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File: 54 KB, 728x400, bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56074994 No.56074994 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the better investment? Gold or Silver?

>> No.56075004


>> No.56075021

To buy gold doesn't make any sense. It's a very weak investment. Silver is the better way to go. Your gains will be much greater with silver.

>> No.56075155
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x1280, Christ is King.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver is God's money. Gold isn't. Simple as.

>> No.56075345
File: 268 KB, 888x1888, biz metals redpilled anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not going to get rich off either, but with gold you'll at least not be losing money like you will holding silver or fiat.

>> No.56075391


This. Be wary of CIA glowies pushing gold. Silver will explode in value when the squeeze occurs.

>> No.56075392

Is that a rigged warrant, or a rigged wire?

>> No.56075409
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I really hope it comes true.....

>> No.56075436
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>> No.56075439

Gold, easier to mobilize with if you need to move your wealth.
Imagine carrying 100 pounds of silver? kek

>> No.56075459
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Be wary of newfags like this who use the word squeeze which nobody holding silver said until GME Zoomers started buying some

>> No.56075533
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>> No.56075636

15 to 1 ratio

>> No.56075849

neither because both have basically infinite supply once we start exploiting asteroids and other planets

>> No.56075878

Any more recent Silver DDs? I've seen all the old ones on /pmg/

>> No.56076003

Since the jews want you to buy Silver and to dump as much of your funds into it as possible; preferably all of it, so you stay as poor as possible (hence their echoing silver shilling over the last 2-3 years), the choice is obvious: buy Gold. But of course they shill Gold as well, just less and nowhere near as hard as they shill Silver, and as you've probably noticed their Gold shilling is almost always in combination with them attacking Bitcoin or crypto in general. And they try engineering a perception of there being a "war" between Gold and Bitcoin/crypto and that you must pick a side (the only war actually that exists in relation to that is THEIR war against everyone who isn't ethnically a jew, and they see all nonjews as cattle who should be as weak and poor as possible and one of the ways they try to achieve that goal is to direct people away from good investments into less good investments or even into bad investments or things that make you poorer) and sometimes they play both sides in that fake "war" and stage situations where they larp as pro-crypto while attacking Gold so they in turn then can respond to that staged attack as a pro-Gold anon shilling some anti-crypto talking points. So don't fall into that trap. You should of course own both Bitcoin/crypto and Gold. But don't buy stupid coins, or if you do then take profit immediately upon seeing profit, don't get greedy so you wait and get rugpulled. And don't spend too much of your funds on Gold. You're not going to lose with Gold, and you will see some good profit eventually, but mainly the reason to own Gold is just so you stop getting poorer due to inflation. The really cool thing to do and something which makes the jews really angry is if you use crypto profits to buy more Gold. Say you spend $500 on some coin and that investment then becomes worth $4000 and then you spend $3500 on Gold, they'd much prefer if you had just spent that $500 on Gold and not have bought any of that crypto.

>> No.56076028

even better: buy BTC now with the 3500$ shitcoin profit, wait for safe 5-10x in 1-3 years and then buy gold (or something that's actually useful, like a house) with that

>> No.56076039

Silver looks stupid and boring. Gold looks lustrous.

>> No.56076121

when ratio is back, swap all your silver for gold, keep some for the sake of it

>> No.56076134

which will never happen literally

>> No.56076139

I'm told that industrial silver use is vastly exagerated. True or false? Also, at some point you'd have to stop stacking silver given the ease of stacking this metal. You'll run out of space rather quickly. What says you? Moving it around would prove to be difficult too.

>> No.56076367

The trick is not having to move. If that's a problem gold might be better.
Industrial demand is at record levels, not sure where you got that info from.

>> No.56076369

"moving around a 100 ouce of gold bar would prove to be difficult"

>> No.56076389
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cringe wtf
A bit over the top in your advocacy for silver aren't you? Me thinks something isn't right.

