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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 975x683, 7ugy8090u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56105390 No.56105390 [Reply] [Original]

>If I don't get 4 jobs and bust my ass 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, I'm going to die broke and alone in this hellhole

Help me..

>> No.56105411
File: 2.25 MB, 2613x1740, bundesflagge_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You niggers think you have it bad?

>> No.56105414

>head of state is an unelected english geriatric on the other side of the ocean
>culture is "america but boring and even more taxes"
>salute a leaf on a pole
just move

>> No.56105415
File: 61 KB, 480x498, heh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maple is a SCAM and Mapletoshi is a SCAMMER

>> No.56105430

>Formerly-pristine Western nation destroyed by globohomo and boomer rent-seeking

Join the club, it's like this everywhere.

>> No.56105432

Trudeau has got you covered. You'll die surrounded by loving MAiD doctors after you're diagnosed with mental health issues for facecrime during the mandatory morning diversity is our strength chant.

>> No.56105437

>Help me..
deport and expel of foreigners.
deport and expel any politician or bureaucrat with the last name of Trudeau

problem solved

>> No.56105457

awesome i cant wait, i love that trudeau gets us c:

>> No.56105459

Literally just go to home depot, get some wood and fiberglass, march 50 miles into the woods and build a cabin. I wish I lived somewhere that still had a frontier, I'd do that too.

>> No.56105492


Surrounded by pajeet maid doctors and nurses. The laat thing you'll hear is: do not redeem Sir

>> No.56105497

Start cooking and selling jeet food kek

>> No.56105507

if you earn big bucks you will be taxed to death, taking home slightly more than if you worked way less hard.
you have two choices:
1. you already own a home and your life is viable as you paid pre-bubble prices
2. you don't already own a home, you are a slave

>> No.56105513

Trudeau cut sales tax on new apartments today.
Canadians think this will cut the cost because they don't understand how prices are set.

>> No.56105518

Having lived in both countries, maples have it worse bro

>> No.56105578

People are getting right pissed. There are going to be mass protests outside every legislature on the 20th. I talked to an older guy in a very prominent position this morning who said that our politicians can't be allowed to get away with this. Discontent is massively brewing in Canada, even the reddit cucks on r/Canada are howling at immigration. It's getting pretty close to a full out revolt and Trudeau coming out wearing a hard hat and reflective vest making empty promises is just rubbing salt in the wounds. Government has lost all credibility and legitimacy here.

>> No.56105621

You already know nothing will come of it. Best you'll get is another trucker-tier protest that gets broken up by ZOGbots a month later.

>Leftists continue to call you racist
>Rightists continue to call you entitled
>Centrists continue to call you both

>> No.56105777

>Hard work = more money

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.56105791

The only workaround if you don't have nepotism is sycophantism.

>> No.56105800

im beginning to love trudeau
his smug psychopath face, his dreamy locks, his absolute dominant stance and never answering a single question for 8 years, straight dabbing on bitch ass canadians who are too cucked to do anything. i love this nigga man

>> No.56105822

don't cucknadians have guns?

>> No.56105843

>his absolute dominant stance
Lol what?

>> No.56105851

Yes and the gun legislation is fucking clownshoes

>> No.56105904

You can't shoot inflation away, Cletus

>> No.56105909
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You both have no idea what true hell is

>> No.56105964

I'm pretty sure they poisoned my water bottle this morning too. I cleaned the floor in the bathroom a few hours ago, and it was completely covered with hair again when I went in there. Someone keeps putting a C-shaped hair on the toilet, and I think that must be the person whose primary enabler and accomplice is Romero Cavalcanti.

>> No.56105982
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>> No.56106023


>> No.56106027

>Hunched over toothpic arms

>> No.56106241
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>> No.56106272
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>Formerly-pristine Western nation destroyed by Jews


>> No.56106446
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>> No.56106568

This meme is growing on me.

>> No.56106632
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A new job would just mean another Indian product manager. I'd rather just be in 1 Indian hells instead of 2. Backlog grooming coming up in 30 mins and I'm just laying in bed (remote, WFH) covering my ears at the thought of that accent I'm about to hear soon.

Here's a business idea: headphones that convert Indian accent to normal North American English. And webcam to convert their faces white.

>> No.56106724

>treatment is mandatory euthanasia
>dr pranjeet leads you to the execution booth and motions inside
>"you must do the needful, sir"

>> No.56106760

3. not going to pay my taxes and I'm absolutely not worried about this government figuring it out or doing anything about it lmao

>> No.56106771

insane cope

>> No.56106817
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Apparently half the CRA are embezzling funds themselves. Diversity is our strength.

