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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 453 KB, 600x600, niggaturtles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56083352 No.56083352 [Reply] [Original]

> walking my dog
> dog poops in someones yard
> boomer neighbors looking right at me from their porch
> "you should pick that up"
> *look right at them, say nothing and walk away*

>> No.56083355

You are literally me

>> No.56083360
File: 6 KB, 250x250, kenough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always bring 2 bags because my dog is an asshole and he takes 2 little shits instead of just one

>> No.56083362


>> No.56083367
File: 24 KB, 731x635, apushootingpoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuck. leave my thread forever and kill yourself.

>> No.56083372
File: 42 KB, 600x600, IMG_0055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>annoying dog shits everywhere
>leave some "treats" for him to croak on

>> No.56083382
File: 134 KB, 640x709, suckyourowndickalexgreylol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think i just walk my dog and not look at everything hes doing? think again! my dog will shit on your yard, ill leave it there and you will smell my dog shit. you may even step in it, theres nothing you are going to do about it, nigger!

>> No.56083390

>throws pozzed sausage into your yard
bye bye doggo

>> No.56083396

jokes on you im not a nigger who leaves his dog outside all day. i will leave more shit on your yard, and i will always win.

>> No.56083397

If you did this on my property I would shoot your dog in the fucking head. It's my property so it's perfectly legal where I live.

>> No.56083403

you wouldnt ever see me. my dog is a phantom pooper. you will have shit on your yard son.

>> No.56083413

I will just shoot your stupid dog in the head with a 357 magnum

>> No.56083427

my whole yard is a false floor which falls down into a pit of aids needles buried facing up.

>> No.56083458
File: 32 KB, 466x538, F4PsUZAWAAAk26U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's called a real life shit test
You should've picked it up and thrown it at your neighbor

>> No.56083461

feels like that's how you get shot at if you're ameican

>> No.56083465

Sounds like you’re a nigger.

>> No.56083501

whatever kike
well ill just move on to your neighbors yard or your street and you will run over it in your car and still smell it.

>> No.56083510

lmfao or at least onto their porch. not a bad idea.
pick up my dogs poop you piece of shit!

>> No.56083934

City poors are weird. You live in such tiny shitboxes that you actually have to walk your dog. Then you act tough about it shitting. It’s just all around sad.

>> No.56083974

i don't like dogs. what? let me guess: you need something to have control over it eh? cmhere, get there, make this, stop that. everyone who has a dog but doesnt have xhildren is a cuck. you know it, i know it and EVERYBODY knows it. next time ill stare into your soul, cuck

>> No.56084012

scum of the earth you are the reason our world is shit

>> No.56084057

Based, those poors are the same niggers that will have 5 children and neglect them all.

>> No.56084059

my dog did it in front of sliding doors at a grocery, and literally it's not mine (the problem and the shit), so i left

>> No.56084076

What's worse is its a powa flex. In reality he's probably walking round with baggies of steaming on doggy chode on a regular basis.

There's a guy round my brothers that carriers wet wipes so he can get its butthole squeaky clean after. For reasons I guess.

I find it amusing that he knows who I'm talking about without us both having been there at the same time

>> No.56085531

oddly specific..
> powa
lmfao keep seething you piece of shit kike, the dog shit is not my problem.

>> No.56085541

based as fuck
no, kikes are the reason our world is shit, fuck you nigger faggot, you're probably a kike.

>> No.56085552

Dogniggers get the rope.

>> No.56086006

kike detected.

>> No.56086039

Probably a pitbull owner. You should both be euthanized

>> No.56086134

the only pitbull type dog in my area is owned by som disgusting kikes.

>> No.56086337

kike detected.

>> No.56086355

You're on his doorbell cam, he submits it to the police. Enjoy your fine.

>> No.56086368

ive been walking my dog in this neighborhood twice a day for 7 years, never picked up the shit, nothing will ever happen because its not my fucking problem, also that would require the cops to give a damn, which they dont. enjoy your free dog shit.

