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56093212 No.56093212 [Reply] [Original]

CoinSEx hacked edition

>> No.56093223

What's the male version of cat lady?

>> No.56094171

Bumping this

>> No.56094272

is there any proof the KDA was hacked and not just moved by the exchange.
They announced all the EVM related outflows that were hacks and what were not.
They said nothing of Kadena

>> No.56094541
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>> No.56094751


>> No.56094820

Kadena is solid but have you seen RIDE? not a Blockchain but metaverse-in-car gem, fucking cheap, solid and an alpha

>> No.56094839

No I have not, can you tell more about this? I am interested in using the metaverse inside my car.

>> No.56095250

Isn't Amber Heard the bedshitter?

>> No.56095620


>> No.56095638

>cheap, solid and an alpha
Awesome pick. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation

>> No.56096325

Why lol?
Who would you let your gf cosplay as?

>> No.56096806
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>Why lol
> let
>your gf cosplay as?
pic related

>> No.56097434

As a tomboy gf, I would refuse oversexualised characters but consider a cool character.

>> No.56097500
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How much Kadena do I need to find a wife and start my own family in 2025 ? I want to live outside the city eventually but love my mom so will most likely get some shithole apt temporarily
I also don't have the mark of the beast and will inevitably be hunted down within the next 4 years

>> No.56097516
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>How much Kadena do I need to find a wife and start my own family in 2025 ?
0. Single mothers are easy.

>> No.56097523

I'm actually impressed Kadena hasn't zeroed out and died by now. there's still zero reason to invest in it but someone must be.

>> No.56097527

>I want to live outside the city eventually but love my mom so will most likely get some shithole apt temporarily
You can likely find a cheap place to live 30-60min away that isn't a shithole city apartment.

>> No.56097529
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>, I would refuse oversexualised
Absurdity on so many levels. I don't even want to start ranting.
>but consider a cool character.
but I will begrudgingly play along, the uniform from the girls in Seraph of the End. It's a surpisingly relevant show even now, I have seen multiple cosplays of it, always thought it was forggoten about.
What country can we hide in to not get hunted down, I am thinking of Slovenia. To answer your question 20k should do.

>> No.56097557

>I'm actually impressed Kadena hasn't zeroed out and died by now.
Almost zero shitcoins have died since 2017.

>> No.56097573

it's not enough of a safety radius for the shitstorm to come
going to have to homeschool my children but also need a beautiful community so they don't end up autismic
Sweet i'm halfway there, hopefully I have 6 more months at these levels
I'm planning to eventually go back to Hungary but honestly I'm kinda demoralized and everywhere in the world seems to be plagued

>> No.56097585

>it's not enough of a safety radius for the shitstorm to come
but you can live there temporarily, just like the shithole apartment in the city except you won't be living in the city.
I'm not planning on living in my apartment my whole life either, but it's more than good enough for the next 5+ years and it costs 1/3 of a city apartment and has nature outside. You live there a while and eventually you have enough money to fuck off into the wild forever with massive fields of nature completely owned by you.

>> No.56097609

I hate nature

>> No.56097618

It's nice to not listen to your neighbour having a party.

>> No.56097625
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>safety radius for the shitstorm to come
There won't be a shitstorm. Just a gradual decrease in how good life is. The people who say otherwise are poorfags who want everyone to be as miserable as them. If you disagree with me on this you should be stacking guns and shiny rocks instead of crypto.

>> No.56097635

>Her neighbours don't invite her to parties

>> No.56097645

This is completely true though it's still advisable to stay away from city centers. If there's gonna be any riot it will be there. Outskirts probably fine.

I don't drink. I don't think sitting sober and talking to drunk people is fun. Mildly inebriated people, sure.

>> No.56097670
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>Absurdity on so many levels.

>Nooo she isn't wearing a ridiculously short skirt because of fan service, it's because she has to be more agile and every gramme of ""armor"" counts!!
>And that's not a thong on a 13 year old girl, they are special aerodynamic adjustments because she's actually a conscious interstellar spaceship who occasionally takes a human form to be able to interact with humans.
Life is not an isekai.

>> No.56097677

What about sitting sober and talking to dunk girls
I said school uniforms you fucking twat

>> No.56097695

>What about sitting sober and talking to dunk girls
Why would I want to make myself suffer?

