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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 156 KB, 1400x1050, this-is-fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56112724 No.56112724 [Reply] [Original]

If you are not buying this right now, you actually dont like money.

This IS the next PEPE and you WILL buy it either now or in a week at 100m mcap.

>> No.56112770

How to buy

>> No.56112895
File: 101 KB, 1284x762, bullishaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Token address is 0x75c97384ca209f915381755c582ec0e2ce88c1ba

please check ALL data before doing any trading, there are a number of tokens pretending to be FINE.

Download Metamask or your wallet of choice from the app store or Google Play store for free. Desktop users, download the Google Chrome extension by going to metamask.io.

Have ETH in your wallet to switch to $FINE. If you don’t have any ETH, you can buy directly on Metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Have ETH in your wallet to switch to $FINE. If you don’t have any ETH, you can buy directly on Metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Switch ETH for $FINE. We have 0% taxes so you don’t need to worry about buying with a specific slippage, although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.

CA:- 0x75c97384ca209f915381755c582ec0e2ce88c1ba

>> No.56113447

>yes goy go buy the meme shitcoin thats already been pumped to 25M by whales out of nowhere and has extremely limited meme potential
lol, lmao even.

>> No.56113571
File: 44 KB, 183x230, M_CUT_OUT-2319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like you have no FINE. That's cool, bro, it's still an easy 4x from here. Get a baggy and relax, you sound like you could use a handjob from a tranny.

>> No.56113598

Not giving liquidity to your scam nigger

>> No.56113782

Retards were saying it’s a scam since $4m mcap when it was first shilled here. The TG is lit and this shit is about to go parabolic

>> No.56113873

What's with that blue smurf cat token that's ranked above this? It has more volume and the chart looks incredible.

>> No.56113902

Once Fine gets listed on all the major CEXs and shilled by a bunch of big names, money from the blue smurf cat token will be transferred over. Might as well get in before they do

>> No.56113917

>money from the blue smurf cat token will be transferred over
What do you mean?

>> No.56114037

Whats the TG?

>> No.56114229

People will be moving their money out of that and into Fine. Lots of tokens are seeing that happen right now


>> No.56114270

It just got listed on another CEX. More incoming

>> No.56114299
File: 643 KB, 1600x900, finelbank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grab a bag now

>> No.56114459

>People will be moving their money out of that and into Fine
How do you know that?

>> No.56114527

That's how you pump a shitcoin

>> No.56114544

There is a legitimate airdrop being posted in the TG?

>> No.56114551

How much is a make it stack?

>> No.56114572
File: 111 KB, 1283x1259, finecop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 110 billion now, a make it stack is probably 500 billion.

>> No.56114582
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Nice try scammers YOU STARTED THE RUG LAST NIGHT. Get out now if you still can. it's gonna tank this weekend.

>> No.56114586

>500 billion
That's like 30 grand...what lunatic has 30 grand to throw into a shitcoin. What mcap can this thing reach?

>> No.56114646

Pretty sure the airdrop in the legit TG just drained $200 in eth from my wallet.

>> No.56114667
File: 1.54 MB, 1065x788, picrelated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the kind of lunatic that wants to retire early.

I'm a wagie. Literal McDonald's shift worker in the sticks of Maine. I got divorce raped two years ago and the judge forced me to sell my house to give half the proceeds to. She never worked. She had two kids - neither of which were mine, from a previous relationship. She went back to the baby dad, who is now in jail. She tried to sue for child support from me. Not my biological children. First female judge granted it, I appealed and won. Now she's trying to collect alimony.

This is my only shot to make it out of this cycle of shit. I'm going to shill the fuck out of this. I've built a stack up from pump and dumps on /biz/ and it's either this thing moons or it's rope.

I've fixed up my place a lot, but I need to relocate, as I live in a really sparsely populated area (google Piscataquis County, ME) and I'm losing my shit daily.

I need a win. This looks like it might be it. If it isn't then it won't matter. I can't spend another year working a shit job. All of the jobs are gone. I'm stuck. No safety net, no family and my friends are all fentanyl'd down in Bangor, eating out of dumpsters and living in tent cities.

