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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56094270 No.56094270 [Reply] [Original]

> Binance reports this ecosystem could grow to over $16T by 2030
> Lots of real estate firms are beginning to show interest in the tokenisation of real estates and they seem to be gaining traction.
> Art and Luxury brands are also hoping to get a piece of this pie

Chad’s what do you think about the $16T valuation by 2030 is it an overstretch or is it possible?

>> No.56094342

Do you guys really think people would love to keep their real estate assets onchain?

Definitely not me.

>> No.56094503

>> Art and Luxury brands are also hoping to get a piece of this pie

Yet to see any art or Luxury brand announce coming into this space, so who is trying to cut a piece of the pie.

>> No.56094738

>Yet to see any art or Luxury brand announce coming into this space, so who is trying to cut a piece of the pie.

I thought I heard rumors of LV exploring blockchain opportunities, aren't that true?

>> No.56094945

Can you cope on this figure?

>> No.56094987

It's never possible for all real life assets to be tradeable on blockchain because virtual world can never interwine with reality. So forget it.

>> No.56095002
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I want to tokenize my ass OP.

>> No.56095111

RWA isn't just about real estate,there are artworks, luxury cars, and a variety of different things.

>> No.56095353

I know about Arkefi that's tokenizing artworks and I think we should have some others like that

>> No.56095385

I also thought about this but then I remembered the stock exchange.
It's not really different if you look at both, just that RWA will be on the blockchain

>> No.56095420

RWAs are STO scam rebranded. Simple as

>> No.56095428
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Will happen mostly on Avalanche
see >>56091838

>> No.56095477

I'm banking on this narrative for the next cycle.
Do you think I'm doing the right thing?

>> No.56095492

I don't quite get how/why RWAs would pump native tokens

>> No.56095842

This would be quite a milestone if it can be achieved, but it would take a lot of regulation within the DeFi space to make it possible.

>> No.56095878

RWA narrative is the real deal. In few years to come it would be unstoppable.

>> No.56095939

16T dollars in the future isn't something to sleep on. If you don't keep yours, I will keep mine.

>> No.56096097

Stop shitting around mouth breathing mammal. Why few years to come and not now?

>> No.56096571

Research has been done and the RWA narrative is growing consistently and evolving
It would be valued in trillions in few years doesn't mean it hasn't started dumbass.

>> No.56096685

>It would be valued in trillions in few years doesn't mean it hasn't started dumbass.
How do I join the RWAs space anon... I need to invest in gold on blockchain. Tired of the stacking gold bars.

>> No.56096728

>Tired of the stacking gold bars. Hahahaha.

You may check out Arkefi. A good starting point. Kek

>> No.56097066

You must be the biggest fool I have seen. Avalanche invested 50M dollars just in the real world asset tokenization because of what the future holds. Continue sleeping donkey!

>> No.56097108

I don't know if that's possible yet but there are others like real estate that can you consider

>> No.56097115

Tokenizing real estate isn’t a reasonable way to give large funds exposure to price movements. Real estate isn’t going anywhere, literally. Therefore the best protocols aren’t trying to tokenize the actual property but instead creating instruments on top of real estate price feeds. This is much more attractive solution to the 100M+ crowd who already have large physical holdings and are looking to hedge. It also dilutes risk as risk is highly concentrated into one area when you invest into a single property vs spreading the risk out over an entire city, state, or country. Binance is right but it won’t be tokenization that wins.

>> No.56097156

If you continue like this then NGMI

>> No.56097189

>Your house is represented by an NFT
>metamask hacked, NFT stolen
>next day Pajeet army shows up at your door saying they own it

The FUTURE of finance

>> No.56097203

If it's not tokenization that will win, then what will it be?

>> No.56097227

will tokenization get rid of naked shorting? will it introduce new middlemen? goy you don't need to worry about it, we'll hold your assets on our private blockchain.

>> No.56097238

>Are RWAs tokenisation worth the hype?
absolutely not. just like owning paper gold != owning real gold.

>> No.56097250

Perps, options, or some other synthetic product

>> No.56097251

>metamask hacked, NFT stolen
Not if the project is powered by NexeraID

>> No.56097257

no, literally stupid

>> No.56097276

but of course banks love the idea because they'll be able to financialize anything. poorfags will be able to own parts of real estate easily. shaniqua will be able to buy a tiny part of a luxury estate for just 50$ and earn a fraction of the roi.

