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File: 514 KB, 1560x1324, Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 7.53.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56061575 No.56061575 [Reply] [Original]

The main reason why Monero didn't take off is because it is associated with hackers, drug dealers, terrorist states and darknet pedos, and let's be honest, nobody wants to be in that team whether it's illegal or not.
Vitalik has the solution - pools of trusted people who can transact with each other while remaining anonymous. This is the crypto equivalent of a high trust society. You get KYCd at the door, but then you can remain anonymous.
This is genius and once it is integrated in ETH, Monero will be obsolete.

>> No.56061596


>> No.56061600

got any arguments or you're just retarded?

>> No.56061605
File: 306 KB, 1066x1020, 20230907_180212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KYCd at the door
>then remain anonymous

>> No.56061615

l o l, he really is as autistic and retarded as he looks

>> No.56061622

>Crypto equivalent of a high trust society
Crypto makes trust obsolete. I am not using your backdoored fed chain.

>> No.56061629

Your post contains a few logical errors and assumptions:

Sweeping Generalization Fallacy: The statement makes a sweeping generalization about Monero, associating it with hackers, drug dealers, terrorist states, and darknet activities. This is an oversimplification and an unfair characterization of a cryptocurrency that has legitimate use cases for privacy.

False Dilemma Fallacy: The statement presents a false dilemma by implying that there are only two options: being associated with illegal activities or being part of Vitalik's solution. This oversimplifies the complex landscape of cryptocurrencies and privacy options available.

Appeal to Authority Fallacy: The statement suggests that Vitalik's proposed solution is "genius" without providing substantial evidence or analysis to support this claim. This is an appeal to authority, relying on the reputation of Vitalik Buterin to validate the argument.

Assumption without Evidence: The statement assumes that once Vitalik's solution is integrated into Ethereum, Monero will become obsolete without providing evidence or a clear argument for why this would be the case.

Here's some advice:
When discussing cryptocurrencies or any complex topic, it's crucial to avoid sweeping generalizations, provide evidence-based reasoning, and consider the nuances and diversity within the subject matter.

>> No.56061671
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thank you GPTjeet

>> No.56061682

Based troonix enjoyer

>> No.56061717
File: 3.41 MB, 8000x6060, gfg3SmvSwkq28yHqVumf--1--2r6ry_15.625x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great new for monero. Glad you see the usefulness. You will see the usefulness of a decentralized nonmonarchy JP Morgan crypto called ETH. Eth is dead, anon.

>> No.56061727

isn't this guy a pedo? why would anyone take him seriously? also he's Russian. They're the bad guys remember??

>> No.56061746

i hate white people especially this fucking weak ugly egg head. i hope someone kills him.

>> No.56061785

Lmfao imagine willingly KYCing urself gtfo

>> No.56061799

You fucking ugly brown skinned nigger. You're existence is a mistake. White people are superior. SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH.

>> No.56061814

What's even the point of crypto at that point

>> No.56061820

Slavs aren't white, just look at Ukraine

>> No.56061858

Vitacuck is trying to copy XRP so badly kek once AMM launches there’s no reason to hold unscalable Proof of Shit securities

>> No.56061929
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>the solution - pools of trusted people who can transact with each other while remaining anonymous. This is the crypto equivalent of a high trust society. You get KYCd at the door, but then you can remain anonymous.
Who decides who is trusted or not? Fake and gay.
How does it stop people from doing criminal stuff after they enter this dark pool?
2/10 not a cypherpunk

>> No.56061939
File: 412 KB, 768x768, vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're jealous because you invested in a dead coin that peaked years ago while I've been riding ETH since it was in the single digits and will ride that bitch until it flips BTC in price per unit. Still time to join the winning team faggot, or stay poor while enriching a few botnet operators and darknet pedos along the way.

>> No.56061975
File: 341 KB, 768x768, snekysnek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who decides who is trusted or not?
Coinbase, Circle, Chase, some decentralized credit bureau, it literally doesn't matter. We're just evolving the same steps as the traditional banking system because human nature has not changed. You can't have complete trustless transaction you fucking retard, just like you can't have sex with a 14 year old or dump chemical waste in the lake. You live in a society.

>> No.56062064

So you get KYC'd to use anonymous transactions. This is the problem.
That's optional privacy.
Monero provides default privacy. Use RingSig and Mix it with 32 mix ins and good fucking luck tracking that shit.

