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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56068558 No.56068558 [Reply] [Original]

FTX is going to dump $500 million worth of solana and FTX tokens next week and /biz/ doesn't seem to care

>> No.56068562


who cares indeed

>> No.56068563

i'm already shorting Sol and hope it goes to 10$

>> No.56068564

isn't the sale volume limited to 200M/week?
also if it's such a big deal, why isn't it being priced in right now?

>> No.56068572

because nobody holds sol except for ftx, it dumps when someone sells

>> No.56068573

Are those the only coins they’re doomping?
Because if so, nobody should care

>> No.56068574

Damn I got like 120 SOL. Is that why it's dumping?

>> No.56068578
File: 182 KB, 1079x568, 1694282135742223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56068583

lmao they only hold $685 dollars of SOL. that's fucking nothing

>> No.56068584

Based retard

>> No.56068586
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 1692587077494165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only dumbfucks hold shitcoins, if shitcoins drag BTC down it just means cheapies.

>> No.56068588

top signal.. see you guys at 22k

>> No.56068589


wtf even i hold more

>> No.56068598

they should have give away everything not just sell

>> No.56068748
File: 177 KB, 1441x1057, oxygen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone needs to tell this guy to sell his oxygen tokens then short 10x before he has 150 million dollars dumped on his head

>> No.56069881


>> No.56070120

>read the top left of the graph, fag

>> No.56070129

It’s in millions, faggot

>> No.56070417

Total ftx death

>> No.56070420

Fuck I thought these kikes were out of the market when their exchange went bust.. wtf? How are they still allowed to dump and pocket the money and not have to refund customers??

>> No.56070427

they are selling to refund the customers anon

>> No.56070456

So they have around 3 billion to dump. How much did they dump last year when markets bottomed at $15k?

>> No.56070482

but who would buy
crypto is dead except for maybe BTC

>> No.56070500

Wait. That's it? Everybody is worried about a $500 million? I heard about this shit last night and was like fuck I gotta do research on this. Dude $500 million isn't shit in crypto. It'll make a small dent and recover fast. What really dents the market is panic sellers that don't know how the fuck the market works. Don't be a dumbfuck you guys. Nobody wants to be a wagie.

>> No.56070580

Crypto isn't dead. The fact that people are still saying this is hilarious. Every cycle especially in this stage people say crypto is dead, crypto is dead, then it continues on and moons like crazy. Please go look at a chart showing the price history of Bitcoin in it's entirety. I implore you. Then try to come back with that bullshit. Many alts trying something new have risen and fallen over the many years. Then you have the few revolutionary crypto like Ethereum that moon like crazy. Then the newer shit that's going to outperform Ethereum technologically like Fantom, avalanche, etc. Crypto keeps moving forward. Crypto keeps moving up. Go look at those long history charts. Do yourself a favor if you need the confirmation and reassurance that crypto isn't dead. Don't believe wallstreet faggots because they've wanted crypto dead from the beginning because it's not in their market, their territory. Don't let them manipulate you.

>> No.56070862 [DELETED] 

shit up, nigger
when btc hits $10k, you have plenty of time to throw money at the shitcoin of your choice.

>> No.56070872

shut up, nigger
when btc hits $10k, you have plenty of time to throw money at the shitcoin of your choice.

>> No.56072938


>> No.56074575


>> No.56075812

I just bought Solana it's about to crash bigger than next week

>> No.56075978

>Please go look at a chart showing the price history of Bitcoin in it's entirety.
Show the price since Dec 2017 and it looks like shit. Btc underperformed bonds since 2017 ath.

>> No.56076102

2 more weeks tranny bobo