>> No.56097312

it does indirectly through blockchain hype and by legitimizing the space

>> No.56097322

>It also dilutes risk as risk is highly concentrated into one area when you invest into a single property vs spreading the risk out over an entire city, state, or country.
that's actually a good argument

>> No.56097372

NexeraID truly is a groundbreaking solution that encompasses privacy, security and self-custody. That's a whole lot

>> No.56097403

Would be cool af if I could tokenize my home equity and stake it in some secure bank shit that earned yield.

>> No.56097408

Realio network, Allianceblock are players that definitely know the worth of the RWA space and taking advantage of it.

>> No.56097490

realio = new random shitchain scam with no innovation, allianceblock the same.
yield = risk. would you be ok to lose your home for some yield?

>> No.56097492

This will definitely be something good to have. How do I get started pajeet?

>> No.56097532
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Yes, buy the smallcaps from their recent research doc. The bottom one on the right is Curio (CGT). 450k mcap right now. wagmi

>> No.56097604

jeez will retards fall for these useless L1s? they dont add anything new compared to the current ones

>> No.56097619

provenance already have $ billions of asset on chain and it does nothing for the token

>> No.56097622

Real tokenization will steal the show in 2024. Trust me. The Arkefi move is a big one. Real arts, cars, and some other collectibles.

>> No.56097818

>someone steals the deed to your house
>they now legally own your house
>someone steals your car registration
>they now legally own your car
>someone steals your social security number
>they now legally own your identity
it's not about reinventing the system, it's about taking physical items and digitizing them the same way we digitized fiat. you midwits always assume that tokenization means an anarcho libertarian system.

>> No.56097866

Im talking about the tokenizing projects on the right, faggott

>> No.56097986

>Real tokenization will steal the show in 2024.

The narrative is already gaining momentum atm and I am quite sure it would definitely get better from here.

>> No.56098002

RWA in 2023 = DeFi in 2020

prepare for the biggest sub-bubble you have seen in a long time

>> No.56098038

is this like Mirror Protocol?

>> No.56098098

OndoFinance is a prove that it is going to be a massive. `

>> No.56098251

Synthetix (SNX), Centrifuge (CFG), Curio (CGT), IXSwap (IXS)

make-it rwa portfolio

>> No.56098445

Nexera has set the part for that to happen It will. RWA is covered.

>> No.56098838

WT? Are we living on speculations now? Is there something I ain't seeing?

>> No.56098882

Yield would be at the risk free rate. Bankers would then be able to risk my capital to earn greater yield.

>> No.56098911

Yes. Stobox STBU. First mover advantage

>> No.56099095
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kek. Curio (CGT) already locked $50mil rwa to be on-boarded this year. company is from switzerland/Liechtenstein.
also they will launch their polkadot parachain this year. ngmi

>> No.56099126
File: 183 KB, 1536x448, Green-World-Campaign-Grant-Diagram_V1-1-1536x448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ChainLink is already putting RWA farms on the cropchain to reverse climate change. Is saving the planet worth the hype? Absofuckinglutely.

>> No.56099151

Can't even wrap my head around what you are saying cause it seems you are suggesting DeFi is a bubble? A narrative that is still waxing strong three years down the line?

>> No.56099181

Anon has seen the light and he is fucking bullish on RWA. I mean why not? FraxFinance is coming in Arkefi and AllianceBlock made this wowing real Art market. It is no damn bubble.

>> No.56099321

you clearly havent been around during the 2020 DeFi summer. when defi came up in this summer as a narrative you saw 100x left and right, defi was the absolute nuts. it was when dex's became a thing, and staking etc.

with RWA something similar will happen. just wait and see

>> No.56099400

I said STBU

>> No.56099407
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>> No.56100601

>You may check out Arkefi.
How tf do you leave out the market leader out. Do you even know about Synthetix, Allianceblock, maple Finance, realio network, Maker DAO... that have won several bear battles...

>> No.56100621

Must LINK imbeciles crawl to every thread on Biz to expose their dead brain cells ?

>> No.56100666

Curio is less then 1 million mcap and has terrible chart. You are jeet nigger on dev team shilling on biz desperate for more exit liquidity

>> No.56100732

where do you find new tokens bro? Also beside RWA what is worth looking at?

>> No.56101567


Open your eyes mfkers

>> No.56101568

market iniders predict black sawn tell ur friens

>> No.56101629
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The entire financial industry is huge on tokenisation.