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File: 64 KB, 619x676, tears of 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56117833 No.56117833 [Reply] [Original]

in the ruins of OPEX edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:


Previous: >>56114752

>> No.56117842

Buy Keysight technologies

>> No.56117845
File: 359 KB, 1280x1808, 76864497_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for ENERGY (again)

>> No.56117849
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OPEX for jannies when?

>> No.56117850
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Threadly reminder to short tech and short europe.

degenerate tasteless slop

>> No.56117851
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All these people late to energy when I was early and bagheld for 2-3 months
Fuck you

>> No.56117852

Good call on the edition.

>> No.56117856

Biz is healing

>> No.56117866


>> No.56117870

S and P closed below 4451, so we're going back to 4400 next week. It's programmed in.

>> No.56117873
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Nakadashi, nakadashi, pass, nakadashi

I know. I'm sorry. But it's necessary chemotherapy against the 3d whore posters.

>> No.56117874

Energy is pretty much all I do other than tiny amounts of various STOOKS and ETFs for "fun" in between sells and buy ins. I'm glad that your bags got lifted though, that shit gets scary. What did you started holding when, and what was your thesis?

>> No.56117891
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don't be mean to senpai-san she just into boomer investing.

>> No.56117900

Finally opened a Roth IRA bros
Feels good
All in between VOO and VGT

>> No.56117901

I have been trying to cut my trading time frames down. However, back in May I backed up the truck on a bunch of OXY at $56.xx because I knew Buffet would backstop it (which he did twice) and Saudis wanted higher and would eventually get what they wanted. So I pegged it for a safe investment. What I didn't expect, was the INTC I sold to buy it to out perform it, and the Tech run in general. I thought I was in on a good deal. So when I say fuck you to the general, I am just sharing my bitter feelings about a portfolio that could have performed a lot better to be quite honest. OXY being limpdick about breaking resistance at 66 is also pissing me off.

>> No.56117921
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deets from my vanguard account for nosy fags
(no you aren't getting my account #)

>> No.56117938
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I'm an alcohol.

>> No.56117966

Mr Lahey you promised you were off the hard stuff. This is the last straw. I'm grabbing a burger.

>> No.56117973
File: 1.11 MB, 1440x1080, anime girl asuka dressing room eva evangelion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not. It's kitch tasteless slop.

>> No.56117976

That makes breddy gud sense to me, I remember thinking Buffet's interest in OXY was going to drive it up, and then seeing something to the effect of he wasn't going to outright buy it, and it seemed to relatively stall after that. I didn't follow it closely so that's some foggy shit. Man, I know that sucks about the INTC too. Back before I had my own brokerage account I was watching it and telling afk people I wished I could buy it. It was about $25 at the time, then once I had an account and could do something about it I lacked the confidence to back it with action. I have such a small amount of capital though, and trading is my only way of gaining any money at all, so I tend to be very hesitant a lot. Heck though, going 56 to 66 on the OXY is still pretty kick ass!

>> No.56117979
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You say that but there hasn't been a single taylor poster in this thread so far

>> No.56117982

Oh, what is driving your movement to cut trading times? Not that I don't understand the notion in general, but I wonder if you are trying to address specific "weaknesses" that you've nooticed in what you've been doing timing wise or what?

>> No.56117989

Is anything a buy or should I be in SQQQ right now?

>> No.56117995
File: 40 KB, 900x900, 1628366332940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this semen demon and is it a man?

>> No.56118014

of course anon. all the best women are men.

>> No.56118021

To be perfectly blunt, I have a problem in that I overhold. I am pretty good at calling bottoms, I think, but I am terrible at finding tops. In fact I hold so long that a previous bottom I had caught no longer remains the bottom.

Example. I knife caught RYCEY in 2021 with a cost average of 1.34 and it pumped to 2.00 and I didn't sell. Well 2022 flushed it right down the toilet. I wound up selling the stuff at a loss at 1.12. RYCEY's stock this year is like 2.70 now.

>> No.56118040

what's up with the plague of frogs currently infesting the catalog?

>> No.56118042

Oh, BTW, the stuff about the Saudis was something I went on to and got my son to buy XOM in the program he's been in since early 2001. It's about to end, but it gave him one last buy opportunity back in Feb, which had to be from a list of about I think 140 S&P stocks. He had to make the selection and submit it with a worksheet, and the approval came in May. I knew the program was ending Q3 and told him if he just wanted to take a gamble, I thought oil was going to go higher in the second half of the year, and told him why. He took it and is up about $600 on it. We await the program end nootification any day now.

>> No.56118046
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>> No.56118057

AH! I tend to sell too quick, but yes, I have seen RYCEY kickin' ass lately! I had a little bit when it was I think around 1.77 for a while and got scared and sold the shit!

>> No.56118071
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>> No.56118076
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What are you on lookout for these days?

>> No.56118094

bros, what is an OTC alternative to viagra

>> No.56118121

What company is going to collapse first when the economy starts going down?

>> No.56118131

>when the economy starts going down?
Meaning there's a liquidity issue? Or hyperinflation? What kind of event are you expecting.

>> No.56118151


>> No.56118153

Uranium pull back is here (although small caps and explorers will probably keep running next week to catch up). Buy the daily cycle low, or buy higher. Your choice.

>> No.56118164

I don't know. I have caught /pol/ disease and everything feels like its on pins and needles to me so you really don't want to listen to me. I had been hoping oil companies would pump sooner harder and faster giving me more time to accumulate money before buying something like EDV starts making sense. But it doesn't seem to be working out quite like I want. I have also been looking at PYPL to see if it has bottomed yet, but I can't figure out how it is supposed to be valued as a fintec with Mastercard and Visa having really high evaluations and something like Discover having a really low evaluation.

>> No.56118168
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The CPI and PPI bullrun was a short squeeze, the last piece of data today (the shitty industry and import/export numbers and the unfavorable Michigan inflation sentiment) has priced in an interest rate increase for Wednesday. So if the premarket interest rate decision sparks a rally it will be because the giga dump today priced it in already.

Also we have several major strikes going on, bank failures, high credit, high yields, high dollar… bullfags: don’t be surprised if shit hits the fan this quarter, today was a warning shot. Stop with the nonsense

>> No.56118175

I'd look for companies that have high levels of debt with little cash that are selling consumer products.
Good luck finding ones that aren't priced in and timing your shorts/puts though.

>> No.56118220
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Oh ok thanks

>> No.56118224
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rough week on the market. gonna play some magic and watch lord of the rings this weekend. this market needs a gandalf moment to save us from sarumanomics.

>> No.56118229
File: 81 KB, 1371x830, uranium_spot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uranium spot ISHS pattern in play. $250 log-scale measured move from here, $125 non-log. You'd have to be stubborn stupid not to buy uranium equities during the pullback.

>> No.56118242

This is essentially why I stick with NATGAS. Trying to chase down the "next" this or that is like whack-a-mole to me. I just buy NATGAS on as much of a bottom as I can figure, and sell the shit when it rips. It is almost like a machine. I used the futures curve, EIA projections, and seasonal curve to have some idea of what it's overall trend should be for the next maybe month or so, to guide me in how much to put into it at what points and such. I'm far from perfect at it, but getting better as I go for the most part. Everything outside of that is mostly just entertainment in between swings.

>> No.56118255

I figure I will know what I want when I see it. I just haven't seen the next "it" yet.