>> No.56076473

both are great. so is platinum

>> No.56076489
File: 105 KB, 1251x1162, 8c753dbd3f99e9d53d5e18c9c8200364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Post all the fud you want, I will never stop stacking. Never selling either.

>> No.56076528

asteroid mining is easily possible with current tech

it will happen sooner or later

>> No.56076942

i can see its happening in your head, in reality? never

>> No.56078417

Mining will happen but in 50+ years, until there Gold + Silver are legit. I buy silver as I see it has more value in technology these next few decades for solar, batteries, electronics, optics and power transmission. You need big silver coils to make big particle accelerators (EX Chicago back in the day)

Also 20 oz of gold is not as impressive as 2000 oz of silver. Get both, but silver seems to be the best investment besides some good land, skills and silver mines.

>> No.56078887
File: 2.76 MB, 2216x7533, 1694453229532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver is a scam shilled to schizo prepper boomers

>> No.56078902

>gold 2012: $2000
>gold 2023: $2000
>usd inflation since then: 100%+
Gold doesnt protect against inflation either.

>> No.56078920
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This is just funko pop collecting but for right wing sois
>Woah this silver coin is limited edition and has a picture of donald trump with guns on it!! So heckin BASED!!!
>yes mr shekelburg I would love to purchase your $25 worth of silver for $35! What a great deal!

>> No.56078998
File: 445 KB, 1096x1461, 20210422_063856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China just completed its tenth consecutive month of record levels of gold purchasers. Almost 30 tons in August. Central Banks around the world are doing the same at smaller scales. Whatever you might think of China and the elite bankers of the world, they are not stupid and they have more inside information than anyone else. They are stacking gold for a reason. I personally stack gold and silver both. There is no need to choose only one.

>> No.56079025

>mr shekelburg
Pot calling the kettle black right there.

>> No.56079117
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If you're not a dummy, you'll stack both unless you have a good reason not to (silver is taxed very high in UK).

>> No.56079359
File: 411 KB, 1461x1096, 20210421_150553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right!

>> No.56080473

The year is 2023 and biz is still storing assets in pure metals? Something must be wrong somewhere because i don't understand why biz has refused to evolve.

>> No.56080499

Silver buys daily needs
Gold buys power

Always has been

>> No.56080504

I'm doing what the uber-insiders are doing - stacking metals. I guess I could choose to do what some anonymous incels on 4chan say is the "new thing" that has replaced 3000 years of human history, but . . . I think I won't do that.

>> No.56080702
File: 96 KB, 1076x856, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool cherrypicking bro.

>> No.56080726



>> No.56081050 [DELETED] 

Aside BTC, chads are getting richer with EVR for participating in its ongoing EVR.

>> No.56081096

Gold because it isn't as white as silver
Silver racist

>> No.56081113

Aside BTC, chads are getting richer with EVR in the ongoing whitelist campaign on zealy and winners will share a prize pool of $500 in EVR, secure a special IDO spot.

>> No.56081118

Kas, rsr, inj.. fun above anything else

>> No.56081126

silver is only attractive if you\re too poor for gold

>> No.56081131

>but . . . I think I won't do that.

Your money, your choice but in my opinion i would rather choose to evolve with the world and invest in the new generation of investment assets like Crypto and I will be going for assets like ETH, DOT, SPOOL and RDNT.

>> No.56081135


>> No.56081147


Rules of nature

>> No.56081211

Buy whatever the biggest buyers (THE GOBMENT) buys

>> No.56081304

Do you know how much gold and silver would need to cost for asteroid mining to even be remotely practical?

>> No.56081354

wealth is power, and gold's been outperformed by bitcoin. gold is a mere hedge, and silver is for your knifes and forks.

>> No.56081404

Gold is harder to manipulate but more overvalued.

Silver is easier to manipulate but more undervalued.

Both are good ways to escape the fiat system with a resource of intrinsic value.