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56053831 No.56053831 [Reply] [Original]

Hardly any action lately on Base. I'm just waiting around for things to pick up again. I haven't really traded much in the last week because it's fairly dead, i'm just in stablecoin, but I'm thinking if BTC & ETH pick up again soon then we might see people start to come back to Base. Some tokens are looking like they're back down to the levels they were at about 2 weeks ago and might be bottoming out. Long term i think Base has potential anyway, mainly just because it's run by Coinbase

If you don't know what Base Chain is, it's an Ethereum L2 blockchain (like Arbitrum, or Optimism) owned by Coinbase that launched back around the end of July. The code is based on the Optimism code. Base chain does not have it's own native token, it just uses ETH. Coinbase says they don't have any plans to launch their own native token on the chain

Please don't shill unrelated tokens from other chains in this thread. Last few Base threads were like half shills and people just saying Base is a scam without knowing anything about it

>> No.56053847
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Base is fucking Garbage, buy some AVAX instead you dumbfuck nigger

>> No.56053867
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my god you're a retarded faggot

>> No.56053875
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Base daily transactions chart. Dates on the x-axis are wrong though, they should say august/september etc

>> No.56053878

it's DOA, goofball

>> No.56053925
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picrel is a chart of AlienBase. One of the better Base dexes. Price is back down to where it was 2 weeks ago (about halfway along chart). Bunch of other tokens are similar. I've mostly just been watching the various dex tokens.

There's definitely scams on Base, just like on BSC and ETH, but you can avoid almost all of them by just not buying any tokens under like a day old or without socials, unverified, unlocked/unburned liquidity etc

On arrival it did fairly well for about a week, but I wasn't really expecting some kind of several months long surge seeing as we're basically in a bear market. This kind of waves of people coming and going with periods of little activity is pretty normal for the last year or so. Seems kind of related to whether BTC/ETH are doing ok or not. I guess coinbase just decided it was better to launch now rather than wait until the next bull run, whenever that's going to be

>> No.56054273
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If you're not taking this opportunity to slurp some cheap nethers, you're not going to make it

>> No.56054536

Yeah i saw that posted somewhere this morning and haven't had a chance to look into it yet. Here's the website anyway if anyone want's to see. It is on Base too
It's another dex with perps too I think, like Synth or Based.markets. Looks like the price dropped a lot too, i guess the price of everything dropped a lot though. I'll have to check out their tg and stuff soon

>> No.56054617

Yeah pretty slow right now, even though there's a lot going on behind the scenes. Lots of infrastructure porting over like Aave, Sushi etc. I'm just counting on Coinbase onboarding millions of normies in the next bull this thing could really fly.

Only thing I'm holding now is Toshi. It's s memecoin obviously but I'm pretty impressed by how the team is handling the situation. They seem hellbent on making Toshi the top project on Base (Face of Base lol), apparently paying out of their own pockets and working on all sorts of additional utility. Not sure if they're gonna succeed but might just turn out to be a golden bet when things start picking up again.

>> No.56055954

Yeah the Base twitter has been posting stuff constantly. There's still like 500 free Toshi NFTs left too if anyone wants one. You can mint up to 5 of them for about $5 transaction fee
I was swing trading Toshi a bit but some of the whales that bought early kept dumping, but I think they're gone now by the look of it. Another one I've been trading a bit is this one
It's not made by the ETH Pepe devs, but the dev/owner has been in tg for weeks now even during the big dip a while back. I think it's a safe one and if people come back then it might go up again, i don't know. I don't have any right now though myself. I saw some other Pepe tokens but they were scams. Most of the new meme tokens are scams so I tend to avoid them really

>> No.56056050

Check out Krav

>> No.56056315

do you actually make money flipping shitcoins on new chains anon?
i spent some time monitoring new pairs on an eth explorer but 99% of them rug after a few hours

>> No.56056335

wow ., base very good 4channel many hidden jem on this site wow

>> No.56056513

Lost 90% on Bswap and ALB, Garbage rugchain with garbage user experience

>> No.56056801

There are some differences from buying things on a new chain as opposed to an established one. The best thing is there's way less bots. There's heaps of really annoying bots on BSC. But a downside is that there's usually not many services on a new chain, like liquidity lockers and 3rd party bridges etc. But people on Base had those things up and running pretty quick, like within the first 2 weeks.

I've had some success with more of a slow paced strategy. Just identifying tokens that are decent and have a bit of volatility. The Dex tokens are usually fairly good because every chain has a few dexes, so you just find which ones are the least likely to scam, then just watch the chart, like watch it for ages if you need to, weeks even, just waiting for a good time to buy. There's a bunch of tokens on Base now that look like they're a good time to buy but the problem is the volume is really low, so the price moves fairly erratically. You want to look for rising and falling trends. I usually use a 5 minute chart and I add VWAP and MACD indicators. The VWAP one can help with identifying the longer term trends and MACD is more for immediate trading momentum, just people coming and going in waves. But when volume is really low people don't really come in waves much, they more just randomly show up. So it makes me kind of unsure and I just sell to stablecoin because there's no obvious trend. Looking at the price action of BTC and ETH helps, even with small cap tokens. People will often sell if ETH dumps really hard suddenly so it's something to look out for.