>> No.56062067

>You can't have complete trustless transaction you fucking retard
You might not be able to, but I've already trustlessly donated to a forum I frequent to help cover the costs of its continued hosting.

>> No.56062081

i dont care ive mined monero hoping that it helps criminals sell drugs online so it can hit the corners in the inner cities and niggers OD. Privacy is necessary in the modern age, bitcoin is comprimised and ethereums gas fees are too high. Monero is the future.

>> No.56062113

>can’t stop thinking of black people

typical white inferiority

>> No.56062117

> we live in a society
A society who just put a bunch of kids in jail for 20 years because they broke into a government building and took some pictures. Privacy with a backdoor is not privacy. This shit is retarded and Vitalik should be ashamed of associating his name with it, but it doesn’t surprise me from the guy who already spit on crypto by rolling back the chain when his buddies lost money.

>> No.56062119

also remember most fentanyl deaths are white boys ;)

>> No.56062140

Im richer than blacks and i work against them because i hate them. I got 13k portfolio at 18

>> No.56062150

you are poor and also you never had sex or life experiences

>> No.56062154

>most fentanyl deaths are white boys ;)
First, you will never be a real woman, second this just isnt true, according to the cdc In 2020, the overdose death rate among Black males 65 years and older was nearly seven times that of White males 65 years and older.
Black people 15–24 years old experienced the largest rate increase (86 percent) compared with changes seen in other age/race groups during 2019–2020.
Overdose death rates for AI/AN women 25–44 years of age were nearly two times that of White women 25–44 years of age.

>> No.56062158

>believing jews

>> No.56062212

why would they lie about that they want whites to be defeatist and have low morale.

>> No.56062362

Vitalik is a fucking fed-plant or Mossad agent. KYC-ing all on-chain activity is the end goal so whatever.

>> No.56062364

I don't understand the arguments against this. If you don't agree with it then don't opt in.
A lot of people are already KYC compliant and deserve privacy over their past transactions.

>> No.56062424
File: 91 KB, 997x862, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top pic is monero today and bottom is ETH. Looks like he really killed Monero

Oh boooohooo it's associated with hackers and criminals! Don't buy it then retard

>> No.56062429

When LTC came out with the Mimblewimble or whatever the fuck the update was called that brought privacy coins, it ended up being taken off of UK + Asian exchanges and unironically killed the coin despite being a good update.

Vitalik would be killing his own coin.

>> No.56062441

lmao zoom out faggot. I like Monero but it is a shit investment.

>> No.56062446

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.56062475

I have 60% of my portfolio in ETH, but I don't see how XMR is a bad store of value just because criminals use it.

For it's use case (privacy), XMR is the #1 coin. When all the shit coins die, XMR will ascend.

>> No.56062512

>I have x
why do you retards always use this dogshit rhetorical device? it doesn't matter that you are 60% correct, when 100% of the question is the remaining 40%

>> No.56062527

also lol (lmao even) @ all the buttblasted retards itt refusing to realize their epic investment thesis is retarded
>noooo but criminals need it!!!!!!

>> No.56062573
File: 127 KB, 420x420, 1624907631481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Click here for illegal transactions
optional privacy does not work, it's been proven plenty of times before. Monero is king.

>> No.56062580

But anon vitalic is a pedo

>> No.56062692

>monero is the only real private coin but is le bad because... b-because you can buy cute and funny thing with him, ok?!

>> No.56062695

>privacy but not for criminals
>killed monero

>> No.56062697

>trusted people
> remain anonymous
> Trusted through a KYC
> remain anonymous after a KYC
Monero sisters! how do we even compote?!

>> No.56062788

You can literraly get rich by buying Monero at 130 and selling it at 160 over and over again

>> No.56062960

Best bot.

>> No.56062978

another compromised kyc/blacklisting pool? you're just creating one choke point with a blacklist and forcing bad actors to outrun it when depositing/withdrawing. you'll still end up with the same problems tornado cash had.
the only way to truly achieve plausibly deniable slush funds of digital assets is to create l2s that by design ignore all but the entry and exit accounting in the name of "scalability". everything else will not pass the sniff test and will get you as fucked as tornado cash.

these are pseudonymous networks by design. simply create a never ending stream of tornado cash equivalents and overwhelm those trying to sanction them. liquidy moves faster than legal.

>implying non-europeans are genetically equipped to truly experience life

>> No.56062989

North Korea is really using Monero and they just hacked Stake too. They are more advanced than i thought.