>> No.56118297
File: 48 KB, 360x482, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with everyone suddenly wearing Nirvana shirts all the time? Lately, I see them all over the place, and people wearing them in YT videos and stuff like that. Was there something on TV or in a movie that triggered this trend? Or are zoomers just discovering Nirvana?
Who's behind it?
Who's making all the money off of this?
I'm guessing they're mostly un-licensed made in China, but how can I invest in this trend before it collapses?

>> No.56118306
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This is one of the /smg/ threads of all time.

>> No.56118309

back in '07 it spiked to 150 huh..? ok now Im intrigued..

>> No.56118317

Agreed, I stay on the lookout for stuff every day, but I figure we'll have to see a good sized correction before I really sink into any stock longs. My overall market sentiment is a large part of my present ways, just in and out on the NATGAS micro cycles and letting my cash draw 4.9% daily accrued/monthly paid in between also. There have been some instances where I thought I might be spotting something, like DG, but then I wind up seeing that it was a good thing I stayed the fuck out. I still keep a close eye on TSN and GIS.

>> No.56118337
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What’s the Market Maker and why is he such a meanie?

>> No.56118344
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From observation the next big wave of companies going out will be fast food chains but I think the weaker retail chains will break along with more commercial office space before we see fast food chains go bust. If you observe its always businesses that thrive on social activity and societal cohesion that go bust. I mean look at sears. It was a civilized storefront and everyone over 25 can remember walking into one and getting the feel of a real hardware/retail store experience. It was the mall cornerstone. Then went JCpenneys, I'm betting macys will be the next big one to fall, its too social and in-person to robot-ize unlike mcdonalds and their pure brutalism adjustments. Smaller retails will pop fast after that. Then I think towards the bottom of the CRE crash we see a lesser fast food chain go down then its a race to the bottom to try to outsurvive mcdonalds dystopia business plans. I wouldn't be surprised if mcdonalds or subway is the last fast food chain left by 2040. The former is cut throat and the latter has mass of locations. I think by early 2030s we will then see the downsize of auto stores until sector goes away it will go along with companies like GM or ford completely leaving detroit and being a niche small brand overseas, western countries will only have tesla due to government forcing tesla on everyone and maybe a few remaining japanese car dealers that are dwindling as japan continues its slow collapse and the equivalent of linux nerds in the auto hobbyist world continues to hold their weebmobiles out of autism.

>> No.56118348
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He's the jew who takes the other side of your trade.
Think of him as the refs in the NFL

>> No.56118360

mcap for whole uranium miner sector hit $250B back in '07. We're currently at around $40B, could see it go to $300B-$400B.

>> No.56118376

What's the bullish thesis anyway besides regionalization? There's shitload of uranium being reclaimed from nuclear stockpiles ain't there?

Also how much % pullback do you expect? Seems like we are near parabolic top on the daily chart right

>> No.56118383

/smg/ - Stock Market General more like /ppp/ - Pooptock Pooparket Poopeneral.

>> No.56118384

It just so happens that yesterday I went to YouTube and searched "market makers" to learn more about those _________________. I recommend others whom do not already "know everything" do the same.

>> No.56118401

>Who's making all the money off of this?
Are you seriously surprised by music publishers using PR to manipulate teenagers? This is like the first pattern you notice when you're younger along with girls being retards.

>> No.56118409
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I used to work at a Sears

>> No.56118428

pol's thumbnails take fucking forever to open compared to here. I think the jannies and site admins are doing it on purpose.

Also, dumpening when? I've got 10k set aside for puteroonis

>> No.56118430

(((They))) are trying to meme more kys and drug use into the white youth and as a bonus make money doing it.

>> No.56118460
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How do I check open interest for tomorrow (monday) or at all?

>> No.56118465

You just look at the open interest column

>> No.56118471
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>Friday night
What can I get you, anon?

>> No.56118496

The AI is strong in here.
You're best chilled white, please.

>> No.56118510
File: 633 KB, 466x600, superbig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a super big gulp (tm) of ivanna sakhno's piss

>> No.56118531

Nuclear stockpiles designated for recycling are exhausted, no more clean energy from nukes, that ended in 2019. Instead, there is massive supply shortage and no new mines to fill the void, there's a requirement overfeeding of uranium enrichment for new SMRs, and an expected tripling of world nuclear reactors by 2040.

>> No.56118544

As for pullback, 23-38% in the miner equities (UEC will be the most volatile). Meanwhile, I expect uranium spot to more or less stay steady or continue to go up over the next 6 weeks. The pullback will be short lived, just a pause before things continue this winter.

>> No.56118559
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>> No.56118561

I should stop putting in non-competitive t-bill auction bids. Seems like the best value is just buying other's bags on the market at slightly higher yields.

>> No.56118592


>> No.56118602

>ivanna sakhno
ew. disgusting.that cunt from ashoka?

>> No.56118605
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i watch for she

>> No.56118606

I should've said ass-ho-ka
Verification not required

>> No.56118610

you have shit taste in women my dude

>> No.56118611
File: 429 KB, 400x560, 1631800989109.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a /lit/ and /his/ fag. got fucked with options a few times so i've just been investing like a boomer, picking companies i like. i found one that i think it's too good to be true. please confirm if it is:
they sell consumer goods. i guess it's under the discretionary income catergory
it has:
>$1b in cash
>one low interest loan
this q3 earnings they reported:
>1.5b in sales compared to 1.1b sales last year
>$2.3m net loss compared to $120m loss last year
>insiders have bought multiple times this year

>> No.56118615

let me guess you're a fucking taylorfag

>> No.56118621

I like her aesthetics, but i know she's a plastic whore. So it ruins it for me.

>> No.56118627

What stock

>> No.56118630

the triple witchery was not very exciting today

>> No.56118634
File: 18 KB, 379x401, sears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday you said you'd call Sears.

>> No.56118635

One chocolate milk please, on the rocks.

>> No.56118636
File: 582 KB, 2000x1519, 1628381611673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used their catalogs extensively when I was a kid as it was all I had available for the purpose. This was before the internet.

>> No.56118643

I didn't work in air conditioning or clothing
I did merchandise pickup because I was low IQ and had too poor social skills to do anything customer facing

>> No.56118644

>This was before the internet.
Are you 60?

>> No.56118649
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40. Family didn't have an internet connected PC until 1995.

>> No.56118656
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tell me if those stats look good first. ive lurked on these threads a long time and a lot of you discard a lot of decent stock tips from other anons cause it's not in oil or whatever industry your invested in and ignore the numbers.

>> No.56118667

Sounds good to me desu

>> No.56118670

financials mean nothing without sentiment. tons of great companies have shit stock performance because they're in an unpopular sector. understand also that all the money flows into profitable companies like what 99% of the sp500 are. come up with a reason why that company will turn profitable soon or forget about it and just play megacaps and commodities like all the seasoned traders do

>> No.56118686

It and JC Penny. The Amazon of those times. Even in this rural area there was a catalog order pick up location in town. There was literally nothing in there but a woman behind a counter to get your order (which you placed days ago) from the back after she called your one and only phone, a landline, to let you know it was there. *Way* better times overall. I'm sure city faggots just went to their local Sears and JC Penny.

>> No.56118697
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Give us the stock name you faggot.

>> No.56118710

I bet it's either NIG or GERS.

>> No.56118720



>> No.56118738

I'm surprised nobody has figured it out. They also just nearly had an earnings beat and would have if they didn't pay some stuff off they could've put off till later.

