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56081213 No.56081213 [Reply] [Original]

How do I long India?

>> No.56081238

kek all those simps seething

>> No.56081244

If this doesn't make you want to knock the street shitter out you're NGMI

>> No.56081247
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become transdesi

>> No.56081254


>> No.56081260


>> No.56081264 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56081266

is this motherfucker eating RAW garloid meat?

>> No.56081284

>defending twitch streamers
everyone involved in that webm needs a fookin slap, lad

>> No.56081299

been a while since I saw this
what was his problem? kek

>> No.56081311

the lust for garloids drives many men mad

>> No.56081315

Mild chance of salmonella for a crazy protein source. Calm tf down bro

>> No.56081364

>able to scream and attract nearest males who love to be the prince charming saviour
Why is she like this?

>> No.56081459

ooof ling long understood why we are the raep capital of the world.
Dumb bitch thought she could make content off of pooland with no man in sight. The fuck she this is, san franciso?
Lone foreign women are easy prey for drunkies like him, also the dude is skinny as shit. Imagine this bitch ran into the middle of some druggie neet gang, she would been gangbanged for sure.

women < old people < children < men < gangs/groups < police < policians < rich people

understand this heirarchy and you should be fine in India.

>> No.56081487

you won't believe this but most women are programmed to just suffer in silence, only rarely do women actually scream, or take out the pepper spray or even rarer actually fight.
As a man, you might think this is fucking stupid, but that is reality.

>> No.56081532
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>kek all those simps seething

>> No.56081539
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>most women are programmed to just suffer in silence

>> No.56081552

Kys whiteknighting redditcunt

>> No.56081593

I saw a short Indian guy do almost exactly this to a cute Anglo girl on Saturday night at a bar packed with people in Brisbane, Australia. She wasn't recording on her phone though.

>> No.56081666


>> No.56081736

bro, all women do is bitch about nothing. what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.56081748

>Man brushes against her

>> No.56081792

she's in hong kong, the jeet is an immigrant

>> No.56081806

>you won't believe this but most women are programmed to just suffer in silence, only rarely do women actually scream, or take out the pepper spray or even rarer actually fight.

not the women ive seen in my life. dont know where youre from but in the us women here are tyrannical and will scream at the drop of a hat

>> No.56081810

that ip swapping reddit guy is desperate for a (You) hory sheet

>> No.56081816

Thanks for the anecdote you sub 80 iq nigger

>> No.56081832

This is basterd paki

>> No.56082152

Guys this dude is literally sucking a condom filled with frozen human shit

>> No.56082160

Based paki she got what she asked for

>> No.56082176

Raw garloid will pass straight through you

>> No.56082190

pleease tell me sauce and if there is more.

>> No.56082220

german fella if I recall

>> No.56082227

They hate him cuz they ain't him

>> No.56082261

hey moron think about the fact that the discrepancy in strength between the average man and the average woman is enormous
she was terrified, froze up, and was scared of the very real possibility that he would hurt or kill her if she raised an alarm.

>> No.56082294

i've felt like this in nightmares often. I try to run away from something but I suddendly can't move my legs or speak. maybe its like that for them but irl

>> No.56082295

the reality of knowing they can never create beautiful bright eyed human life drives 'noids mad.

>> No.56082649

>the fact that the discrepancy in strength between the average man and the average woman is enormous
Source required, chud.

>> No.56083013


>> No.56083152
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she gets more viewers if she's raped

>> No.56083173
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>> No.56083181

the natural, immediate repulsion non-browns have to browns when caught off-guard is always funny

>> No.56083192
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>The cheer at the end.

>> No.56083195
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Real. It's only the edgy little faggots on here who try to impress one another by pretending to "hate" women more than the next guy, but then simp and coom their pants over mere drawings of them. Truth is they'd all be upset if this were a relative of theirs, but since it's not it's magically considered simping if anyone else even suggests the subhuman street shitter is in the wrong.

