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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56104473 No.56104473 [Reply] [Original]

The whores are reporting business is bad! 1/3

>> No.56104478
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>> No.56104489
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>> No.56104518

>strippers & prostitutes index
best index out there

>> No.56104558

This is obviously Kremlin shills trying to demoralize the west. Dont you know that biden saved the economy by taxing the rich?!

>> No.56104584
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>whore market
Wasn't that in Linkara's Lightbringer comic?

>> No.56104597

i dont know about a recession, just came here t o say i hate women

>> No.56104645

idk maybe those specific whores just hit the wall?

>> No.56104659
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>> No.56104695

she was making $15k a week for years and only has $300k saved? where is the rest?

>> No.56104704
File: 64 KB, 1080x1080, 291830818_139229888754928_4973924234522603850_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whores have a 300k networth???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.56104725

Holy fuck women are bad with money.

>> No.56104745

Blow and high end living probably

>> No.56104746
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its a larp, i know more than 5 very attractive girls that started an onlyfans, and also strip, they barely make 4k a month, they just say this stuff to make them feel better, thay all turn tricks for money, if they say they make enough, they will blow it on cosmetic surgery,
i think its mostly based on zoomers, fresh and fir and the whole redpill scene kind of destroyed women, which is a good thing. millenials kind of were subject to the pussification of society. thats why interracial couples rose. non whites grew up disrespecting women.

>> No.56104748

threy've probably just walled and don't want to admit it to themselves. this is one of those industries that is impervious to economic forces.

>> No.56104766

If her heart was really in it, she’d lower her prices to be competitive and do it for the love of women empowerment

>> No.56104824

New York City bro. Let's assume she's going for 1 year
>15k a week = 60k a month = 720k a year
>Federal tax = 37.00% 31.19% total $224,567
>FICA tax = 2.35% 3.37% total $24,234
>State tax = 6.85% 6.55% total $47,127
>Local tax = 3.88% 3.82% total $27,473
>Total Income Taxes = 44.92% total $323,401
>Income After Taxes = $396,608
Even just assuming this dumb broad is renting a 3.5k a month studio that means she's only got 50-60k to pay for food, transportation, etc in NYC. I could easily see them blowing way more than that, so a dumb escort could easily pull 700k a year for multiple years and still only end up with 300k in savings.

>> No.56104831

It's Whorever

>> No.56104889

the whole thing is a horrid financial bet. they take the years they could be gaining a skill instead sullying their reputation forever so you can pay the government.

then they wall even sooner and even harder because of the lifestyle attached, no decent man could ever want them, and they wind up a waitress at a greasy spoon in ohio until some truck driver wives them up out of pity. if she's are lucky (and most of them arent) she can still have kids and derive some sort of life meaning from that. aside from that? you spend every year after about age 25 just waiting to die.

>> No.56105079

you think these whores are paying taxes?

>> No.56105088

if they aren't now they will soon. if you're making $720k the IRS is on you like white on rice.

>> No.56105194

Once fiat goes away and everything is digital there will be no choice.

>> No.56105240

after 19 it’s exponentially diminishing returns and by 25 it’s 89% off

>> No.56105317

they dont report all their income. it's all in cash.

>> No.56105340
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>they dont report all their income. it's all in cash.
Deluded boomer. It's all paid digitally if it's an NYC escort. It isn't the 2000s anymore unless you're getting a blowie in Kensington.

>> No.56105344

Finally, purchasing power is returning.

>> No.56105366

yeah this might work if you're working as a server making barely median income but for people encroaching on seven figure incomes the IRS is checking the receipts. usually twice.

the worst part is the audit doesn't come until later when the money is all blown. so now you take somebody who is only qualified to do menial wagie labor, stick them with a half million dollar tax bill (and that's the settlement offer) and that's it. there's no hope for a person in that situation.
>muh bankruptcy
specifically in the CFR it states that tax debt found to be not reported honestly on the return for the year in which it should've been assessed cannot be discharged by bankruptcy.