>> No.56118752

>Researchers at the Federal Reserve have issued warnings in recent weeks about possible disruptions in U.S. Treasuries due to hedge funds' short positions hitting a record high with basis trades, per Reuters.

ruh roh

>> No.56118753
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G ay M en E ntertainment. i fudged the the numbers in my original post incase the cultists were here but the fucking company seems solid, memes aside. not only that, but the fucking ceo plunked $10m worth of stock just a few months ago and other insiders bought more last week. i was still a pussy to the stock market when the reddit shit went down in 2021 but i did a deep dive on all the stocks that popped back then and this is the only one that isn't dying or dead yet.

>> No.56118762

What website though?

>> No.56118768



>> No.56118776

entertainment is getting hit too hard to recommend GME. consumption is weak getting weaker. they're still running the same business model as ever and its boring

>> No.56118791

bro, GME is NOT turning around. Doesn't matter how good the fundamentals are. every indicator on ALL time frames I have tell me it's gonna stay going down. The only way it's gonna pop is if by some miracle it memes hard again and it short squeezes or some shit.

>> No.56118808
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im new to this investing shit and im not saying either of you are wrong, but why the fuck would insiders keep fucking buying? what's the fucking grift??? literally every other meme stock you have insiders selling. gme did lose their original ceo so that's defintely not good but the insiders bought in after he was canned so what the fuck do they know that we dont.

>> No.56118818


>> No.56118892

>why is VIX at a literal 52-week low the day before Rosh Hashanah
imagine not having jewish holidays on your trading calendar, lol, lmao even

>> No.56118949

can someone explain why international stocks have underperformed so badly compared to US?

Do you expect this trend to continue, or will it flip? I regret having invested so much into international, watching it struggle at like 3% gains every year, when my US investments are constantly in the double digits.

>> No.56119029
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What's a good smg excuse to post jahy-sama?

>> No.56119043
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The top US stocks are the top global stocks. Other than TSM and a select few. The US economy leads the global economy. It may be a corporate oligarchy, but the money flowing into the SP 500 lets you retire early. Fuck VT and international trash.

>> No.56119083
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>20% of residential mortgage borrowers – representing $130 billion in loans – at three major banks, $BMO, $TD & CIBC, in Canada are seeing their balances grow as monthly payments no longer cover all the interest they owe, known as negative amortization, per Globe.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 2008 all over again

>> No.56119094



>> No.56119113
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>BMO Harris bank is exiting auto lending


>> No.56119147
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>next weeks

>> No.56119231

Circuit breaker Monday!!!

>> No.56119235

Freeport is back online, brapgas is back in demand boys

>> No.56119275

true, but then the response I always hear to that is Japan, which was in a similar position back in the 80s as the US is in right now, and it all came crashing down.

It's hard to decide what the sweet spot is between diversifying but also avoiding underperformance that international seems to historically bring over the past 100 years. Maybe 20% ex-US investment? Vanguard suggests 40%, but that personally just seems too high.

>> No.56119293

Looks like Inwas right about rigs having found a bottom.

>The total number of active drilling rigs in the United States rose by 9 this week, according to new data from Baker Hughes published Friday.

>> No.56119353
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>The total rig count rebounded to 641 this week. So far this year, Baker Hughes has estimated a loss of 138 active drilling rigs. This week’s count is 434 fewer rigs than the rig count at the beginning of 2019 prior to the pandemic.


>> No.56119376

NatGas chads how do I profit from the upcoming onslaught of Ukrainian energy facilities this winter? Do I buy index or commodities?
t. nattygasnoob

>> No.56119387

hedging is a midwit's strategy

>> No.56119388

meant for

>> No.56119417

wtf they pumped Oil higher before closing (EU and went to bed 2 hours before US close), lol, this is truly the end of this market.

>> No.56119424

>there was death threats sent to unity offices from people that worked in unity
>tweets coming out how they tried to fight this and it still went through unexpectedly

So if the general public hates this decision and even those that work there hate it enough to send death threats and cause their offices to close down because of it. What the actual fuck is going on with the higher ups? Are they that disconnected with reality that all they see is numbers and potential profit margins they can try to nickle and dime people out of?

Their ceo or whoever sold like 2000 shares a week or two before this all happened so he must have knew as well. So if the ceo, the general public, the people that work there are all against it why even come out with such a retarded decision? What outcome could they have possibly seen by doing it?

>> No.56119443

I don't get the outrage. Just don't use Unity if they did some dumb shit with the fee structure. Switch to Godot or o3de.

>> No.56119457

That's not the point though, when you have every conceivable person in every position against a business decision like this, who was even for going ahead with it in the first place? So much so that they made an announcement for it against everyone's expectations.

>> No.56119476
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For oil, buy DO. The financing they just secured is exactly what what you want to see. OIH is about to pull off what uranium just did in the months ahead.

>> No.56119492
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I listened to my boy Cramer. Why would I listen to you?

>> No.56119498

Always the commodity. Indexes are a classic midwit trap.

>> No.56119501

just a scheme to make everything lower quality by killing unity

>> No.56119555
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>When your short puts are 20% OTM and 60 days till expiry
bring on the blood bobo, i came for cheap stock

>> No.56119574
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>> No.56119588

they mocked us cashgang. now look at them

>> No.56119590
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>he hasn't made gains this week

>> No.56119609
File: 2.49 MB, 720x550, 1693354839888476.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im up 60% this year because of energy
>hes trying to time the big crash

thats why it aint coming

>> No.56119622

the commodity itself, or Canadian gas producers like Arc Resources or Tourmaline, the big companies get the supply contracts for the LNG facilities. The SMID names should also benefit when the natgas prices trickle upwards from there too, guys like Kelt or Crew or Pipestone for example, or even Birchcliff if you're comfortable with that company

>> No.56119659


Are we bullish on PayPal broles

>> No.56119663


>> No.56119674
File: 19 KB, 474x274, 1694219571142482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes... hahaha... YES!! CONSUME MORE ENERGY!!!

>> No.56119676

No, I have like 10k debt there and I won't pay them. Fuck em.

>> No.56119695
File: 57 KB, 680x547, apple stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do I so often see companies' stock drop following big announcements that are going to bring in big revenue? Like Apple, for instance, just announced the iphone 15 the other day, but the company is down for the week. I notice this especially with game companies, where they'll have a big event, announce a game that's going to sell 20 million copies, and then the stock drops. what's the explanation for this?

>> No.56119708

cause the iphone 15 had high expectations, and its not that much better. not a lot of hype relative to the past upgrades

>> No.56119713

>Iphone 15
>SAME PROCESSOR AS IPHONE 14 for standard models

>> No.56119715

>Sell the news.
Gets retail suckered into a pump

>> No.56119718

Wait, might be wrong, reading conflicting articles. I'm absolutely sure I somewhere read the Iphone 15 standard has the same cpu as 14 models, and that only the pro has a new higher end processor.

>> No.56119724

>The iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus get A16 bionic chip, while the iPhone 15 Pro and the Pro Max will be powered by the A17 pro chip.

Only found this now.

>> No.56119728

Here's the problem with using other people's software like that: all your code is coupled in. You'd be better off completely rewriting the game than trying to port it.

>> No.56119755

I warned you to sell Rosh Hashanah yesterday morning at 9:00am yesterday, when SPX was at 4500, NQ at 15,450
You didn't listen.
You never listen.