>> No.56114684

post the transaction now

>> No.56114691

Is there a legit airdrop in the legit TG group? Or did I go into a fake one?

>> No.56114696

How much you got in it?

>> No.56114698

I'm so fucking done with /biz/ at this point, everything is a filthy disgusting meme that has no value, or a pajeet exit scam, compared to that my pond bags doesn't look bad at all kek

>> No.56114702

If you don't like it get the fuck out kek, nobody is forcing you

>> No.56114710

And then you ask why nobody trusts biz anymore

>> No.56114721

pond is also a piece of shit kek

>> No.56114733

How many times have you got scammed here?

>> No.56114762

110 billion as of now, that's all I have in the world, this is my last stand, the meme hits hard, I'm not sure if I'm the dog who doesn't give a shit, or the fire consuming him, but I'm definitely not the sentiment.

>> No.56114789
File: 69 KB, 1200x671, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still dumping. Get rekt fine-bros.

>> No.56114800

I stay out of Telegram

It makes me want to commit genocide against India

>> No.56114820

Well I would be concerned with the project if that is the case, good to do some DD in that way.

>> No.56114846

>If it isn't then it won't matter. I can't spend another year working a shit job.
What do you plan to do if Fine doesn't take off.

>> No.56114850

Are you sure thats the legit one or is it FINE_erc

>> No.56114868
File: 92 KB, 1000x834, rope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56114880

Seriously? Your life can't be that bad.

>> No.56114904

>I'm losing my shit daily
People steal from you?

>> No.56114972

No, the pain of life is making me lose it. I'm in some spiral, sometimes you get into a cycle, where you can't seem to catch a break. You do whatever you can. I joined the army in 2002. Spent 8 years, 3 deployments, all in Iraq. I'm fine with that. I come home to my mill job. Mill closes.

High school sweetheart shows up. Shits different, but she's single with kids. Dumbass me marries her. She's domesticated until the money starts to fade. Instead of pitching in, she decides to bail. And then she takes what I worked for in life from me.

And it's been more than that. I don't have any family, there's no safety net here and never has been. I've literally fished for dinner and trap and hunt when I can, and grow my own veggies and shit, but winter is coming and I know this year in all this isolation that I'm probably going to snap if I have to have one more loss. More more BIG L and I'm gonna get a one way ticket to some private contracting work. I just don't like killing, I've seen enough of it.

>> No.56115064

If you have combat experience, why not join a PMC.

>> No.56115072
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Surprisingly, QANX is hitting off the roof and going green since its recent private blockchain launch. The best time to hold is now.

>> No.56115110
File: 203 KB, 1080x905, IMG_20230819_175416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pushing positively towards EVR as the presale is still on. With its burn mechanisms, staking, and integration into our cutting-edge metaverse, this will melt faces in a short while.

>> No.56115114

I do have that, but I hate PMCs but it would afford me a little more in life, or a least a shot at Valhalla.

>> No.56115181

Not when I've gat RAIL.

>> No.56115376

People do that shit all the time when a token is trending. How new are you?

>> No.56115427

The legit TG has almost 8k people in it. There are no air drops that I’m aware of

>> No.56115446
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>> No.56115543

bruh, how the fuck do you mute/block the bots.

ANnoying as fuck.

>> No.56115583

I only go there to check pin updates. I can’t stay there for more than 10 seconds

>> No.56115606

I've literally tried everything I can think of to remove its comments, its just spam after spam of "BUY/BOUGHT blah blah"

>> No.56116237

Bro are you seriously clicking "airdrop" links and connecting your wallet and shit? You are going to lose everything.

>> No.56116409

>I'd prefer to get VET, DUA, ZIL, and RNDR rather than investing in what OP is shilling.

>> No.56117159

Is the pinned message in tg from lordkek larp?
why would someones whale friends start buying into a coin at 30m mcap? wouldnt they have just secured a fat bag early on sub 3m

For those of you that were around for Pepe’s early days, you may remember a "Secret Sauce" that was talked about by the marketing team and some of the whales involved.

