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56069530 No.56069530 [Reply] [Original]

I took a girl I met on bumble to dinner last night.
We had a good conversation throughout the whole night even though she was the one doing most of the talking and I was starting to get bored out of my mind but I was expecting she would come up to my place and she'd have sex with me so I put up with it but once we left the restaurant she just said she's going in the opposite direction but it was nice to meet me let's chat later then she left.
I texted her asking if she had a good time and want to meet up again but she's not responding anymore. Before the meet she responded almost every 5-10 minutes.

Did I just got rugpulled? How should I invest my capital to gain a relationship? What are the interest rates on women or what should I stack to make it with them?

>> No.56069545

Don’t contact her anymore if she comes to you fine but otherwise it’s over

You could also try one more time in like a few weeks

>> No.56069551

Bruh don’t even entertain women unless they give you massive choosing signals. Hope you liked being a meal ticket

>> No.56069553


>> No.56069560

>What are the interest rates on women
Women tend to be depreciating assets, they have a negative interest rates.
I have invested in pets instead, much longer viable lifecycle, easier to replace.

>> No.56069561

>I acted like a boring stick in the mud and she left the first date unsatisfied
>w-why does she not want to see me again?!

>> No.56069586

The time after the first date is the critical time for asserting your place in the dynamic. By following up first you established yourself as the chaser. Women are not interested in men who chase. Next time you have a first date just ignore them and wait for them to text you

>> No.56069599

Let me guess, you paid for the whole dinner, didn't you?

>> No.56069608

>I texted her asking if she had a good time and want to meet up again

Cringe. Guys like you make it so easy for guys like me.

>> No.56069644

>Did I just got rugpulled?
she just found you unattractive irl

>> No.56069645

Shh don't spoil it

>> No.56069649
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>> No.56069658

yes you got rugpulled. no, don't invest anymore into her financially, emotionally, spiritually, etc.

>> No.56069994

Why would you even bother? Women follow social trends and the past 20 years that trend has been being low-hanging fruit for men they don't know. The mantra being "the less I know the better". Now the pendulum of trends has swung to "courtship" for most of these former (and current) whores. Coffee date is all you need to get that ball rolling. Don't spend more than 20 minutes with them. If they don't want sex they will ghost you. If you get sex you ghost them.

>> No.56070149

Based woman. I hope she ends up with a good man after dodging that bullet (a.k.a you).

>> No.56070189
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She used you for a free meal, many such cases.

>> No.56070200

You got played by being her meal ticket. Broke bitches are using dating apps for this due to the 'conomy.
I had one of these once. Saw it from a mile away. At the end of the meal I split the check. You should have seen her face. Fucking golden.

>> No.56070209

Next time take a girl out for a coffee or smth, not a whole meal lol, youre not her free meal/therapist

>> No.56070253

Exactly this. No hype no sex. Why would she fuck a dude that makes her feel even more lonely than when alone.
If not bait you are fucking stupid OP

>> No.56070254
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This is typically how my dates go too
fortunately I only ever take them to coffee so I'm not out the price of an entire dinner

>> No.56070296

is this a meme thread or are you a genuine retard?
you radiated boredom and uninterest in her as a person, and you're surprised she doesn't want to give you her pussy?
i genuinely don't understand what's supposed to be the meme here. is this another episode of let's pretend we don't understand women act polite to avoid conflict from incel mongoloids

>> No.56070297
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What counts as boring nowadays? I live an active life by lifting doing kickbox and running. I'm a project manager at mid size company that pays reasonably well am well read and like to go out to try new things when I have the time. I was barely asked about any of these things I do by her as she just kept talking about herself.

>> No.56070340

Ohh man, you have to understand that women are selfish and do just that; they think about themselves. You gotta lean into that. Ask questions, let her keep talking. They're bottles of pure emotion and you just pop the cork and let her pour herself out. Do it consistently and do it well, and she will let you fuck her in exchange for exclusivity. Why exclusive? So that no other woman comes along and sucks your cock better than she can and steals you away. That's all it is.
Also, all women carry stress and some degree of damage. As you let her talk, she'll eventually spill some baggage. That's your opportunity. Let her vent and feel at ease. It's seriously THE way to get women in bed. Be their outlet.
She had a bad day at work? Give her a hug. There there. Tell me all about it.
Near miss on the road? Let me make you some tea.
That bitchy coworker again? Bring it in. It's hug time.
Some shit going on? Lay it on me, honey. Get it all out.
That's all it takes. I'm not joking. All woman. All ages.

