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File: 44 KB, 612x344, GOLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56068365 No.56068365 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56068370

Boomer pyramid ponzi scheme. Worthless, the biggest fools are bag holders since 2012

>> No.56068394

im a gold only nerd and i think silverfags are the most delusional niggers on here

>> No.56068414

Gold inflates about 2% per year due to mining more gold that increases supply and it is has his transportation costs and transaction fees.

>> No.56068419

High costs and fees

>> No.56068726


>> No.56068731
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>starship troopers 'it's afraid'

>> No.56068732

have fun getting ur payout 40 years down the line, gg

verification not required

>> No.56068812

you can buy physical gold for around 1% premium over the spot value, the fees aren't that high

>> No.56068892


What about it OP?

>> No.56069166

Every time I buy gold a Jew dies. Every time I buy silver two Jews die. I like silver but I buy gold too.

>> No.56069175

>transportation costs and transaction fees
The fuck are you talking about Anglo scum? I can carry gold in my pocket and sell it to people without any fee.

>> No.56069180

You buy gold to beat inflation, it's not a ponzi investment like your Buttcoin.
How's holding from 60k going for you?

>> No.56069429
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>> No.56069458

It's the same as buttcorn. A ponzi build on a pyramid scheme that only is by price where it is because of (((narratives))). By demand for practical use gold price would be 90% lower

>> No.56070058
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>> No.56070074

>By demand for practical use gold price would be 90% lower
Things would be my way if reality behaved in a manner that I dictate!

>> No.56070179
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>> No.56070185

owning gold is comfy

>> No.56070313
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> "Den Goldmachern habe ich erklärt, ich hätte überhaupt kein Interesse an Gold, weder an natürlichem noch an synthetischem."
— Nov 11th 1941

> "Die andere Welt hat das alles noch nicht kapiert. Insoweit können wir beruhigt sein. Die kriegen solche Krisen, wenn der Krieg zu Ende geht! Während der Zeit bauen wir uns einen ganz soliden, krisenfesten Staat auf, hinter dem kein Gramm Gold steht."
— Nov 11th 1941

> "Man kann Amerika ja nur mit Gold bezahlen. Ein Geschäft, das sich aufbaut auf Austausch von Produkten, ist mit Amerika nicht möglich; es hat Uberschuß an Rohstoffen wie an Produktionsmöglichkeit. Bekommen sie Gold für den Ansatz menschlicher Arbeitskraft, dann legen sie das in einen Keller und sind der Meinung, die Welt werde sich nach dieser Wirtschaftspolitik, die jüdischem Denken entsprungen ist, richten."
— Oct 13th 1941

>> No.56070321
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>>56068365 >>56070313

> "Zu ihrem Schaden haben die Engländer Indien industrialisiert. Das Ergebnis: daß in England die Arbeitslosigkeit steigt, der britische Arbeiter verarmt. Die Millionen Arbeitsloser in Amerika! Man müßte da mit einer ganz neuen Wirtschaftspolitik beginnen: sich vom Goldstandard loslösen und dafür im Innern eine Produktion unterbringen."
— Sept 9th 1941

> "Das Christentum war alles zerstörender Bolschewismus. Die Juden hatten die Einsicht daß man mit der Lehre Jesus den römischen Staat, den die Juden haßten, zum Zusammenbruch bringen könne. Die Römer beschlagnahmten sogar das von den Juden in den Tempeln auf gehäufte Gold; die Römer griffen also den Juden an das Heiligste was es für den Juden gibt. Und Saulus-Paulus kam die Erleuchtung daß man den römischen Staat zum Zusammenbruch bringen könne, wenn man die Lehre von der Gleichheit aller Menschen vor einem alleinigen Gott durchsetzte und wenn man die eigenen, angeblich göttlichen Auffassungen über die staatlichen Gesetze erheben würde. Wenn man dann noch dazu es fertigbrachte, einen Mann als den Stellvertreter Gottes auf Erden durchzusetzen, dann stand dieser Mann mit seinem Gebot und seiner Lehre über allen staatlichen Gesetzen."
— Oct 21st 1941