>> No.56086643

>More fines.

>> No.56086654

never going to happen.

>> No.56086865

my dog just shit in the alley this morning, not my fucking problem.

>> No.56088016

>implying my dog isn't trained to not accept treats without my approval or to eat random shit off the floor
>implying he's not autistic as fuck about food anyway

>> No.56088087

OP is a slob.

>> No.56088121

Fucktard, i hate dogs and as this thread shows people who own dogs are nasty and retarded.
Your boomer neighbor should have shot you like you burgers do.

>> No.56088135

That's what you think.

>> No.56088888

eat shit you dysgenic hook nose smelly freaks.

>> No.56088910

fucking based, fuck these kikes.

>> No.56089005

Scum of the earth. Many such cases of worthless dog owners. Most dog owners remind me of attention seeking Jeep tards..

>> No.56089034

only kikes hate dogs, this is the best kike bait. the boomer couple was driving by me earlier today and the bitch rolled her window down saying something about dog bags, told that old bitch to suck my dick!

>> No.56089048

>he a good boy he dindu noffin, my doggie neva ate dem snack of dey foor and he was trainin to be a dogtor and sheit

>> No.56089061

And then you and your gang broke into their house and robbed them to get back at those evil old boomers, right? Why did we ever give nonwhites the internet?

>> No.56089076

Hehe I bring a whole roll actually. Sometimes I forget it and then I habe to use some scrap paper I find on the ground to pick up his stinky shit.

>> No.56089089

you dumb motherfucker, part of having a dog is constantly monitoring that he's not eating random shit off the streets. I can see it coming miles away as he starts sniffing like a crazy old goat. I know there's some shit that I won't let him pick up. Good luck killing somebody's dog who doesn't give a fuck anyway

>> No.56089099

haha I'll bring wet wipes too if I am bringing the dog to the office. don't want him to sit inside there with a shitcovered asshole all day. Rarely need it.

>> No.56089110

OK tard. You seem real cool. I should stop now.

>> No.56089137

Dog owners are disgusting and should be sterilized together with their dogs.

>> No.56089892

no, but everyone did clap. fuck off kike. it happened.

>> No.56089905

all kikes should be exterminated, the holocaust never happened but i wish it did.

>> No.56089911

enjoy your free dog shit you fucking loser.

>> No.56089935
File: 255 KB, 1011x1416, Screenshot_20230901_035756_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spamming antisemitism
This board is such a joke lmao I bet this is a jannie trying to bait anons

>> No.56089946

lmfao kike mad. fuck off and go take a shower you dysgenic clown looking motherfucker.

>> No.56089953

also enjoy your fucking dog shit nigger!

>> No.56090027

>Imagine thinking like this
>Imagine having brown skin tendencies

>> No.56090040

Every thread on /biz/ is:
1- a larp
2- weak bait
3- a scam
4- rage farming
created by different spambots for other bots to take a large dump in.
/biz/ officially fucking dead - lowest post counts per day ever, highest bots counts per day ever!

>> No.56090070
File: 59 KB, 556x576, 1694558935642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bringing the dog to the office

>> No.56090113

i just sweep it back onto sidewalk. Then watch from comfy work from home job as owner nearly steps on it, along with whole neighborhood. Not my problem. Doesn't happen anymore for some reason.

>> No.56090436

my dog refuses to shit outside
it only shits in the same small patch of grass in my yard

>> No.56090833

apparently im brown
apparently im a bot
lol enjoy your dog shit you fucking kike faggots,

>> No.56090841

based, honestly dog shit is not worth bitching up a storm about, it drys in hours and you can literally sweep it onto the street. boomers and kikes just love having any excuse to bitch and moan about something.

>> No.56091120
File: 18 KB, 412x274, truedow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still alive and lurking your thread
come at me

>> No.56091144
File: 120 KB, 502x520, triggeredfatjew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good. my dogshit lives rent free in your head and on your yard.