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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56054087 No.56054087 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think /biz/?

>> No.56054113

why not both

>> No.56054135
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You’re a genius

>> No.56054408

>local criminals find out this guy's name and face and that he's a "crypto investor"
>they break into his house mid goon sesh and drag him off to the narco torture van
>only takes 5 mins to get his keys
>turns out he only had 10 linkies the entire time he was fudding

>> No.56054853

Paid link shills trying to intimidate victims ITT.
Why do janitors allow these "Doxxing - Calling for real life violence" threads to stay up? Curious.

>> No.56054867

The threats aren't credible, because chainlink investors can't afford the bus fare to go get him.

>> No.56054938

>The threats aren't credible
You're only half correct on that. Are random retards from biz a problem? Probably not. After link moons he'll still be a nobody that never made a difference and no one would bother wasting their made-it life on a mouthbreather. But if anyone nearby desperate for cash knows his face and that he's into crypto? Plenty of news stories about people who get rekt for their keys regardless of what they hold. That's just reality.

>> No.56054955

Does that matter when you can dox him to local criminals so they can go after him?

>> No.56054966

That's more his own problem / fault honestly. He wanted attention in this shithole, and he got it.

>> No.56054975

Chainlink has a team of violent avocados ready to murder you in your sleep for wrongthink newfag

>> No.56055401

You blackmail the victim to local criminals and then blame the victim for the consequences?
You already admitted that you market Link to this "shithole" to "random retards," and when those "random retards" realized they've been duped blowing the whistle on your scheme you blackmail them.

>> No.56055525

He literally claims to be a 2017 OG. If that's the case how do you have a "victim" 50x in profit unless he's a paid fudding liar just like the rest of you subhuman shitbags.
And as for your accusations - Ive just been holding link since 2018 and discuss it here when I feel like it a couple times a week. I dont care if anyone is actually smart enough to buy link, but your histrionic pearl clutching about blackmail and marketing just sounds like the screeching of a dumb animal flinging shit at a wall in the hopes that something sticks.
Your friend is a idiot. Your outrage is hilarious. Maybe find a better hobby than trying to shit up biz with fud 24/7 and you won't get burned doing it like the retarded fag that you are. I actually hope he does get stabbed by some junkie. He might be remembered for that at least lmao.

Now fuck off back to the 6 fud threads that you have to keep up at all times for no particular reason at all.

>> No.56055617

Give me a break, he played with fire and got burned

>> No.56055620

>muh victim

>> No.56055644
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>> No.56055655
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>> No.56055676

Such a jewish method. Crying in in pain as you stab people. Accuse others of what youre doing

>> No.56055704

You do realize "The Success Factory," the company that he currently has listed on his linkedin, is a literal pyramid scheme / MLM company that ran a scam called dagcoin right? This just seems like karma to me. Dude is obviously just a really dumb scumbag that's only a few shades too light to be running refund scams on the elderly. Both you, and he should kill yourselves, unironically.

>> No.56055712
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>immediately triggered
>maximum damage control
>n-n-nooo we're not paid avocados, we're entirely organic shitposters!!1

>> No.56055769
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>more projection

>> No.56055781
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>n-n-noooo paid avocados literally do not exist!!
>y-y-you're projecting!11
>the paid avocado squeals as he spams the same collages day in and day out

>> No.56055808
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>more fuddie projection

>> No.56055827

He will get the Ari contract for sure. Whatever measley sum of Link he had will be lost forever.

>> No.56055893
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Like who are they even trying to convince at this point with the accusation of paid shilling when they have been running the most obvious paid fud campaign I have ever seen on this board? It's comically dumb. Like trying to watch a retard hide behind a teaspoon that he's holding.

>> No.56056288

>After link moons
>-90% over 3 years
What are you, a time traveler?

Your pennies would be better spent on doxxing assblaster and filling a class action.

>> No.56056328

>incel revenge fantasy

“Local criminals” hahahahahahahahahahahahaha such a shut-in incel way to write something. Oh are they not criminals from another town? Fake toughguy

>> No.56056340

>and then everyone clapped


>> No.56056350

>ari contract

You mean the guy who wears a mask when hes in his car by himself? Ooohhhhhhhhh scary!!!

>> No.56056433

Looks like this comment has made them super upset so they're just trying to write it off as a 'revenge fantasy' or something.
Crypto tards who dont keep their mouths shut absolutely do have horrible things done to them to get their keys so yeah, he absolutely should be worried.
Plenty of stories about this kind of thing.

>> No.56057597

Whole lot of bad karma being generated ITT by angry evil baggies.

>> No.56058017

Oh noooooooooo guysthhhhh we better be careful. There are ELITE autisthhssss around. Stfu you fat fuck

>> No.56058134

dude I don't know how many ways to tell you, you're just not...hard. You're the classic keyboard tough guy. Just chill and log off for a while, help mom with the chores, etc.

>> No.56058163
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Suck a nigger's cock and perhaps flip your ICP for some KAVA kek

>> No.56058180

Hahahahaha he posts it in every thread this sandnigger is shitting himself so hard

>> No.56058197

Hi wispy dude pohsteww. Which wimb do you hope the scawwy fugs chop awf fiwst?

>> No.56058217

>Implying OP is an ICPoor nigger just cuz he's fudding LINK
Anon, not all of us are ICPoors, but definitely all of us hate LINK

>> No.56058220

cope and seethe lmao icp will fr make it

>> No.56058236

My town has no criminals (I ate them all)

>> No.56058242
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>Nigger seething cuz his bags didn't make it

>> No.56058701

the more people believe something is gonna happen the more likely it is to occur and Adem Kayser has done nothing but attract negative attention for years, the number of people that hate him is going up.
so why should something positive happen to him? thats not how this world works and I can tell you that his story wont have a happy end.