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56112938 No.56112938 [Reply] [Original]

Binance not cooperating with SEC

>> No.56112970

gee i wonder what prompted this news. interesting timing.

>> No.56112985
File: 507 KB, 976x850, 12331341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone just do everyone a favor and walk into the SEC HQ with a nuclear bomb and detonate it in minecraft?

>> No.56112986

Gary probably woke up on the wrong side of his uncle this morning.

>> No.56113000

Oh no, linkies

>> No.56113008

KEK you have it the wrong way round. The CHANK has been propping up the market with fake scam pumps.

>> No.56113010

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.56113014

this is so bullish for XRP its not even funny

>> No.56113016

reported sweetie. see you in prison chud

>> No.56113036
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try me, tranny

>> No.56113040

4 = the number of death
The Dragon will slay the State

>> No.56113043

>your honor, my client clearly wrote "in Minecraft" at the end of his post
>case dismissed

>> No.56113050


>> No.56113071

How does it even work. Q&A with the G man seemed to indicate they think they have jurisdiction over Binance.com. Yet US investors can't even use it and it is not even based in the US. Binance.us is a separate entity until they prove otherwise. Seems like they are just Phising.

>> No.56113074
File: 77 KB, 1200x768, In_Minecraft_thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never fails

>> No.56113092

Ooh, that's bad news. Wonder what's gonna happen next.

>> No.56113132

You got a link you'd like to share? And so it swiftly, please


>> No.56113140

literally nothing, non-event

>> No.56113173
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>your honor, my client was merely frustrated that his Chinese Internet daddy is being held responsible for illegally operating a magic bean exchange.

>> No.56113220

The federal government isn't supposed to be regulating anybody's finances at all unless it's something unavoidably necessary for international trade. Everything the SEC does is a crime.

>> No.56113300

Wow! That's really cool information.

>> No.56113318

We won't pump till CZ is behind bars and his scam exchange stops flooding the market with paper IOUs.

>> No.56113568

Somebody needs to 4 bed Gary Gensler

>> No.56113596

After all of those job quits too, interesting

>> No.56113605

Gensler's uncle is 80yo you sick fuck.

>> No.56113886

I'm so sick and tired of this SEC faggotry.
Shut your mouth.

>> No.56115252
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fat cockroach adam is snitching on CZ to the SEC lmao

>> No.56115309

What is with these onions faggots

>> No.56115523
File: 3.06 MB, 1614x1396, fatAdam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all I know is that he is lying about how FAT he is in his profile pic kek

>> No.56115589


>> No.56115912

Isn't this the guy who's got rejected by Binance Labs or was that someone else? Same story with Gensler and Binance if that's the case.

>> No.56116969


>> No.56117141

Should I transfer all my coins from Binance to a regulated platform like Tap Fintech? I've been hearing about issues with Binance every day, and I no longer feel confident using their services.

>> No.56117203

Binance has about 70 fake exchanges that it conducts operations through. Even if they aren't owned by binance they will be deeply affected by the contagion.
Basically, it's self custody or nothing at this point.

>> No.56117231

Wait...I thought that Americans couldn't access binance anyway because it's a Chinese exchange. Why would they give a fuck what the SEC thinks?

>> No.56117244

I don't think you people understand just how insane the reach the US has. Even China and Russia have to adjust for the weight of US hegemony.

>> No.56117291

since when is Binance a chinese exchange? it never was

>> No.56117303

>I don't think you people understand just how insane the reach the US has. Even China and Russia have to adjust for the weight of US hegemony
Well obviously not since binance just ignore their challenges. How are they going to sue an exchange their citizens are already disqualified from using? If they sue them for money, binance will just refuse to pay. They can't make any arrests because China won't extradite. What a giant nothingburger.

>> No.56117305

The US feds get involved if any Americans used Binance. Which we know they do because CZ was teaching them how to evade the rangeban and use it instead of Binance.US.
CZ's own refusal to KYC is what got Americans using Binance and invited in the SEC vampire.

>> No.56117332

>Well obviously not since binance just ignore their challenges
I wouldn't call multiple C-suite executives leaving(from the main exchange) 'ignoring' challenges. Seems more like they're running scared.
> China won't extradite
Correct, china will put CZ in chains if he steps foot in the country. That's why he's moving around multiple middle east countries.

>> No.56117365


>> No.56117698

Bitcoin is going to SQUEEZE the next 4 weeks. Straight to 35k.

Oh so he must be employed and still working then.

>> No.56117719

youre a FAGGOT

>> No.56117731

Why do you have anything on Binance?

>> No.56117794
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>last words of the crying bear

>> No.56117843

Uh oh China stuff.
. . .
Still not selling my bnb

>> No.56118253

SBF stole 32 billion from the goyim and met with Gary Gensler regularly.

SBF donated 9 figures to political campaigns illegally, Gary Gensler was Hilary Clinton's CFO of her campaign.

This is so obviously a jewish operation to go after the remaining exchanges not under their control.

Go suck a dick retard.

>> No.56118256

Looks like the SEC are at it again bizfag, this could escalate quickly and I already moved my Dot, Ride, Zcash and Atom to my Ledger wallet for self-custody and security.

>> No.56118294
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Not my problem. They didn't list Kava. They can get fucked.

>> No.56118971
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And Gary was 8 days old when rabbi drew blood out of him, if you catch my drift...

>> No.56119194

Ladies and Gents.. time to welcome X trading platform for crypto

>> No.56119211

at this point writing "minecraft" is actually the greater offense

>> No.56119236

that's bullish
this means Binance has enough not to care about the US market

>> No.56120895
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Yeah you just know that he wouldn't have been going schizo over CZ if he utilized Binance Cloud like he wanted to.
Because he's very greedy and selfish, he was boasting about his fat sack of CRV recently before the recent drama. Get rekt threador nobody likes you

>> No.56121233

Based CZ. Fuck kikes.

>> No.56122826

always has been.

>> No.56124048

Checked and correct

>> No.56124770

Kek why should I be barking at Binance for not cooperating with the witch hunt? Kek do your job yourself glowniggers.

>> No.56124895
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good, hang all of the jews high!

>> No.56125015

kek, what a pathetic, spineless soifaggot. Killing him would be an act of pity.