> "Dann habe ich ihm auseinandergesetzt, daß Golddeckung, Währung und dergleichen Begriffe seien, die ich nie und nimmer als unumstößliche und verehrungswürdige Faktoren ansehen könne. Für mich sei Geld nichts anderes als eine Anweisung für geleistete Arbeit. Es habe nur dann und nur soviel Wert, als hinter ihm eine Arbeitsleistung stecke. Wo es diese Leistung nicht repräsentiere, könne ich ihm auch einen Wert nicht zubilligen."
— May 19th 1944

>> No.56070349
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unfathomly based

>> No.56070421

The story for gold is dead. Even most of millennials consider gold and silver just pet rocks. Not value, certainly not the pyramid scheme ponzi value. With zoomers and alpha it's even worse, if you are a boomer pet rock holder

>> No.56070479

>millenials and zoomers don't care for it, therefore....

>> No.56070522

bot post

>> No.56070604

What value does gold have outside a boring story that is far far far in the past? It has some industrial use, it has a little bit of cultural value as a bling nigger asset, which is also just a mass media spread story. Not much left to sell gold at the fantasy prices that rock holders and believers try to ask for it

>> No.56071059
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>What value does gold have
I can sell it for money or goods. We all know it has no real value by itself, just like fiat money has no real value by itself.
It's an exchange medium we all agree is able to be used to buy things, like money or goods.

The question what intrinsic value gold has is absurd.

>> No.56071067
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>> No.56071069
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These 4 coins can be traded for a small used car or 7200€ or 8000 USD.
That is all.

>> No.56071091
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>t. gold holder

>> No.56071107

Ahh yes, the famous metal that continually underperforms the trash heap that is the dollar.

>> No.56071108

>shiny rock

>> No.56071134
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The Natural Order of Money

>> No.56071185

Kek ,a 20 dollar liberty head coin from the year 1895 ,adjusted for inflation would be $727 just in the face value alone ,but the gold and the fact that it's a rare historical coin puts it at around 2k minimum ,for melt value of the gold it would be at around $1870 still leagues ahead of the us dollar and can buy more thing than you could back in 1895 with 20 dollars but hey ,they're all just boomer pet rocks to you right ,mabye you should bought early

>> No.56071247
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there's an infinite amount of this stuff in the universe,they literally crank out bars like a bakery cranks out donuts

meanwhile, there will only ever be 21 million bitcoin. a billion years from now, when we're part of a galactic federation, everyone will use bitcoin.

>> No.56071293

i hate the mint for not making those nice velvet sets anymore

>> No.56071336

Wait, they don't?

>> No.56071351

No it isn't. You are easier going to get goods and services around the world with dollar than with gold. That's a fact. Try turning up with your pet rock coins on Moroccan bazaar, they will laugh you in the face before they scam you, while with dollars, you get accepted

It is what it is, the gold story has been over for 40 years

>> No.56071458
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no I think they stopped after 2017, now they are in paperboard boxes with fake leather lining and velvet-lined flimsy plastic holders

>> No.56071523
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>there's an infinite amount of
And with gold i can buy that cash.

>You are easier going to get goods and services around the world with dollar than with gold.
That is precisely why i buy dollars with my gold.

In 1920 i would have gotten a very nice suit for an ounce of gold.
In 1960 i would have gotten a very nice suit for an ounce of gold.
In 1990 i would have gotten a very nice suit for an ounce of gold.
In 2020 i would have gotten a very nice suit for an ounce of gold.
Gold is the money that buys you fiat and fiat buys you the suit. If you accumulate fiat, it will shrink, 2 to 8% each year. But with my 1oz gold coin i always get enough fiat to buy a suit.

>> No.56071706

Your story is dead. It ended in 2013. The last baggies

>> No.56071852
File: 3.39 MB, 4080x3072, 1689230644244911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet my gold is still in my hands, ready to buy a fine suit.