>> No.56119766

think about it like this
Joe Blow hears that Apple is having an event where they're unveiling the iPhone in 2 weeks
Joe Blow buys 1,000 shares of AAPL, in anticipation that the stock will rally on the iPhone reveal
Multiply this by 100,000 people - everyone doing the same thing, "Let me buy AAPL stock before the iPhone unveiling, I'll sell for a quick profit after the stock pumps on the unveiling!"
Everyone doing this, everyone thinking the same thing - the buyers front run the new event
>New event happens - iPhone reveal
There are no new buyers - everyone who wanted to buy has already bought - now the iPhone misses the super high bar that was set by everyone's expectations that the stock would rally
Now everyone is panicked, trapped in their long position (times 100,000) the stock falls as people rush to the door - as the stock price continues to fall, other longs are squeezed (as maybe their entry was lower / at the price it's now dropped to)
they're 'forced' to sell at a loss too - which squeezes other longs
this is the dynamic behind
>Buy the rumor, sell the news

>> No.56119781

but I had one of my best days this year yesterday by staying long

>> No.56119785
File: 22 KB, 335x345, 1645859713110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell Rosh Hashanah, Buy Yom Kippur.
Whats that? You goyim did not sell? Lmao

>> No.56119868

>no mentions of QQQY or JEPY
no one interested?

>> No.56119878

Bro, I fell for the GME meme and regret it immensely. I wasted three years of my life waiting for this shit to sqooze while life moved on and I missed easy gains with the stock market. I made more money playing with SOXS/SOXL + SQQQ+TQQQ in the last three months then I have holding GME for three years. Right now I am slowly unwinding my DRS position (at a huge loss but I get tax benefits so whatever) but I bought a few crazy-ass high LEAPS (that cost me nothing) so if it does sqooze I am not going to miss it but at least I have the peace of mind to stop waiting around for something to happen (and now I can take action again).

In regards for GME, the company got lucky that redditors bailed them out and they have so much cash as otherwise they would have ended up like AMC/BBBY. The company itself is a dying company as most video game sales is digital nowadays and their competitors in the online space are superior to them in every way (Amazon/Walmart). Their attempts to branch off into the crypto space was a failure and since then they have done nothing that would move the company into new ventures that would bring in more $$$.

>gme did lose their original ceo so that's defintely not good but the insiders bought in after he was canned so what the fuck do they know that we dont.
To keep the grift going as it costs a Billionaire literally nothing to buy a few million dollars worth of shares. They read these threads and know engagement on GME is dropping off a cliff. There is zero discussion anymore in the generals on /biz/ and SuperStonk is just a big circle jerk at this point. Even RC is no longer posting on Twitter because he is getting sued for pump n dumpin' BBBY and also because he started to piss people off when he posted like Elon Musk-lite (being anit-vaxx, promoting the boomer work ethic, etc.).

When DTCC committed international securities fraud last year and RC/GME did fuck all about it, that is when I knew nothing was going to happen.

>> No.56119899

Oh and one more thing. A few months ago I was arguing with the morons in the GME general on /biz/ who called me a hedgie shill because I told them if,IF they get their millions of dollars they need to protect their wealth via a trust. These stupid fuckers don't even understand how the tax system works let alone all the secrets/loopholes rich people use to get around pay taxes/preserving their wealth.

>> No.56119902

Yom Kippur is in more than one week. What would it matter what happeend Rosh? Will be stay flat for a week? The fuckin thursday fake pump was exactly because of the options gamble

>> No.56119922

"Sell Rosh Hashanah, Buy Yom Kippur" implies that it should dump hard between the two ya goishe kop

>> No.56119929



>> No.56119932
File: 79 KB, 643x820, 1501709068769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care, you bagheld this reddit shit for 3 years, thus proving how irredeemably dumb you are. If you were wise you'd put your money in TIPS and never ever trade again. This is the best financial advice anyone will ever give you.

>> No.56119936
File: 155 KB, 1596x1234, Screenshot 2023-09-16 at 6.22.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe 20% ex-US investment? Vanguard suggests 40%, but that personally just seems too high.
Don't even bother as bad as the USA seems, the rest of the world is absolutely fucked compared to the USA. The Russian-Ukraine War destroyed the EU + Russia, meanwhile China is about to start shit in the Pacific because their economy is in complete free fall.

As long as the USA has the biggest economy, biggest military, and has the world reserve currency then they will be fine compared to everyone else. The only thing that would destroy the USA would be internal politics not because of a foreign threat because no foreign country will ever have the means to do so.

>> No.56119943

Go be a cunt somewhere else, this post was not for you

>This is the best financial advice anyone will ever give you.
Horrible advice, filtered

>> No.56119962
File: 359 KB, 478x597, 1691652269000229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the DXY.

>> No.56119983

Nobody cares about your military after that Afghanistan war. And even now Ukraine war shows that some cheap shitdrones can beat high level stuff

>> No.56119990
File: 587 KB, 1170x1597, IMG_8790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nirvana is was and always will be such overrated trash.

>> No.56120003

I'm buying BYD

>> No.56120012
File: 44 KB, 750x598, 1684226793325567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My autistic nephew won't fucking stop screaming. My parents have put in mid 6 figures in his autism school by now in the past 2-3 years and he still screams and flails around and doesn't talk, only makes random syllable-like sounds that his autism teachers have convinced my parents and sister are actually words.

I barely feel like I've been alive the past few years, he's always in the house and he's always on the edge of an autistic spergout with screams like he's being crucified if you make one wrong move in his vicinity. It feels like having the Witch from L4D2 living in a room in your house with you and you always have to walk on eggshells.

>> No.56120013

I'm shorting everything

>> No.56120014
File: 231 KB, 1120x1917, IMG_8789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cash is trash they said just buy Apple they said

>> No.56120022

Kill him.

>> No.56120023

Did you teach him to use a text to speech tablet that utilizes labeled pictures to tell the caregivers what he wants?

>> No.56120048
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The power of AI.

>> No.56120087
File: 301 KB, 1183x634, Retirement 401k 8-31 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day. Busy day. Enjoying the quiet time sipping my coffee while I can. We're going to go visit Wife's family then brave the KR masses this afternoon as we stock up for the coming week. Hopefully the KR raid won't hurt the wallet to bad this time.

>> No.56120090
File: 478 KB, 849x746, Senpai_Sippin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short-duration treasuries and OIL.
Name a comfier set of holds.

>> No.56120098

What about it? It's keeping its' trend line since 2010. Except for 2020-21 where it dipped below a little. It's actually looking for a breakout. Going to love to see it.

>> No.56120132
File: 945 KB, 1080x1705, btc crypto bitcoin forbes blackrock media etf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30% give or take drawdown in miners while spot won't move much huh? Welp should be fun. Thanks for info anon.

Internationals are a meme, simple as.
>Vanguard suggests 40%
Anon. If someone makes money off the fee they charge you (regardless of their perfomance) or just by simply having your money in their account (regardless of their perfomance) why the fuck would you heed their advice? Pic illustrative of my point

Japan's situation in 80s was different. Compare demographic profile and imports/exports ratios of Japan and US in 80s and now.

>> No.56120159

What's a stock that you've lost a lot of money on? I'm poor and bought 1 (one, uno, ichi, un) share in PayPal when it was like $400. Also Workhorse because they were doing the electric USPS mail trucks and then the contract was basically stolen/terminated.