A specific, and most importantly EFFECTIVE marketing tactic that was used to propel Pepe to 1.9B.

A form of "normie marketing" not often used.

It was extremely effective and it was instrumental in the the meteoric rise of Pepe.

$FINE has begun using that same tactic this evening ON A MUCH MUCH LARGER SCALE than any other project in the Meme Token sector.

My "fren" that deploys this strategy turns down other projects on a daily basis. He does NOT offer this service to just anyone.

Not only has he offered it to us, but he is about to kick it into overdrive. He is a bitcoin OG and a whale with a large network of whale friends. The next few days are going to get very interesting $Fine army.

Strap in and enjoy the ride.

We are going to be more than Fine.

With love,

>> No.56117168

Sure Puneet

>> No.56117185

>Maybe if I try really hard to sound like an edgy 4channer, they'll be convinced I'm one of them and will buy my bags!

>> No.56117475

>People do that shit all the time when a token is trending
Yes; however, the smurf cat token is no joke either, it has higher volume than Fine, and is consistently either 1st or 2nd on dextools. Apparently, this smurf cat thing is the most popular meme on tiktok right now, it looks to have huge potential to explode. The chart looks better than Fine as well.

>> No.56117501

>why would someones whale friends start buying into a coin at 30m mcap
In the long run, perhaps an entry at 30 million mcap will be seen as extremely early...can you imagine getting into SHIB at 30 million mcap?

>> No.56117610


its crazy smurf and fine both are pumping together.. i couldnt decide what to ape in so i aped in both. 1 is bound to hit 100m. preferably both.

its like doge and shiba days

>> No.56117624

Looks like it's climbing back up

>> No.56117653

Hmm...I looked at some other threads and some insider anons claimed that the smurf cat token is also a Pepe team token that came about as a result of the split. This is why it climbed so fast and it is also why it seems to pump together with Fine. This could be larp; however, the chart for smurf cat looks even better than Fine's.

>> No.56117723

Maine McDonald's wagie logging off for the night. Please pump my bags and I will continue to give every 10 piece mcnugget order 11 nuggets (when I can)

i am fighting the system one nugget at a time, it's honest work since they are taking away the soda machines in the dining area and now I'll have to touch people's drinks even more than before and this is to help pump those covid numbers higher so the Dems can steal another election.

>> No.56117726 [DELETED] 

I'm all in on Fine. Seems like the safest play atm given that we know who is behind it

>> No.56117730
File: 702 KB, 968x639, nuggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember what you are fighting for

>> No.56117745

I'm all in on Fine. Seems like the safest play atm given that we know who is behind it

>> No.56118155

I'm done with memecoins anon, they are nothing but trouble. I'd rather ape solid gems like Zcash and Ride on the MultiversX for future gains.

>> No.56118162


yeah smurfs chart looks fucking textbook perfect for an increase

kinda wanna dump FINE into this cause its lagging behind but il give FINE one more day to pump past 30m

>> No.56118488
File: 87 KB, 600x587, 03237f7668f141128e8fa0112369eae6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual big whales probably don't want to waste time looking for a low cap meme coin that'll probably rug or die out, also you can't put whale money into something that is too low cap or else you'll end up with too much of the supply which will turn people off, I could see them waiting for something to prove itself before going in because at the end of the day they don't need a x1000 like most of us need but rather a safer x50/x100 is better when you can just slap a big stack into it.

>> No.56118539

Speaking of which, how much Fine would be considered a whale?

>> No.56118569

It's simple. The "normie marketing" is he offers a service to launder money for rich people. The rich people buy a bag, and then he pumps the token with the dirty money, and the rich person sells and claims they made the money from investing in crypto. At least that's my guess. He sounds like he's from Dubai, so he probably has a bunch of billionaire friends.

>> No.56118687

hmm interesting.. would definitely make sense

>> No.56118693
File: 7 KB, 250x245, feelsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cucked toadlets seething itt
feels good man
next stop 50 mil

>> No.56118922

just need this to double so i can get a line trimmer boys

>> No.56118948

Fuck that. I only invest in things that actually benefit the average pepe. PoolTogether is the only way we’ll make millionaires out of each other without a fuckin middle man. Tired of middle men. I am going to get rich on pool or win the pool lottery.