>> No.56070367

Women are retarded but you’re even worse. I’m tired of hearing you fags bitch out about le women when you’re so fucking boring and bring nothing to the table.

>first date
You fucked here first. Grab a drink retard
>no conversational skills or charisma
I bet you were you just sitting there being a yes man and expecting her to fuck you. God I hate incels more than whores. You deserve to be a meal ticket nigger

>> No.56070384

not trying to make you feel bad but you sounds incredibly predictable and boring. It doesn't sound like you're passionate about anything. What would you KILL for?

>> No.56070385

Everything you are saying is wrong and it's the fastest way to become her friendzoned emotional tampon. The guys that women actually fuck do the exact opposite of what you are saying.

>> No.56070468

summarized well.

look at the way you talk about it yourself OP
>We had a good conversation throughout the whole night
> I was starting to get bored out of my mind but I was expecting she would come up to my place and she'd have sex with me so I put up with it

which one was it, because it sure as hell wasn't both those things.

you had a date and neither of you were really into each other. that's it, move on. it's no uncommon to have to meet 10 people to have 1 which you click with and of those you click with you only end up actually dating 1 of 3 or 1 of 5. that's just the reality of the mass dating world today.

take it or don't, doesn't really matter to me. over the last 10 years I've been single for 4, and I went on over 300 first dates in that time. meet for coffee, it doesn't have to be expensive. of 300 i saw about 30 more than once, and became exclusive with 5 of them. currently happily married. protip: jerk off before a date like a normal person so you're not a dog in heat.

>> No.56070484

If you want to have money, do not get a girlfriend. I implore you. If you want love, then get a girlfriend. I can tell you that last year I was spending 5k a month on my girlfriend (currently 2k a month now) and before that I was happily spending $500 a month or less on myself. I was lonely as fuck though after I got out of a 12 year relationship

>> No.56070530
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This friday I matched on bumble with a very hot chick who was in my city (Europe) only for one night and then would leave back to the US. She obviously wanted a ONS and was very down to fuck, we started sexting, she said she likes my face and that she would like to have fun with me, she even sent me her nudes and I was ready to invite her for a drink but then while sexting I wrote her that I would like to tie her to the bed blindfolded and she didn't like it so much that the conversation has died and she wished me good night

>> No.56070535

Did you jerk off before the date you married?

>> No.56070553

kek you must have been giving up some creepy serial killer vibes

most girls I like are into that kind of shit

occasionally I have someone who is not into that kind of shit, but for some reason they are always horrible bitches or control freaks

most submissive girls like to be tied up, but you gotta git gut and getting them there

>> No.56070561

It's all about push and pull. Too much of either will get no results. I just described pull. Of course you gotta push back and not be her bitch. But you gotta pull first.

>> No.56070566

she fucked someone else..sorry pal ; )

>> No.56070573

>project manager
at least you didn't have to work to pay for the dinner

>> No.56070598
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this is how you act after there's a ring on it, not before

>> No.56070614

Bwahahahahaha absolute state of western men in 2023.
Not only did you waste your time but probably also paid for it like a cuck.

>> No.56070615
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That's her financially speaking

>> No.56070636

she isnt even hot, she looks old and fat

>> No.56070640

Bwahahahahahaha you could have spent that money on a random shitcoin with a real chance to make a 20X
You decided to spend it on a hole with 0 chance of actually putting your dick in it.
Again ABSOLUTE STATE of westen men my god glad the west is going extinct.

>> No.56070652

That's what they all want! So put her in the ring mindset. Good god, guts.

>> No.56070656

>random shitcoin with a real chance to make a 20X

it isnt 2021 anymore fucking retard

also at least OP had an experience, he learned something and thus gained something

you win some you lose some

now get back on that horse cowboy!

>> No.56070680

>it isnt 2021 anymore fucking retard
It's funny cause PEPE and WOJAK and other completely useless exit scams made people a lot of money a few months ago. How big of a newfag are you really? Few weeks? Fucking retard.
>OP had an experience
He wasted his time and money to get bored by some bitch
>he learned something and thus gained something
Yeah he learned that being a western "man" makes you a cuck by default and your lives are absolute jokes.