>> No.56105398

>its a larp, i know more than 5 very attractive girls that started an onlyfans, and also strip, they barely make 4k a month, they just say this stuff to make them feel better, thay all turn tricks for money, if they say they make enough, they will blow it on cosmetic surgery,
$4k a month is being generous.
The roasties I know IRL try to flaunt these annoying "girlboss" posts on social media about their OnlyFans, but then break down and complain that they barely earn <$50 a month and thus feel embarrassed that guys aren't willing to form over $20 for potato-quality selfies of these thots in thongs with Snapchat animal face filters.

>> No.56105526

Reread her post. It's basically nonsense because she's just saying numbers that feel right.

>> No.56105642

onlyfans and stripping doesnt make that much money, its all whoring, escorting is the only way these girls are making money, pornstars arent making as much either, they have to resort in clout like lying in podcast, or appearing in those redpill these women are stupid podcasts.

>> No.56105659

Most honest at least

>> No.56105731

I've stopped buying regular whores. Now I am exclusive to the massage parlor game. It's cheaper and easier to set up compared to regular whores.

>> No.56105741

Anecdotal, but as a whoremonger myself, I can confirm I have had girls I haven’t seen in months and even years hitting me up out of desperation. Of course desperate whores are the best kind, but I do think it’s the canary in the coal mines.

>> No.56105757

Sugar babies > escorts

If you know what signs to look for and you have enough time and patience to play the game, you can find higher quality women for half the price compared to these so-called "high class" whores

>> No.56105774

The ideal is to find regulars you enjoy and bargain them down. I have two like that, one looks like marion cotillard just with tattoos and gives the best blowjobs I’ve ever had in my life, 100-200 a go, the other used to dance with skylar vox and they said they called her her twin, blonde with natural g cups, 200 a pop bb. I would never go back to the open market for whores, terribly overpriced.

>> No.56105884

Whores and drugs are unironically a good indicator of how the economy is going (heroin/meth users not taken into account)

>> No.56105917
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I know these hookers down on 42nd Street, but ill-gotten booty's not my style.
I'll take a rain check 'til I get back on my feet, honey.

>> No.56106136
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All of them mention that the customers are asking for "extras" which is usually a polite way of saying they have minorities seeing them. Whores don't like minorities because not only are they creepy and demanding, they usually try to avoid paying. The solution for this is obvious: Legalize prostitution and subsidize erotic businesses in majority White locations. Unfortunately, to do that you'd have to kick the non-whites out of the cities, since White flight is showing no signs of stopping.

This is a tough situation. Whores are economically elastic and an essential part of a capitalist system. The body is easily marketable but hard to profit from, especially on an individual scale. What I'm curious about is the demographics of escort services compared to prostitutes and strippers, as it likely proves my running theory that White men feel like they are "overqualified" to go to a strip club and so participate in hoeflation as a means to avoid low-income areas which are actually being hurt by all this.

>> No.56106156

It's a cultural shift, meatspace crap like strippers and escorts don't resonate with younger men anymore. The digital sex market is booming, though. Too bad there's no way to invest in OF and its knockoffs.

>> No.56106222

The fuck are you on about dumbass.
How did you manage to turn a thread about whores into minorities?
IF ANything stingy minorities help your case, because they keep the prices in check, instead of it getting inflated to the moon and you get prefrential treatment from whores, becuase they know middle aged whites simp the most.

You are one of those dumb retards, who has to fit every single issue with your single pet issue. The other end of the extreme left, who can only see everything throught the lense of captilism.
Fucking dumb commie white separatist who argues for whores LMao, I have seen it all.

>> No.56106256

If I was a stripper I would only want to see white men because all horror stories from the industry come from non-white clients. But hey, I guess pointing that out makes me a commie lol

>> No.56106263

Look at the butt-blasted shitskin here.

>> No.56106290

As someone who buys nudes from women, I can ensure you I want meatspace on my dick. I just choose to go with digital as it is much much cheaper with less strings attached.

>> No.56106294
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I'm pretty sure that applies to every industry.

>> No.56106323

Being an escort these days just isn't what it used to be. There are too many people doing it now because there aren't any jobs. Plus it doesn't have the stigma that it used to have. I know people that used to do it like 5-10 years ago that made their money and quit and they said that they're glad that they did it when they did it because there's just too much competition now.