But whoever recommended Rolls Royce on here some year and half ago or so I'm surprised to see its doubled so thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.56120195

you make like $20/hr you're not going to have $6k/mo

>> No.56120204
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>> No.56120211

oh my bad misread. Thought you said "have a lot of money on", not "lost"

>> No.56120233
File: 71 KB, 994x662, 1624933621778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To keep the grift going as it costs a Billionaire literally nothing to buy a few million dollars worth of shares.
when have you ever heard of a billionaire giving up millions of dollars? i mean these greedy cunts hire an army of jews to find every loophole available to not pay taxes. if they really wanted to fuck holders over theyd dilute the ever fuck out of gme the way that faggot from amc did with that ape bullshit

>> No.56120267

>ask my millionare relative who hit it lucky in stocks once 30 years ago and is still living off it what her investment strategy is
>"I dont have one"
>she tells me to invest in whatever i want
>i lose 30% in the first couple of months

....how do i turn this around?

>> No.56120291
File: 63 KB, 693x513, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time in the market beats timing the market!

>> No.56120300

It's Darwinian evolution. Only Chads and Stacys who instinctively pick correct stocks win.

>> No.56120302

if you learn how to trade, I would say that you can make a big break with less luck involved. skill and luck are required though, but opportunities (lucky ones at that) come to those who can actually see them coming.

>> No.56120309
File: 55 KB, 500x500, artworks-000070006121-rtsfk0-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard taking advice from some lucky boomer

>> No.56120327

Called it >>56118710

>> No.56120340

every trade i make i have to run by my family and has to be "positive" ie a "good" company

>> No.56120353

what about buying long puts on shitty companies? Markets move in waves, your family doesn't seem to understand that so you'd have to be the one to change your mindset. if the overall markets move down, you wouldn't want to go against such trends, cause going long when markets are going down is counter productive.

>> No.56120364


>> No.56120368

my OXY cost basis is $15/sh but that's only because i sold an even cheaper lot about two years ago to cover the rest of it
it will be $150/sh after the carbon capture segment starts reporting and everyone sees the operating margin
doesn't even factor in what the US will have to do to "refinance" $200T of unfunded liabilities with rates above 5%
the 1970s are back

>> No.56120371
File: 60 KB, 291x272, 1687149123490347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 180 posts from Friday until now? You guys should really be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.56120394

that was artificial compared to today. we have multiple fund participants in the spot market now.
when commercial operators come begging and they don't sell, term contracts skyrocket, and even mediocre development-phase miners become winning, leveraged bets.

>> No.56120404

Why? The market is closed, there's nothing to talk about.

>> No.56120410
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, hamchad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We used to use the weekends to shitpost. That's why weekends are so special

>> No.56120436

Gonna buy brapgas soon bros

>> No.56120447

We've been busier than usual lately, the newfags seem to have realized we're going to crab a while longer.

>> No.56120458

>There are no new buyers
stop right here, the rest is wrong
>it doesn't matter if the phone meets expectations or not
>the newswire article goes straight to a dozen CTA bots in milliseconds of its release
>sentiment extracted and weighed against the now overvalued stock
>CTAs sell
>hours go by, shit-shovelers finally get out of bed and see their kids off to school or whatever
okay now "everyone is panicked," except that's not entirely true either and you know it. half of main street is stubbornly clinging to that shit for months or years in total disbelief that they've made any mistake whatsoever

>> No.56120459

>cost basis is $15
Kick ass! What is the "carbon capture segment" and is that in any way exclusive to OXY? I am thinking I might just start DCAing into nothing but a wall of energy companies and ETFs.

>> No.56120472

what are you, 16 years old?

>> No.56120475

it doesn't exist yet but will probably report as low carbon ventures, LCV. OXY owns a chunk of CCUS tech having funded 1pointfive:
these are running right now, working right now, and will begin recognizing revenue soon:

>> No.56120481

also here is the CE facility and some of their PR material

>> No.56120487

>that was artificial compared to today
It's artificial to the same degree today. Main driver of prices is inflation expectations. Look at oil price moving in lockstep.

>> No.56120489

Well I'm going to be throwing my hat back in the ring of investing here soon now that I'm settled into this new job.

>> No.56120496

If SoftBank retards are FOMOing like there's no tomorrow you know it's practically over

>> No.56120503

i'm saying, there was virtually no spot market by today's standard. that price point is a squeeze when structurally the only stockpile that could put pounds into the spot market was in japan, owned and operated by the state, legally restricted in what they can do with their money.
since then, the structure of the spot market is totally different. that price point of $150 doesn't mean anything now; it will never be a "support" or "resistance" line, nothing. uranium can easily reach $200 right now just on the supply constraint; i.e. without a single participant having any liquidity issue or anything like that.

>> No.56120508

Hmmmm, that's pretty interesting indeed, much appreciated. I have never looked into why Warren was so interested in them to begin with either, but there must be something to that. I didn't even know he was much in energy until the Cove Point LNG facility off the Maryland coast went down due to I think Columbia pipeline being out and contributed to NATGAS prices slumping.

>> No.56120524

I wish I could buy some of those commodity price tracking ETFs but I'm a yuro so fuck me I guess.

>> No.56120526
File: 592 KB, 512x768, 1667946244721407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of CO2 per year.
>>We analyze Carbon Engineering’s 1 Mt-CO2/year natural-gas-powered direct air capture (DAC) process
I like the idea of CE but its not a viable method. Unless i just dont understand some of the math, it doesnt even reverse the CO2 of a single car. Thats a massive cost to get basically nothing measurable from it.

Sequestration works and is promising but it wont remove CO2 from the atmosphere. It would remove CO2 emissions from coal plants for example. The squestration method is good and a lot of companies/universities are working on it, but buying Oxy for CE is smokescreen climate memes. Its not a real change.

>> No.56120537

Fuckers will freeze and reverse trades like they did with aluminum wont they

>> No.56120546

Are you in EU? Try tastyworks

>> No.56120547

We're just bacteria fermenting in our own industrial waste, the only true solution is self-destruction

>> No.56120549

Mt doesn't mean metric ton
it should mean a megaton or 1,000,000 tons

>> No.56120556

>It would remove CO2 emissions from coal plants for example.
why couldn't it work when applied to natgas operations then?
I'll check it out thanks

>> No.56120570
File: 656 KB, 2029x2421, greentext Taylor Swift confirmed posts b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also oftentimes you don't even need ETF. Just buy related company. Sometimes a company will even act as leveraged position:
>bitcoin and MARA

>> No.56120573

That makes more sense now. Im still skeptical though as CO2 isnt evenly distributed in the air in equal parts. Putting a plant in Alaska wont do much if there isnt much CO2 circulating there. Still makes more sense though with Megatons.
>why couldn't it work when applied to natgas operations then?
I mean it can but theyre trying to use it as a scrubber in a random area. They could put it on a nat gas plant too but thats not Carbon removal thats CCS. Two different things.

>> No.56120588

that's what I've been doing all along but I've recently wanted to also get exposure to some of the commodities themselves. For instance I'm already holding a bunch of Canadian o&g companies in order to get exposure to oil and natgas, but sometimes there are better gains in riding the commodity price moves I think
>I mean it can but theyre trying to use it as a scrubber in a random area. They could put it on a nat gas plant too but thats not Carbon removal thats CCS. Two different things.
oh lol, I just assumed that it was a natgas plant integrated carbon sequestration operation because it was called "natural-gas-powered". Yeah that's retarded

>> No.56120594

What I think is really funny about CO2 capture is that their pipelines of all things have been getting NIMBY and regulatory pushback

>> No.56120607

>NIMBY and regulatory pushback
Oh yeah absolutely. Greenpeace and the usuals are against it just like they are with nuclear. Pure idiots that cant think.