>> No.56070705

you dodged a bullet bro dw financially speaking

>> No.56070708

>these 2 astronomical successes

oh yeah better piss away your money on meme coins that are scams 99.999% of the time especially during bear markets


>> No.56070766

hey you got a pic to fap to, you still won

>> No.56070810

You didn't describe pull, you described how to become an orbiter cuckboy. The men who fuck don't give a shit about listening to their bitch's problems and they make that clear. Listening to her problems and complaints is for sexless betaboys like you. Correct your mindset before it's too late for you.

>> No.56070826

Yeah if 1 out of 20 scams actually make you money that's a much better use of your money than paying for a date in the west with a feminist cunt.
Actually kill yourself newfag.

>> No.56070829

Why does this chick look so much like a dude?

>> No.56070837

shut up faggot imagine not being able to have disposable income for women lmao @ ur life

>> No.56070843

Should I buy XOR, y/n?

>> No.56070845

>Aaaah noooo I had to waste money on a coffee for her aaaaaaa im bankrupt now aaaaaaa I should have bought a pajeet rugpull instead at least I would have had a chance at happiness!!!

lmao youre such a faggot

>> No.56070852

>disposable income for women
What the fuck is this simp cuck talking about?

>> No.56070865

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.56070867

This is awful advice. Wrong on every level. Clearly written by someone who doesn’t get attention from women

>> No.56070908

based wizard

>> No.56070964

you probably bored her to tears. women dont want to have "good conversations" they want to be made to feel like silly little sluts and then get fucked hard

Here is the golden recipe works better on phenibut and\or drunk as well; the first time you meet aggressively mock her\make fun of her, then pull her around doing something whimsical, then DONT smash unless she is aggressively putting out, ghost her for 3-4 days this will drive her mad) then casually make a 2nd date, repeat 1st time except this time she will absolute smash

uggh I know i know it sucks but the dating market now you have to understand women are bombarded every day by boring monochrome cookie cutter toothless guys who want to have "good conversations" and think "surely shell be attracted by my intelligence and niceties and gentlemanly behavior's" NO!

>> No.56070980

>he didn't go Dutch on the bill
First mistake kid.

>> No.56070981

Get a non cringe autistic girlfriend that vibes the way you do

7 years going strong for me with mine, when I finish joining the police I'll tie the knot

>> No.56071008

>when I finish joining the police
yikes zogbot

>> No.56071089

Are you white? Is she?

>> No.56071094

Hi /pol/ !

>> No.56071145

This is a pertinent question I'm not wasting advice on a faggot pajeet.

>> No.56071186

sounds like she used you for a free dinner

>> No.56071225


This is the way with things like online dating OP, there's no background relationship like friendship or common community to make people behave different so it becomes just things in passing.

2 solutions

1. Accept this and deal with the fact that these types of rejections are going to be common and treat dating like a numbers game

2 Try and build a community, meet people, make friends, pick up hobbies, find people to go to events with, get a group around you.

Frankly I think anyone looking for a relationship should be doing both. It's simply something you do, once you have a job and are settled with some assets, get married and reproduce, it's weird that so many people don't feel this need but I think many will regret not doing so later in life, so yeah, take finding a good girl (not girl but good decent girl) seriously and invest serious time and money in it

>> No.56071267

Or maybe she was interested at first but OP proved he wasnt worthy in the end.

It can happen.

On to the next one.

>> No.56071361

always go for a kiss on the first date before it ends. like 2/3 or 3/4 of the way through.

and yeah if a girl is doing most of the talking, like she's happy to just keep talking on some subject without much input from you then that's a sign that she's going on autopilot and not really interested in what you have to say and there probably isn;t any chemistry.

If there's no chemistry during the date then probably no sexo.
even if you don't get physical during the date there needs to at least be chemistry in how she;s making eye contact.

anyway you win some you lose some.
it feels pretty frustrating but whatever.

>> No.56071369

>always go for a kiss on the first date

Yikes... please dont do this

>> No.56071372

Keep on simping on

>> No.56071381

how the fuck do beta cucks like you even end up at good jobs ?
You know YOU can control the conversation and the tone of the date right? Why would you let the chick take the lead? Do you also like getting pegged? Faggot go fuck yourself

>> No.56071388

kek I was just memeing, i got my own 18yr old sex slave and i literally always throw girls on the bed the first time they are in my home because im a 6'5 alpha chad

>> No.56071404

lol what do you do? wait until the second date before you even try to kiss them? pussy.

