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56115455 No.56115455 [Reply] [Original]

The autism aura is too high for this guy not to be the real deal. How do I board the Argentinatrain, bizbros?

>> No.56115463
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El Basador 2.0 is happening

>> No.56115482
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He's a 100% zio-shill backed by Israel's Likud (Netanyahu) but his economic policies may bring the country from the brink

>> No.56115498

Nothing ever happens
Nothing will get better
Stop falling for hopium
Argentina has been drained of its genetic potential, all non trash whites have fled

>> No.56115553
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From this profoundly deep contribution I can only conclude that you've never been to Argentina, airman.

>> No.56115587

the state expands capital into institutions that benefit the entire population, somebody has to generate that capital

>> No.56115687

Isnt his plan to go bancrupt?

>> No.56115706

I love this lil nigga

>> No.56115710
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If that's the case -- I don't venture a position as to whether that's true or not -- there would seem to be a need for a mechanism to prevent the State from strangling the wealth-producing portion of the population. After all, how can you expand capital that doesn't exist, or is in retreat?

>> No.56115753

llevar peluca es de maricona

>> No.56115849

so basically you concede?

>> No.56115859

>the state expands capital into institutions that benefit the entire population

oh yeah? prove it

>> No.56115884

huh? prove it doesnt

>> No.56115969

He also plans to sell off everything the argentinian state owns
Will the buyers be argentinians or wall street?

>> No.56115993

this, Tucker is an astroturf rightwing journalist anyway

>> No.56116000

I really don't get this logic a country could go from first world to 3rd world but not 3rd world to first world because "muh Satan to powerful"
By this logic society shouldn't have progressed after rome fell

>> No.56116007

Privatization is good regardless who the new owners are they'll do 100x better than current corrupt government

>> No.56116014

Considering Argentina only gets poorer and poorer from the hyperinflation I think that argument doesn't work

>> No.56116016

Yes, and by extension I'm going long USD. Argentina going the dollar standard is just one more notch in the parade of American dominance.

>> No.56116030
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>Privatization is good regardless who the new owners are they'll do 100x better than current corrupt government

>> No.56116035

"Torah" is just old testament you ignorant polster

>> No.56116056

Let me guess you don't know anything about the cold war except about Israel?
There's a reason why countries where the state owns everything are shitholes(that includes Africa)

>> No.56116069

yeah but countries where western companies own everything are also shitholes
just give me my ethnically uniform state and king back, pls

>> No.56116088
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Are you malfunctioning?

>> No.56116093

Hm name such countries I'm willing to bet their socialist dictatorships. Kek

>> No.56116188
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I consneed nothing, Sir. My prudent use of -- I don't venture a position as to whether that's true or not -- grants me immunity from all chanfren projection. However, all ideas are up for discussion, no?

>> No.56116236
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>> No.56116274
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viva la libertad caharo
death to all glowniggers
if you're a statist i'm sorry but you're low iq kys

>> No.56116284

You're definitely a shill since he literally addressed all of this .
I'll give you an A for effort tho this was funy

>> No.56116299

Anti Christ archetype desu same as bukelele

The end is close

>> No.56116329
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>> No.56116332
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Greetings and welcome, Officer. In this thread we hope to discuss the economic implications of libertarianism and trust you'll participate in a fashion that aligns with the non-aggression principal.

>> No.56116657

his funnyman antics, and lack of phlegm, makes me think he's either jewish or italian (like most argentinians are), which pretty much means he's a negroe

>> No.56116710
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Wonder no more, my technologically-illiterate friend of the State.

>> No.56116724

Nice. Argies about to show their true colors.

>> No.56116725

>aggression and violence are always bad, bad!
>unless it’s the Jewish state taking land :^)

>> No.56116756
File: 237 KB, 1606x848, 1689967401561831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't work here, Dicordanon. The troll smiley is particularly cringe. Please up your game before posting again. Thank you.

>> No.56116994
File: 8 KB, 1520x700, 1690155399311308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My meatcage requires rest.
I wish all my fellow anons a great weekend. Peace out.

>> No.56117737

He is literally removing his own central bank and replacing it with federal reserve of america. Willing being a slave colony. I welcome Argentinians as the new debt slave paying those 32 trillion

>> No.56117817
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(((our))) gu(o)y

>> No.56118031

And he wants to sell everything off to wall street as well?

>> No.56119311

Nobody believes this, it is fundamentally suicidal to allow your vital infrastructure to be bought up by foreign entities who will run it into the ground while extracting maximum profits.
This is Thatcherism and Reaganomics and it is short term growth at the expense of all future prosperity.

>> No.56119319

That reason is because the American Empire (formerly the British Empire) sanctions/bombs the shit out of anyone that has any national interests beyond enriching the people who own the American government.

Free trade is the bedrock of global Zionism.

>> No.56119327

Like America?
They are currently slowly collapsing under their Judeo-Socialist welfare system where they taxpayers own nothing and are miserable.

>> No.56119763

>what is oral torah?

>> No.56119815

Are you retarded? SHORT Argentina. This guy is going to crash the Argentinian economy, but
A) he will do so by creating dollar demand which will booster OUR economy,
B) there will be a lot of opportunity to capitalize on the destruction

>> No.56119821

>welfare system
Welfare for elon musk and Raytheon maybe, the scraps for the peasants get thinner every year

>> No.56119890

>countries where the state owns everything are shitholes
it's extremely rare. some 1st world countries have big state owned companies btw, like norway and singapore

>> No.56120017

Its Midrash, folk tales.

>> No.56120218

>By this logic society shouldn't have progressed after rome fell
what progress was there since Rome you retarded nigger ??? and no your manchild station is not a sign of progress faggot

>> No.56120388

Can someone redpill me on the Coom in Argentina? Hearing good things.

>> No.56121040

and you want this guy to rule your country?

>> No.56121054

this, so much this, he is a godsend for US economy, for the best he is going to sell all the public sector, lets just hope not everything goes to his closest friends in argentina

>> No.56122150

So is this guy going to be just another Macri or will he be an actual change for Argentina?

>> No.56123507

Jews and communist are seething
Our central bank has the inflation through the roof and our politicians are retarded socialist/crypto commies
Viva la Libertad

>> No.56123914

you want to change a central bank for another, one that's even bigger and more evil, it's just retarded

>> No.56124034

guy sounds insane desu
what every latin american country needs is a Bukele