>> No.56106848

>did everything they told me to do
>move in w/ gf
>we both make good money
>welp time to buy my own house

ughh /biz/ I haven't felt good in years

>> No.56106858
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>did everything they told me to do
There's your problem right there.

>> No.56106877

as in went to school.
didn't get into debt
kept money

>> No.56106993

Do you still feel the need to own a house in Canada? Ignoring the obvious financial bubble and impending implosion, by not owning you keep less taxation ties to this shithole. You can move out of the country and easily become a non-resident meaning no taxation while retaining your citizenship (in case by some miracle things get better).
For example if you make significant gains in crypto why on earth would you pay such high taxes on that when you can legally move out of the country into a jurisdiction where you pay little to no taxes on those gains. If you buy real estate, you would first have to liquidate that before you could make such a move or they will fuck you and try to tax you.
The tax burden is only going to get worse since the immigration "solution" is not working.

>> No.56107068

I want to start a family w/ gf.

and pass to kids when I die. not just a steam library

pretty simple anon

>> No.56107087

>taking orders from Indians
Holy fuck, here is your master race brooooo. White people got fucking clowned lmao.

>> No.56107152
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>trudeau doesn't even stand up straight when doing handshake
>with woman

lmfao this nigga got weak body language. Wife probably cheats on him.

>> No.56107481

He's already divorced

>> No.56107508

Easily the worst woman situation out of the 3, I’ll give you that

>> No.56107525

Your kids would just sell the house for what little equity remained because the neighborhood will be full of jeets and niggers by the time you die.
This country has nothing going for it so its in your kids best interest to think differently. What looked like a simple life path 15-20 years ago no longer applies.

>> No.56107552

Friend has to get a second job cause she can't afford to live with her fiance with the money she's making now nor the guy. She's buried in debt not from school cause her dad paid for it, but from shit like paying for their rent.

>> No.56107602

i love trudeau, he pisses off delusional american politics poisoned boomers like >>56105578
libs are literally the only party that wont massively fuck over the country. if you think otherwise you're either too young and hopeful NDP will curb housing demand (they wont), or the dementia is settling in and think cons care about fixing your problems.

>> No.56107685
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Well those things are fine, the only questionable one is school. Canadian schools are just LGBT and climate change reeducation camps at this point.

>> No.56107708

Literally just leave. Canada has been politically and regulatory captured by bad faith parties from around the globe, unless the people stop saying sorry it's a dead nation and a lolcow internationally. Blame the climate change faggots that told everyone with a dollar if they didn't go as far north as they could they'd all be dead in ten years.

>> No.56107734


You will all bow down to me soon after I purchase the combined wealth of all your countrymen.

>> No.56108098

I know exactly what you mean anon. Every day I wake up and brace myself for all the messages from various indians asking if I am done yet and to do the needful.

>> No.56108153

Are you delusional? This is the worst administration canada has ever seen. Trudeau has run the highest deficit in history while also being embroiled in tons of scandals (We charity, SNCL, etc.). Not to mention the international embarrassment of using the war measures act against a peaceful protest with fucking bouncy castles and running protesters over with horses. The liberals are polling terribly and risk losing official party status if they continue to lose votes.
Honestly, he makes Michael ignatief look good in hindsight. And that's saying a fuckin lot.

>> No.56108237

You do care at all that the party you plan to protest vote in ruined Canada with Mulroney?

>> No.56108268

*that little slack chime*

>what is your status update, hmm? do you think you will be done by the end of sprint
>does that timeline include both DEV and QA. what is your definition of done
dev work done
>hmm ok, yes

during backlog grooming:
>what is the acceptance criteria for this task?
all there in the description, well documented
>no what are the font colors? placement on page? tell me what is the acceptance criteria?

>> No.56108433

Reddit is censored as fucking hell. I don't believe you if you claim there's any complaints about immigration. You'll get banned to oblivion if you dare cite immigration as a source for any of the employment or housing problems. Let alone obvious shit like crime

>> No.56108437

>please explain in full to Mudsir how you solved problem X, he needs to be trained (to take your job)
>Can you please join a call with us to explain when you will be able to deliver to the customer? Customer is very upset. (call time is 11pm to accommodate indian devs)

>> No.56108441
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lol you clowns owngoal yourself with shitty politicians Canadians voted for and then let in too many immigrants too quickly for your home building industry to manage and then go "ohh no why did the jews do this to us" . You cant fix your problems with scapegoating.

