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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56100352 No.56100352 [Reply] [Original]

I remember Enzo but who are the other two named wallets?

Who tf is mile high club and coffee 4 ever?

Are they just randoms

>> No.56100452

Is this thing dead?

>> No.56100484

yes, please sell ur bag

>> No.56100508

mile-high-club.eth bought in a minute after the token launched... And has been accumulating more... I bet that's a dev

>> No.56100546

Why did this thing pump in the first place?

>> No.56100576

On chain wallets suggest the builders behind $AVI actually are the OG shib team, not the newfags who took over and fucked everything up.

Stixil also confirmed one of those wallets was his. So it's not a larp, but rn the only proof I can find of them building are the contracts they're testing on Base testnet.

I've got a sui stack so we'll see if anything happens.

>> No.56100596

>Bought early
>Keeps buying

Glad it's not over, but holy shit that consolidation was rough.

>> No.56100609

>builders behind $AVI actually are the OG shib team
Well, this was confirmed wasn't it? Kraken and Stixil are part of the team.

>> No.56100616

It went back to ground level mcap-wise...is that considered consolidation?

>> No.56100652

Kek samefagging

token is dead

>> No.56100665

I'm making two different statements, how is that same fagging?

>> No.56100691
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>> No.56100911

I think it was more manipulation from buyers looking to pump the price and cash out for other tokens. I am comfy holding fren.

>> No.56100938
File: 13 KB, 457x149, IMG_20230913_230701_523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was dead, I doubt the devs would through the process of getting verified on etherscan.

Checked. There are contracts deployed on Base testnet interacting with testnet Aviator tokens. Thanks for pointing that out.

>> No.56100986

Token volume dried up dude, it is fuckin dead in the water

>> No.56101021

I wish biz would just let this token die already

>> No.56101029

Bagholders never let tokens die. It's a common fact in crypto.

>> No.56101101

Please sers buy AVI to help my virrage. I hab famiry

>> No.56101225

Kek Pajeet central over there

>> No.56101237

It's fucking Joever
Volume died and holder count still between 600-700 range

>> No.56101294
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Stay poor

>> No.56101301

>stay poor
Yes, i bought this shitcoin. How can you tell?

>> No.56101308

Because you didn't sell the top and rebuy sub 1m

>> No.56101319

Ser y u sell abi? My virrage needed money. Please buy abi ser

>> No.56101330

I told everyone this smelled like curry a month ago. No one listened.

>> No.56101403

Keith in here fudding as an anon again? Don’t worry avibros he’s doing the same with our Bizfrens launch. Not sure why he’s fudding the real projects on the board.

>> No.56101840
File: 188 KB, 498x498, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

standard for me.. i sell right before it starts to reverse god dammit

>> No.56102575

Who names their kid Keith? Sounds like a faggot.

>> No.56102597

Bro why does Avi get so much hate on this board

>> No.56102689

im still comfy, accumulating baby!

>> No.56102923

now is the time to buy btw, buy when everyone fearfull, sell when everyone's greedy

>> No.56103012

>Who names their kid Keith?
My brother named his son Gabriel.

I can't see any possible problems growing up / in school / assumptions people might make etc.

Should have stuck with Stevo

>> No.56104283
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i slurped more when this dipped under .00004
im glad theres at least some bizlets here thatre accumulating and keeping a close eye on this

>Stixil also confirmed one of those wallets was his
hes #20 on the holder list right now, he made a stixil.eth ens wallet and moved everything there for transparency
you niggers need to stop telling random facebook boomers on telegram that they should check out biz
we have far more normies acting like this anon than on any other board

>> No.56104490

>Bizfrens launch
Literally rugged on the 2nd day
Nuke india

>> No.56105105

poorfag doesn't even have 1% of the supply

>> No.56105152

that whole team is poor fag central cant even paint sub 500k mcap shitcoin up