>> No.56120624

don't forget Greenpeace are also against solar and wind farms. They're just against development period. And people in general just hate having energy infrastructure close to where they live apparently. I hear wind turbines make an enormous amount of noise. I'd much rather live close to o&g operations to be honest.

>> No.56120639
File: 22 KB, 750x554, seinfeldstandup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And whats with the stock market? Its always the same guys making lots of money for some reason. "Larry", "cohen", "berg", "stein". Its like they are cheating at it or its some insiders at a casino. If I had just a small percent of their luck I'd win a scratchoff for once and their names don't sound irish to me are they some other group of people? They sure like their small hats and religion books, SEC should investigate them.

>> No.56120677

are you concerned about potential sanctions or stuff like that? how big can their market be when there are surely going to be a few new sites in africa australia usa that actually end up producing for a profit in the next 10 years

>> No.56120715

Reminder that this week, this current week we are going into, is literally the worst week of the entire year. The week after 3rd quarter OPEX.
Hope you positioned correctly.

>> No.56120802

...whatever week you're trading in
That's the worst week ever

>> No.56120893

>are you concerned about potential sanctions or stuff like that?
a tiny bit but not enough to seriously consider selling
>how big can their market be
only as big as they choose want, really. They're already the biggest uranium producer in the world and they are a respected and trusted supplier. Until now they've actually decided to keep production flat to aid price discovery in the uranium market, they may begin increasing production next year though.

>> No.56120905
File: 131 KB, 1256x966, 1693425804470477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am hedged for this.

>> No.56120950
File: 256 KB, 2048x914, 1692075503970027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Baggie and Rocker posting so prominently. I'm worried we're about to get another bullrun. SOXL holders, what the fuck is going on

>> No.56120967

>He hedges
I'm all short (EU)

>> No.56120978
File: 23 KB, 500x353, 1676074191812994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, literally just use Google. It's telling me "bailey jay".

I know this is a bit a stupid question to ask here but is anyone here investing in index funds? I feel I am too much of a brainlet and should just invest into solid funds that give 5-15% every year, no questions asked.

>> No.56120989

It's Rosh Hashanah weekend.

>> No.56121006

I have used them before and can attest to their performance particularly VOO.

Basically if you don't know what to put money in and you aren't worried about short/medium term market behavior, then you can't go wrong with VOO/VTI/SPY whatever. VOO was the first thing I owned to recover from the 2020 crash instead of my shit pics.

>> No.56121016

I mostly DCA INTC and SPY for my bigboy smartypants boomer investing and the rest of my account is degen shit like options and soxl/soxs straddles.

>> No.56121019

but if you are fine with 5% a year you should keep an eye on the longer end of the bond market. You never know. We might get a chance to lock in those 30 year treasuries at pretty good rates.

>> No.56121028

I would be if I didn't think we were at or near the top. Otherwise I mainly like VOO and VUG. Study the historical returns on those. I told my son if he wants to keep shit as simple as possible (which he does) then just DCA into those, but I wouldn't start my seed too heavy until the next good correction. Meanwhile a HOOD Gold account gives 4.9% on uninvoosted cash just sitting there on the ready for your trigger pull into whatever, accrued daily, paid monthly.

>> No.56121042

>Meanwhile a HOOD Gold account gives 4.9% on uninvoosted cash just sitting there on the ready for your trigger pull into whatever, accrued daily, paid monthly.
6 month T-bills give better yield, and it's a much safer counterparty which is actually a thing you should be considering if you're expecting serious economic turmoil.

>> No.56121047
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, 1641512789505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hope you positioned correctly.
I did.

>> No.56121053
File: 51 KB, 640x420, 1677103883623490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US bonds would be the dream but I am a Europoor... our bonds are borderline pathetic with shit tier returns of 3% (considering the inflation right now is +7%, not exactly a good deal is it?).
There a reason for why you went with INTC? They are bleeding like a stuck pig. Pretty much the only big dog among them that generates a nice and hefty positive cash flow is NVDA, no? Of course, the US would never allow INTC to fail so there is that. Hmm, I guess it is the boomer choice

>> No.56121057

>US bonds would be the dream but I am a Europoor
IBKR lets you buy US treasuries my yurofren.

>> No.56121078

6 month T-bills aren't ready for a moment's trigger pull into a trade opportunity should it arise.

>> No.56121082

well, I would be surprised to hear that you couldn't buy our treasuries, however I don't know what kind of double taxation you would be subject to and if you want to take on the risks involved in currency conversions. Typically though it seems that other currencies inflate at rates that are even higher than the U.S.

but yeah, I wouldn't bother with a bond for 3% unless you were buying them to resell when rates decreased again

>> No.56121083

they are extremely liquid though.

>> No.56121088
File: 335 KB, 460x320, a7qm51x_460swp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf was that

>> No.56121097

INTC is a long term hold for someday nice gains. They are the only one with their own fabs so a matter of national security, and are working towards addressing their lags in recent years. There will come a day when they will make an announcement that "puts things right".

>> No.56121107

>only as big as they choose want, really. They're already the biggest uranium producer in the world and they are a respected and trusted supplier. Until now they've actually decided to keep production flat to aid price discovery in the uranium market, they may begin increasing production next year though.
they could do that now while junior miners are positioning to collect the final funding for actual development maybe a few years but once they come online I would expect them to lower the price since they have such a low cost to extract. but thats years away. I was expecting a pullback but the longer it stays up maybe things stay up there and new money comes into the speculation side of things

>> No.56121112

Good luck on the trade still being where it was by the time you liquidate prematurely and get your cash back into your trading account ready to fire.

>> No.56121128
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>> No.56121129

Deutsche Pfandbriefbank has US account with US interest rates. If you live in germany that might be an option to you. Don't know if other EU can open an account with them too.
Only makes sense if you expect the USD to beat the EUR.

>> No.56121135
File: 90 KB, 450x393, 1681757506534373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds inderasting but this one is right >>56121082
Here in Sweden there are two things they are particular and very nosey about... taxation and taxation. The government body in charge of that is extremely "diligent" and very keen on making sure the taxation dildo is very much up your butt.
The currency has also already devaluated like crazy against the dollar (but I think it will continue since the US and consequently the dollar have proven their absolute power these last two years and since every other option is useless).
But actually, even European index funds give very nice returns so I guess I'm just gonna stick with that for now.
I've made far too many retarded stock decisions these last two years and I gotta unlearn all that. Index funds offer me salvation

>> No.56121153
File: 300 KB, 1207x863, Uranium project capital intensity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uranium producers are locking in long term contracts (see Cameco, Kazatomprom), even if uranium spot price dips the contracts remain for years to come. I actually expect the juniors to also start asking for say 5-7 year contracts with set prices whenever U3O8 prices start to finally accommodate the lower margin junior projects. Of course projects like Arrow won't necessarily need long term contracts since great high margin projects like those will likely be profitable on a full cycle basis, but I still expect even those projects to sign long term contracts since it helps a lot in making the business more predictable.
how short are your trading time frames? Good trades take months or even years to play out in my experience. Unless you're some kind of daytrader I don't understand how most good trade setups would disappear within minutes, hours, or even days.
sure thing swebro, just remember the yuro index funds are denominated in euros. I for one am shorting the fuck out of most of my euros in favor of dollarinos and natural resources.
t. finn

>> No.56121170

Nirvana shirts have been popular for over a decade boomer. They’re literally out of style at this point because so many people wear them

>> No.56121176

See >>56121097 about intc and why, they'll pop in a year or two and pretty hard at that but will stay cheap until then. I really like buying under 30, 35 at the most for a reason and that's because I could see it hitting the 60-70$ range when it's ready.