>> No.56083204
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Based fuck jeets

>> No.56083279
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hotter with audio

>> No.56083341

the jeet is an actor and her bf you fucking tool

>> No.56083381

>t. Beta white knight orbiter
Dont forget to tip her and send her gifts pathetic beta males

>> No.56083422

No, he's not. There are some sounds that you just can't fake when you're in real danger. You can hear her voice tremble in the video. That's why when you watch someone scream in a horror movie, you know they're not really in danger.

>> No.56083697

i would just laugh real hard out loud

you are a simp

>> No.56083699


>> No.56083713

why not both

>> No.56083723

>t. seething indians being exposed
literally everyone can get along when it comes to hating you

>> No.56083740

How about we just execute them both then everyones happy?

>> No.56083745
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Another day , another W for the Indo aryans

>> No.56083751

I want to knock you out for being a simp piece of shit

>> No.56083763
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>> No.56083766
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open cloth plz ma'am

>> No.56083771
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>> No.56083778

If I was there I would have stepped in and helped her in the hope she rewarded me with sex.

>> No.56083783
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>> No.56083788

Anyone else love it when thots get red pilled on camera

>Omg im going to this country its so beautiful and the culture is so nice
>Almost get raped in the middle of the day in a busy place
>See the "I was wrong" look in their eyes

>> No.56083797

she was in hong kong

>> No.56083809

Yes thats what im saying

>> No.56084310


Nice try, incel.

Shes native and in HONG KONG.

I don't think China is running rampant 3rd world immigration like the west.

>> No.56084345

Why didn't chubby chang intervene?

>> No.56084369

>hong kong isnt 3rd world


>> No.56084378

What a respectable-looking young man. I bet he's rich now.

>> No.56084415

She could have just grabbed his nuts and squeezed

>> No.56084445
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follow the bombay mix

>> No.56084465

They all look high on meth

>> No.56084508

the funniest aspect of this is like other anons point out,
it's that western women are so full of themselves, and how much I hear young women say they hate America or whatever western country they are from, they hate this and that
But then they go to these other countries and quietly count their blessings. They'd never admit to the public that they are xenophobic or love America now but they do in secret after visiting a dump like India.

>> No.56084560

It feels good Indian aren't protected - everyone openly shits on them in my workplace lel

>> No.56084597

gm ser!

>> No.56084621

nope. it's easy to act like that. you just fell for it you dumb simp.

>> No.56085438

since the threads still up, ok you deserve spoonfeeding
cryptoclownclub on TG

>> No.56085534

she's chinese in hong kong
chinese hate indians more than niggers
she already hates them

>> No.56085586
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Why is this racist denying a refugee fulfilling his sexual emergency? Is she racist? I thought women voted for refugees and wanted to welcome
Them? I bet she said the N word.

>> No.56085749

"Men" who cant handle being horny lose penis privilege, castrate them like the animal they are.

At least in crypto when they have zero impulse control that means going to $0 or lower.

>> No.56085808

invest in street construction companies

>> No.56085875

Honest question: do you have brain damage? I don't want to go into personal insults if it was something out of your control that made you this way.

>> No.56085917

Social media influencers are subhumans. Don't care.

>> No.56085948

don't cut yourself on all that edge kiddo

>> No.56085981


rape central

>> No.56086197


>> No.56086198
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>Ooo ID
Yeah, I'm thinking we're back

>> No.56086224

this all the "whiteknight cuck posters" are cucks themselves

>> No.56086235
File: 191 KB, 1080x1698, Muh Ceiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he look like picrel

>> No.56086239

Sorry sweaty but racists don’t get to have a voice you bigot.

>> No.56086280

i would beat his ass and then drag that qt back to my room

>> No.56086423

Sirs... She redeemed...


>> No.56086693

He's trying to redeem

>> No.56086780
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Sexual dimorphism among humans is relatively minor, men have a slight boost in test but if you don't lift you'll be just as weak and doughy as a woman picrel, and on the flip side if a woman works out on a regular basis she'd be easily stronger than the average man, assuming she's the same weight (which men on average also weigh more). It's just that modern society encourages women to be extremely sedentary and women face very few physical challenges, unlike men, so the averages get super skewed.

