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56070457 No.56070457 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56070507

Not really, because of inheritance.
Lifetime income with some kind of adjustment for age and location is better.

>> No.56070578

And on the flip side, not wanting to partake in an utterly fraudulent system doesnt necessarily mean you're low IQ.
Living an idyllic life free of modern consoomerism is the real high IQ play.

>> No.56070587

untill you get hurt or get old.

>> No.56070588

Literally not at all OP
Have you met people from California?
They are all so so so wealthy, but they might just be the dumbest people you will ever meet, ever.
Like, they lack what I see as basic, fundamental common sense to get you through day to day interactions

>> No.56070595

>, they lack what I see as basic, fundamental common sense to get you through day to day interactions
who cares ??? they are rich , they don't need that since money buys common sense

>> No.56070610

Valar morghulis. I'd rather die somewhere beautiful than in a hospital, only to have my organs and tendons harvested for athletes once I'm gone.
You can't even return to the earth with modern embalming techniques. The worms won't eat you.
Peace, family and happiness are the only true measures of wealth.

>> No.56070613

>who cares ??? they are rich , they don't need that since money buys common sense

o hey OP I'm also a 19 year old mexican guy who invests half his saving on new nikes whas your playstation friend code lets play fifa and call of duty

>> No.56070619

>money buys common sense
LOL I wish I saved that webm of the dumb very clearly overly wealthy blonde on rodeo dr getting pushed into the street by the homeless and then getting hit by a car
Her immediate surprise is all you need to see to know, how didn't she expect that? he was aggressively punching the fucking air and you just walk by him all lax and shit?
Fucking morons hahahaha how many Californians does it take to change a tire? 4, the person who was driving has to call their rich mom, the rich mom has to call the dad, and the dad has to call someone who actually knows how to change a tire and venmo him money on the way hahahahaha

>> No.56070623

its fun to say this as a young person. When you get old you will change ur mind

>> No.56070627

yeah bro Mayweather is a fucking genius, Nicola Tesla was a complete retard

>> No.56070641

Actually true. Money is the only thing that matters, and if someone tells you otherwise they are poor or want you to stay poor.

>> No.56070644

Fuck no lmao

>> No.56070650
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Yes unironically he monetized his boxing into millions while tesla got ripped off by the anglo guy and died childless.

>> No.56070653

>just wait 40 years to know if I'm right broo

>> No.56070671

the true iq test is the iq test
which is why wealth in fresh clean systems like early crypto mirror iq almost perfectly with nearly all winners being asian or caucasian

>> No.56070753

high income with inheritance and solid family structure is infinitely easier. its almost like the true iq test is just an iq test

>> No.56070762


two dumb niggers

>> No.56070771

Not completely, physicists are highest IQ and they don’t earn that much. It depends on your values

>> No.56070795

Why would a smart person get a job that doesn't pay much

>> No.56070870
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>+IQ=+amount of wealth
Here's one of the highest IQ persons alive according to OP

>> No.56070899

because they are virtuous?
just become an escort boy if it pays well

>> No.56070934

it's obviously never applied to fields that require no intelligence like prostitution and athletics

>> No.56070945

>young person
Heh, thanks anon. I'm way past my prime. Ironically, as a young person, I was far more indoctrinated by the system and focused on playing the game and winning. If I'd spent longer investing in myself I believe I would be a much happier man today.
I'm 38 btw. I don't know if that qualifies as young in your book.

>> No.56070973

>surely if I add an exception or two then my model won't be so retarded anymore

>> No.56070977
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>This doesn't obviously apply to prostitutes and athletes..because it doesn't, ok?!
OP's logic got assblasted, deal with it. Actual smart men seek virtue and isolation from society. Not material things like money/posesions

>> No.56070990
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no, this is the real iq test

>> No.56071129
File: 74 KB, 378x357, Hhahahahah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm poor because i'm le nice

>> No.56071146

True but intelligence is also likely passed on genetically

>> No.56071150

high iq males seek whatever they want, and get it. if they want money knowing that's what the world runs on, they get it.

there's no model, iq is just the best single metric we have to order humans.

