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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56100394 No.56100394 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you actually started a business?

>> No.56100401

i sell stickers on redbubble if that counts

>> No.56100473

Steve Jobs was half Indian btw.

>> No.56100483

Steve Jobs was a trust fund pothead that didn't invent anything too, so who cares.

>> No.56100531

No he wasn’t.

>> No.56100541

Well not indian but part Syrian

>> No.56100557

he wasn't

>> No.56100562

I used to sell tasers before it got banned and guns

>> No.56100572

Is this what passes as racist memes nowadays? Back in my day, memes used to really say something. Who are all these characters? Too much going on. Didn't even laugh

>> No.56100586

I work for myself as a tradie and have a couple helpers I pay an hourly wage. Does that count?

>> No.56100614
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>Is this what passes as racist memes nowadays? Back in my day, memes used to really say something. Who are all these characters? Too much going on. Didn't even laugh

>> No.56100628

White pride

>> No.56100804

Yes and it was a pain. I am trying to get more business income. I've tried offering 18% commission to people who get me work but they all just want a piece of my business so they can earn a percentage of everything the business makes forever.

>> No.56100821
File: 65 KB, 640x447, oxoxo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people didnt invent shit, thats rediscovered technology bestowed by demons. whites, like pigs, are easier to pilot thus being their favorite. fuck toy .

>> No.56100848

Why are you using demonic technology?

>> No.56100883
File: 296 KB, 634x810, kang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we invented computers 'n shiet!

>> No.56100890

White people are the only ones 'getting offended' at this type of shit though.

t. beaner me self

>> No.56100893
File: 524 KB, 499x667, 1662177069760963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because evil cant create, only imitate, this is but a fractal of the divine they want to harness.

>> No.56100914

imitate indeed

>> No.56100946

What does evil's imitation have to do with your use of demonic technology? Who is trying to harness divine?

>> No.56100950
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>> No.56101022
File: 1.53 MB, 1228x822, Screen Shot 2023-09-12 at 11.56.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


indian. whites are more annoying the nogs when they.complain, absolutely insufferable.
even the predential candidates carry themselves like spoiled children.
coicidentally, the only one that carries themselves like an adult is the indian. Yang before that. The future belongs to indians and asians, whites are clown status and will make you mentally ill by being in their presence
Vivek 2024

>> No.56101034

>t. doesn't know the origin of the numbers we use

>> No.56101046

What does evil's imitation have to do with your use of demonic technology? Who is trying to harness divine?

>> No.56101057

Sort of but not really.
Bin washing?
You know I think you might be on to something but don’t tell me that inventing the wheel or agriculture was the result of entities

>> No.56101099

Where did you go, streetshitter?

>> No.56101124

Why not? Most businesses require effort by owner. If you think you can just start a business like an online store and make money doing nothing you are retarded

>> No.56101161

Because your inbred ancestors decided to leave their horrible island and set the rest of the world on fire

>> No.56101170
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>> No.56101209


>> No.56101246

fake and gay

>> No.56101295

We will end up doing nuclear holocaust on this entire dogshit rock just to remove pajeet garbage (a sin against the Lord God) once we understand sufficiently what we've done.

>> No.56101402

Just need to build a big enough train.

>> No.56101408
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>> No.56101420

I bought a 3d printer give me ideas what should i sell or give

>> No.56101561

Yes and am working on growing it RN.

>> No.56101574

>am trying to get more business income. I've tried offering 18% commission to people who get me work but
Idk if you already tried this but why not just outsource this to either some company and pay then a fee or just acquisition a smaller rival?

>> No.56101613

>nigger wants to sound smart
>tries to use big words
>confuses fractal (infinity) for fraction (subset)
>ends up calling whites holy despite trying to do the opposite
based and 90iqpilled

>> No.56101622

He wore a turtle neck and stole from Steve Wozniak.

That took a lot of grit and boot straps.

Show some respect.

>> No.56101628

I did and I regret it, I didn't knew I had to fight revenue on a monthly basis