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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56099312 No.56099312 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit…wtf was the point of getting a degree

>> No.56099325

I respect UPS drivers more than doctors desu. i can see they are working hard and they are helping me get what i want instead of standing in the way

>> No.56099329

anybody working right now for less than 6 figures is retarded. there is no point

>> No.56099358

Masters degree
8 years experience
And UPS makes more than me
I’m actually drinking right now it’s so depressing.
Escorts, only fans girls and ups drivers makes more than me very close to roping

>> No.56099361

Yeah it takes 10 years to become a driver and one accident and you are done

>> No.56099385

UPS will wear your body out unless you are fit. that's why the pay is great.

>> No.56099389

Any job I can't drink while doing isn't worth doing. I've heard UPS is super strict about having a road soda now, can't even pop a 12er in the truck anymore.

>> No.56099396

So OP how old are you? How long you've been there?

>> No.56099409

8 years working in a warehouse till u get the coveted UPS driver role
literal rope tier

>> No.56099446

I mean it's decent don't get me wrong, but that's not crazy money. My hourly is also about $45, it's like $100k a year before taxes. Trash collectors in Cali and other high COL states can make that. Where you can really make bank is the overtime. Time and a half is great, and I don't know if UPS OT pay is similar, but my employer changes from 1.5x to 2x pay for OT past 50 hours in a week.

It's not easy getting a driver job with UPS, though, and it is very physically demanding. It's a great gig if you can get it after paying your dues and putting in your time loading trucks and doing the lower paying jobs at UPS. Especially for a job that doesn't require a college degree or any kind of formal education.

>> No.56099493

That's probably 10+ years working for that company and being a delivery driver fucking sucks.

>> No.56099494

I'm a little disheartened because I make less than that but I have to admit my typical UPS delivery guy is a straight up G. He'll put my packages inside the garage for me so I hope he gets paid really well.

>> No.56099504
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How did you get hired?

>> No.56099518

>Yeah it takes 10 years to become a driver and one accident and you are done

literally this, the OP of the reddit post even said he started out as a package handler, and then over the years worked his way up to driver. This isn't a job you can simply apply for and get based on your qualifications. You have to put in the grunt work. The OP also was a veteran who served in Iraq. So yeah, he risked his life to kill people around the world and since he survived he was rewarded with a somewhat cushy government job. That's all this is. This kind of job is simply not attainable for most people.

>Where you can really make bank is the overtime. Time and a half is great, and I don't know if UPS OT pay is similar, but my employer changes from 1.5x to 2x pay for OT past 50 hours in a week.

That's the problem with these kind of trade jobs. My friend is a truck driver, and he makes good money but he only gets 30-something per hour. However, he gets like 20 hours of overtime per week. It's basically mandatory 60-hour weeks. So yeah, he makes over 100k per year in a low cost of living area, but his days off are during the week, and outside of those two days he basically just wakes up, goes to work, comes home, sleeps, and does it all again. Not bad for a single guy trying to stack cash, but if you're married with kids, or even just trying to form a relationship let alone socialize with friends, that kind of schedule can be difficult.

>> No.56099558


Physical labor will kill your body meme.

tell me how your milk toast body is holding up in 10 years dough boy

>> No.56099575
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>I'm so glad I didn't destroy my body in the trades.

>> No.56100010

Enjoy your double knee replacement at 35 lmao

>> No.56100026
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>Enjoy your double knee replacement at 35 lmao

>> No.56100082

I switched from a banking finance job to a install cameras and TVs, making $45/hr and its way more fun. In Chicago now then im going to Philly. Pretty cash job for a young single guy.

>> No.56100084

Even just standing all day for my retail gig fucked me up. I remember the first few weeks, when I insisted on wearing dress shoes because it was a sales position. Bad idea. In New Balances ASAP. And then I had a stocking job. 3 weeks into it with all the bending and lifting, knees fucked up.
A part of me would like to work carpentry or construction, but I'm afraid my waif-y ass would disintegrate.

>> No.56100104

Mine lets my dogs hop up in his truck while he’s turning around and makes sure the packages are in a spot to stay dry in inclement weather. Straight shooter, deserves decent money

>> No.56100129
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>work as a package guy for 10 years, then make more than a doctor
>go to med school for 15 years, take on a lot of debt, make as much as an ascended warehouse jockey

>> No.56100156

>make more than a doctor

Doctors easily make 3x that and they can start their own practice.

