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56107191 No.56107191 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the US so fuckin expensive. My mom just went to visit europe and she said even there is cheaper than the us.

>> No.56107213

>poor socialist shitholes are cheaper to live than in america
truly a genius observation, you still live better in america with an american salary than the europoors that live in europoorland with a europoor salary

>> No.56107215

she is lying

>> No.56107291

>visited europe
What do americans even mean by this?
You can visit Sweden or Norway and its twice as expensive , or Bulgaria/Belarus and its x4 cheaper

>> No.56107298

it's cheaper to visit than live there. taxes are 50% or more for euros

>> No.56107303

I think she said she visited germany and spain so far

>> No.56107335

Germany is definitely not cheaper than the US, maybe Berlin vs NYC or LA is cheaper but overall no

>> No.56107340

bro you even pay 50% taxes when you are rich. Normal worker pay only 1/3 xD

>> No.56107370

Try buying a car, washing machine, phone or gas in Europe. Yea.

>> No.56107406

>car, washing machine, phone
I mean thats not really the problem, its more the crushing 90% taxes and unaffordable housing.

>> No.56107424

Americans make a lot more money than most of even the rich European countries.

>> No.56107442

america is unbelievably wealthy. if you've lived here as an adult for 6-7 years and you're not a millionaire it's a certainty that you're never going to be one. every other country is basically 10x worse for capital growth.

the past decade here has been the easiest, cheapest, free flowing money the world has ever seen in at least 100 years.

>> No.56107443

When you include transportation and healthcare costs, Germany is a lot cheaper than America.

Americans pay $700 a month on car payments/insurance/maintenance/fuel just to get stuck in traffic while Germans pay $60 on public transportation that nearly always gets to the destination on time.

>> No.56107444

Look up the average income in Spain lol

>> No.56107451

You can rent a quality apartment in German cities for half of what you'd pay in America for a studio in a tier 2 city. That's the main difference. Forget buying a house though kek.

>> No.56107507

America isn't the only country in the world thats discovered cars lmao. If you want to compare the 2 by the prices of goods and services, just forget it, go do a deep dive on how many different taxes and duties western euros pay, you end up with 10% of your paycheck. And this is on things you buy, so you can't even get out of it by being poor, as in you're buying a litre of petrol for 2 euros.

>> No.56107795

So you're assuming all Americans are stupid enough to finance a car or use cheap to maintain car.

Second we have public transportation here too

>> No.56107862

you think the US is expensive? try NZ, Aus or Canada

>> No.56107868

Currently in Portugal, spent 24 hours in Paris last week. OP is dead wrong. In EU for some reason you have to pay for water at restaurants? Like they don’t just give you a glass of water or a carafe or something. Everything at the grocery store is more expensive here. $18 for cheapest bottle of sunscreen. $10 for a tube(?) of Vaseline. Literally 50-70% cheaper in the US. Gas is over $5/gal. Wtf Europe?

>> No.56108132

Because welfare + free market = niggers bidding up prices on fudge rounds.

>> No.56108574


>> No.56108601
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america swallows third world resources and labor for the oligarchs and offers fake jobs corporate jobs for peasants that pledge debt loyalty. America doesnt produce or manufacture, its a welfare state that can print money at the expense of the global south. The world can exist without america, america cant exist without the world

>> No.56108695


>> No.56108759

It depends where exactly in Europe. I went to Iceland a few years ago and everything there was literally twice as expensive as it is in the US.

>> No.56108789 [DELETED] 
File: 459 KB, 1280x960, IMG_3366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Spain as a tourist, didn’t rent a car just stayed in Madrid and Barcelona. Few things I noticed

Restaurant Food: cheaper than US by 30-50%. No extra tax/tip added on at the end either
Alcohol: much cheaper
Hotels: 1/3-1/2 the cost of an equivalent hotel in a US city
Public transport: much cheaper, even taxi’s are much less. If I spent $15 on a taxi ride the same ride would be $30-40 in America
Less crime, fewer sketchy looking people/homeless junkies than in a major US city

From what I’ve read the salaries are very low here. Many apartments have no AC or amenities we are used to in burger land. But if you have lots of money saved up and don’t need to work and can live a low key lifestyle it’s not a terrible place to retire or be a digital nomad.