>> No.56106368

Are you aware that on of, you are not chatting with the whore but with pajeets whose role is to get your money by pretending to be her?

>> No.56106398

for the most part zoomers and millineals desire objectively repulsive braphogs, shitskins, and trannies. these whores that are complaining should spend more time stuffing their face with fries instead of cock.

>> No.56106409
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also dont forget the passport bro, why settle for american whores, when you can travel to east asia, the carribean, brasil. etc with cheaper and hotter women. i never understood of used up american girls charging 300 when hot colombian girls charge under a 100. and no condoms are negotiable.

>> No.56106433

Nigger I don't care about whores, I don't hangout with them.They are just objects to me, same way I don't care about some fucking wagie mcdonalds worker.
This board is full of fucking losers HOLY SHIT. If your entire movement is built on fucking WHORES, then you are dumb motherfucker.
/biz/ is now getting signals off retarded whores, THE FUCK. I have had my share of these people, they are the most dysfunctional junkies of all time, even worse than any street shitter.

>>muh sex work
Whites are literrally going extinct, and now he sides with prositutes for revitilizing the white race, you are so godamn retarded LMAO. Nah its the arab and the pajeets who buttblasting your "race" just by existing. Fuck family creation and community building, whoring is where it is at.

>> No.56106449
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>in the past three years
This bitchs got in right at the peak of crypto and money printing. Their market is returning to the normal where 99% of them make minimum wage. Turning tricks has never been that profitable and will probably never be that profitable again in their lifetime.

>> No.56106473

Whores have more humanity than your brown ass lmao

>> No.56106553

No they don't. Atleast be honest with your analysis you dumb ape.
They literaly don't have any ingoup preference. They sell their body for money, TO ANYONE. The average women is risk averse as fuck, and now think about how much off of the standard deviation a prostitute has to be.
Dysegenic as fuck, homewrecking, wealth destroying, drug addled, low skilled, low time preference stunted human beings. The paragon on which this retard is going to build his white civilisation on.
Even goat fucking arabs know to keep their women in check, instead of putting whores on pedestals.

>> No.56106563

>doesn’t deny being brown

>> No.56106597

Admitting that your social circle consist of whores. LMAo, what are you going to learn form her, how to pimp out your asshole?
Instead of buying equities, businesses or real estate, having a family and a carreer, slumping with whores is how the white man is going to get ahead. Unreal
newbiz full of wagies, it is disgusting. Ironically brian rotted neets with nothing to offer, can even hold a conversation with these animals. Disgusting.


>> No.56106650

>one possible white guy says/does something
>seething brown comes in and starts going on about how all whites are doing this/saying this
you really have a hard time hiding your racism towards whites. fuck off and stfu subhumanoid

>> No.56106714

>>Openly shits on every race, with no impunity.
>>Brings around race in an unrelated topic.
>>Gets buttblasted.
>>Every argument boils down to you are brown (although I never mentioned my race)
>> Admits to hanging around whores,
>> Can't argue for shit, or contribute to the conversation or even argue for his way of the world. Very obvious he is wagie druggie, with no connections.

Nahh I just H8 the whites. I didn't know nubiz was a congregation of low value wagie zoomers my bad, homie. Sorry to ruffle your jimmies, please continue with your nonsensical circlejerk.

>> No.56106731

You dont know what "diminishing returns" means

>> No.56106741

Ye u hate us so much u desperately want to live where we live and look like we do. Satanic shitskin spawn you will go back to hell where you belong eventually.

>> No.56106755


This was supposed to be a thread to laugh at financially retarded prosties and of course you faggots really had to derail everything with a mini race war huh

>> No.56106765

>he can’t think of simple verification photos
Yeah nah sorry bruh. The pajeets get pissed though because you ask them to do a specific hand sign and they can’t do it and say fuck you

>> No.56106776

she got old.

luckily for her her regulars will be enough to make it where she will never have to work again.

she will probably move in with one of them.

>> No.56106784

You're brown lol

>> No.56106807

I unironically just started going to strip clubs regularly.

I don’t give any money to the dancers, but the strip club next to me has an amazing $10 lunch buffet in an area where a chipotle burrito is $12.