>> No.56108528

The problems were terminal before most of us got to vote. It's not a matter of the developers being unable to keep up, it's that boomers don't want their neighborhood to be flooded with brown people nor do they want supply to increase so they vote against zoning for higher density and more suburbs. Those with investment properties make absolute bank. The only places with jobs (canada is not competitive in most industries) then have shacks going for 1.5mil while the rest of the country is arctic wasteland.

>> No.56108762

No they aren't

>> No.56108796


Right wing 4trannies are the most pathetic sector of the right. Behind all the posturing and virtue signalling and faux righteousness is just some degernate faggot.

Nick Fuentes now supports under age grooming and you regards are all porn addicted losers. Immigration increases GDP, the countries with the highest living standards all have high immigration. Do you faggots really want to be folding boxes for a living? Because that's what you'll be doing if we get rid of all the foreign labor. You benefit off the system the high IQ liberals have created and act like toddlers and try to tear everything down(fruitlessly though). Henry Kissinger is smart and a true elite. What have the ebin 4chan nazi meme masters produced? NEETs and worthless retards arguing on Skype calls and crying about race mixing? Just get the fuck out of our way you worthless pissants. We created the vaccine. We created industry. We created the trade routes. We created Western Dominance. We created AI. You want to tear that all down and drink horse dewormer and eat raw meat like a bunch of baboons. Worthless Maggot.

>> No.56108801
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elaborate how mulroney ruined canada? how do mulroney's fuckups hold a candle to trudeaus? is mulroney currently running as the CPC candidate? and i am not voting conservative either way, you presumptuous ass
you're a fucking dunce. not replying to me would have been a better course of action

>> No.56108822

It worked for hitler

>> No.56108835
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>Help me..

>> No.56108908

I hope you walk the talk and are fully vaccinated, with a weekly dose of paxlovid and remdesivir.
At some point in your life you will feel the weight of your town being culturally enriched by immigrants who have different values about woman's rights, civil society and the environment (Arabs and Africans) which will conflict with your liberal values.
Sweden was the safest country in Europe. Now every 3 days there is a bombing, it has one of the highest rates of gun violence (despite strict gun regulation) and some of the highest rates of sexual violence. Coincidentally over the past 10 years Sweden has now become 20% non Swedish/eu born.
That is the future for your family that you shall reap.

>> No.56108919

As a non Canadian I look at Canada and think it's Sweden 2.0

>> No.56108938

inb4 price fixing. prepper bros are gonna win this one. there'll be massive shortages to come.

>> No.56108961

Start investing and you will be fine in a few years from now.
You can start with promising alts like PENDLE and SPOOL

>> No.56108966

Of course no chuds will answer or respond to this...
Basically you aren't honest but willfully blind and or malicious.

>> No.56108990
File: 43 KB, 534x712, canadiangarbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if I get 4 jobs and bust my ass 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, I'm going to die broke and alone in this hellhole

>> No.56109001


>> No.56109037

I love how these fucking hypocrite libs are turning on Trudeau after voting their retarded policies in like letting in A TON of immigrants even though the country can't handle it and is surprised the new immigrants can't get a job, abuse the food bank, and live in tent cities.

>> No.56109081

No there aren't any bombings. Every single unfortunate circumstance of this past decade has been the right winger's fault. Your fault. Trump and his subhuman inbred hick crowd are the reason China has one upped us in trade. He squandered any potential to make India a greater ally to use as a lever against China. Retards like you are the reason we had a capital insurrection and are dropping IQ by the day. Magatards are a blight. This world is rotten and it's you Sam Hyde watching trannies' fault

>> No.56109114

Yeah no shit, who do you think boomers sold it all to?

>> No.56109144

its actually true, every day on /r/canada there are people lambasting immigration. some posts are beginning to look like 4chan lite

>> No.56109178

I think those two should be among the top gainers on the LSDFi narrative

>> No.56109199

Canadians are psychologically incapable of moving. They'd rather do what anon does and slave 4 jobs just because they feel they have some birthright to live in expensive cities despite not being wealthy enough to afford it

t. 140k/yr + bonus, get gud

>> No.56109240
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he legalized weed
every criticism you have is invalid

>> No.56109246

More like it's so fucking hard to move lmao. Also there are legit Canadians that have never left their cities since they were born, never took a trip or anything, just lived in the same City for like 30 years never going out city bounds. It happens and it's wild.

