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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56075762 No.56075762 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when Kadena was good?

>> No.56075792

What's no longer good about it?

>> No.56075936

I don't like the new logo

>> No.56075973

It's still pink.

>> No.56075980
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begone witch

>> No.56076000

Uhm no.

>> No.56076009

Sorry baggies. Kaspa is the new "muh tps" noob trap in town.

>> No.56076048


Kadena, babena

>> No.56076300

kyspa scam

>> No.56076663
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You now only need 50k to be a top 150 KDA wallet. This is officially a poorfag coin.

>> No.56077710
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I longed BTC just now, AMA.

>> No.56077840
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Why do you hate money?
What do you think is the lowest amount of money you need to have in crypto right now to have a chance of never needing to work again?
What is the biggest object in the room you are in that you are pretty sure you could fit up your butt without needing a visit to the emergency roo?

>> No.56077905

Where are old investors located on the pyramid?

>> No.56077976
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Above the zero profit line in the yellow section.

>> No.56078116
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I don't hate money, I just don't care about it as much as I know should
maybe 30-50k, it depends into what you put it and I am worried that there are not many that will catapult your money into retirement mode
I've tried to think about this and I think I have a thing but I don't want to say what it is

>> No.56078198

>maybe 30-50k
That means even the minimum wage poorfags from 2017 who DCA'd would all make it and that can't be right. That sounds too low for that reason.
>I think I have a thing but I don't want to say what it is
Whatever it is, if you don't answer people will assume something weirder and bigger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkfFZnK5W9s

>> No.56078410

top 200 ends at 70k, am i retarded or are you?

>> No.56078506

Dollars. Why would I use the amount of the native currency to decide if you are a poorfag or not?

>> No.56078575

lul because context is important? remember what board you're on when saying 50k dollars is poor

>> No.56078645

50k can't buy a lot of things so it is kind of poor in the first world. Many people earn that per year.

>> No.56078860
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>50k dollars is poor
That is about one year of the median wage in the US so yeah it is poor.

>> No.56078870
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today I learned I'm poor
to celebrate I'm gonna to short sol now on 50x lev

>> No.56078891

>50x lev
This is why we're poor.

>> No.56079063

Economically poor, rich in love.

>> No.56079093

It was never good
It somehow reached a $4B mcap for 2 hours then dropped down to $3B without having any dApps, wallets, users, DeFi, or any use case at all aside from sending coins A to B
sad thing is, in a bullrun every shitcoin will do it again, they don't even need to develop anything. thats probably why ur devs haven't done anything in 2 years and avoiding all business relations.
what a joke crypto is lmfao

>> No.56079150
File: 241 KB, 1920x1080, [VCB-Studio] Motto To LOVE-Ru [04][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac_aac].mkv_snapshot_07.46_[2022.11.22_00.00.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rich in love.
How do I measure this?

>> No.56079352
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d-daily rember, the devil is bold.

/u/Lynx_lead (racist narcissistic Kadena moderator who ruins lives for fun, and manipulates hierarchies to get away with abuses)

AssBlaster (boilerplate narcissist)

>> No.56079424

except whales probably split their shit between wallets with 10-20k KDA
I dont have a 50k wallet
but I have like 10 wallets totaling lowe 6 figures of KDA
> yes I know I'm going to make it, but thanks

>> No.56079437
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Doxxing people is a bannable offense and I reported your post.

>> No.56079489
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unironically worse than BTC
also hilarious that Binance holds 64M tokens and is a majority of Kadena's volume

>> No.56079500
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Remember when you confused someone with anon in question and instead of apologizing for lying and bullying anon in question, you continued to attack them for "brainwashing" the people that were really fighting you and then saying anon was "delusional" if this changed anything.
I remember >>/biz/thread/54594946#p54619287
Keep being a blight on this clover that you're not able to leave.

>> No.56079518

t-they have doxed themselves, and me, for years. they only care about the avoidance of accountability, and malicious immunity to abuse others as narcissistic supply while they are hopeless. pure gaslighting. racism, incitement to suicide, 'darkweb' and 'assassination smart-contract' intimidations, are real offense.


of course, as someone (actually) autistic, I don't have the manipulative capabilities to enforce double standards that advantages me.

>> No.56079556
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r-racist freak like you belong in jail. you've been mocking people's agony and life-threatening condition for months. and I never confused people, I handle social discourses with probabilities, which isn't something you would understand outside the disgusting gaslighting nonsense of yours. every single things I say is backed by evidence. you have nothing. I never did anything to you other than making the mistake to try to help you. go to jail.

>> No.56079581

dont give a fuck
you said you would an hero 2 years ago and you're a plague in every single thread you inhabit
delete your posts already like you always do faggot

>> No.56079610
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i-i was hoovered like crazy by the other anone. but she went too far with the gaslighting while i was suffocating.

anyways, have fun trashing lives while larping as 'good', demons.