>> No.56062993

I'm not going to take life advice from a man who cannot beat me in a fight.

>> No.56063057
File: 87 KB, 914x1091, pepe_bumble_bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If criminals can't use your money then it's not money, end of story.

>> No.56063065

Okay shlomo..
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.56063078

Monero doesn't need to "take off" it just needs to exist and serve its purpose, which it does. I don't get why shitcoin speculators have to project so much. I don't think monero users really give a shit what this ethereum pedo thinks about their chain.

>> No.56063154

exactly. vitalik and the rest of the cucks are just desperately trying to save themselves from indictment as doxed public figures.

the next generation of privacy networks and applications will be developed excursively by anonymous groups, with provisions built in for rapid escape chutes.
the privacy networks and utilities of today, built by known participants will simply be left to wither on the vine.

>> No.56063164

creating a kyc'd mixer. what a genius idea that i'm sure nobody had thought of before

>> No.56063215

Monero whitepaper says the entire project is useless if the server is attached to a monitor, say in the Pentagon building, where someone researches transactions and compares them to ones on the DW or looks into IP addresses to identify people.

>> No.56063218

Funny that nobody considers that Andre and Satoshi are the same person

>> No.56063224

because aside from having zero evidence you're talking about someone who hasn't shown a single thread of honesty contrary to everything satoshi did.

>> No.56063227

It really isn't though?

>> No.56063229

FTM was built to punish overleveragers
With defi we just made the first move lol

>> No.56063235

fantom was a clear and obvious alt-l1 grift, and failed just like all the other networks did.
to even compare that nobody to satoshi is very embarrassing for you.

>> No.56063246

why would Satoshi only program Bitcoin lol
you still don't know who either Andre or Satoshi are
and Andre caused Alameda which happened almost the second overleveraging happened because the FTM whitepaper clearly said Andre has more FTM than he says he does and SBF forgot that when he overleveraged. I invented an equation that will tell me the second overleveraging happens which I hardcoded into FTM lol liars get punished

>> No.56063276

so its not private? You just dont get it

>> No.56063299
File: 815 KB, 980x980, 173854730857340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment they roll-backed ETH blockchain is the moment everyone should have know you couldn't trust that blob.
Hi roll back is the exact moment the whole era of crypto degeneracy started.

>> No.56063309

>You get KYCd at the door,
so its not anonymous. feds send a man to the "door" and its over.

>> No.56063318

Just fuck off and die

>> No.56063321

why would be go from bitcoin to some failed money grab altcoin that accomplished nothing and has already been forgotten?

his incentives were political, not financial.

>> No.56063379

Because like I just explained Defi was bait for overleveraging. SBF was so cocky he thought he could dominate FTM by having more FTM than Andre but Andre purposely obfuscated his total FTM so that would cause overleveraging which like I said is hard coded into the FTM currency. You overleverage. I dump, equilibrium is reached, I rebuy. Repeat.

>> No.56063385

Anon, $13k is literally ghetto nigger trash money. You can buy a used a nigger car with that, it's the amount of money a child can save up working over the summer.

>> No.56063455

If you can trust people just use a normal ledger with accounts and settle between "trust pools" with crypto.

>> No.56063483

I hate to inform you that you are actually antisemitic and are guilty of the "all whites look the same" trope

>> No.56063667

what is going to happen is, government is going to use crypto as a way to control the people

the solve for the hash rate is government owned mining

vitalik is obviously an asset to globohomo and wants them to have power over others

>> No.56063682

Straight up doublthink

>> No.56063731

You must be retarded and I don't hold monero

>> No.56063927


>> No.56064092

I doubt the shitcoin king will do such a thing, especially right now when the SEC is up his ass for selling unregistered securities.

>> No.56064113

That just means kyc to play.

>> No.56064627
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 1694277318952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmaoooo Get ya bread up lil bro

>> No.56064768

Yeah, had a listened to faggots like you I wouldn’t be a btc maxi lel

>> No.56064772

Stupidest thread I've read all year

>> No.56064806

>Monero will be obsolete.
It's already becoming obsolete as Europe and the UK introduce regulations that require you to be able track transactions from the sender to the receiver.

Hates to break it to you, but the UK and Netherlands are two of the key crypto traders outside of the US.

