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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56067890 No.56067890 [Reply] [Original]

The human digestive system is not 100% efficient. No system is. I have had a method of filtering and re-prepping my stools for consumption. I estimate that I can survive, meal wise, off USD$0.75 per day purely by sifting, straining, rinsing, and dry baking the contents of each and every stool, then mixing with filler material such as seasoned corn meal.

Pic is my entire stool, combined with an extraction tincture, prior to first mesh pass. You will want to keep a low fat diet, as fatty stool is impossible to clean, fat becomes rancid, and your first meal of dry roasted fatty stool will probably make you want to kill yourself. I have been immunised against all types of hepatitis so I do not advise you to try this until I provide more information.

>> No.56067944
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Sayyy... that looks bretty gud!!
Hook em up with a diarrhea brownie, desu!

>> No.56067964

There is zero nutritional or caloric content in your stool.

>> No.56067978

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.56067983
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>5,000 years of civilizational development, progressing from thatch roof huts in bitter winter conditions to paved roads & towns
>empires rise and fall, rulers ascend and are deposed, the arts flourish and grand structures are constructed in the name of religion and kings
>millions upon millions toiled and suffered to gain even a modicum of a better life for their posterity
>reach a beautiful technologic age of global prosperity and comfort, with instant connectivity across the globe and all manner of delights

>still decide to strain and eat your own shit

>> No.56067986

Based, Dave Ramsey would approve

>> No.56068022
File: 154 KB, 1280x1280, uncleKevin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested, but I would offer a royalty deal for every turd you consume in perpetuity.

>> No.56068109
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And will you recycle the poop from the poop you eat? Is that possible? How many cycles of shit can you eat?

>> No.56068125

>How many cycles of shit can you eat?

>> No.56068194

Unironically dogs and other animals do this. For humans, you can drink your pee up to 3 times before it becomes poisonous to your body from what I remember.

>> No.56068205

>>/biz/ - Bowel & Feces

>> No.56068210

>How many cycles of shit can you eat?
the US Fed Govt. has made us eat shit for a long time now. i think we'll be fine

>> No.56068218
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>drink pee
now we're getting to the final solution

>> No.56068221
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>> No.56068332

You can definitely burn it and extract energy from stool, calories in the technical sense. Now whether a human digestive system can extract it is another question though.

>> No.56068366
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I think that's enough 4chan for tonight

>> No.56068440
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Oh yeah, it's all coming together

>> No.56069453

You can make up the missing nutrients with human meat, which has all the necessary nutrients for the human body. So, yeah, turn that into a recipe...

>> No.56069480

Fuck bugs how do I make poo burgers?

>> No.56069505

Hahah that meme is actually quite fitting here because that’s exactly what he IS doing!

>> No.56069508

Gross, man

>> No.56069541

shit is waste you retard fetish freak, it can be used as fertilizer but that's it

>> No.56069546

bravo op

>> No.56069614

you're onto something op. bear market is hard on us all and your tip can make us save some money. scrapping a few cents here and there is how we will eventually make it

>> No.56069635

What the fuck. Poo in the loo please

>> No.56070230

use as fertilizer... aka recycle your poop.

>> No.56070881
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>> No.56070950

Kek glad you saved this anon. I remember this thread. I wonder if it was from biz or pasta from another board.

>> No.56070958

that fag would probably roll in it hahahhahah

>> No.56070968

I bet it taste like sh*t.

>> No.56070987

Excellent findings anon. If this works out we can justifiably halve the minimum wage, since workers can just eat shit for every other meal. The value this will bring to the shareholders makes me hard.

>> No.56071541

Top kek
Also decent dubs

>> No.56071602

There is a lot of science to back this up and there are quite a few companies trying this right now. One of the benefits is that it is EXTREMELY beneficial for your microbiome to consume a batter made of human feces if those feces came from someone with a healthy microbiome. The batter is also a lot more flavorable than people would imagine. You wouldn't even know you were eating excrement.

>> No.56071622

gm sirs

>> No.56071643

How efficient is the filtering system after the first pass? I bet there's a point where it's cheaper to take the stools most people waste and filter that once than to keep filtering your own.

>> No.56071653

>samefag detected

>> No.56073334

>I estimate that I can survive, meal wise, off USD$0.75
That was before inflation. Now it's around $75.
Thanks Biden!

>> No.56073355
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you're not helping.
go back.

>> No.56074491
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, Jim Henson's N word party - nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome newfags

>> No.56074746

New Nicky Sixx (?) loggz copypasta?

>> No.56074779

put me in the screencap or whatever.

>> No.56074881
File: 9 KB, 168x300, fermentation recovery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't ferment it first

>> No.56076812