>> No.56109305

immediate ban on /r/canadahousign for telling someone to JUST MOVE bro

>> No.56109348

move where? i've only been in Vancouver in Canada.
i'd like the states but don't think my skills are that much in demand.

i've been working remote for a long time, built up some assets. I did live outside of NA for about 2 years.. and I bought a place overseas.

once I'm set with another remote gig and sort out some residency issues I'm out.

but as far as moving somewhere else in Canada I think that's not really desirable for me..

>> No.56109364

Well yeah either you live in the city or the boonies with Canada, the farther you move away from the city, the less hospitals and doctors you will find. A relative moved from Toronto to the boonies of Calgary and it went from like having 3 hospitals near her to 1 clinic and 1-2 doctors for like 3000 people of that town.

>> No.56109372

Oh also for anyone who wants to go down the rabbit hole of what our immigration system looks like and the impact it's having on the higher education system (at least in Ontario):


good ones include

https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/f7e5498e-0ad8-4417-85c9-9b8aff9b9eda/resource/0f1e6cce-a2e3-4ded-92ca-47d3c7e55128 (Permanent Residents by Country of Citizenship and Immigration Category)

Did you know that PR's have grown at an 8.8% annualized rate over since 2015, when a certain Prime Minister was elected?

Did you know that of the 437,610 PR's we granted last year, fully 27% were to fucking jeets? 118,245 PR's granted to street-shitting indian scum JUST LAST YEAR?

>> No.56109386

Move to Alberta, buy a vacant chunk of land, get a job in whats left of the oil industry, and live in a trailer.

>> No.56109394

It's because of that treaty/agreement. They're super lenient to Indians while harder on other races that are not street shitters.

>> No.56109408

even better is digging into foreign students, which are a totally different and separate category of immigrant to this country over and above the 437k PR's we granted last year


good ones include

https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/90115b00-f9b8-49e8-afa3-b4cff8facaee/resource/b505b9bc-d375-4525-af39-afdf25639acf (Study permit holders by country of citizenship and year in which permit(s) became effective)

did you know that last year, over and above the PR's, we admitted 549,570 temporary foreign students?

did you know that combining PR's and student permits, last year we admitted 987,180 new ""Canadians"" on an existing population base of 39 million? (give or take one million, but whose counting)

did you know that of the 549,570 temporary foreign students we admitted last year, fully 41 PERCENT of these came from INDIA alone? ANOTHER 226,000 fucking PAJEETS admitted to this country ON TOP of the PR's.

did you know that foreign student permit issuance has grown at a 15.5% annualized rate since 2015, again when a certain prime minister was elected?

>> No.56109461
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i dont feel so good, good sars,,

>> No.56109474

but where are all these disgusting subhuman shitskins ending up, you ask? Lets dig into the student data a bit more


downloading the data here and shifting over to the "STATUS" tab breaks down enrollment between international and domestic. Convenient!

did you know total Ontario university enrollment has grown at 1.9% annualized over the the past decade? Not bad. But what about the composition of that enrollment?

Domestic student growth rate over that period? A paltry 0.7% annualized

International student? (AKA Indian student) - A whopping 10.2% annualized

Some additional data:

Top 5 universities with the fastest growing foreign student base over that prior decade?
Algoma - 26%
Lakehead - 23%
Ryerson - 19%
OCAD - 19%
McMaster - 13%

Highest % of international students as % of total
Algoma - 68% (by far the number one, I've never been but I imagine it smells like shit and curry, constantly)
UofT - 29%
OCAD - 28%
U Windsor - 26%
Waterloo - 23%
U Ottawa - 22%

The largest sheer number of pajeets? UofT, with over 25,700 shitskins

We use these sub-humans to sub-sidize domestic tuition for Canadians. Devillish!

But the universities aren't even where the most egregious offenses occur. For that we need to turn to the colleges.

>> No.56109477
File: 51 KB, 1200x795, Aus_flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh... amateurs

*teleports behind you*

>> No.56109495

I know you're typing up the big one. Carleton was full of these guys mid 2010s and they'd all group, cheat, share entire course curriculums to the grades below, share projects show each other how to fudge to prevent plaigarism flags etc.

>> No.56109517

Glorious trips wasted on poor reading comprehension. Many such cases.