>> No.56086899
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>> No.56089596

>women are retarded children, more at 11

>> No.56089614

if you step in and help him you have much higher chance of being rewarded with sex

>> No.56089742

kek hong kong closet costs more than your house + future home

>> No.56089922
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He posted this on his Facebook boss

>> No.56090015

How does she keep the camera on herself the whole time?

>> No.56090555

>acting rightfully vigilantly is bad!
>just let her get assaulted!
lmao, lol.

>> No.56090614

probably from a country where women are actually suffering not just pretending

>> No.56090628

she is whoring herself out through the internet, what difference does it make that it starts to happen physically? jesus, simps are stupid

>> No.56090661

because then she gets gang raped. this is india m8.

>> No.56090806

this i was banging a girl form hong kong here on vacation and i live in the city and when i told her how much my rent costs she was like you can only get a closet for that in hk

>> No.56090939

A man's grip strength alone hurts. I'm not Krav Maga'ing my way out of a situation against a man who actually wants to fuck me. It's weapon or bust and that still takes some balls to commit too, and men are psychos. For as many dumb, annoying cunts there are, they are far less dangerous than these psycho men our overlords let roam our countries. I don't fear females following me. Men are fucking nuts. >>"Come 'er! I just want to talk to you!"

>> No.56090961

Stabilized handheld 4k cameras, the latest trend in chinktech for vloggers and social media whores. They follow your face as you record

>> No.56090963

which north american city has the most indian men?

i want to make sure my women never go there

>> No.56090979

Why are Indian men the horniest rapey men on the planet?

>> No.56091067

they are like animals, they feel the urge to procreate and act upon it if they believe they can get away with it

>> No.56091081


Probably Toronto in terms of density.

>> No.56091132

long low skilled labor contracts
set up a shprt for every company employing high complicated skills in India (IE Boeing outsourcing to india for avionics coding that blew up in their face, to everyones "surprise")

>> No.56091135

>merely knock out

>> No.56091150

I heard most of India smells like poop. Is that from all the street pooping or poor sewage system?

>> No.56091161

If you were born brown and ugly wouldn't you be resentful too?

>> No.56091487

You voted to bring them here aren’t you a stronk girl boss who don’t need no man to protect her from the refugees your kind love so much?

>> No.56092306

This video is 100% staged. Are you retards this divorced from reality that you can't tell this is fake?

>> No.56092573

>if a woman works out on a regular basis she'd be easily stronger than the average man
dumbass. average male grip strength exceeds that of female olympic weightlifters

>> No.56092584

That happened in hong kong chink

>> No.56092654

indian culture seems to see women lower than men because of caste bullshit in the past according to a quick google search
as such, they rape as they please
i still don't get why that bitch would ever go into a place with south asians

>> No.56093248

This apparently happened in Hong Kong, you know her own backyard. It's the Jeet that's infesting them.

>> No.56093732

She had a korean dude with her, he just watched her get molested by the pajeet. When you hang out with a girl it's an unspoken rule you're responsible for her safety, girlfriend or not. Don't like it stick to dudes.

>> No.56093736

Actually stay alone, you're expected to fight together even if you hang out with a dude. Probably a good idea to filter who you hang out with, don't wanna get jumped for no reason cuz ur friend is a scumbag.

>> No.56094245

yes sir so true!
this is faked! AI technology can do wonders... this poor man framed... this will not stand!

>> No.56094979

>let these psycho men roam
Read what I said, retard. Does it sound like I voted for them? Are you OK? Show me where the women hurt you.

>> No.56095112

>her """""friend""""""

literally just stands off to the side and does nothing, probably tried to laugh it off with her afterwards


>> No.56095936

>defending twitch streamers
>defending chinese twitch streamers
>defending female chinese twitch streamers
yeah no

>> No.56095966

Well no fucking wonder /biz/ has gone completely to shit. It's fucking stuffed to the brim with redditors. Every single one of you FUCK OFF you normal nigger faggots.