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File: 585 KB, 1365x930, 20230914_113533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56104501 No.56104501 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like the predditors have spared no expense with their revisionist history film about /r/wallstreetbets vs. hedgies.
Anyone else seen these trucks yet?

>> No.56104523

Why are you guys such faggots?

>> No.56104615

That's how it's spelled, Einstein.

>> No.56106141

Is that movie going to suck or be good? I can't tell for sure.

>> No.56106164

>redditors bring out a truck of peace against jews
I thought you guys said reddit was cringe?

>> No.56106170

>Murray Street

>> No.56106811
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Good catch.

>> No.56106825
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Another anon spotted this poster hanging up around Wall Street the other day and made a thread asking the same question:
Apparently the film is pro-Reddit and depicts the WSB autists as an elite squad taking on the corrupt, evil, racist hedge funds ala Occupy Wall Street.

>> No.56106847

where can I see this fag film on the internets?
(I don't live in US so I can't go to a theater)

>> No.56106871 [DELETED] 

Who is playing the corrupt evil hedgies?

>> No.56106891

Nick Offerman, aka that fag from Parks and Rec.
See the cast in the poster >>56106825 -- all kikes and leftoids.

>> No.56106997

Do redditors have anything to do with the creation of this movie or does it just suck them off

>> No.56107793
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No one nose.

>> No.56108056


>> No.56110054
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>Seth Rogen
No thank you.

>> No.56110151

Imagine paying to see a movie.

>> No.56110170

I watched it, it's pretty good. Not perfect and not an exact portrayal of people by any stretch but tells the broad strokes well. Think the big short with more stupid stoner humor to break up the tension.

>> No.56110178

>Think the big short with more stupid stoner humor
That's what I've heard about it.
Basically a retarded, lobotomized version of Big Short and geared towards neckbeards.

>> No.56110184
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>> No.56110192

Not really, the activist angle is part of it but they make it a point to state it was mostly fomo cranking the price the first time around which lines up with the sec report about what happened in 2021. It also leaves things open ended as to what could happen in the future, directly implying it isn't over. It's a decent movie. I bought a ticket because it apparently made people seethe and threaten Sony with being sued for releasing it.

>> No.56110212

Fair enough, but come on: Seth Rogen.

>> No.56110220

yeah seth rogen is annoying but I'm used to his brand of annoying. It's not like he's amy schumer.

>> No.56110233

you guys are all a bunch of redditors itt

>> No.56110245

Um xir it's predditor, thanks.

>> No.56110513
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Go on.

>> No.56112311
File: 148 KB, 884x1178, 20211221_101631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diamond hands!

>> No.56112337

KnowledgeHusk (formerly KnowledgeHub) did a video on GameStop that's way better than anything Pedowood could churn out, and it doesn't star Seth Rogen.


>> No.56112816

>seth rogen is annoying but I'm used to his brand of annoying. It's not like he's amy schumer.
That's like a shit milkshake vs. a piss milkshake.

>> No.56113063

Must be a Jew York thing.
I ain't seen nothing.

>> No.56113439

I'd say it's more like a piss milkshake versus literally ebolAIDS. I'd fight someone if they made me watch schumer sober or high but at least rogen is halfway almost funny when I'm baked.

>> No.56114352

You got the stein part right.
For you.

>> No.56114615
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Cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.56116351
File: 216 KB, 946x1484, 20230915_175536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevar forget.