

>oh noes, still a fraction of what Solana, Bitcoin, ETH, ... inflated during their biggest boom periods.

Except... All those are blockchains with paying customers. While link is not even a real crypto, thats why it has to resort to desperate tactics like giving away its price feeds for free.

You guys are truly disingenous, you say chainlink is exactly the same as every other crypto when it suites you, then you pull out the "why is there a double standard wahh" victim card and say chainlink is completely unique from every crypto.

>> No.56120585

>All those are blockchains with paying customers.
Anon, literally 2% of miner revenue comes from "paying customers" today.
The other 98% comes from inflationary subsidies.

>> No.56120599

Talking about Bitcoin here

>> No.56120612

link is worth 6 dollars right now
so he casually moved almost billion dollars or am i a stupid noob??

>> No.56120659

>And before you start screeching; Bitcoin made most of its gains when the annual inflation rate was more than 50%.
BTC has a use case and the inflation doesnt matter when the token supply is 21mill and everyone wants to hoard you actualy fucking moron. Link has no use case other then to fill sergeys pockets.

>> No.56120670

>inflation doesnt matter when the token supply is 21mill
kek you're like one of those minorities who don't know what "per capita" means

>> No.56120672

>Except... All those are blockchains with paying customers. While link is not even a real crypto, thats why it has to resort to desperate tactics like giving away its price feeds for free.
>You guys are truly disingenous, you say chainlink is exactly the same as every other crypto when it suites you, then you pull out the "why is there a double standard wahh" victim card and say chainlink is completely unique from every crypto.
this is how fish cat fish forms every argument while having a sense of intellectual superiority. He changes the discussion case by case to suite the narrative. I hate that cocksucker so much

>> No.56120680

Thanks, just sold!

>> No.56120687

Its 14% dumbass

>> No.56120696

I was using the same standard for both Bitcoin and Link: percentage of total supply.

>> No.56120702

The difference is btc isnt premined it only gets generated through miner work meanwhile the fat fuck can dumps millions on our heads whenever he wants

>> No.56120714

Satoshi created the 21 million cap out of thin air behind his laptop.
It's inflationary subsidies, and currently makes up 98 fucking % of miner revenue, with only 2% coming from actual paying users.

>> No.56120718

Notice how this coincided with the news from ANZ and DTCC?

>> No.56120721

If nobody mines btc anymore there won't be any new btc generated, whereas sergey can dump regardless of what happens. Nice try fishy fish face, go back to telegram. Everybody hates you

>> No.56120729

and link is pre mine that sergey holds onto. See the diffrence when comparing diffrent projects to link you tool? its either a shitcoin or its not and sergey is a greedy fucking faggot and its a shitcoin anyway

>> No.56120734

>If nobody mines btc anymore there won't be any new btc generated
Wow, that sure makes me feel better about the fact that 98% of miner revenue is inflationary subsidies.

>sergey can dump regardless
How much can Satoshi dump?
You don't know because he always kept it secret.

And how many BTC does Satoshi own?
How many is he dumping annually?

>> No.56120759

Satoshis wallet has always been untouched also he is most likely dead. Whereas sergey is alive (unfortunately) and is dumping heavily as we speak.

>> No.56120760

I’ll say this. I’ve been on this board longer than anyone else here. What Sergey is doing is fucking retarded. ETH ran because there was a crazy amount of hysteria and hype surrounding the project. Link had a potential for the same type of run but the tokenomics were so poorly designed and executed, the run at $50 got blunted quickly. Look around, BTC is a little less than half its ATH, same with ETH, but link is 1/10 it’s ATH. Sergey is fully responsible for what’s happened, and it’s further cemented by his refusal to let good news run. Never happened to the others in the space, they let good news steer the car, not the reason to crash it.

>> No.56120768

Everybody hates sergey by now except some incel telegram posters and community advocates. He gets mocked by everyone in the crypto space

>> No.56120769

>Satoshis wallet has always been untouched
Holy shit you don't know. Nobody knows. He used thousands of wallets, a different one for each mining reward.
For all we know he's still mining today.
Which is why you see "Satoshi coins moved" articles every other day.