>> No.56108794

Switzerland is extremely expensive but holy shit they have the very best infrastructure and quality of life on the planet. Everything is ridiculously beautiful, clean and working in perfect order.

I would gladly and proudly pay taxes if I knew my money went into such things

>> No.56109083

It declinng for similar reasons that the rest of Europe is declining, just slower (because Switzerland has less liberal free gibs unemployment pay where in some cantons you pay the money back).

>> No.56109254

Cuz muricans are retards, simple as, basically every place on earth is cheaper than that fat fuck infested piece of shit... Anyways, back to wagie and to my pond chart

>> No.56109258

Not everywhere, Dubai is fairly more expensive kek

>> No.56109267


Cause america is about to collapse. Think soviet union.

>> No.56109275

You're actually right and it's very disturbing

>> No.56109277

Still not leaving, cope

>> No.56109282

>He's trading vaporwave

>> No.56109300

Biz is a burger board, don't post anything negative about the US as a europoor or you'll get dogpiled.

>> No.56109351

Spain is one of the worst EU countries for nomad capitalists due to their VERY high and convoluted tax penalties (their tax authorities are also relentless at hunting people down). Wealth taxes and municipal taxes are extremely high outside the Capitol. The only reason I could see a wealthy expat stay in Spain is for the lifestyle which is very hard to beat anywhere in the world. Most nomads settle down in Portugal for the reasons mentioned above and being the most friendly on crypto regulations. The lifestyle is kinda shit compared to Spain but they're right next to each other so it's give and take so to speak.

>> No.56109368 [DELETED] 

Yeah I’ve read about their cucked taxes but Madrid is exempt from the worst, right?

>> No.56109390

corporations raised prices blaming supply chain and inflation, making record profits and not lowering prices

>> No.56109404

Yea Madrid is okay if you want to use that as a base to tour the rest of the country but it's not the quaint easy going stereotype if that's more what you're looking for. Most of the history and hidden gems are hours away in other parts of the country so you'll have to constantly be traveling to other parts for a different experience.

>> No.56111099


>> No.56111224


>> No.56111275

america can produce and manufacture they choose not to because its just cheaper to import, if that option shut off the manufacturing industry would start up

>> No.56111390

>My mom just went to visit europe and she said even there is cheaper than the us
Depends where you visit
If its poland... you could buy a person for enough cans of tyskie. Probably not even that many.

>> No.56111404

>america can produce and manufacture they choose not to because its just cheaper to import, if that option shut off the manufacturing industry would start up
They're becoming concerned that they only have 3 Naval yards they actually use on a regular basis and that they have more ships being retired than made, and of coarse..... the cheyna.

Seems a good long term investment could be anything that involves heavy manufacturing, e.g. welding and cutting equipment, cranes

>> No.56111426

euro here, Amsterdam, making 6 figs and paying average 31% tax. own my house, no worries about healthcare (120 euros a month) food has gotten slightly more expensive so that sucks; but hey at least I'm not American

>> No.56111484
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>US is expensive means
>Cars literally 30% cheaper while being 50% larger
>Gasoline 50% cheaper
>Wide variety of housing, cheaper and larger on average
>Land cheaper and larger
>Food in markets cheaper, bigger with more variety
>Clothing ridiculously cheap, also many sales everywhere

Truly a horror to live in America

>> No.56111509

BMW 320i in Germany costs the same as 340i in US of A. Can someone explain that to me? How is a German car more expensive in fucking Germany

>> No.56111570

Lol i dont think you ever set foot outside of europe

Food definitely is more expensive in canada, australia and atleast parts of america

>> No.56112869


>> No.56113583


>> No.56114171


>> No.56114205

>Americans pay $700 a month on car payments/insurance
Fuck off. I pay $100 a month in insurance (yes I do tend to drive into many people/things, no I will not stop doing it) and I bought my car in cash.

>> No.56114214

Yeah but Germans are paid like half of what we are.
The only way this works is if you commit fraud with a WFH job using a VPN.