Even if the girl says no she'll like you more because you showed that you're sexually attracted to her and have the balls to make the first move. If you go the first date without even trying to kiss her she'll think you're a timid dickless beta or not attracted to her. Women like feeling desired.

>> No.56071412

I agree with that other anon and fucked over 50 chicks. If you dont physically escalate the first date say hello to the friendzone. You know right away where you stand if she rejects you she might literally say "i dont do that on the first date but next time.." then you know youre in. Or she shuts down after that then you dont waste your time hitting her up after. Why the fuck would you take a girl out and not touch her. Id just go to a lunch with a bro or hop on discord if Im just trying to CHAT lol

>> No.56071427

Wow good job. You fucked up a perfectly good date. Maybe consider removing yourself from the dating market. If you could have not acted like a dumb fuck you would have been banging that girl in two weeks.

>> No.56071439

He's already shown her that he's a beta male and if she comes back at all it's only because she knows the can play with him like a cat plays with a mouse.

Best to move on completely and stop being such a phone addicted little faggot and start with a new woman.

>D-D-Did you have a good time? (Texts furiously)


>> No.56071452

Don't lie with your delusions.

She gave OP an honest shake and he fucked it up by being a faggot. Stop giving bad reputations to women when they don't deserve it. Op was a faggot. Plain and simple.

Give blame where it's due.

>> No.56071461

So what?
You could be a total bum, “what you do” all doesn’t matter in the game of love. Love and sex is pre-agricultural revolution, think like a monkey, that’s what you base real relationships on. Fucking moron.
What matters are body odours, sparks in the eyes, laughter, natural enthusiasm and attraction, body language

You don’t even need language for an authentic relationship to develop. Learn to read some signals man lmao

You sound like a total brainwashed wage slave system chud

Also, you had ONE date and you expect everything from it. LMAO. Go on 50+ dates and you’ll learn. Back in my prime I sometimes dated multiple girls on a day. Nowadays it’s super easy, just sign up to some dating apps. Good luck, but be monke and less “muh system muh job” moron

>> No.56071522

Women worth wifing don't use dating apps, to find one you need to be an interesting person and meet through one of your (shared) hobbies

>> No.56071571

Cope- The thread. Judging by how many redpill copers are still lurking this board it's safe to assume that the we have a lot lower to go. And regarding your post, OP, it's all about looks. If you were Chad, you'd be rawdogging her brains out right now instead of LDARing on this board with a bunch of refugees from reddit.

>> No.56071601

ok boomer

>> No.56071641

Unironically, have sex.

>> No.56071662

Not OP, but how come fat whiny manlets get gfs and I don't?

>> No.56071671

just be yourself

>> No.56071675

I do lmao

>> No.56071734

Wow. That ass made me puke its like she's frowning with her butt

>> No.56071743

No you don’t

>verification not required>>56071734

>> No.56071754

>> i like (((mundane b.s))), muh kick box muh running, muh project manager

>> No.56071764

Lul, do you have any hobbies? Did you only talk about lifting? Most people lift, talk about some fun things you've done that didn't involve lifting or kickboxing because unfortunately most women don't like talking about fitness etc cause theyre self conscious or feel intimidated by people who regularly commit to the gains. When that doesn't work use comedy as a crutch if you can think of normie things that are funny

>> No.56071770

I’m gonna take up for OP. I’m fairly good at seducing women (ik it’s the internet so you can call me a liar), I’m 6 foot + have a six pack, hair, was a bartender so I can hold a good conversation. This is the fact, even if you are the perfect gynocentric little faggot. They know in 10 seconds of examination and 5 minutes of conversation whether they are giving you the pussy. I’ve been on tinder dates where their clothes are off and she’s moaning in less than ten minutes and other nights with a less attractive more annoying sloot where I didn’t even get a kiss because there was no chemistry l. Stop shaming OP because he didn’t do cart wheels for some worthless hole like a cuck. You are all so gynocentric it makes me sick
You’re fine OP, most of these dudes are obsessed with female validation because they’ve never worked in target rich environments with plenty of sluts to slay. Few things, every woman has a niche of men they like (some like county plebs, some like gang bangers, some even like geeks), women are like busses, when one leaves another is on its way to the station (you), don’t beat yourself up because one didn’t want your throb rod. That’s sick behavior and causes incel outbursts. Laugh and smile and go to talk to some fresh prospects! Finally, stop spending money on them, $30-40 for a date “MAX” for both of you! less is optimal.
>again the female worshippers in this thread are all cucks

>> No.56071785

today i was walking outside (am travelling) and ag girl said "hello, what are you looking for" I said "I'm just walking" then she left. tfw i fucked up. but i already have a gf so whatever.