>> No.56106808

I want to talk about whores mad but this subhumanoid saw us talking about miladies and his simp incel npc programming kicked in and he started in about whites to derail cuz he's a bitch made. tons of times I see a thread about wahmen and sure enough a subhumanoid shows up to derail using a couple of tired cliche topics this one decided racism and hating whites is how his virgin ass will do it. losers like him need to be permabanned from sites otherwise you keep having these idiots seething over miladies honor

>> No.56106835

Whore rates seem to have outpaced the general inflation rate.

And there generally isn't anything special about whoring, any woman willing to spread her legs for strangers can do it. In theory, the supply should be much higher because barriers to entry are low, even as a pseudo-illegal activity.

I have a hard time paying $500 per hour unless the woman is extremely hot and I can sling my yogurt all over her face.

>> No.56106853

I don't hate you, I don't even think of you. I make money and hangout with all kinds of people who make my life better, and I inturn theirs.
You are a dumbass, clinging on to your whiteness as some kind of achievement, fucking pathetic. Your skin will burn off from cringe, if you ever left your fucking internet bubble and lived your life.

Also another pet peeve of mine dumbass mutt CHRISTIANS, fucking protestants. Don't talk to me about hell you fucking fake protestant whore loving faggot. My family's orthodox church goes back to literal centuries, older than your entire ancestrol line you monkey. You pagan convert, trying to talk to me about about HELL.

>> No.56106870

> the IRS is checking the receipts
How would the IRS catch someone who never makes bank deposits and just pays for everything in cash?

>> No.56106910

Yeah sure in theory, but in reality there are lots of things (rent/mortgage, utilities, student loans, other previous debt like credit cards, car payments/insurance payments, etc.) that you simply cannot just pay with physical cash. Also it's 2023 and prosties know that being cash only will hurt their overall business because many feel it's inconvenient and/or potentially dangerous to be carrying around hundreds in cash

>> No.56106936

my tax agency checks my tax records vs the quality of life I'm enjoying (real estate price, owned cars, kids) and then makes a decision whether I can afford my lifestyle based on my reported income. Not sure what IRS does but I imagine they bury the bishop further in

>> No.56106957

>bitch made
Who is it? The bitch made nigga killa
I'm swingin' on niggaz ever time I feel 'um
'Cause niggaz walkin' 'round with they're ass out
So I'll be droppin' funky shit till they pass out
These bitch made niggaz swingin' on the dick
Back the fuck up before I have a fit
the clever ones only declare a portion and pay their expenses with it, they only spend the undeclared cash on extras that cant be traced.

>> No.56106995

>the clever ones only declare a portion and pay their expenses with it, they only spend the undeclared cash on extras that cant be traced.

Ya and do what with it? Keep THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND in physical cash in their tiny shithole NYC apartment that could easily be broken into or set on fire? (referencing the OP post with the "high end" prostie in NYC with 300k in savings supposedly) Or spend it all on stupid nigger shit like $500 cosmetic appointments and LV bags and stupid designer clothes? And invest none of it/have none of it grow into a giant nest egg so they can close their legs eventually? Better off just paying taxes on it at that point

>> No.56107011
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Literally all you have to do is look at the M2 graph

>> No.56107022

Zoomers don't go to strip clubs. Who the fuck wants to pay to get blue balled?
All the old alcoholic fucks who go there have probably died of liver failure

>> No.56107058

Finally a real report. Definitely a troubling indicator.

>> No.56107075

>All of them mention that the customers are asking for "extras" which is usually a polite way of saying they have minorities seeing them.
Niggas even ask whores to "hook them up"? Smh

>> No.56107119

>Legalize prostitution
They won't be able to deny minorities then.

>> No.56107140
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>I don't even think of you
>i just seethepost an entire novel about you

>> No.56107169

You're right.

Time for m3 m8

>> No.56107260

Agreed only thirsty retarded boomers go to the strip clubs.
Say what you want about paying for pussy but at least it is more respectable than paying for blue balls.

>> No.56107265

strip clubs are actually brothels, the private dance is to negotiate a price. just like Asian massage parlors, you negotiate after a massage.