>> No.56120776

Yea I'm sure satoshi is secretly dumping. Go live in your fantasy world and suck sergeys dick >>56120769

>> No.56120784

>Yea I'm sure satoshi is secretly dumping.
There isn't a human alive who wouldn't dump at least some in his position.
And all his dumps would indeed be secret.

>> No.56120816

Bought more, seethe

>> No.56120822

Yeah so it wont be 7% until 7 years from now.
That also means that staking is not going to be profitable for several years.
Jeet Shitcoins unironically have better tokenomics

>> No.56120838
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He is making it

>> No.56120843

I see that, and fear for his safety if this continues. He seems like a decent dude but is blinded by naivety and carelessness. Few people who let their weight get out of control turn out to be responsible people

>> No.56120848

Link price barely budged, why is this?

>> No.56120850

>If nobody mines btc anymore there won't be any new btc generated
You absolute fucking retard. Difficulty will be adjusted so that one fuck with a raspbery PI will mine just as much BTC as all the miners are currently mining. Read the fucking whitepaper.

>> No.56120875
File: 670 KB, 320x234, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If nobody mines btc anymore there won't be any new btc generated,

KEK , and then price will collapse to 0 since nobody will be providing security to the network

>> No.56120930
File: 471 KB, 500x361, r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And before you start screeching; Bitcoin made most of its gains when the annual inflation rate was more than 50%.

Do you forget about 4 Million BTC lost by users which is deflationary , not to mention about miners manipulating supply before pumps ?

>> No.56120949

some fags supposedly losing their bitcoin does not come close to offsetting the constant inflation by miners

>> No.56121061

>Holy shit you don't know.
i know sergey is dumping right now

>> No.56121073

what about sergey instructing the chainlink team to hype up market sentiment about a testnet specifically to sell on token holders

>> No.56121089
File: 81 KB, 475x562, c23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called deflation when losing coins means that they get pull out of circulation , unless you are brainless to understand this

>> No.56121115
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>what about sergey instructing the chainlink team to hype up market sentiment about a testnet specifically to sell on token holders

KEK, You got any proof on that imaginary claims ?

>> No.56121120

you're not fit to join his HR harem.

>> No.56121123

so then the coordinated DTCC, swift, and sushi swaps test net announcements all on the same day was just a coincidence, are you fucking stupid?

>> No.56121156
File: 1.36 MB, 700x394, c23.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should take your meds if you claim that DTCC , Swift posting news on their website is a coordinated campaign by Chainlink

KEK , you mother should apologise to you for not aborting you

>> No.56121161

judging by the time it takes to do anything, there are like 1-2 people doing any actual work. so you just have to bullshit your way through the interview, then forget you even have a job and collect the paycheck

>> No.56121163

do you get paid per post?

>> No.56121178

>Sergey sent over 15m Link to Binance.
How did they select Binance for this?
Binance collects fees for trades are made on their platform, so this is a boon for whichever CEX is selected by CLL as their dumping ground.

Did Binance pay them for this?
Has CLL ever made a statement to explain why they selected Binance over all other exchanges?

Is it because Binance doesn't operate in USA, so they can claim they did everything they could to keep the token out of the hands of US investors?

>> No.56121181
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No, just enjoy replying to absolute retards

>> No.56121187

you are more retarded talking to a retard knowing full well im a retard, retard

>> No.56121214
File: 10 KB, 856x204, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You absolute fucking retard. Difficulty will be adjusted

And who is going to mine the blocks until the difficulty changes ? You with your retarded raspberry pi ?
KEK , What an absolute retard

>> No.56121663

I sold this piece of trash in August 2020 and I'm happy I did

>> No.56121804

fish faggot. You're not mentally superior like you posture your self to be.

>> No.56122639

wtf is wrong with this shit board
hope that's bait

>> No.56123978

Nah, the partnerships fell through and in the end SWIFT will be replaced by BRICS anyway so who even cares about that irrelevant organization anymore.

>> No.56124117

i love how desperate third world FUD cucks sre to make this one stick
as if this "dump" getting swallowed up like it was nothing wasn't obviously proof of institutional level sales agreed upon beforehand
i think ill keep buying (just like whichever insanely rich people in the know seem to be doing)