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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56086958 No.56086958 [Reply] [Original]

How would you smart chads invest 25k in this bear market?

>> No.56087000
File: 14 KB, 162x197, AC_Fac_Ldr_010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One bitcoin.

>> No.56087005

$10k to <6m t-bills
$10k to quality energy stocks
$5k dry powder

>> No.56087015

one whole bitcoinerinho

>> No.56087064

Buy one BTC. Hold it for a decade and become a millionaire.

>> No.56087083

>5k in S&P fund
>20k to Trump campaign

>> No.56087405


>> No.56087417

A big ole biddycoin

>> No.56087696
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If that's too slow and cautious for ya then you can always just invest in good farms. Kinetix has 200% APY for $KAVA. In Curve you can find good pools with high APY.

Stay away from shitcoins. That's the only rule.

>> No.56087713

good "get rugged" speedrun strat anon. thanks for sharing, very cool.

>> No.56087720

why? i'll buy in december, not like anything cool happens till Q2 2024 anyway.

>> No.56087733
File: 89 KB, 1080x1350, 1670537646716720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Nintendo stock. You just *KNOW* there's going to be a new console coming out by the next NIntendo Direct.

>> No.56087736

>tfw you missed out on buying BTC back when whales weren't the only ones capable of doing so

>> No.56087746

Nintendo needs more ecchi games on whatever the fuck their next console is going to be called.

>> No.56087748
File: 141 KB, 1000x588, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX, stick to DCA if possible.
Top 3 is a nobrainer.

>> No.56087756

Yield farming is just as boring and "cautious". What the fuck are you even talking about. Lol.

>> No.56087760

the halving won't save the market. do not get your hopes up

>> No.56087761

This is a good idea until you realize you were exit liquidity to a dying ecosystem looking to pick up a few more suckers before its collapse :P

>> No.56087768

How do I profit from my incessant need to breed Nintendo waifus?

>> No.56087772

unless apple convinced these chink faggots that vr is the future or something and they released a dead on arrival vr console nobody likes because people do not like to fucking move around, we like to lie down on our coaches with something like the switch in our hands as we rest our head comfortably in our double/triple chins. then the stock corrects.

>> No.56087781

>ecosystem hasn't even started yet
>immediately jumps to conclusions that it's dying
You guys just love to shit on everything for no particular reason without actually looking things into it and then making a decision of your own. Jesus.

>> No.56087784
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Ignore the fud faggots they probably own eth and think they are the winners of next cycle. Keep accumulating GOOD l1's anons, good shit indeed.
No eth doesn't count. Suck my asshole.

>> No.56087786

holy shit 56087777

>> No.56088685

Hard pass on me, i'll rather try AVAX or ROSE and perhaps not getting millionaire, but making a good amount in a shorter period of time

>> No.56090012

Get into cosplay, make bimbos wear the outfits. Dont forget to make your own Waluigi costume.

>> No.56090182
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Probably on XOR
Considering the latest changes on their app and Sora Card coming soon, it might be a good idea start investing in that token

>> No.56090695 [DELETED] 

No chills, no headache!
Imagine staking, Play-to-Earn, or liquidity pools.

>> No.56090811
File: 203 KB, 1080x905, IMG_20230819_175416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No chills, no headache!
Imagine staking, Play-to-Earn, or liquidity pools. OGBX is a top notch.

>> No.56090878

Whatever yields good passive income with not too much risk and low transaction costs.

>> No.56090893

everybody shills on their favorite coins, but investing in professionals, creating things, and venturing into growing a business is what will ultimately be the most future proof - the long term lesson.

strive for a business that is capable of upto an 80% increase in sale.

>> No.56091655

why is everybody suggesting huge market caps?

>> No.56091672

Small caps are only for insiders, you'll get rugged unless you get very lucky. The winning small caps for next run don't exsist yet either.

>> No.56091713

what's a small cap to you?

>> No.56091835

fpbp, and never sell

>> No.56091866

How sell this, is scam?