>> No.56107309

Agreed. I go for sugar babies only and I aim to pay $200-400 for the same service a "high end" escort would charge $600-$2k for in my area

>> No.56107315

Grammar and sentence/ paragraph/ argument build simply too good on those three stripper posts, ask chatgpt to tone it dumb next time

>> No.56107318

and you fuck them there? i just tried a lapdance once and the dance lasted a song. there was a security guard kinda watching those spaces. i guess it depends the strip club

>> No.56107338

>they will blow it on cosmetic surgery,
They consider that to be an 'investment'. Hell I bet if you ask them their net worth they'll include what they spent on surgery as if it were something they could resell.

>> No.56107378
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Can I buy a timeshare on the ass so I can use it on the weekends?

>> No.56107397

We are already in a recession.
Two Qs of GDP decreasing. Been there. Are here.
The government just literally didn't acknowledge it.

>> No.56107432

Once the government acknowledges it that is the begging of OnlyForInstitutionalInvestors Mega Bullrun.

>> No.56107457

yes, being fit and attractive helps them get straight to the point. dont haggle just accept the first offer if you are interested. if not, just pretend like you dont understand. they will breakdown the prices of each action, they will try to build a relationship with "regulars" . during the lapdance they will grab your dick and start with numbers. thats why strip clubs have condoms.
i stick with AMP's now, easier and i like asians. they are way tighter.
girls lie about their networth all the time, its like their body count,

>> No.56107540

I got bored and looked into hiring a hooker. All I could find are these blown out 30-40 year olds advertising as 20 somethings. Am I just too out of touch and there's some secret source of actually attractive pussy for sale?

>> No.56107587

newsflash retard, whores hate dealing with "minorities", hence the "no blacks" and "no blacks no hispanics" in whore ads.
this is the way to do it. Enjoy tits, eat for cheap, and the club can't even hate you for it bc you'll tell others and they'll go visit and pay $.
Strippers are a waste of time unless you get something out of it, ie
>slinging yogurt
yep, successful boomers get a trophy wife or stop going.
it really depends on the club and the girl. if she puts her butt on your hands, you can touch. Just ask, if she says no, offer $. It's not hard but it's not satisfying.
good info.
why is it troubling? Maybe men are tried of being treated like shit and would rather spend their money on bitcoin.
SA, or "model agencies"

>> No.56107598 [DELETED] 
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I am a kissless virgin at age 26 feels so bad man

>> No.56107616

you are guilty until proven innocent once the IRS audits you. your rights go out the window, if they think you have money hidden somewhere the onus is on you to prove you don't. and people like, otherwise middle class people who have a few years of stratospheric earnings, are their favorite targets because they don't understand the system well enough to protect themselves.

the long short of it they look at their rent, deduct that they are spending about 20-25% of their pre-tax income on rent, then go looking for the rest. and they will find it, no doubt about it.

>> No.56107623

Seems dumb and expensive when I can just use an escort and skip all foreplay and having to associate with other greasy loser men drooling over tits.

>> No.56107637

you don't talk to them, lol.

>> No.56107653

what's this?

>> No.56107668

Lurk more nigger

>> No.56107693

>I have 300k saved!
This is fake and gay rage bait that redditors love to fall for.
Go back OP you faggot.

>> No.56107711

>Am I just too out of touch
you're out of touch. plenty of escorts and street walkers in their early 20s you just have to know where to look in your region.

>> No.56107749

anon it is a two letter acronym on a bharati entrepreneur mental support group forum I cannot lurk enough to interpret this

>> No.56107760

jfc those women are hideous legit thanks anon I'm just going to go back into the meat market lol

>> No.56107822

Most of it goes in their, noses, veins and whatever designer shop handbag they like that week.

>> No.56107851
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some are hot but NY prices are ridiculous, $1000+ per session. only finance dudes can afford good looking girls. meanwhile, picrel was €100/half an hour in ireland.