>> No.56121204
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There are anons in this thread which bought SOXL at $60 or $50
...and are still holding

>> No.56121222
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There's no need to be rude

>> No.56121232


>> No.56121244

>doesn't trade NATGAS
Not to mention there have been great times to buy DE that didn't last longer than a day or few. It happens *all the time*. Great buying opportunities don't always lay around waiting on you, and that even includes great times to DCA into long term holds. Anyway, yes, good BOIL/KOLD buys *and* sells very often last only minutes/hours.

>> No.56121262

Sounds like it would be better for everyone if he was terminated
But also move out you poor faggot

>> No.56121285

Get him high

>> No.56121301

>doesn't trade NATGAS
oh I intend to trade natty if that Tastyworks one allows me, I hope anon's recommendation works. IBKR doesn't let yuropoors trade in those commodity ETFs.
>Great buying opportunities don't always lay around waiting on you
I beg to differ. Many o&g stocks had very nice and slow walk downs from their 2022 highs, and in fact some of the lower margin E&Ps are still setting up a base for a possible next runup while better performers like Whitecap or Tourmaline started rebounding already in March or June this year. For another example, Nutrien has also been setting up very nicely as potash prices have declined; I'm still waiting for potash to bottom before buying NTR. I was happily slurping Kazatomprom shares while it was crabbing and now uranium stocks are galloping. And gold miners are finally starting to look like a good buy, and nobody seems to be excited now that the stock prices are low while gold remains strong.

I suppose it depends on what you look for in the market, I don't think many of the "staple" megacaps offer much in the way of buying opportunities so the window of opportunity is smaller there. As for myself I have been able to take advantage of pretty telegraphed opportunities in the commodity sphere.

>> No.56121309

i wore a vintage silverchair t-shirt to a street fair a few weeks ago and all these zoomers were fawning over it and asking where i got it
i was surprised they even knew the band
also a bunch of vintage shirt dealers at the fair were doing the 'fly swat' (i dunno what to call it)... the thing where nogs put one hand to their mouth and then swat the air with their hand when they see something cool or outrageous
and yes, everybody clapped

>> No.56121314

markets are closed, how do i pass the time now?

>> No.56121346

Zoomers are nostalgic for a time when mainstream music was white.

>> No.56121356

>Anon says "don't always"
>begs to differ
>lists *some specific* otherwises
And oil and gas companies are not *at all* like trading NATGAS. Watch BOIL every day all day for one week then get back to me on all of this.

>> No.56121368

Did you protect your wallet from rapefugees?

>> No.56121377

Bros I got into options and lost more than I can afford to lose. Stay away from options.

>> No.56121389

alright jeez. Let's just say that telegraphed opportunities come and go almost all the time and leave it at that.
>And oil and gas companies are not *at all* like trading NATGAS
I'm aware of the fabled "widowmaker trade" that is natty, but if I were to trade the commodity itself I'd be holding it until it clearly goes up to a price more in line with global natgas prices. Certainly higher than $2 or $3. Unless there is some kind of time value decay in simply holding an ETF pegged to the price of natgas, I wouldn't be stressing day to day moves.

>> No.56121436

I thought this was SSSniperWolf lmao

>> No.56121440

hookers and blow

>> No.56121451

>Devin McNeil and his wife, Kelly, didn't believe the Johnsons when they contacted them at first, but after comparing medical notes and realizing that Tim Johnson was tall, athletic, and had a chin dimple just like Devin McNeil, he agreed to do a paternity test.

Chad gets married to Stacy, has a narrow urethra like Hank Hill, pajeets at the fertility clinic put the wrong sperm in his wife- gets cucked by proxy. Many such cases.

>> No.56121458

Natty ass is not similar to oil. Natgas is a wild bronco riding on the plains. In october it'll shoot up to 4 dollars, then in december it'll shart to 2 dollars. You can't explain that.

>> No.56121461
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Nah I'm one of two posters who posted about SOXL. Where's the cutter anon, about to tell us about chop loss. I'm just waiting for this thing to go to $40. If you look at the charts, that's the next level.

>> No.56121474

What should I invest RIGHT NOW in that will guarantee me profits in the long term?

>> No.56121479

Henry Hub will converge with global natty prices in time. NA is beginning to meet global natgas demand with increasing LNG exports. This will directly affect North American natgas markets which have been in structural oversupply ever since the shale boom. This is the core of my investment thesis for natty. I don't give a shit about $1 or $2 dollar swings.

>> No.56121481

Unity puts

>> No.56121484
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>> No.56121496

Macy's puts. Expiry 2025

>> No.56121510

What are some natgas companies to hold? BOIL and even UNG have brutal decays

>> No.56121515

Do you feel how empty your threat is

>> No.56121518

I'm not the one holding that bag anon

>> No.56121520
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>> No.56121527
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>t. finn
How in heck is the Finnish index doing so poorly? Compared to the Swedish or Danish one (or even Norwegian), it's an utter and complete tragedy. Okay the interest rates are kind of high (compared to Riksbanken's pathetic rates) but why is the index literally in the negative this year?
I am also kinda invested into "natural resources" as I do have a lot of copper and gold (both doing very well, thank you very much). I made some money on oil last year but failed to catch it this year and now it's too late (I fear the US is gonna do some manipulating of their own to bring oil down or stabilize it around this level).

>> No.56121529

I'm not the one buying calls from me, anon.
Why are you posting retarded AI generations which represent your attitude?

>> No.56121540

>Markets remain in a sideways chop. It's not an all-or-nothing business, and we can adjust our aggressiveness through our exposure levels.
>There's a time to be greedy and a time to be nimble. I continue to test ideas with low overall exposure levels. As the saying goes, "Don't confuse activity with progress."

twitter posting

>> No.56121556
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>personal inflation rate 3%
>interest rate on my cash 4%
feels good to beat inflation

>> No.56121591

>The Chinese Communist Party has ordered BlackRock executives in China to take classes in "Xi Thought" while dedicating "around a third of working time" to studying the communist ruler.

>> No.56121593
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>"next level"

>> No.56121596

as a thought experiment, the word "guarantee" is important.
is any company on Earth "guaranteed" to exist in 10-20 years? I would say no - none are 100.00% guaranteed. But there some that you would say are closer to 100% than others.
is any government on Earth "guaranteed" to be able to pay their bonds as currently structured in 10-20 years? I would say no - none are 100.00% guaranteed. But there some that you would say are closer to 100% than others.
what about a physical commodity? is it 100.00% guaranteed to go up in "value" over 10-20 years?
no - a new huge supply of it could be found, new ways of drilling / mining previously unusable ground - no guarantee it will be worth more in 10-20 years and deliver you profits - but there are some that are closer to 100% than the others.
the whole point is that there are no guarantees

my advice to you is the best strategy, to invest right now, that will "guarantee" you profits in the longterm, is to buy 9 day t-bills, or as short duration as you are able to buy, and keep it rolling - if ever you are doubtful of the financial situation / default risk, you're on such short duration that you'll be fine and make it out before the bell. then you will have cash with which to buy real assets at low prices - you will be investing in bonds of extremely short duration, with the intent of using the proceeds to buy the crash
this is I think the closest to 100.00% you can get, in the current environment

>> No.56121597

>tfw knocked up a chick that shouldn't have even been able to have kids with a healthy one
I feel bad for people with fertility issues that can't just coomblast it away.