>> No.56097698
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good point
I'm not a manly man or anything so when shit breaks I just call whoever henchman
How often do you have to fix shit around the house? do you have your own well or do you use fluoridated tap water to drink and bathe in? There's also a lot of shit I never even thought about like for example my mom would get me to put a bunch of towels covering the water pipes outside so they don't freeze in the winter. Shit like that i'll have no idea about and get fugged
What's the best car? Do I need a truck? I really don't know anything
>entire world shuts down for 3 years for a man-made virus that was simply a mock-run
my country wants me eradicated
I can't even go for walks comfortably as I hear gunshots every other day. Public transit there is brown/black on white hate crimes, stabbings beatings etc but it is never discussed or depicted in the news
It is evident that I do not wish to participate into their new transhumanist utopia

>> No.56097715
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historically they come for the farmers first
not that I want to be a farmer or anything, just make friends with some so I can eat well

>> No.56097734

>entire world shuts down for 3 years for a man-made virus that was simply a mock-run
>my country wants me eradicated
>I can't even go for walks comfortably as I hear gunshots every other day. Public transit there is brown/black on white hate crimes, stabbings beatings etc but it is never discussed or depicted in the news
>It is evident that I do not wish to participate into their new transhumanist utopia
None of that contradicts what I said.

>> No.56097735

I don't know anon I'm just trying to farm (you)'s, I used to like the idea when I was 16
Life evoled to the point men don't have to run a whole farm anymore and have time doing important things like watch anime why would anyone want to allocate a big chunk of their life doing busywork baka my head

>> No.56097739


>> No.56097747


>> No.56097757

You vastly overestimate the difficulty of living in a small place. Most likely if you move out in the middle of nowhere there is at least 2 workers in a small town an hour away that you can call and pay to fix stuff for you. At least in Europe. Maybe not in the desert. Besides, good incentive to learn a few tricks if it's a small thing you'd normally call a guy for as a city dweller.
You'll need a car, a small truck or van would be nice if you want to pick stuff up, but those things you put on the back of your car would be fine too.
It is pretty common to have your own well for water. If you don't you'll need to buy it and refill which is more common for tiny cabins and not really ideal.

>I can't even go for walks comfortably as I hear gunshots every other day. Public transit there is brown/black on white hate crimes, stabbings beatings etc but it is never discussed or depicted in the news
>It is evident that I do not wish to participate into their new transhumanist utopia
What country is this? Gunshots? I've never heard it in my life and I didn't hear it when I lived in the capital either.

>> No.56097758

what is your definition of "shitstorm" ?

>> No.56097783

Storm implies a one two or three day event and then you rebuild. White countries turning brown isn't a shitstorm since most African countries still kind of function in the sense they have electricity most of the time and a brown Europe will still be better than Africa.

>> No.56097855

how do you make friends with the community? Do I just bring them gifts? I'm horrible with small talk but it's pretty necessary for starting conversations
thoughts on distilled water / remineralizing distilled water with salt? I really would love my own well, and I heard they're pretty cheap but I heard digging a certain distance is illegal so idk

I live in one of the most dangerous cities in Canada. Also doesn't help there are literal Indian and Arab terrorist organizations that live in the surrounding environment and I'm Caucasian
I didn't mean a literal storm lawl
qol devolves as we get prodded further and further into complete decay
genocide is a shitstorm
forcing a mark of the beast is a shitstorm
taking away the ability to bare children or have anything of beauty is a shitstorm - both physically and materialistically
they will come for me (like they did the Australians and the British in recent years)

>> No.56097901

>how do you make friends with the community?

>forcing a mark of the beast is a shitstorm

>> No.56097911

Get out of Canada while you still can.

>> No.56098085

good morning thanos
thanks for the ()

>> No.56098102
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>> No.56098313

she in particular got popular amongst underaged cosplayers, not clue why

>> No.56098442
File: 572 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita - 09 (1080p) [9098AA5B].mkv-00_22_07-2023-09-13-23h08m42s955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even sure who it is.

>> No.56098496
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domt raff at me I'm being serial
just listen to anything yuval noah harari has to say and we're pretty much already there
>under the skin
>stripping divinity
then look into the Malaysia Airlines flight that went "missing", millionaires aboard the plane, particularly the patents they held and who now owns them
then pay attention to the annual miasma suffocating cities
microwave cities
I can't leave my Mom so I'm doing my best in preparation
I will die defending her
I would say I have 4 years left at best until absolute pandemonium

>> No.56098621
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You managed to write me 5 lines and I still have no idea what the fuck you're trying to say.

>> No.56098651
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my vampire gf, have you really not watched the show? it's about [supernatural] and [highschool]

>> No.56098696
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>> No.56098906

>It's a surprisingly relevant show even now,
I found out why, It's on netflix, it all makes sense now, I've seen some dogshit shows be shilled by normal people and I always wondered how they found them to behin with.
I was so confused when my buddy told me his normie gf made him watch SAO, how did she even find it who even talks about it in current year, but surprise it's also on netflix.
Started laughting so hard when he said they even watched the second part (elf rape) and were not to happy with it.

>> No.56098937

>they even watched the second part (elf rape) and were not to happy with it
Why not? I just watched an autistic girl undress naked before a school bully.

>> No.56098949

>Why not?
>autistic girl
You what. Explain

>> No.56099066

Episode 9 of Am I Actually the Strongest? has a really spergy girl and the school bully told her to do it to apologize for something she did not even understand.

>> No.56099442

Currently watching Arnold 2023
Dropped that show early in