>> No.56107869

I hope the whores get crushed in this recession. Before Covid a hh incall was 150 and I could low ball them down to 100. Now they start at $200 and refuse to accept anything less. I know they’re struggling but these hoes are prideful these days. They act like being a hooker is a legit career

>> No.56107892

there's tons of hookers in vegas, just walking around the casinos and lounges.
there's skipthegames and adultsearch if you want something local.

>> No.56107902

i also use eroticmonkey.
you have to commit to spending some time searching and playing with the filters. tryst has a decent filter so you can find deals under $300/hr which is my max. i don't see any hole for more than $150-200 per half hour. if they do a QV for $100 that's a good deal in my opinion. the real 20-25 yr olds charge much more. if that's what you want then just get on bumble and tinder. both will take time and work.

>> No.56107918

i understand, but escorts lie in their pictures, using filters, different angles. strip club and amps in the US gives you more of a choice, dont feel bad about saying no.
when you walk in a strip club, the first thing that happens is a girl walks to you and asks if you want a dance. just say no until you find one you like.
NY escorts are overrated. just hit up strip clubs. or amps. save the escorts for outside the US
us escorts are going through inflation, and they keep asking for too much to verify you. they resort to clubs or corners to get clients eventually.

>> No.56107959
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Lmao, do wifelets really. I have sex almost every night for free. I fall asleep holding a boob and wake up to I love yous. I have never even felt a condom. Restaurant quality meals every night for the price of groceries. Plus two adorable sons to carry on my family name. They weren't free though, damn hospital bills are expensive b'yeah.

>> No.56108124

>the demographics of escort services compared to prostitutes and strippers
those arent three seperate categories, they're just different words for the same thing.

>> No.56108137

>they resort to clubs or corners to get clients eventually.
I hope they become car hoppers again. I miss those days

>> No.56108360

Something Awful
my sides
Do you hold LTC?

>> No.56108422

Based, the hoeflation bubble about to bust

>> No.56108455

we've been in a recession but inflation is high enough to hide it in pricing

>> No.56108476

Whorebros how will we recover?

>> No.56108489

when waitresses suddenly become very pretty its a recession
expect to see it soon

>> No.56108491
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This bitch looks like a black giraffe.

>> No.56108497

Okay unless they're lying about being high end this isn't an indicator. Services for the rich are one of the few things thats protected in a recession.

>> No.56108523

>quake 3 team arena
Weapons Factory Arena mod is better, personally play CPMA though.
>not a boomer btw.

>> No.56108636


As a white man I am not "overqualified" to go to a strip club I just find it preposterous that women get paid simply because they have tits while I have to actually have skills. If it wasn't for weak men with zero self respect there would be no strip clubs.

If a woman wants to get pawed at by smelly niggers for crumpled up dollars bills instead of having a family I wish her all the misery she deserves.

>> No.56108798

white, black, hispanic, native whatever, strip clubs arent for dancing, thats what they want the wives to believe, its a legal whore house.

>> No.56108844

Why do negresses glue locks of their hair to the sides of their forehead now, I see this all the time

>> No.56108847
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imagine trusting the folly of some whores over actual data

>> No.56108860

There’s no way she keeps 300k in physical cash or pays her main bills in cash, she needs to deposit her income one way or another. The banks are going to report it. You can’t hide that kind of money easily

>> No.56108869

They use it to hide the edge of their wig
Theyre called "edges", the ultimate insult to a black woman is to ask why her edges are all fucked up.

>> No.56109449


>based sheboon enjoyer

>> No.56109484

Porn has rotted your brain. She's like a 6/10 at worst, coomer.

>> No.56109488

Gonna keep that info for the next time I gotta neg a baddie.

>> No.56109559
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Typical woman, not realizing their value PLUMMETS as they age... at 30 they have to be doing kink/fetish work if they want to continue making money.

>> No.56109595

As another, I've seen my "favorites" come around way more often, they used to be once in a blue moon available. Now I get tired of seeing how often they're "in town"

>> No.56109608
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Same. I like live cam whores. They’ll do anything and don’t make me feel like shit and the ones I like pretend to care to compete with the $4.99 a month OF thot.

>> No.56109613

Can you zoomers get the fuck off this board already? What the fuck is this lol lmao shit. Shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.56109618

>I'm non white
Ok bud.

