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56068890 No.56068890 [Reply] [Original]

Im 27 years old and I feel like nobody respects me. Today i was outside just to chill and eat some sandwiches and a ton of old white women would stare and look at me, sometimes making faces of disgust. This pissed me off to no end.

>I am mexican-american and i Know white people must assume I am an idiot because of my ethnicity
>27 with a BA and working on MBA but dead-end wfh job that pays the bills but not fulfilling

So what can I do to be more respected and increase my value as a man?
>I plan to join the Army reserves (I want to serve and gain discipline)
> I plan to join the freemasons (I want to join a brotherhood and create lasting relationships with men who think like me)

What other groups can I join or what can I do to increase my value?

I already read books almost every day to learn, I work out frequently and groom myself.

>> No.56068977

Try going back to Mexico and improving your own country spic boi

>> No.56068982

shoo shoo, wetback

>> No.56069007

Why do you care what used up hags think just be attractive and none of that shit matters

>> No.56069116
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>imagine not being white

>> No.56069118

>I want to serve
>he wants to die for Israel
You've already lost at life.

>> No.56069119

Kill yourself Jose. Go back to South America and just stay there, stop infecting originally white countries with your smelly presence.
This is why people don't respect you.

>> No.56069121

You're 27, don't join the fucking army reserves.

>> No.56069131

>I plan to join the Army reserves
You plan to join the zogbot machine and give your life to Israel like a good mystery meat brown American golem.
>I plan to join the freemasons
Kek, fucking lmao. You plan to join a police informant gang. So not only one you plan to join TWO zogbot groups.
You are seriously the worst golem retard I've ever seen. Consider suicide.

>> No.56069143
File: 418 KB, 768x768, pregnant-white-woman-and-mexican-male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a fat fuck
dress like a adult not as a tiktok teenager
join a gym and get fit
take advantage of you wfh job free time and comfyness, and learn a new skill, get a second job or start something

>> No.56069161

>stare and look at me, sometimes making faces of disgust
This was entirely because of your appearance, not net worth or discipline.
How do you dress, are you fat?

>> No.56069164

>Today i was outside just to chill and eat some sandwiches and a ton of old white women would stare and look at me, sometimes making faces of disgust.
Anon you're just ugly. Groom yourself, dress better, and if you're fat undo that.
Actually please join the military we need more bullet sponges.