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56109295 No.56109295 [Reply] [Original]

There’s a girl im trying to impress and I sent her a screenshot of my portfolio and now she’s ignoring me

>> No.56109313

Did u tried showing her your nft collection?

>> No.56109429

What does your allocation to international look like? Girls dig foreigners despite not being as effective.

>> No.56109434

Have you connected on LinkedIn?

>> No.56109441

Dude, why do you care so much about the opinion of one person? Because they're a woman? Don't be insecure man, be happy and do things for yourself instead of being some jester for a woman and pleading for her approval. This sounds a bit too harsh but I don't know how else to say it. I understand if you think like this if you're under 19 though.

>> No.56109509

This is sort of what I realised too. Most women, by male standards, are losers. Imagine if they were exactly the same personality and hobby wise, but they were male. How different would we treat them? Women take a shit every morning as well. Stop treating them like Gods that you have to please

>> No.56109519

>Imagine if they were exactly the same personality and hobby wise, but they were male.
I've noticed a lot of bros get an epiphany when you tell them this. Just imagine her being a dude, would you still act like this? It's mind-boggling how simpage can utterly undermine your confidence to oblivion.

>> No.56109679
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Work on your skin tone, hairline, height, and face.

Money is a meme when it comes to women.

>> No.56109743

how many linkies? she probably laughed at your tiny stack

>> No.56109775
File: 88 KB, 1290x414, IMG_4687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I showed her my Schwab account like an autist

>> No.56109779
File: 642 KB, 1280x800, nice4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still a simp
Bro... You weren't the one who was missing out, she was. This is your literal potential chad moment to leave her hanging and have her think "what if" while you ride out in a GT-R.

If this isn't inspect element.

>> No.56109781

anon she can spend that in like 1-5 years.
not impressive. not even a liquid million is enough for these sluts now. you're better off just getting a hooker

>> No.56109910

This. I learnt this the hard way. I stored most of my millions off shore and kept 2 million. My ex gf spent it all in 4 months and them dumped me. Never getting a gf again. The sex wasnt that good either

>> No.56109915

Holy fuck. This is the most autistic thing you can possibly do. Women do not care.

>> No.56110019

They don't care about the number but they care about what that number allows the man to do and to be, if you ask them they will never be able to figure because women don't know how to say what they want, at all

>> No.56110052

Yes but you never send a chick you’re talking to a screenshot of your portfolio like a sperg, for multiple reasons. It’s like common social graces are lost on you people.

>> No.56110061
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, 997938EA-50C1-4064-BE55-710ACDAF60BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably scared her off because you showed you have a higher status than her. If a girl is interested in a serious relationship she wants to be sure she has the power in the relationship when it counts. So if you’re hot, /fit/, tall, smart, and have money… it’s ogre. Basically your autism and self improovement go getter attitude put you into incel status because women think you can get better options and will cheat on them.

GG you played yourself fren

>> No.56110085
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OP think about it this way.

If you met a girl you like and she immediately stretched open her pussy for you to have a look, would you be okay with that? No it's TMI.
Show can you have money through your actions while still keeping things mysterious. Women like trying to figure a guy out.

This is assuming you aren't a balding indian manlet. As I said above, looks are first second and third. Money is a meme but can help if you have a good foundation.

>> No.56110098

Most men would love that chincel

>> No.56110102

Desperate brownoids might, but not a white man looking for someone to start a family with.

>> No.56110121

Lmao it’s called pump and dump retard the state takes care of the kids now get gud

>> No.56110133
File: 341 KB, 960x960, 1664717642233606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're trying to impress pump-and-dumps with money, then it's already over for you.

>> No.56110144

When she said she wanted to see your shame she meant she wanted a pic of your cock anon. Im glad shes ghosting your dumbass

>> No.56112629

>my millions
>My ex gf spent
lmao this cope. YOU let her spend YOUR money
you are the one to blame here

>> No.56113906

You bagged some shitcoins

>> No.56114353
File: 17 KB, 256x256, 1687440966322245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot, get a Retrofit kit in your Car and give her the trip of her lifetime with an in-car cinema experience she can't get elsewhere and she'll be all yours.

>> No.56114374

>if you're beta you win
Lol. Lmfao

>> No.56114381

Who still holds LINK? There are better alts to hold.

>> No.56114436
File: 2 KB, 125x113, 1690197618497912s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already rooting for EVR's VR/AR Metaverse experience and owning a digital asset and being part of its dynamic ecosystem.

>> No.56114469

I'm better off with OGBX and it's 16% of the total supply that is dedicated to the ingame rewards.

>> No.56114528

Only retards still bag shitcoins when QANX is on the trend and also lighting green candles since the private blockchain was launched.

>> No.56114591

I'm cool SUPRA, oracle is based

>> No.56114605

She saw you hold jeet coins and avoiding the inevitable poo

>> No.56114610

SUPRA looks cool

>> No.56114675

I would never get epiphany as I am bisexual

>> No.56114685

You need RAIL too

>> No.56114708

I would absolutely be ok with that what the fuck is wrong with you homo

>> No.56116472

The OP should showcase his solid altcoins like Kava, Dua, and SAND rather than displaying their NFT collections without any utilities as it's a big turn off lol.

>> No.56117466

I'm sure if anon had NFTs like Sidus and Skyjacks he could bag any waifu. Especially with the latter earning chads passive income through staking.

>> No.56117472

You are going to get ruined by a roastie one day bro.

>> No.56117494

You should have sent her a copy of your .vimrc instead genius.