>> No.56109633

kek, the only proper response to a non white.

>> No.56109636


>> No.56109648
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>all horror stories from the industry come from non-white clients.

Lots of 'escorts' refuse non-whites,,, it is not worth the trouble.
If a White woman is whoring to Black men she is REALLY desperate for money.

>> No.56109681

I have never been to a strip club because I cannot for the life of me understand why I'm paying to get blue balled
It just doesn't make sense, the money I spend, I could just find a bar with a group of girls in it and buy them all a round or two of drinks and even if not a single one says thank you I've STILL made significantly more progress on having sex than I would at a strip joint.

>> No.56109737

glowie de-rail campaign. many such cases.

>> No.56109782
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This person is definitely a real sex worker. Hit the nail right on the head. The people I know said that when they escorted, there were one or two times where a nigger hired them without telling them he was a nigger. They were the rare successful, polite niggers but they told me that the guy was lucky that they were so cool about it because some whores probably would've pepper sprayed the guy or just walked away. It's crazy how many nonwhites lack self awareness. Same goes for Jews. They're the worst clients because they will take advantage of you very badly.

>> No.56109798

Alcohol sales are down too, according to my parents who both work at liquor stores.

>> No.56109807

Cope and seethe. You inch closer to the grave than we do. And the world becomes ours

>> No.56109822

Kek you just don't understand strip clubs is all. You roll in there with coke you will be balls deep in no time.

>> No.56110036

Definitely noticed an uptick in the number of escort options in my area, usually there was two realistic options none-post Wall and I had to travel to bigger cities. Now it’s increased in quality and the prices are not absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.56110120

How can you tell which AMPs have action?

>> No.56110320

hookers make bank buddy.

>> No.56110751

>I've stopped buying regular whores>>56105741
>Anecdotal, but as a whoremonger myself

>It's a cultural shift, meatspace crap like strippers and escorts don't resonate with younger men anymore. The digital sex market is booming, though. Too bad there's no way to invest in OF and its knockoffs.

That was my response to the whoremongers. I've been to strip clubs, and even fucked prostitutes before, but honestly what's the point when there's unlimited internet porn. I can get high at home and jerk off for hours on end to a variety of porn and often drink/smoke to my heart's content as well. Degenerate, absolutely, but not as expensive as a strip club or whore, and are arguably more enjoyable sometimes.

If you go to a strip club and try to get 1 or 2 drinks and a lap dance and spend 40-50 bucks total they consider you a cheapskate and half the time they'll be rude to you. It's just not worth it. At this point I'd have to feel genuinely rich to go to a strip club. Wouldn't even want to step foot in one unless I'm making 100k a year bare minimum

>> No.56110767

>whores have a 300k networth???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

she's on the subreddit r/highendescorts and she says she lives in NYC. If she's actually a high end whore and an 8/10 or above, she could easily be making that much. She's probably whoring herself out to literal wall street patrick bateman types who are making well into the mid 6 figures. They don't give it a second thought to spend 3-5k to fuck a dimepiece

>> No.56110775

>she's only got 50-60k to pay for food, transportation, etc in NYC
I dont know why this made me laugh out loud

>> No.56110796

I never understood paying to get blueballed. If it was $50, maybe. But for $200-300 I can spend two hours fucking a hotter girl in my hotel room.

>> No.56110950

As a regular, they should fucking lower their prices. Most 8+ are charging $400+ ST and $1k+ LT.
I just reduced my mongering to 0 because at those prices if I do it once, I’d have to go for once a week and that’s a big dent into my monthly.
Most techbros I know have also reduced it down to 0.
VR (sub $50/mo) + a torso toy (top end $500+) could get you 80% of the same experience.

>> No.56111045

Personally I do it for the memories. I haven’t seen a new whore in probably at least a year and a half, but I can think back to some of the shit I did and coom ten times harder than any porn could ever do.

>> No.56111058


>> No.56111134

>Whores have more humanity than your brown ass lmao
Men are made in the image of God, while women are made in the image of Man. Women come from Adam's rib, a copy of a copy of God's grace and perfection.

Even Sons of Ham cursed with bestial features like our swarthy fren here are closer to God than the Whitest of White women.