>> No.56109520

0/8 dreadful bait
not even one chuckle
you aren't even trying
see me after class anon

>> No.56109525

r/canadahousing is for retards r/torontorealestate is where fun happens

>> No.56109545

/r/torontrealestate doesn't even have a containment sub, go read canadahousing2

>> No.56109547

lets do that, shall we?


download the data and, again, shift over to the "Status" tab

this breaks down the categories into more nuanced detail, but we can broadly define "domestic" students as the sum of "Aboriginal ancestry" and "Canadian citizen",

and "international" students as the sum of "In Canada on authority of another visa ", "Permanent resident"", and "Student permit/ Student visa" (exact category names abbreviated to avoid a wall of text, but you get the idea

what does this math tell us?

total Ontario college enrollment over the prior decade has grown at 2.2% annualized. A little better than the universities, overall. Good!

the composition of that enrollment?

For Canadians, enrollment has DECLINED at a compound annualized growth rate (CAGR) of 2.6%. The population has SHRUNK over time (who can blame them!), and more importantly, has SHRUNK at a faster rate than the overall population of students has GROWN. The ENTIRE growth (and then some!) in enrollment over the prior DECADE was driven ENTIRELY by SHITSKINS

For international students? Their CAGR over a decade was an astonishing 15.8% PER YEAR. PER FUCKING YEAR.

To be fair, there is a somewhat large category called "unknown" i've entirely left out of my calculations. It's not enough to really move the needle either way and in reality it's probably just more indians, so consider my stats understated if anything

Some of the worst offenders and mind-bending stats?

Northern College had 23 foreign students in 2015-16. They had 3,378 in 2021-22 (and 4,564 the prior year!). That's a CAGR of 130% over a 6 year period

Conestoga College had 785 foreign students in 2012-13. In 2022-23? They had fucking 12,748. a 36% CAGR over a DECADE.

it goes ON and ON and ON.

I implore you leafs to dig into the data and educate yourself. It's all there. They can't fucking refute it. They are LITERALLY replacing us.

>> No.56109556

r/canada has been like that for a while lol its a right wing board

>> No.56109565

No I know. But there is room to push insanity in tre

>> No.56109569

>Incoherent ramblings
>American centric drivel
>Political buzwords
I'm talking about European immigration trends and crime indices in Europe you moron. Sweden is the 3rd most violent country in Europe. It has the highest rates of bombings. Look at the EU statistics.
This is what I mean. You fail to refute anything and instead rely on ad hominem attacks because you are a malicious and dishonest.
You are a waste of time and not discussing this in good faith.

>> No.56109593

again, Canadians are biologically and psychologically incapable of moving. They just can't do it. They can't imagine enduring a little hardship and moving somewhere new and needing to replant their roots (lol what roots, your fucking 3 friends and a dog?)

it's an incredible thing to study especially when you live here and see it firsthand. You need to live here to understand the dynamics of our rental market. I am balls deep professionally in publicly-traded Canadian apartment landlords because the 2-year run they've got ahead of them is glorious. Trudeau is probably going in 2025 so you've got until then to bleed the wagies dry, not that mr PP will actually, in reality, do anything to curtail immigration. Maybe a bit around the edges

and Canadians will just sit there and take it. The perfect boiling frogs. After COVID I hate everyone in this country so fucking much. I just want to make as much money as I can and watch it all burn. I'm glad inflation is boiling normies alive. This is what they fucking wanted. They said the economy wasn't real and if we could save even one life we should shut it down over the cold. They blatantly curtailed peoples basic civil rights for the better part of two years. And people cheered it on. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see them suffering now. I know there's a few good ones out there getting shafted and I truly do feel bad for you, but the vast majority deserve everything they've gotten so far and everything that is coming to them (and it IS coming).

>> No.56109600

sweden isnt even in the top5 of european countrys by gun related homicides and you are accusing him of not arguing in good faith
fuck off retard.

>> No.56109606

If you have to move it proves that you were a loser and were gentrified out. LOL

>> No.56109627

no dude I DESERVE a rent controlled apartment for 1,000/mo in the most popular and populous city in this country that is actively importing another 2.5% every year that disproportionately make their way to 1 of 4 cities

>> No.56109631

Illegal immigration could be easily curbed if you made the legal immigration process easier, chud

>> No.56109647

What should really happen is that ALL units. Not just the ones built after 2018. Should have rent controls eliminated. Like you're saying about moving. It would force a shift pretty fast.

>> No.56109672

Yes Shlomo, it's the goy's fault for having lost the war.