>> No.56072199

Okay. Pet rock in todays world = pokemon cards

>> No.56072403

Its value is mostly based on speculation that people will continue to appreciate rare shiny rocks, because that's how we always did it in history.
It is very similar to Bitcoin, whose "digital gold" narrative has worked very well so far. Bitcoin is easier to store and transfer, and its market cap is 10x lower so there's more room for growth. Like gold it has also established a speculative valuation based on its positive historical track record of growth.
Because millennials and zoomers prefer crypto, a generational shift out of precious metals and into crypto for this type of speculative "store of value" should be expected.
There is room for growth in both, but crypto will likely continue to outperform PMs.

>> No.56072480
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maybe but the question of whether it will be bitcoin or future state-sanctioned crypto is a factor

also gold has the benefit of being able to survive civilizational and technological decline.

hold both unless you like gambling

>Like gold it has also established a speculative valuation based on its positive historical track record of growth.
crypto's track record is about a decade, gold's is about 600 decades

>> No.56072491
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Gold makes jews seethe.
Silver makes jews seethe.
Simple as.

>> No.56072544

Lmfao. And who is going to buy the story? You? Lol. Religious folk, stupid as the rock and bits they waste their productivity on

>> No.56072638
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>a generational shift out of precious metals and into crypto for this type of speculative "store of value" should be expected
And that doesn't change that i can buy a fine suit with just one gold coin.

>> No.56072927

thats brass

>> No.56072931

Silver is just one of the most important industrial commodities. Sure is worthless.

>> No.56073266

Not worthless as industrial metal, but demand is generally down and the price you see in the chart is 90% speculation, not about industrial use

>> No.56074106


>> No.56074284 [DELETED] 

Gold is trash. Silver is where it's at.

>> No.56074649

So is aluminum. So is steel. Delete steel or aluminum from the world and you'll have total disintegration of modern society. By this logic we should all stack massive amounts of aluminum and steel. Since it's used in industry.

>> No.56074729

they're not good conductors of electricity

You're right that most of silvers value comes from it's other properties: Historically it has been the prettiest "white" metal because it is the most reflective metal in the universe (jewellery, silverware, etc), It's non-toxic, doesn't corrode (but does form a micro-thin protective tarnish that protects the underlying silver), is fungible, temperature and environment stable, and is rare enough (unlike iron/aluminium) that it can be used as a store of value - or, money.

As far as scientific applications that iron/aluminium do not possess: it is a fantastic conductor of electricity (better than copper) which is why silver is used in car batteries and other important batteries where every last bit of electrical conductivity counts, and is the most reflective metal of light

It mainly has value cuz it looks nice, and people (especially women) like shiny things. But it's other properties in combination make it great as money.

>> No.56075536
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>thats brass
You never will be real gold. You have no heft. You have no softness. You have no shine.

>> No.56075805
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Nothing you said is true. Silver price is so low that mining is barely profitable. Mines are actually closing down. Demand is as high as ever. Last year's deficit was 237 million ounces. It's so cheap recycling isn't worth it. It's so cheap JPM paid 1 billion dollars to settle a market manipulation case. It's so cheap some of their top traders are in prison.
Aluminum and steel are not value dense enough to conduct trade (even just in theory) like gold and silver do. Can you carry $100 worth of steel or aluminum around in your pocket?

>> No.56076464

That's again just a story that relies on that story being believed and marketing of silver jews being able to sell that story, which they are currently not able to sell anymore. Leaves industrial demand, and that doesn't justify the fantasy prices
And why should they be profitable? Just because? Could simply shut them down if demand is covered, no need to run mines.

>> No.56077080

Mines are a business and as such they need to be profitable to operate. Demand is only being met by selling off old stockpiles. Last year alone there was a deficit of over 237 million ounces. This can only go on for as long as there is a stockpile to sell at suppressed prices.

>> No.56078629

>That's again just a story that relies on that story being believed
It's not "just a story". People inherently like shiny beautiful things. It's not just "manufactured story demand by Jews."

>> No.56079778

>just a story
The fuck are you talking about? Any 1oz lump of gold you bought at any month in the last 6000 years buys you a fine suit (or appropriate garment of the time). This never changes.
Gold is as real as it gets.

>> No.56079788
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