>> No.56111174

My plan is to get blsckmail on my wife or her family. If she cheats or divorces, goes straight to prison. She can spend her alimony on honeybuns in the commisary.

>> No.56111183

peak bull run i was monging the entire fleet that would get shipped into my town each week, but ya now its 0. I use fetlife and fuck dude's wives as a bull now for free. Some pay me in expensive liquor and dinners.

>> No.56111206

> that started an onlyfans
there is their problem, they are 5 years too late with that shit. any bitch that tries to make it using only fans is going to be disappointment since the market is already over-saturated with whores. for any bitch trying start selling feet picks on only fans, you have at least 20 others already there doing it

>> No.56111574

This. Even in Thailand these westoid expats have inflated prices like crazy not to mention started the whole tipping culture which was literally non-existent.

>> No.56111814

huh?? white bois are the only race that can’t keep their women in check. yall got the highest rate of divorce and top of that the biggest simps and also the first race to let women vote lmao also >>56111574 is valid too. anything small dick white bois touch gets tarnished

>> No.56111834

she's unfuckable.
at 30 she should have been married for a decade.
sadly yes.
check their yelp reviews, if there are complaining gfs/wives and their photos have sexy bras, it's obvious.
lots of seethe at this, but it's true. sadly for them they usually become very bitter & lonely.
keep it to >>>/pol/psyopgeneral

>> No.56111854

>they barely make 4k a month
Not exactely bad either

>> No.56111900

ya, american women are way overpriced. went to a hooker house in vienna and got a 8.5/10 blonde for 50 euros

>> No.56111907


they will never touch your penis. pathetic stuff mate

>> No.56111911

So now I'm spending even more money?
And where are these strip clubs that they hit you up after for sex because I brought coke?
This one dude I went to high school with goes to the strip club every weekend for the past 8 years and I've never once heard him talk about getting laid from those girls. He middle mans cocaine trades so he definitely has coke on him and that definitely has not gotten him laid not once nor ever. He's literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars poorer, and has never had sex with any of those girls.

It sounds like a massive scam from start to finish, I don't think strip clubs are beneath me, I just think they are for stupid people.

>> No.56111968

> july 2023 bad month for whores
yeah maybe men don't want to get fucked or sucked if they sweat like pigs at 40 °C?
Let's talk about the climate change impact on the economy

>> No.56111979

if anyone in this thread think she is more than a 1/10, you need to end your life as soon as possible.

Do it for me

>> No.56111984

>I can spend two hours fucking
yeah don't lie chandler
> VR (sub $50/mo) + a torso toy (top end $500+) could get you 80% of the same experience.
Please die

>> No.56112039

The rice itself is white, the white is not "on" the rice.

>> No.56112047
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>climate change!!!

>> No.56112055

I can't read that shit
Fix your website hiroshimoot

>> No.56112064

I worked in one as a barback for two years while in college. Different types of strippers. The ones that get in early its all about business, don't fuck anyone. The ones ones that come in later are the easy one to fuck, as they are all about partying. Target the party girls by flashing coke to gain interest. Give them bumps on the sly. Bouncers watch everything, mostly because they track the girls number of private dances so they pay out the house what they owe. Once you get them hopped up from bumps have them come over for after hours. Then you just plop the coke on the table in a big mound and cut them off lines, and when they are begging for another you skeeze your way into their pants. I was in the National Guard at the time so I didn't do any drugs, but I hung out at the parties because I would fuck one of the Asian strippers that was 18.

>> No.56112293

thank you for your service, i can see that you are really an army of one

>> No.56112318

Drugs are universal, the key though is to let them know you have it, but wait for them to ask you for it. That’s when you can get them to do whatever you want without the guilt, and way cheaper than you ever would have paid in cash, since a lot of them are only doing that type of work to support their habit anyways. Don’t be pushy with it, like trying to bargain what you want for what you’ve got, just wait for them to come to you, and then you can get 100% degen.

>> No.56112490
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you're a sorry excuse for a human

>> No.56112662

Lmao fetlife is still around? Never had luck on there, it’s such a shitty website. How do you even find girls?