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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56088095 No.56088095 [Reply] [Original]

What if there is no bullrun next year?

>> No.56088145

not coming until trumps back in office

>> No.56088164
File: 1.74 MB, 896x1344, avax chan 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More time to accumulate
easy as.

>> No.56088167

there is always the next year, or the next, or the next one after that

>> No.56088232

this (unfortunately)

>> No.56088264

Consider that you talking about a bullrun next year, might be a sign we won't have a bullrun next year.

>> No.56088304

that's a man

>> No.56088339

Good, I need like 5 years to accumulate.

Good news is the stock market looks like its heading for a multi-year down-turn and weight Bitcoin down with it

Just think about it, we just hit 5.5% interest rates, the markets went up all year now.... we havent felt he effect of the impact on rate hikes yet... its gona be delayed by another 12 months or so for the full impact...

This is actually great for those who feel like they missed the boat, well the boats coming back to shore, and its staying for awhile for repairs.

>> No.56088558

a-avax chan...I...

>> No.56088969
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Linktards might actually rope finally instead of slurping at ATL's

>> No.56089009

You are such a fag, you're worse than actually link holders. Not a single person in this thread mentioned link until your sorry ass decided to post. Ask yourself who's more obsessed at this point? You're embarrassing cringe af cancer that's made an already shit place worse, congratulations

>> No.56089025

Then we'll have to wait 2 more years.

>> No.56089027
File: 61 KB, 480x498, heh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullruns are a SCAM and Bullruntoshi is a SCAMMER

>> No.56089038


>> No.56089057
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No one is ever buying your linkies anon. Nice investment!

>> No.56089086

Do people legitimately think Trump would win again?

Trump’s base is full of boomers (a generation where one person is dying every 30 seconds).

Trump will lose in 2024 by a much larger margin than he did in 2020 because a lot of his 2020 voters will be dead by the 24 election.

>> No.56089092

Bullish for rope and sky scraper tours.

>> No.56090067
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>> No.56090244

Then I'll unironically kms this time, pond has to make it in a single leg up or else it'll be the end for me

>> No.56090249

pond won't make it anon, it's in the code

>> No.56090253

He won't kek, cope and seethe commie piece of shit

>> No.56090255

Do it know, no need to wait for it

>> No.56090260
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If you do it, can I sell your organs?

>> No.56090363

RFK is going to rugpull the dem candidate, which will probably be gavin newsom, a faggot who will only get women to vote for him.

>> No.56090389

imagine being on /biz/ (a board about making money) and hating on trump oh the very HIGHEST kek

>> No.56090448

No worries, I'll still make it in life with OGBX. I'm all out for the upcoming IDO – an opportunity normies won't want to miss

>> No.56090576
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You can wait and stay poor, I'll rather Stake OGBX for rewards and trade NFTs on OPEN GAMES marketplace

>> No.56090691

No bc the American DNC has passed laws rendering RFKs votes automatically passing as Biden's in certain states.

>> No.56090713

kek I mean I haven't checked this to see if anon is bs'ing us or not but it seems plausible in 2023

>> No.56090736

right he's not going to be the dem candidate, he's gonna run independent

>> No.56090748

this country wont survive to the election, get real

>> No.56090949

back to /pmg/

>> No.56091035

cope more, LINKchud

>> No.56091641

The 3rd party candidate rugpull worked in 2016. I doubt it’d work in 2024. Covid accelerated the demographic transition away from boomers. The 2022 “red wave” had many republicans losing by a smaller margin than the local Covid death toll.

I’m not making a comment for or against Trump. I’m just saying that Trump voters are dying from old age in large numbers and Trump is so polarizing that he’s not going to get many Biden voters.

>> No.56091760

its the exact same scenario as bernie. young voters want RFK and when he runs independent he will steal a shit ton of votes. simple as.

>> No.56092359

trump won in 2020 and it wasnt even close. its scary you have access to a computer, with enough technical ability to browse 4chan, and you genuinely aren't aware of this.

you bought an exchange token... but why?

>> No.56092706

Only works if margins are close enough. This upcoming election would be a decisive Biden victory. Especially if Covid feasts on unvaccinated Trump supporters like it did in 2021.

Why did the Trump team lose all 30+ election lawsuits? Why is Trump charged with over 10 felonies for trying to rig the election in Georgia?

>> No.56092710

BTC halving is in mid-2024.

There is always a run the few months/weeks before the halving.

>> No.56092715

There won’t be.

Check em

>> No.56092718
File: 17 KB, 178x100, oldbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Especially if Covid feasts on unvaccinated Trump supporters like it did in 2021.
ah i didn't know you were mentally retarded. carry on.

>> No.56092853
File: 157 KB, 1125x1000, IMG_3031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only retards call other people retarded

>> No.56092856

there's gotta be more than vaccination status. there's probably some correlation with obesity and/or other medical problems or lack of access to healthcare that leads the unvaccinated to die at this point. It's neither as deadly now and there's significantly more herd immunity.
My guess is they're just fat and stupid.

>> No.56092860

damn linkie, relax
>never Invest more than you can afford to lose

>> No.56092894

Cope. This chart has been deboonked.
t. unvaxxed chad with big white dick

>> No.56092897

oh shit a fuckin graph??? damn guess i was wrong fuck me.

>> No.56092902

Won't matter as I'm fucking off to Brazil anyway.

>> No.56092907

Why would Trump matter at all? Holy fuck.
Trump doesn't even like nor is invested in crypto.

>> No.56092911

>trade NFTs on OPEN GAMES marketplace
I frequently do this with Cloudbreaker Nfts on XOXNO marketplace, and it's got some sweet staking features as well

>> No.56092916

>commie piece of shit
You don't even know what that word means you fucking liberal.

>> No.56092920

I got covid three times.
Still smoking cigars and shit.

>> No.56092965

or double stake RIDE and QWT and some Cloudbreaker NFTs for double reward !

>> No.56092980

exactly my point you've built up some immunity but probably still get really sick due to other factors
some people at this point don't even get sick

>> No.56093201

Were uh.. were you here last halving champ?

>> No.56093213

If we count vaxx deaths the same way as covid deaths (it being in your system when you died), then millions have died from the vaxx.

>> No.56093228

> abides by life and death guidelines

>> No.56093397
File: 103 KB, 474x1280, holding_bitcoin_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Bitcoin adopts the Drivechain upgrade it might cause a bull run in BTC and alts get rekt

>> No.56093837

I'd rather buy SUPRA after the public sale.

>> No.56093839

>If Bitcoin adopts the Drivechain upgrade it might cause a bull run in BTC and alts get rekt
Only if the dilithium crystals don't discombobulate the fuckulator

What a load of old shit cryptards talk.

>> No.56093847
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What a shit board

>> No.56093962

My nigga
>Good, I need like 5 years to accumulate.
That's pretty dope, i started with Solana at $8, gonna grab some Mbox and Ride for gaming
got Ethereum and Hive too, will DCA more when payday hits.

>> No.56094225

Lot of interesting events and technology so the bull run is coming. Just waiting for BTC halving. Something about the next bull run is that smart contracts are going to have increased txn speed and data feed with supraoracles tech.