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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56057332 No.56057332 [Reply] [Original]

I want to move out of my parents house, but my setup is pretty good here and rent for and equivalent place would be like 3k+/month.

>> No.56057335

Don’t do it.

>> No.56057357

>renting a house
never understood this meme. if you can't afford to buy, you should be renting a cuckpartment.

>> No.56057382

Renting makes sense when you move around a lot so its not that bad for young people.

>> No.56057393

the city is cramped, rat infested, filled with niggers and has no parking or green space though. Plus I have a home gym here. There's no apartments in the suburbs, best you can do is rent a room in a house and then you gotta deal with roommates anyway and my parents aren't that bad to live with.

>> No.56057422

Same. Turn 30 next year. Feel like I need to leave the country or something because I can’t justify renting a shitbox and paying most of my salary into it when I have a nice and free home right here.

>> No.56057455

>There's no apartments in the suburbs

>> No.56057487

Sell your stuff, get a negroplasty and move into the ghetto.

>> No.56057495

There are apartments in the suburbs they just cost more than in the city and are filled with guatemalans (the worse version of mexicans).

>> No.56057978
File: 13 KB, 300x250, boatpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrelated is the best alternative IMO.

>> No.56058314

>30 years old
>still lives at home with parents

Boy this board is just full of winners

>> No.56058383

yes I do not own a home myself, but I do have a net worth of 800k and haven't worked for 3 years now. im so glad i didn't move out at 21 like my friends. stay mad. currently i am traveling the world again. enloy the wagie cagie, mortgage/rent cuck

>> No.56058424

Do it. 3k+/month doesn't worth becoming a man.

You missed all the most important life milestones someone has in his 20s

>> No.56058596

so did everyone else

>> No.56060591

Maybe you should just kill yourself.