>> No.56071801

You beat yourself up to much, she’s just messing with you. They love game playing and watching men squirm! Imagine investing that much emotion into pixels on a screen you haven’t even kissed or penetrated yet

>> No.56071807

>$30-40 for a date “MAX” for both of you! less is optimal.
i always take them walking or meet at a cafee but don't pay their drink. idk how it is in the u.s.a, but i spend less than $10 on the first date day.

>> No.56071838


id rather stay a virgin than fuck that

>> No.56071845

you'll never fuck anything.

>> No.56071861

that's not interesting in the slightest lol

>> No.56071866

This, if a girl's on a dating app, then you know she's a slut

>> No.56071941

He made a mistake. He shouldn't be damned for it.
Next time, use her damage to your advantage.

>> No.56071950

Absolute state of this pathetic simp

>> No.56072006

Wtf is a choosing signal

>> No.56072064

She emptied the liquidity pool the moment you provided funds for the food. Pajeeta will never reply, it happens, just find better projects that won't rugpull. Or, just go by my rule of never talking to bitches unless they talk to you, they have an over-inflated ego and sense of self-worth, don't chase those hoes.

>> No.56072124

What is boring, though?

>> No.56072274

>I go to a class twice a week where me and some dudes play fight for a lil bit
>I go jog around the neighborhood
>I make powerpoints about team synergy

>> No.56072314
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> I was starting to get bored out of my mind

not good looking enough then it sems. men tolerate boring date bs talk infinitely if the date is a hot enough

>> No.56072317

you were used for a free meal, lad

But you do sound autistic. I sure hope you didn't actually spend the entire date just looking at the walls and not talking to her.

>> No.56072333
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>he doesn’t know
You’ve never been chosen, have you…

>> No.56072343

yep, what a great pick you are! Surpsied how she could not fall in love instantly with such an amazing personality

>> No.56072354

literally everything its the plebbest of pleb tier mundane bs. but that's not why she dumped you. the reason she dumped you is because you were not good looking enough. not tall enough, not big enough. whatever. unless you happened to have met a really good woman. but i doubt it on tinder. 9/10 girls only care about FACE HEIGHT and FRAME. unironically. don't try to be interesting either. it doesn't matter. no one cares. nothing is interesting. everything is boring lets be honest. all these occupations and b/s you do to pass time. lmao.

>> I LE roon and LE fight !!!!!!! kek

>> No.56072381
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I wish I was good enough for a woman to talk to me.

>> No.56072388

When I went on my first date with my current girlfriend, I made her pay for most of the drinks (incl a big bottle of gin), got blackout drunk and puked all over my bedroom and STILL got her to go on another date with me.

Take this as a lesson that all of that shit literally does not matter. If she is attracted to you, NOTHING matters. If not, you move on to the next.

>> No.56072420


>> No.56072543

Just date fat girls. They will cook and cuddle you and let you play vidya without being bitches, and they’ll fuck every day. Fat chicks are actually so kino

>> No.56072554

Doesn't matter what you do or say. She will like you or not

>> No.56072584

is that supposed to be like a one kiss or making out, how long should it take? Also where do you do it if you are having coffee and next thing you leave, kissing in a cafeteria sounds retarded

>> No.56073193

>I keep sleeping with all of these men and then they pump and dump me rather than stay in a relationship!
>men are so cruel!

>> No.56073214

Wow, you have a job, you can read, you exercise, AND you like to try new things?

What a catch! Panty status: soaked

>> No.56073273

it was 65% a fake acct

>> No.56073337

Makeout anytime on a date when there's a pause while you're close together and you suddenly feel horny.
Kiss after the end of any date (unless you lose attraction to her during the date).

> Also where do you do it
Lead her out, wrap up your conversation outside, say farewell (or ask her what she's doing next), kiss, then turn around and walk away.

The guy should always be leading the girl during a date: Lead her into the venue, lead the conversation, lead her out of the venue. Attraction is generated through masculine-feminine polarity: You lead, she follows. You are direct, she is indirect. You bring the planning / logistics, she brings the feminine grace and energy.