>> No.56071164
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Kek you probably don't even hold a whole bitcoin. Do a 360 and go with you $2000 "diversified" wallet to "make it" somewhere else, kiddo. Nice pepe, though. Stolen

>> No.56071227
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Most high IQ can't even land a job, imagine trying to make a fortune without degrading yourself for years/decades for pennies or taking advantage of the misery of others to rake a fortune. A pajeet scammer seems more high IQ according to your view they know money "rules" and all they care is acquiring it through any means

>> No.56071264

physicists with high IQs are found at investment banks

>> No.56071332

Californians live in tents anon

>> No.56071448

It's either tents or mansions, don't know why the people of California wanted it to look like a third world country but now it does
I would unironically rather the government put back public housing than deal with what CA does, I would actively attend those local hearings and be in favor of the return of public housing complexes. Are there even any left in CA?
They probably consider them an eye sore but somehow are completely okay erecting 10ft tall fences around their property and a poopoo detector app

>> No.56071519

what a long yet boring thread. correlation does not equal causation.

celebs and athletes have vastly more money than the average researcher and much less IQ. turns out once you earn a comfortable existence money doesn't make you happier, and the actual high IQ move is maximizing life happiness.

>> No.56071832

To a certain degree, yes.

Ecclesiastes 9:11
King James Version
11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

>> No.56071833

what kind of cope is this? high iq doesn't mean autistic, most high iq people are perfectly fine at hiding the fact that they're high iq in the first place.

>> No.56072358

Wealth is certainly a good indicator of IQ, but it isn't the whole picture. You can definitely be non-wealthy and have a high IQ and you can be wealthy and have a low IQ. What you need to do is look at someone's family and connections. When you start to see a family with doctors, attorneys, engineers, professors, successful business owners and such it's probably a good indication the genes for elevated IQ are present there even though not everyone in the family is going to be in those professions. You're bound to have some retail employees who just ended up going adrift. On the other hand though, you know damn well when you bump into a family where every single person in it, seemingly in total defiance of even random chance, is a complete loser that there are probably some IQ issues going on there. No programmers? No physicians? No shitty ambulance chasing attorney in the family even? By random chance someone should at least be a store manager of a Costco or some shit or running their own mechanic shop or they're running their own electrician business...None of that??? Yea, then you're probably operating with some seriously impaired IQs.

>> No.56072698

I'd say if you com from a family of doctors and engineers and turn out a broke faggot you are more retarded than a paint huffing house painter.

>> No.56073384

>Just realised wealth is the true IQ test
No, with this statement you failed the true IQ test.

>> No.56073419

Is that bell dolphine or ai

>> No.56073680

I love how poorfags always chimp out and insist that successful people are all lucky, evil, corrupt, etc. They'll fixate on someone like Tesla and totally ignore the literal horde of 100 million goblinos in their own country that form the """""working class"""""".

>> No.56074151


this is why i'm fearful, the sins of our fathers close in on us, our own sins seek us out.

the tool maker provides the tools, seed sown into another who sows another seed.

i'm telling all you anons right now, the only way is through christ and christ said it himself, "who really can be righteous, all fall short of the glory of god"

>> No.56074162

just because it's their passion.

>> No.56074234

>Living an idyllic life free of modern consoomerism is the real high IQ play.
Not exactly. Read Nietzsche.

>> No.56074465

perhaps true over time, but you can literally win the lottery and be rich for a second until you spend it all on hookers and blow

>> No.56075880

Nietzsche can suck a cock btw

>> No.56075886

shut up nerd

>> No.56077428


>> No.56077465

There are diminishing returns. You can tell the bottom 20% of society truly deserve to be there but things start to get randomized according to circumstance as you go higher and higher.

>> No.56079253

>Heh, thanks anon. I'm way past my prime.
>I'm 38 btw.

prime what? if you think 38, basically when you should be nearly peak everything except athleticism, i have no idea what the fuck you are doing.