>> No.56100177

Did your knees recover?

>> No.56100203

I make 95k and I literally type 3 emails a day, it's not bad at all

>> No.56100211

>almost 25% taken out for taxes
Am I reading this right?

>> No.56100221

Yes. I took a bunch of days off work and filed WC. My employer was not happy and I wasn't with them for long, but I learned a long time ago to put your body before any given role, and to cover your ass with documentation.

>> No.56100275

Try doing something people actually want.

>> No.56100345
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Holy shit you could’ve bought a new video game system with that you loser! lmao

>> No.56100358

UPS drivers work shit hours tho. Imagine having to work holidays and weekends. fuck that.

>> No.56100359

50hr weeks for 100k a year….
So your labor really isn’t valued.

>> No.56100389
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>milk toast

>> No.56100406

Why do you fags act like this isn't the case? Outside of myself: entire family is blue collar in terms of where the guys work...every single one of them working in construction....and every single one of them in their 50s+ are physically battered.

>> No.56100417

The real play is to get a fedgov job in a fee funded agency. With so many boomers retiring its pretty much open season for gov hiring.

>> No.56100442

My dad worked in trades for 40 years and is in good shape after retiring

Uhh meanwhile everyone else in my family that did either has a substance abuse problem, got cancer, or is otherwise fucked up

>> No.56100458


>> No.56100524

It's not our fault your family was too retarded to actually take care of their bodies

>> No.56100555

yup I quit and started a business. fuck corporate america

>> No.56100570

I warehouse like 40 hours a week and am 32 and I'm fine. Really just need to supplement with some gym and you can be in really good shape

>> No.56100606
File: 14 KB, 602x251, main-qimg-f3ca751781575a94696f63ee7d725889-pjlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it takes 10 years to become a driver and one accident and you are done
UPS Corp manager here, spent a decade in ops

how long you have to be PT to get FT is extremely dependent on your area; bumfuck nowhere, you'll be waiting, large metro area, no time at all maybe

also accidents aren't an instant termination, the Union has your back unless life is lost, in which case yeah you're gone

I can answer basically any questions about the company

>> No.56100634

im near west palm beach. how do i become a UPS driver seeing as how i have zero experience in UPS? will it take long being a warehouse grunt?

>> No.56100729

Still seen as low status to woman lmao

>> No.56100788


>caring what a gash thinks

>> No.56100833

this pic can't be real

>> No.56100880

Just leave it by the door stinky don't fucking take it back and ruin my Saturday

>> No.56100941

It's a food and sleep issue, too. But, yes, you need to be lifting in addition to work. All of those things are hard if you're on a early/late shift.

>> No.56102037
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UPS pays only slightly more than being unemployed
t. laid-off FAGMAN coder

>> No.56102069

>there is no point
Staying alive? Not living off the state?

>> No.56102847

Heh fell for the degree meme.

None. I hate how people keep the boomer mentality that a education = good job, high pay.

What keeps high pay is high demand low supply. If the labor market is using ups drivers like they are the lifeblood of retail/commercial businesses, then their income naturally should be high.

Worse part is a lot of these faggots on the internet talking shit about UPS work probably would quit after a few days. It's fast paced labor and you need to be on top of your time management. It might not be competitive but don't think you can just sit at a desk all day and listen to music.

>> No.56104396

you never see the drivers smiling, they always look totally defeated despite being nigger rich every week. I worked in package handling for UPS and it was a joke. They gave the easy jobs to the skinny little nigger girls and the tall white men were sent to do the grunt work for the same pay. Totally unsafe working environment where you an permanently injure yourself for 20 zogs an hour part time. The Cubans there were straight stealing shit and nobody cared. They would slack off and all the white men would be forced to work harder. Nigger bitches chatting and watching stuff on the conveyor doing nothing and getting away with it. Mexican supervisors that didn't give a fuck. Constant noise that will fuck up your hearing over the years without ear plugs.

They just tear apart random packages for fun to see what's inside and steal it if they feel like it. What a shithole. And I didn't even work there when it was freezing cold or so hot that it steams your organs and you pass out.

>> No.56104449

you haven't done it long enough for the damage to show. I knew people with failed joints/surgeries just from standing on concrete for 20 years.

>> No.56104463

>not feeding your BWC to the skinny little nigger girls

>> No.56104503

yeah no, they are riddled with STDs and baby daddy drama