The "leading the conversation" part is where OP failed.

>> No.56073413

This has to be a troll. If you set yourself up as a punching bag, you'll just get the shit beaten out of you. You need to grow up.

>> No.56073433

Time to show up at her house tonight. You did get her address, right? If not reverse look it up in the white pages or spokeo.

>> No.56073640
File: 58 KB, 1265x1082, 623DF90C-F729-4FF2-8B3D-0E5F983E1939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 30 year old KHV
>lard ass entire life and true robot
>coof happens and decide to get /fit/ because I thought it was real during the early days
>mew, cycle, lift, eat autistically in an isolated training period that would make an 80’s montage
>turns out I’m a secret Chad
>look like one of those Greek god statues
>years of rejection and isolation has left me bitter and cold
>As a robot who power spec’d into a Chad my revenge will be true
>ignore and reject every woman that shows interest in me
>dominate alphas by destroying the pecking order, selecting their chosen mate, then crushing her by ignoring her leaving them both spiritually broken
>have absolutely no desire for sex or companionship
>continue cycle destroying former enemies or “friends”
>collect wealth and status
>only base serious relationships on beneficial status increase

Never invest in women or other people, only in yourself anons.

>> No.56073671

i just tell women im into anime and videogames
if they look disgusted i leave, its the easiest way to quickly filter foids
im expecting any time now to come across my perfect wife who is also into loli and shota and won't hate me for playing map painting autism games

>> No.56073696

she needs to lift
6mos. of squats and she'd have an ass

>> No.56073731
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That is insanely based. I thought about just wearing weeb shit. Honestly, we need our own version of shit tests that the femoid does. We are after all the one making the money, physically fit, and the provider. What exactly do they bring to the table that hookers, sex bots, and cloning doesn’t?

>> No.56073753
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>women want to have sex
>ignores them
>think he's winning

>> No.56073783

Real pleasure comes from dominating others. Sex is merely a tool as an adult. Try it once, turn down an especially pretty girl and watch how she has no coping skills. It’s amazing, honestly better than sex.

>> No.56073810
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kek this

>> No.56073847
File: 2.93 MB, 406x720, 1692885766890978.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you re a walking wallet. maybe take me to dinner next time ? thx

>> No.56074482

based but find christ

>> No.56074508
File: 67 KB, 510x680, 1694192414221381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep telling yourself that, fag

>> No.56074544

That webm is peak retardation wow.

>> No.56074562

I remembered foreveralone exists on Reddit and I was browsing it and I found this recent thread that made me laugh and since that has about the same level of relevance as this thread I'm gonna post some of the funnys

>> No.56074567
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>> No.56074569

stopped reading there

>> No.56074573
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>> No.56074584
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>> No.56074610

This or fake account. Most women on these dating apps have like 10 potential men they converse with at any given time

>> No.56074628

>be Chad
>think the girl you are supposed to meet is ugly and initially just ghost her on the spot
>let this one know he couldn't tell the two apart
absolute madlad

>> No.56074646
File: 351 KB, 1080x687, 1670286707441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry pic

>> No.56074664

You're a beta simp anon. Fix yourself.
>taking a girl to a restaurant on a first date in 2023
Are you dumb?

>> No.56074681

go back you faggot

>> No.56074706

>We had a good conversation

She's fucked other guys for less. NEVER PAY unless she's genuinely into you

>> No.56075426
File: 159 KB, 890x962, ec6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao that's the pull, this is the push

>> No.56075438

You guys are being ridiculous. Only downside is if she's infected.

>> No.56075467

Should have gone straight for the anus

>> No.56075471

And now ya gonna get band for posting that nipple too

>> No.56075496

I have literally never been on a date

>> No.56075497

Is bumble better than tinder?
I cant use tinder because I dont have faceshit.