>> No.56119027

Also kucoin confirmed faggots. God i love seeing biz seethe so much. All the fudders completely btfo

>> No.56119473

Kek we are getting on Kucoin already and Toadniggers are still waiting for Shytoshi's jeets to find where they lost the private keys to Shibarium up each other's asses. Glad I dumped my stack on those scammers. It feels good to win bros.

>> No.56119497

What’s suicide stack??

>> No.56119512

Nah let bizniggers accumulate more link and toad kek, also have you seen DB9 whale fag cashing out, dip insta slurped
50-100B id say, obviously depends when you bought and how far this will go. Maybe just maybe 5B Will be seen as sui. Hell i remember throwing in 300 into safemoo just for keks. And it went to like 90 something thousand obviouslt not life changing money but still a decent amount by.

>> No.56119516

This is just pathetic Rajesh

>> No.56120654

>propel Pepe to 1.9B
Wasn't ath 1.6 billion?

>> No.56120697

give or take yes. Biztards still seethe and dont realize that this is literally at LEAST few hundred mill confirmed. But they will of course fud like they did when i shilled this at like sub 1m kek

>> No.56120699

When was this message posted?

>> No.56120705

I think few days ago somewhere around that time. Biz you NEVER bet againt rich saudi pepe dev guy with his rich saudi royal family friends

>> No.56120719

>few days ago
Assuming that poster about the "secret sauce" service being money laundering for very rich individuals, wouldn't Fine be much higher than 20 million mcap? I wasn't here for Pepe so I'm not too sure on how the timeframes work.

>> No.56120726

>pumps the token with the dirty money
How would he explain where the dirty money came from?

>> No.56120731

Anon think about it would you really give a fuck if this did close stuff to pepe and did like 100x? You wouldnt really. As long as we all make money here it doesnt matter whether its a scam or shitty operation of million pajeets

>> No.56120735

>would you really give a fuck if this did close stuff to pepe and did like 100x
Yes, I would, I also hold Fine...might buy more.

>> No.56120762

Remember do opposite of what biz says.
>Literal Pepe dev
>Secret sauce is most likely his rich ass arabian friends who as he told has shit tons of BTC
>Is literally The pepe dev coin and not those jeet scams being shilled and rugged here on biz
>Millions of jeets and normies wageslaving and shilling on tg and twitter (Yeah jeets suck but remember thats the main reason why giants like shib and sfm mooned well or at least 70% and bull market).
Truth be told this has the highest chance to pull some insane numbers and those royal saudi fucks wont let this dump before at least fe hndred mil or more.

>> No.56120770

Hmm...Hpos ath mcap was 200 million right? Do you think Fine can beat that?

>> No.56120783

Hpos didnt have pepe dev with insane connections and an army of normiees to shill for him. First week already mexc and lbank (even if they are shit). Kucoin has already been confirmed and binance most likely when enough volume. This can literally annihilate hp0s it doesnt even stand a chance if those saudi fucks will play their cards right. Yesterday one of whales were dumping bet we are starting to reverse now. Then again dont be a moron and ape everything as normiees say but i think this can rip soon enough.

>> No.56120795

>one of whales
How much Fine is considered being a whale?

>> No.56120799


>> No.56120809

Is holding exactly 1 trillion a whale?

>> No.56120815

I mean trilly and a half puts you in top fifty so not mega whale but thats a decent fucking stack

>> No.56120825
File: 660 KB, 2048x2048, smurf_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. шaйлyшaй (smurf cat) is where it's at.

>> No.56120831

fuck off shill nigger with your shill scam. This is FINE board. go back to your containment tg. Scammy coin scammy website subpar memes. Will die soon enough. EVERY meme coin lp is slowly going into fine.

>> No.56120834

I also posted about this earlier, the chart looks perfect...almost too perfect. It's holding up better than Fine atm, but we shall see. In my earlier post I stated that an insider anon claimed this token was also a Pepe team token that came about as a result of the split.