>> No.56064818

This. Vitalik is a twat

>> No.56064876

Edit: this also means things like none kyc private address defi type products will also become extinct but
>go summer or defi reet

>> No.56064940

White people will be bred out of existence in a generation. : )

>> No.56065211

Wow, did Vitalik just recognized Monero is the real superior crypto ?

>> No.56065219

>Drug dealers
>Dark net pedos
You never invested early into Bitcoin and if given the chance you would never make it

>> No.56065228
File: 800 KB, 1080x2118, Screenshot_20230909-140804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just like you can't have sex with a 14 year old
Unless you're Jewish

>> No.56065993
File: 125 KB, 1185x800, Trivium_Quadrivium_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post in twelve months.

>> No.56066007

He's going to get hairplugs like Musk did right?

>> No.56067297

besides monero, there isnt many privacy options. anyone got the tweet of the uniswap team cracking the intel sgx? secret network and the rest of the hardware dependent privacy options are fucked.
manta network looks interesting but they're already talking about cucking with kyc and limiting sends.

>> No.56067441

>and let's be honest
Jews can't be honest, you type like a jew. kys

>> No.56067535

lmao hopefully niggers can figure out a way to feed themselves then

>> No.56067550

when will vitalik sell all his ETH and set us all free?

>> No.56068206

Imagine ignoring a trillion dollar market just because "it's associated with muh hackers, drug, terrorism, CP etc." while he's the biggest retard to already support CP.

>> No.56068541

vitalik is going to GITMO kek

>> No.56068544

>Andre ftm scam is Satoshi
The absolute sad state of (((/biz))) in 2023z Jesus Christ

>> No.56068863

>privacy for me not for thee
monero has privacy for everyone and until someone creates smart contract platform that has the same core values as monero nothing at all will change.

>> No.56069232

Why would Satoshi only program BTC and why would he allow overleveraging on the Blockchain? Obviously Satoshi is Andre.

>> No.56069249

One of the big reasons I've never invested in Ethereum is that I'm unimpressed with how average Vitalik's intelligence is relative to ETH's market cap. He isn't particularly wise either.

>> No.56069291

No one cares about ethereum and what it thinks. We have swappers against this. He didn't kill anything, monero is a multi-billion currency with tens of millions of sales each and every day. It exist independently of anyone else and will continue to do so long after all other coins have KY(S)Ced themselves

>> No.56069294

How did you conflate the premise with the exact opposite conclusion. Moves like these are literally free advertisement for Monero lmfao

>> No.56069314

the NPC shuts down when faced with a sound counter argument to what he believes in, when this happens it is forced to say some random 1 liner in order to save face and feel good about himself.

>> No.56069732 [DELETED] 

This is why Railgun is based. You can use Ethereum privately with it.

>> No.56069740 [DELETED] 

You can get richer by buying RAIL at 0.28 and selling at 20.
>> Buy low cap anon.

>> No.56070250

Private transaction without interference from unwanted parties? That's the point, shitheads bad mouthing shit they don't understand.

>> No.56070262 [DELETED] 

Monero is a base privacy solution, wtf you talking about, and I'm a Railgun anon

>> No.56070267

IQ 70 post. Enjoy getting scammed.

>> No.56070271

Monero servers are in the Pentagon building since most people who send it are buying DD cp and streaming it from an MSDOS machine

>> No.56070280 [DELETED] 

Privacy should not be optional, or you get fucked. Railgun is base too

>> No.56070319 [DELETED] 

Well, he did recognize crypto need ore privacy, that's good enough for crypto privacy users like Railgun and Secret network

>> No.56070370

>make large server farm
>big costs
>nobody ends up using the "super secret pedophile" currency
>you can count daily transactions on your hand
makes it really easy to track when nobody but creeps use it

>> No.56070503 [DELETED] 

You can say whatever you want about Monero and shit, but Supra Oracles is base

>> No.56070524 [DELETED] 

Win Monero, and anons getting Supra in their sights.

>> No.56070889

Kill your shitskinned father
Kill your shitskinned mother
Kill your shitskinned brothers and sisters
Then kill yourself, shitskin

>> No.56071035

lol eth is a scam coin

>> No.56072246 [DELETED] 

But the blockchain is public by default unless you use some private smart contract system like Railgun to keep your txn records private.

>> No.56072516
File: 408 KB, 4288x2848, yamuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Railgun
shoo shoo

>> No.56074751

That actually seems like a legitimate idea.
At what point will I be anonymously rugged tho?