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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56106008 No.56106008 [Reply] [Original]

any other linkies depressed/anxious/lonely and chainlink is the only thing keeping them from kms?
I've came here every day since finding out about LINK 4 years ago. I hardly post myself but I love reading all of your comments - you guys are hilarious and make me feel feels even when my most depressed. Thank you, I love you guys.

>> No.56106033

ive wasted seven years of my life doing the same. I was a young man when i started buying link. im about to be 36 and had a gf that dumped me because i was trying to make it so bad. i have nothing left, this has to work

>> No.56106036

it's a scam anon

>> No.56106094

Try microdosing psilocybin or lysergic acid diethylamide. Better and more secure way is going to a clinic where drugs are legalised.
It shuts down your brain's default mode network which is, in simple terms, making you depressed and your thoughts cyclical.
I was in your shoes and I found my way out with these exact methods.
Everything will be okay and don't be obsessed with LINK, find experiences in parallel.
There's also other methods but I have little experience about them.
Good luck anon

>> No.56106100


>> No.56106243

same here fren
almost exact life story

>> No.56106343

it's the same with me too, just very recently. 13 years gone, just like that. we tried to make it too hard bros haha love you guys hope you're doing all right

>> No.56106389

Link is the very source of my depression
The more good news get released, the more depressed I get at the lack of price action
Suicidal thoughts are a daily occurrence since the swift news

>> No.56106394
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>Abyss: Death & Rebirth

>> No.56106416

I'm actually quite positive, nearly frenetic - with optimism, yet at the same time calm and collected. I'm surrounded by love from my family, girlfriend and friends who share my outdoor passions. I have no desire to KMS, and I am blessed to hold link.

Love you anons

>> No.56106580

>any other linkies depressed/anxious/lonely and chainlink is the only thing keeping them from kms?
No. I got bored of waiting after staking didn't make the price go up, so I just forgot I held link and got on with my life. Since then, I have a new job, I've improved my health, I've joined a church, explored hobbies etc. And that's all within 9 months! Pretty amazing what you can do if you stop waiting for something to improve your life and just go for it.

>> No.56106603

almost like this board was targeted for being "too smart" and tamed. We deserved the wealth given to animal shitcoin owners. They will pay once Ari contracts are online

>> No.56106633

thats kinda sad you know, like really sad...

>> No.56106690

>Mfw I bought Link and Hbar
>Bagholder of both worlds

>> No.56107493

where can i get a good source of lsd/ shrooms?
just hang in there man. if v.02 goes live at the very least we can make 20$ a day with staking
im trying so hard man. i dont know anything else i can do but keep putting one foot infront of the other

>> No.56107803

I actually am in a pretty similar boat. 35, bought link in 17. Having to end my 10ish year relationship as well due to some unfortunate reasons.
I've actually semi made it with link at least. Didn't cash out that much if my stack but bought a house in full at least.
It certainly has been some rough times regardless though.
Wish you boys the best. Everything important in life has a price.

>> No.56107870

i'm listening to this right now visualising chainlink getting mainstream media attention and all of us chill good guy biz bros making it and doing good for the world.


>> No.56107889

>The fall (bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonner-ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthur-

>> No.56107895


>> No.56107913

>Try microdosing psilocybin or lysergic acid diethylamide
huh funny how only link marines need to try microdosing psilocybin or lysergic acid diethylamide... insane double standard

>> No.56107931

I never got into link but I did get into BCH back in late 2017 (a few months after they forked). Got some, then got exchange scammed and lost shitloads of money, then got some more, dumped it all at peak and made even more shitloads, bought a house fully with cash, and now I take care of my autistic kid and sometimes come here for a kek and a giggle. Life is good I suppose but I am going to have to start working again at some point. Done with this gambling ponzi shit desu.

>> No.56108653

Sometimes I wonder what things would have been like otherwise. I also realize that the type to end up holding this long would have also found something else. It's all about right time and right place anon, have faith and be patient.

>> No.56108700

You got scammed. Just move on.
/biz/ was looking for a quick shitcoin ico to flip and you idiots turned it into a lifestyle and made your whole personality based around bagholding it.
Link is unironically a cult now exactly like reddit GME apes.
>im down 90% but i just bought more! In 2 more weeks we will defeat the hedgies!

>> No.56108733

My only concern in life over the past 5 years has been whether I hold enough LINK. Nothing bothers me at work any more, and I keep getting promoted because I'm just completely unable to be stressed. I know I'm guaranteed to make it, and that's enough to keep me going through anything.

>t. 19K LINKer, with a secondary life as an engineer

>> No.56108778

same here, but I'm a truck driver with 23k stinkers

>> No.56108781

checked and based

this is pretty much me atm originally I moved departments to take it easy at work and waited for link to moon (this was back in 2020-21) If i sold the top the plan woulda worked out to a T. But I know this is going to be big and my concern is often I should continue buying at these low prices, Im not getting more responsibilities at work and getting stressed often forgetting I've the got ace card to make it....its so hard bro

t. 27k link + some other shitcoins

>> No.56108785

Really impressive, nice. I wish I had bought more back in 2018 before I had a mortgage and a kid to look after.

>> No.56108802

This is gay

>> No.56108826

Happy for you Anons I'm sitting on about 1.5k stinkies I'm hoping to get 2k before the next bullrun kicks off

>> No.56108831

L M A O one of the most cringe and also hilarious things you see on this board. To cope with getting scammed, the cult has to larp about how theyve turned over this new leaf and cleaned up their life.

Im always thinking…wait so you didnt work out before link crashed? Why exactly? And you didnt have friends or a good job before? Fucking losers. But irregardless, your self improvement diary has nothing to do with getting scammed by your cult.