>> No.56114231

>also many sales everywhere
Clothing is perpetually on sale but you can pretty much count on a business casual outfit costing $120 or so. They do it to trick women, who are bad at math to begin with, into sending more money.

>> No.56114240

>if you've lived here as an adult for 6-7 years and you're not a millionaire it's a certainty that you're never going to be one.
So that's literally over 99% of Americans, if you go by people <= the age of 25 who've yet to become millionaires.
Most people don't become millionaires until they're old. You just completely made up 6-7 years, it's not reflected by reality at all

>> No.56114241

Because in Yurope we have VAT instead of Sales Tax.
VAT is 23% on value added on every step of the supply chain.
In US they have a Sale Tax, is just a tax on sales, and it's like 8% (depends on the state)

On the other hand, insurance in US is fucking crazy because they drive like maniacs.

>> No.56114291

>america is unbelievably wealthy
No it's fucking not. No one here has any money at all but *credit* is much more accessible so people tend to drive very expensive cars and live in very expensive houses and then immediately become destitute the moment anything at all goes wrong.

>> No.56114294
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>> No.56114303

Shills have been rabid about defending the US lately on this whole site. The US is about making goyim pay as much for as low quality as possible. This is in all areas; food, housing, and women. If you are a white male in the US you were born a slave and branded by your masters with the tip of your cock being severed in an esoteric slave branding ritual seconds out of the womb. But there is one caveat: you can escape. The shills don’t want you to believe this. Literally everywhere outside the Anglosphere is a literal paradise for a white American man compared to living in the humiliation ritual that is the US pussy prison.

>> No.56114311

Is it worth living in Amsterdam?
South Yuro here doing interviews for a Dutch company now

>> No.56114347

What people mean when they say the US is wealthy and great, is that it's wealthy and great for the 20% of people who have 115+ IQ, had nice families, and basically coasted into a 6 figure job right after finishing school.
It's only a minority of Americans who succeed like that, but it's ultimately your own fault if you're not part of that group, so it's not an issue

>> No.56114594

Becaused educated workers make 150k - 300k USD easy without batting an eye. The USA has the highest wages in the entire world, while their housing is cheaper than countries like Canada and Australia

as a leaf I want to migrate and work in your software industry; in canada software salaries are capped at around $130k CAD ($90k USD)

>> No.56114654

> capped at $130k
and the average canadian software dev makes less than $100k CAD ($74k USD)

>> No.56114669

As a yuropoor I would like to work in US for a Software Company too, but the visa process and interviews... too much work.
And they can kick you in the blink of an eye.

>> No.56115097

Yeah I think they got more restrictive on H1Bs when Trump got into power
before that you had pajeets flooding to the USA to work as software devs en masse. Now they come to Canada and lower our wages

>> No.56115232 [DELETED] 


>> No.56115235


>> No.56115255

And now they are coming to yurope too.
I live in a very small town and I've already seen two families of pajeets.

>> No.56115532 [DELETED] 

the US is expensive because they make more money there

>> No.56115730


>> No.56115747

this old thread from yesterday with no content is still around? This board really is dead

>> No.56116196


>> No.56116387


>> No.56116741


>> No.56116901


>> No.56117153


>> No.56117198


>> No.56117256

I tried purchasing items when I visited Nice, France, using my Tap debit card for smoother transactions. I found that the items were expensive but decided to bring them home as souvenirs. Canada is more expensive, I guess.

>> No.56117814


>> No.56119163

This, I don't give a shit about the cattle whining here about not being able to get a job flipping burgers because they're that useless.

>> No.56120160


>> No.56120369


>> No.56120881


>> No.56120920

That's not how VAT works. Middle men only pay VAT on their margins. There is no double or triple taxing.

>> No.56120952

Perhaps because unskilled workers make 150k in America

>> No.56121009

You sound like those retards that spam those bullshit studies that 90% of Americas millionaires are first generation. They always leave out the part where most of them are boomers, or the fact that any financial assistance that your rich parents give you while they're alive isn't considered inheritance lol

>> No.56121340


>> No.56121643

No, OP is lying.