>> No.56075519
File: 1.29 MB, 2937x1607, Retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro I'm so exciting I go running
Tell your friend that is a girl we can larp as behind enemy lines vagabonds trying to escape the fall of the west, and poop in the woods

>> No.56075605
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>date a girl for a year
>she breaks up with me because I "don't respect her body" and we "have different life goals"
>meanwhile, she is living with her parents with no job and no degree
>she had a nigger ex-boyfriend, ate his ass, yet asks me to "respect her body" (i only found out about this towards the end)
>she wanted to go to clubs and party
Coalburners, not even once. The same power that allows me to hold onto shitcoins let me hold onto this terrible female investment, what a fucking mistake bros. Hundreds of dollars down the drain. Thoroughly vet your women

>> No.56075758

fuck me this thread is depressing. good job guys

>> No.56076151
File: 82 KB, 1080x1215, IMG_20230801_190636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah good point, everything interesting I could tell a girl is 'schizo shit' to the average person and 'absolute lunatic get away from me tier' to the average girl. What do girls find interesting? Probably really boring stuff because they are quite stupid. "Oh you travelled overseas to an expensive hotel and met high status people, wow" that's interesting to girls as long as you did it while being attractive.

>> No.56076342

Should not have asked if she had a good time. Instead you should have made a funny joke about something you were talking about. The joke should be short and it should seem like you sent it without thinking about it really.

>> No.56076381
File: 113 KB, 1080x1080, 11f6854d1f6b2d7b67f4dc95cf19697e-2012272856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hence I stopped replying

>> No.56076541

Savior advice here op, everyone here is playing a game that only ends in you losing even when you think you're winning. Find your autist qt3.14 fucker her good, and that shit out into the sunset.

>> No.56076592
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>> No.56076627

I'll go wherever I want bitch boi haha

>> No.56076656
File: 10 KB, 187x250, N2Y0Y2o3LmpwZw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bring it in. It's hug time.

>> No.56076687

I see where you fucked up, nobody wanted to help my autistic ass, I learned myself. Try having a dad that was never around and was too "soft" as the niggers would say. If I can pick myself up certainly you can too.

>> No.56077173

This is why I never pay for the meal unless I really like the girl. Only did this once and I didn't even think we fit, but the girl was nice and wholesome so deserving. Otherwise go dutch and split down the middle. Power move too

>> No.56077199
File: 200 KB, 1200x1800, 36188052_2158956144390218_8657660904793440256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents got divorced when I was 7 and I was raised by my mom but mostly film & television as she was working all day.
My dad was an alcoholic and died when I was 19.

>> No.56078189

Should I lose my virginity to a prostitute?

>> No.56078262
File: 1.46 MB, 1200x1200, 1645406984391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up David Shade. I've texted the most egregious shit of his by text and its been lapped up. Ya dun' goofed son.

>> No.56078280

Fucking hell the responses to this picture. I'd fuck a hole in a fucking tree and happily blow a big thick pile of coom into this girl.

>> No.56078318

>Should have gone straight for the anus
This is good general life advice.

>> No.56078475

Do you have ANY DOUBT a female that sends nudes to strangers isn't infected / quadruple vaxxed??

>> No.56078560

you're brown though

>> No.56078689
File: 8 KB, 213x250, 5972B2DA-1DA7-4A94-9EB4-3179299CE704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No prob, just doing our job. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself, get off your ass and get /fit/, make money, and when she comes crawling back tell her to fuck off.

>> No.56078865

>I wrote her that I would like to tie her to the bed blindfolded
good, retards like you deserve it

>> No.56079204
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>> No.56079220

Realize that women want passion and if they can sense you're not dying to fuck them then you're not going to turn them on.

>> No.56079646

I was going to ask how sex havers navigate this risk and then realised you have it answered there - they don't even think about the risk, just like with the vax.

>> No.56080061


>> No.56080866

>ate his ass
she ate his ass bro he didn’t eat hers. then you had you tongue down her throat afterwards. so basically you ate his ass too. interesting situation

>> No.56081179

I paid for a massage, b2b and pussy slide last week. After the hour booking and two shots I asked her for her number.
>If you give it to me we will have sex
She gave it to me and a few days later called me to go to her place to "watch tv"

>> No.56081281
File: 457 KB, 1080x1080, 1694276889002560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.56081298
File: 102 KB, 1024x799, 1692284237173227m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lifting doing kickbox and running. I'm a project manager at mid size company that pays reasonably well am well read and like to go out to try new things
You do not do any of that fucking shit nigga, fuck right off, you probably go home after work to drink and or smoke.

>> No.56081305
File: 1.12 MB, 772x818, 1692042088824172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did not miss out.
LMAO, a board.

>> No.56081314
File: 3.83 MB, 4617x4226, 1692561960367324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even post this? Such a thumbnail.

>> No.56081472
File: 97 KB, 1360x924, 1692673535632802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She told me she thought I felt disgusted by her. Well, she was right. Lmao.