>> No.56109702
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>> No.56109707
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>captch HPVY0
>HPV, yo

>> No.56109720

god can only wish, but that's political suicide and a non starter

in canadian fashion they might just slow roast people by bumping up the renewal cap every year

>> No.56109735

r/canadapolitics is insane, hive mind of Trudeau

>> No.56109748

Thank anon, fuck I hate the anti-Christ.

>> No.56109764

Yup. Actually good thread that isn't crapto scams

>> No.56109765

Honestly is Europe any better bros? My grandparents were from Poland and might be able to get an EU passport.

>> No.56109777

Reminds me of /pol/ back in the good old days.

>> No.56109821
File: 565 KB, 1095x974, Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 11.49.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at page 23 of this, this is from 2021 as well, I wonder why they stopped reporting on 2022 year, or maybe they haven't curated the report yet, but still sus as the year is almost over.

>> No.56109840

The datasets I link are updated much more frequently, you just need to do a little legwork to slice and dice the numbers however you choose to

based on applying normal seasonal trends for both PR admittance and student permit issuance, we're on track for north of 20% growth from 2022's combined ~1m levels


>> No.56109843


Honestly guys, I think we need to do something, last time I freaking tried to run a billboard fundraising campaign, the top reddit janny stopped it, but I am seriously considering starting a hacktivist or a hacker group to take down all the realtors and grifters and bad actors - freaking through about convincing the homeless in most cities to steal FOR SALE signs in exchange for food rofl.

>> No.56109848

nothing will happen. they'll arrest everyone and the globull "news" will start calling it a "spike in white supremacy"

>> No.56109865

it is. its EXACTLY what happened in sweden. a country run into the ground by women.

t. leaf that lived in sweden

>> No.56110039

You'd think this but the average person doesn't have the time/energy and they always excuse themselves by saying "I can't take a day off of work"

>> No.56110663

>live in expensive cities
Why? The cities are the shittiest part of Canada. Rural Canada is definitely the best.

>> No.56110672

I can't wait until they go bankrupt.

>> No.56110769


>> No.56110993

We're not even allowed out of the hellhole.

>> No.56111013

It's far worse
>t. former canadian national

>> No.56111051

>Immigration increases GDP
Go eat a dick faggot.

>> No.56111065

Frugalmaxx and move to thailand, its what I did.
$10k/mo is plenty here.

>> No.56111068

I meant a year.

>> No.56111254

Protests won't do shit, faggot. Best case scenario they further delegitimize the entire govt and dumb boomers realize there is no peaceful solution.

You choose to allow electricity and water to flow to Ottawa in the winter. You choose to be impotent.

>> No.56111264

come to italy

>> No.56111266

change must come from the barrel of a gun.

>> No.56111552 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is unironically pretty tame compared to the topboated posts on r/canada. /pol/ is just fun jokes about pajeets and niggers, r/canada wants to actionably exterminate them ASAP.

>> No.56111799

>Do you faggots really want to be folding boxes for a living?
That's the typical Canadian, basically saying
> I want to exploit brown people and fuck my own kids future

>> No.56111812

>GDP boogeyman
standard of living declines but GDP goes up. really makes you think.

>> No.56111852

You are way better than the rest

>> No.56112268

Why are you asking him to move into a 3rd world country anon?

>> No.56112333


>shacking up with roastie
>everything they told me to do

>> No.56112336

This is pretty much how I felt for a while - watching everyone around me give up dignity and autonomy so basically nothing. You get the world that you deserve. Truly.

But lately, last six months I have simply grown numb. I don't care about them anymore. I am too focused on my own life and project. All I care about is the future of my family, my line, my children's future. I learned during the pandemic lockdowns and being told to vaccinate or lose my job - the only thing you really have is your personal willpower and integrity. Everything else is just made up by society.

I understand now why Japanese people were so clannish historically. In a mad world, the last bedrock is yourself and those that are your blood. If you are lucky you will have a few friends that are almost as good as that.

>> No.56113796

What uni's have low indian population? i dont care about prestige

>> No.56115220

what visa do you have? how did you get to stay permanently? I'm trying to get a job there I have multiple degrees in stem. I'd rather not live in Bigcock though since its just too big for my preference.

>> No.56115765
File: 136 KB, 384x287, ghost-stories-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH NO!?!?!



Remember those truckers? Yeah, me neither.

>> No.56115777

Honestly in Canada it's the CCP far more than the Jews. But what's the difference at the end of the day really.

>> No.56116492

Education. If you can drop $3k/mo for a visa then go for the elite visa. Plenty whore on a western salary do.

>> No.56116494