>> No.56108848

this is the sort of thing i'd write if i'd gone all in link, done absolutely nothing else to improve my life, and was completely miserable because my all-in bet on making it by doing nothing hadn't worked out.

>> No.56108854

Don't get too complacent. You never know what life will throw at you.
>lost job
>sudden medical expenses
>wallet hack

I feel like I've seen more than a couple anons on here claim that the linkies they have on Ledgers will end up being fine and that its not worth it to switch wallets and reset their grandfather status as an OG staker. I sincerely hope nothing bad ever comes from it, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it did.

>> No.56108917

I actually lost my job over the vax last year, and I managed to rebound pretty easily. I even got a pretty decent payout when I took them to the government workplace relations people, all of which I spent on more LINK.

I can't think of any real situation where my wallet could get hacked, short of my house being broken into. One day I'll set up a better system with Shamir secret sharing spread across multiple wallets, but the price is still so low it's not really worth the effort to me just yet.

>> No.56108958

What the fuck? Does swift know about this?

>> No.56108998
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>tfw your entire life hinges on nobody sending an email to SWIFT pointing out that link is actually a scam.

>> No.56109133
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you're up on me with the wife and kid, I hope to have a family of my own one day

>> No.56109149

Somehow I'm not sad anymore, but I'm not a link baggie tho, I sold everything and got into pond kek

>> No.56109151

>I'm always thinking...

So you frequent Link threads quite a lot from the looks of it. Are you making a documentary or...?

>> No.56109187

congratulations, you failed cuz that's not what he asked

>> No.56109192

Unfortunately they give no fucks

>> No.56109194

kek, based

>> No.56109211

lol jeets do love their dots

>> No.56109223

You're still a baggie kek

>> No.56109253

Why does it only matter for linkies if they are baggies what is this insane double standard?

>> No.56109279

I doubt many around here have learned from:
The absolute obsession with green tunic man token around here is beyond my comprehension. You guys literally worship one man who happened to come up with innovative tech in the crypto space, big whoop. There's quite a few alternatives out there with the profile type I just described, but yall obsess with man-with-master-sword token instead. Sigh...

>> No.56109298

no micro
macro dose.

>> No.56109616


You guys need to sell bc you’re such losers that you are gonna make the universe make link crash bc it’s what you deserve. Please sell so the universe can instead punish you by making link moon

>> No.56109634

On the other hand, there’s nothing else on the horizon to actually look forward to, and no one else is making any money in this economy outside of straight up scams. If anything, we’re probably directly next up. I’m much more concerned with what I’ll actually do once I make it because I feel a sense of responsibility to pay it forward

>> No.56110021

Are you me

>> No.56111571

join chainlink oldest community. discord invite: vWQQ7a7s

>> No.56111716

>seven years
I can't believe I share bags with people who can't do the simplest math imaginable.

>> No.56111759

this kek they even made up an invisible enemy with the "times btc dumpers" (since the bulgarians went down and nothing changed)
absolutely hilarious

>> No.56111777

If anyone can look at the chart for themselves, then it's not made up is it, smart boy.

>> No.56111786 [DELETED] 

I've actually memorized my seed phrase in case of a house fire
feels weird knowing i have a phrase in my head that's worth tons of money

>> No.56111794


sushiswap integrates ccip

>> No.56111800


You lads will make it by 2030

>> No.56111810
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What if you hit your head trying to escape a burning house?

>> No.56111824

then it's ogre

>> No.56112901

we are currently in the challenges and temptations phase, arguably in the abyss (revelations being swift and DTCC WERE real all this time)

>> No.56112927

Well well well, other thread died but I would like to thank Sergey, as well as kek for contributing to my financial well being.

>> No.56114167

>wait so you didnt work out before link crashed?
No, I did, but I'm just healthier now
>And you didnt have friends or a good job before?
I have a better, higher paying job now. It's true I didn't have as many friends before though.
Low iq detected
>your self improvement diary has nothing to do with getting scammed by your cult.
That's not what the thread's about. OP asked if I'm anxious and lonely, the answer is no. I'm thinking very clearly about this, and I can honestly say if I had the option to lose all of my link before it moons in exchange for what I have now, I'd take that deal. But thankfully I get to keep both.

>> No.56114376

Dw fren your life is about to change, no cap on a stack

>> No.56114461
File: 636 KB, 1080x986, 1663496113392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you bought at ico you are actually up over 3000% but what do I know right :^)

>> No.56114489

Spores are not illegal to own or purchase unless you're in Commiefornia, Georgia or Idaho.

>> No.56114504

Check the chart

>> No.56114550

A 30x after 7 years of bagholding? Lmao sad. Imagine getting outperformed by stock normies buying tesla and doge xD

>> No.56114611
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yeah imagine lol xD

>> No.56114618

you're missing the point. I was never out of shape like you. I've been jacked for 15 years and have plenty of other investments. Why did you need your altcoin crashing to start working out?

>> No.56114731
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Don’t get AIDS frens

>> No.56114838
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>> No.56114988

nice FUD

>> No.56114996
File: 19 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somehow i doubt you're some jacked rich chad and have been for 15 years

>> No.56115124

Nice touch there

>> No.56115772

who needs w*men anyway when you have link. link will never yell at you for opening a beer or wanting to spend time with a friend

>> No.56115886

I'm not depressed at all. I'm actually a very stable genius. But, I share your sentiments. I love you assholes too. When I said I was Never Selling, I meant it! See you on the yatch.

>> No.56115901


Oh linkies, $25m send to binance ahahahahahahaha

>> No.56115908

I've basically forgotten I hold link so I've been doing great. Considering going back to school too which is great!