>> No.56121637
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>What are some natgas companies to hold?
Canadian companies are my go-to for natgas exposure because the WCSB is simply the place to be for oil and gas, especially the latter. Tourmaline (20% liquids; biggest natgas producer in Canada), Arc Resources (40% liquids), Canadian Natural (70% liquids but 2nd biggest natgas producer in Canada), and Ovintiv (40% liquids) all have direct exposure to premium LNG pricing since they're big enough companies to have been awarded those supply contracts. Smaller companies don't usually get those. We're talking about >$15/mmBtu here, significantly higher prices than what you get selling in Alberta or Texas or whatever. Some also sell to US West coast where prices get to LNG levels at times. If you want more leverage and access the longer term natty price hike, many gassy SMIDs like Crew, Kelt, Pipestone, Birchliff etc etc exist.
fuck the commodity ETFs have time decay? Fuck 'em then I'm not touching that shit with a long stick
>How in heck is the Finnish index doing so poorly? Compared to the Swedish or Danish one (or even Norwegian), it's an utter and complete tragedy.
This is a dying economy. There is no fucking growth in this shithole aside from a few companies, and even then it's slow. We have an aging population, a decaying welfare state, and absolutely no attractiveness as an investment destination. The only thing we have really is a big forestry, pulp & paper industry and that's a suffering industry, they're speedrunning those factory closures here and over there in Sweden too. We do have some mineral endowment and Agnico Eagle has a great gold mine up in Lapland, but we really have never truly recovered from the post-Soviet collapse depression of the 90's. Nokia singlehandedly pulled Finland out of the depression in the late 90's. Nokia isn't out there for us anymore, and all of our businesses worth a dime have been bought out. Even fucking Rovio got sold to Sega a while ago.

>> No.56121675

My dad didn’t graduate until he was 31

He took 3 zeros on real businesses (the bulk of his net worth each time) before he was 42.

Then he finally hit one and never let go.

He still doesn’t know what cash flow means.

Life is long.

Shooters shoot.

You only need one.

>> No.56121690

I think I got one fact wrong there, I'm actually not certain that Canadian Natural is currently selling any of its natgas to LNG hubs. But anyway if you had to pick "the one", Tourmaline is the quintessential natgas stock.

>> No.56121692

>I wouldn't be stressing day to day moves
>missing out on semi regular prints of hundreds and thousands on trades lasting days/weeks over and over
And they try to claim that gay isn't a choice.

>> No.56121702

I don't like doing hundreds and thousands of trades. I'm a simple guy. But I suppose if there is some kind of faggot ass time decay in those ETFs I probably won't bother. Fucking hate decaying time value in shit like options and whatever

>> No.56121719

Hundreds and thousands of *dollars* Hell, tens of dollars, millions of dollars, obviously depending on your trade sizes. Suit yourself, just hold shit and wait.

>> No.56121729

suits me just fine. Slow & steady wins the race.

>> No.56121744
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drinking again
is baggot really gone?

>> No.56121772

don't get my hopes up

>> No.56121794

The important thing is that you're wrong. Great trading opportunities do not always sit around waiting on you to be ready to take them. You're either at the stop waiting on the bus, or the bus goes on without you.

>> No.56121799
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>> No.56121815

>Great trading opportunities do not always sit around waiting on you to be ready to take them.
true, I admit they don't always sit around waiting for me. They often do though, and I'm content taking those trades. You're free to daytrade if that suits your style better. There's buses coming and going all the time.

>> No.56121828
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I did before close yesterday

>> No.56121862

yup. he replaced himself with an illegal.

>> No.56121872

go back

>> No.56121886

>true, I admit
See, that's all you had to do. I'm not knocking your own way *at all*, but:
>Good trades take months or even years to play out
is nowhere near being declarable as anywhere near universal, and I'm not a daytrader either. My positions tend to last days/weeks, though I am preparing for a months long build of the one I just started. I will likely sell *portions* of it and add back to it over and over during the span of those months, and at a certain point will start an inverse counter position to ride down the Winter into Spring/Summer slope.

>> No.56121903
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>> No.56121946

>See, that's all you had to do.
you seem awfully confrontational about this. It's like we're having entirely different discussions. There's no one right way of investing because nobody owns a crystal ball and people have different risk profiles and all that jazz. You're good at doing shorter term trades, I'm good at making longer term trades. Opportunities come and go and you don't have to take every trade, and you couldn't if you wanted to.
>is nowhere near being declarable as anywhere near universal
but it's true that good trades often do take a long time to play out. That doesn't mean you can't get good or even better trades on shorter time frames of course, but I implore you to take up a random chart and zoom out to a 5y chart, and then tell me what you see.

So much pointless armwrestling about what boils down to preferences. I'm just going to agree to disagree because we're going in circles here.

>> No.56121978
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>you seem awfully confrontational about this
Look at the history. I made a statement to someone, and you came and presented an "actually this is better". Then I pointed out how no, it is not in fact clear cut better because there's a lot more to the total equation than the yields of where you hold your uninvested cash. And, here we are.

>> No.56121986

>he's always on the edge of an autistic spergout with screams like he's being crucified if you make one wrong move in his vicinity.

just fucking beat his ass next time he spergs out. he will learn to associate screaming with getting his ass beat and will stop screaming. this is financial advice

>> No.56121990

Well, I still staunchly stand by what I said about holding 6m T-bills as opposed to Robinhood's MMFs. Two reasons: higher yields, and safer counterparty, and (seriously now) there is scantly a scenario I can imagine where you lose out on an important trade because you couldn't find a bid for your T-bill lmao

>> No.56122019

HOOD's isn't MMFs, your cash is literally just sitting there waiting for you to pull the trigger at any moment, no need to move it or toggle anything at all, it's just constant. You're either getting 1.5% on non Gold or 4.9% on Gold at all times on whatever cash you have that isn't invoosted. Then when you sell a trade, it's right back in there once that particular amount is settled. Every day it updates with how much interest you've gained, and every month it dumps what you've accumulated into your balance. Simple as.

>> No.56122039
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>> No.56122042

Why don't they just, you know, plant fucking trees?

>> No.56122044

Ah it's not MMF? Okay apparently it's a savings account thing where your cash is deposited to a network of different banks. My bad. Still, I can't think of many examples where having your cash in T-bills would fuck up an important trade. I suppose if you do really quick trades then it'll matter a lot, but I conceded that point already and we're back repeating our points ad nauseam

>> No.56122065

Guess you dont get carbon credits for these

>> No.56122077
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Fuck I need to read 242 business and finance articles before the market opens on Monday or I'M FUCKED

>> No.56122103
File: 212 KB, 411x410, JoyStatus-NOT-inspired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i2s.4chan.org is STILL down
either route all traffic to the other cdn or fix it.

>> No.56122141
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No Rosh Hashana greetings. It is antisemitic.

>> No.56122194
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it's over

>> No.56122210
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It hasn't even begun.

>> No.56122213

>I can't think of many examples where having your cash in T-bills would fuck up an important trade
You would have missed DE at $350 down from $450 while you fiddlefucked around with your T-bills.

>> No.56122217

>Citi: U.S. economy to face recession in 2024

>> No.56122251

$130b today is what $13m was in 2008.
a fucking nothing burger by today's standards.

>> No.56122290

[robotized computer voice]

>> No.56122346

[robotized computer voice]
>you're all a bunch of niggers especially you uncle Tyrone I've seen the shit you look at on your computer you fucking degen faggot

>> No.56122374
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>> No.56122384