>> No.56079614

It is my belief that "Leo Gura" is in fact a malignant social predator who gaslights and brainwashes his followers into a disturbingly cult-like mentality through (among other things) a staunchly consistent and solipsistic refusal to use language correctly. Any proper response to almost any of his content ends with dismissal. You can certainly thank him kindly for his abundant supply of grammatical English sentences, but it is no cornucopia. You won't find any real or lasting substance of nourishment within. Instead, you will find the roots of your unwary emotional system being hypnotically tugged along, slowly and carefully, and, in the end, yanked away from the familiar soil of your personal identity into a dystopian garden of perverse brainwashing, unless your amygdala does its job first. As put so nicely,

>Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.
Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism

>> No.56079657

Assblaster hasn't been on /biz/ in 6 years.
every single one of your posts here for the past 2 years is crying about something or other
an attention seeking manchild of the highest order
fatherless behavior
buh bye

>> No.56079702

Asukanon is 10x more insufferable than nuwu
He's also a janny who does it for free

>> No.56079712 [DELETED] 

Let me tell you the story of how I lost my virginity to a trap.

It was 3 years ago, I was only 13. Indeed, young and innocent. Reading these first lines, I should quickly warn you that this story doesn't end good, but I need to talk about it, it's been too long since I did talk about it to someone.

So yeah, I was 13, in 7th grade. In my class, a cute girl was sitting in front of the class and I just couldn't help but look at her all the time and thinking about her. She was truely the girl of my dreams, with all the characteristics I needed. I wanted to talk to her, I knew I would only find a good person inside that wonderful body.

So that's what I did. On a 15-minute break, I found her in the hallway, all alone, listening to music. I went to see her. I asked her what kind of music she liked, only to find out she listens to the same type of music as I do. Wonderful.

It all started with the lines "Hey, what are you listening to?"

I'm glad I started that conversation, as it lasted for the whole break before we went on to the other class. Because it was the first week of school, I made sure to sit right next to her this time, so we could talk. We truly had fun.

Now let's fast foward to a few months later. We're in December. It's near chirstmas, the whole school is decorated with christmas stuff, it's snowing outside and it's the last day of school before the two-week christmas break. All christmas, and living the dream as I'm walking down the hallway with my girlfriend.

>> No.56079721 [DELETED] 

That's right, my girlfriend. After a while, I confessed my love to her only to find out it was reciprocal.

We loved each other so much. It was magical.

Anyway, after a while in the "christmas special period" of the day, she asked me these exact words :

"Hey, would you like to come to my place after school? My parents are at some special office party so I would be alone"

I gladly agreed. 2 hours later, we found ourselves there.

She lives in a small, cute, cozy house. Right as we arrived we played a little bit on the PS2, then she went in her bedroom while I was waiting for her downstairs.

Then, all of a sudden, she asked all the way upstairs if I would mind coming, since she needed help for something. I was intrigued and accepted.

When I entered, I was shocked to see her wearing nothing but a bra and panties. I didn't have the time to say a word that she kissed me. I already kissed her before, but this time it was even more special,as she progressively took off all my clothes.

After a time, it was her turn to become completely naked. And so she removed her bra, to show her wonderful boobs and then... I noticed something.

A buldge. In her panties.

She removed them.

Before I could even look at what was there, she asked me something.

"Honey.... I need something."

"What do you need?"

"I need about tree fiddy."

It was about this time I realized that the girl was 8 stories tall and was a crustacean from the paleozoic era.

That goddamned Loch Ness Monster had tricked me again.

>> No.56079932
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NXRA sister enjoyers, we are officially legit.

>> No.56080183
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It wasn't that bad but in 2021 I decided to sell my KDA to buy some XOR and got a 5x, so I'm a Sora supremacist now

>> No.56080533
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What's happening with the market today?
I was planning on buying very soon.

>> No.56080569
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FTX is derisking, It's why I'm shorting sol.
Let me check on that trade
Still checking
Checking your digits first though
Okay initiating tab switch right about now
Looking healthy looking wealthy

>> No.56081704

the market is fake

anyone with such confidence has the chance of a broken clock

>> No.56081719

If you're right twice a day just make two trades a day. Infinite money glitch.

>> No.56081817

Isn't FTX gone anon? Sol is still a constant on many portfolios and I'm bagging it alongside Eth which I store in a self-sovereign wallet for security.

>> No.56082010


>> No.56082456
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The Bcore and ETH2.0 will be sold OTC and the other shitcoins are worthless.

>> No.56082589

Remember when Kaspa came out and continues to pump despite the rest of the market shitting? Sell your KDA for Kaspa and thank me when it's anywhere from $1-5

>> No.56082712

Kyspa spam

>> No.56082768
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kyspa scam

>> No.56083664

the fucking price?

>> No.56083929
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The price is good if you're looking to buy.

>> No.56083980
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I got liquidated

>> No.56083988

See >>56077976

>> No.56085057

Didn't you long bitcoin? >>56077710
How did you mess this up.

>> No.56085065
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Appreciate you checking up on me, I got liquidated again.

>> No.56085070


>> No.56087609

CoinEx hacked, over 2 million kda

>> No.56087992

yea, but not as many save that per year

>> No.56088015
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Gonna short KDA now

>> No.56088782

What's the correct answer to >>56088505 ?

>> No.56088951

I am genuinely unorinically planning to buy Qredo and Kleros.

>> No.56089155
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>> No.56089183

A small sum of course. I'm not delusional.

>> No.56089307

Your year long of fudding to be able to buy cheap has cost many people a lot of money.

>> No.56089320

I think it's been 2 years actually.

>> No.56089803

no proof of this
its also likely they moved to a new wallet because of the hack