>> No.56121682

Expand on this. Where to go?

>> No.56121710

If you make anywhere near 6 figures here youre considered as rich as the richest guy, except they have ways to not pay taxes and you dont.

>> No.56122079

You also get real food in Europe instead of slop adulterated with corn syrup and seed oils, the bureaucratic hellishness of the EU at least banned a bunch of chemicals and pesticides that are a-okay in the US.

>> No.56122250

Why do the spanish women mostly look like Hagrid from Harry Potter tho?
I always thought about one twerking on my BWC until i got there, must have thought about the Latinas from south america instead

>> No.56122277

>public transport
if the bus/train ever arrives
if you survive the 12 months to see a specialist

this shit sounds great on paper, unless you actually need it. In that sense Germany is as, if not more expensive than the US, because they're paying for shit that doesn't work.

>> No.56123013


>> No.56123490

Corporations are always “raising prices to make record profits” retard. It’s called a supply and DEMAND curve, learn it

>> No.56123520

mexico and canada are the best parts of north america.

>> No.56124084


>> No.56124092

Back in the US after living in SEA for a year and a half, yeah this shit sucks

things have gotten so much worse in every aspect, not only prices

>> No.56124258

Europe is way poorer that the US, of course it's cheaper.
Sweden would have been the 10th poorest State if it was part of the US

>> No.56125005

What do you mean? What area anon?

>> No.56125059

>endless money printing
>decade+ of near 0 interest rates
>endless government spending
>manipulated economy that wont allow for a healthy Recession to occur that would bring down/normalize prices and stop inflation
>corporations that operate globally that have an incentive to keep the dollar cheap (inflationary)
>endless immigration that competes for limited resources with Americans and thus drives up the cost of goods through a demand/supply imbalance
>COVID stimulus checks and COVID related QE from the Fed created the most dollars ever in the history of the US dollar's lifetime (extremely inflationary)- probably the final in the casket, though it may take a while for everyone to realize/admit to it
>Boomers retiring en masse since COVID hit, leading to employers desperate to attract and retain new employees, thus raising wages to entice people to apply or stay with the company (inflationary)
>Food and energy prices have gone up all over the world in general due to the Russian/Ukraine war where that area was a big supplier of both commodities

>> No.56125246


>> No.56125271

>Complaining about being born in a country where there are countless paths to make $1m+ a year
Be grateful you do not live in London where prices are pretty much the same but the top 1% of earners barely break 100k.

>> No.56125430


>> No.56126384


>> No.56126844

well I was mostly in Thailand then jumped up to Japan for a few months on my way back to the States
I mean the copy pasta is accurate: American culture is centered around niggers. Couldn't have said it better myself.
People on the roads drive like absolute maniacs and the general vibe I get nowadays is "every man for himself". There's no drive to make things better, we're all just picking apart the scraps while we still can.
Prices are inflated as fuck for shit-tier products. Food is noticeably worse.

Idk maybe i'm wrong, but that's just what I see.

>> No.56127010

I'm surprised this post got buried. People really underestimate how many "minimum wage" jobs actually have a salary at least 2x higher than what most would assume it to be.

>> No.56127083
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americans suffer so much it's unreal

>> No.56127088

swedes and norwayians can rent an apartment for like 500 a month. in california rents are 3000 a month

>> No.56127094
File: 247 KB, 782x349, 1694149464831115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not human if you don't drive a car

>> No.56127104

yeah but if you buy a "house" in america you get a cardboard box lmao.

>> No.56127173

>Yeah but Germans are paid like half of what we are.
i doubt that especially if you use median income and not average income. the US is super unequal

>> No.56127379

European wages are really that bad he’s not lying

>> No.56127406

median hourly wage in america is like $18/hr ($13/hr after tax). are european wages really worse than this?

>> No.56127438

> "freedom" to get stuck in a traffic jam
Bikes > cars.

>> No.56127779

>washing machine
Lmao, watching machines here can even fit a big jacket their too fucking small and will break in like 3 months

>> No.56128167

America doesnt have endless muslims, arabs, nignogs etc
Euroniggers on the other hand…

>> No.56129166