>> No.56056816 [DELETED] 

...also I don't hold for long either, i mostly just do swing trading, maybe i'll hold anywhere from a minute to a few hours, but I sell it before i go to sleep usually just because i'm doing mostly short term trading. I'm on the computer a lot so it's not so bad really but there is a lot of looking a charts and reading telegram chanels and checking things involved. Basically don't buy anything without socials and without burned or locked liq and without unverified contract and even better if you don't buy it on the first day. I just avoid looking for moonshots really and go for lots of smaller like 10% gains instead, they add up fairly quick if you get a bunch of them. I still make bad trades too but I just sell as soon as it starts going down really, i don't want to risk it because i don't have a lot of money

Yeah holding on new tokens is really risky unless if you know the space really well had have picked something with good utility and people are using it and there's good volume

>> No.56056840

...also I don't hold for long either, i mostly just do swing trading, maybe i'll hold anywhere from a minute to a few hours, but I sell it before i go to sleep usually just because i'm doing mostly short term trading. I'm on the computer a lot so it's not so bad really but there is a lot of looking a charts and reading telegram chanels and checking things involved. Basically don't buy anything without socials and without burned or locked liq and without unverified contract and even better if you don't buy it on the first day. I just avoid looking for moonshots really and go for lots of smaller like 10% gains on more established tokens with some volume instead, they add up fairly quick if you get a bunch of them. I still make bad trades too but I just sell as soon as it starts going down really, i don't want to risk it because i don't have a lot of money

Yeah holding on new tokens is really risky unless if you know the space really well had have picked something with good utility and people are using it and there's good volume

>> No.56056886

Only thing I would genuinely recommend buying on BASE right now is a token called GOLD. It's about 2.5m MC right now, but you won't find much info on dexscreener as most liquidity is on Balancer, DYOR. It should show up on dextools however.

>inb4 I get banned for 2 weeks again for 'shilling' for having the nerve to contribute on-topic to a thread.

>> No.56056922
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you shouldn't get banned hopefully, it's on topic. Gold is legit. I've been watching it for like 2 weeks now. It's owned by humpy the balancer whale. You can see that it wasn't dumping over the last few weeks like everything else was too in picrel. It even went up a bit today and I noticed they have way more people talking in their tg

>> No.56056989

Ye as soon as I found out it was Humpys actual project I went in big, have like 20k worth right now sitting in the 99/1 balancer pool.

Honestly debating whether or not to cut my losses on BSWAP and stick it all in GOLD. BSWAP team are decent, trustworthy people but the price action has just been so dissapointing. Maybe people are just burnt on all the other scammy DEX projects that popped up on the chain, and the whole 'this could be the next pancakeswap bro!' narrative in DeFi has died.

>> No.56057092

thanks for the tips

>> No.56057127

Why do you buy dex coins? Are you retarded? You farm them and dump them.

>> No.56057169

the problem with platform chains like ethereum the l2s or all the "alt-l1s" like avax or solana is that everyone just wants the next blue ocean to build the same cookie cutter dapps.

all the hype moves around circularly because theres not enough liquidity to sustain all these chains at the same time. worse still when a chain gets cycled out it can be so long before anyone cares again the chain just dies in the meantime as with old 2017 chains or even things like avalanche.

there's really nothing these platforms can do because nearly all of them are equally suitable for the kind of on-chain activity that passes for "utility" these days. all you can do is wait for more liquidity to come back in a pre-bull market and hope another shiny chain hasn't eaten your lunch in the meanwhile.

>> No.56058261

yeah crypto as a whole really needs more innovation etc. Almost everything is geared towards trading or money making strategies and there's almost nothing that helps with day-to-day life. But we just kind of ignore that I guess haha. So long as people want to keep trading then we can keep playing the game. Really all of it could get stamped out pretty quick by government, especially if they're keen on controlling everyone with their own CBDCs. Some people liken the crypto space to the early internet, i don't know if it is though really, it could be i suppose but it needs a lot more work fundamentally, especially to deal with all the scammers. And yeah there's way too many chains. I guess it's like the dot com boom and then suddenly the money dries up and all those shitty chains might disappear. I think almost all the leaders in the crypto space are just as greedy as any wall st fat cats anyway really so in the end its still a few people getting really rich while other people might make a little bit along the way. I'm kind of aware of all that and i'm still here though. I find it more fun than trading stocks really

>> No.56060499
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Yeah i don't know about BaseSwap. It does seem ok. Just pumped a lot at the start so the chart looks kinda bad now after a lot of people left. But if you're still holding i'd probably just keep holding for now because it's pretty much at launch price again almost. Maybe just keep an eye on ETH incase it dumps cause sometimes when the big coins like that dump people will get scared and start selling off but when ETH is flat like it is now things tend to move fairly slowly. I reckon if ETH picks up again things will start going up again on Base. I don't know when that might be though

>> No.56062046


>> No.56062954

most people will never care about speculating and that rules out everything you can do with ethereum and ethereum adjacent networks. most people don't want to use something that's appreciating like bitcoin as money, which rules out almost everything else.

crypto just isn't useful to anyone not making money, saving money, or gambling. that's why the laziest thing you can do is build infrastructure like base instead of something people want to use, because that would expose the fact that there isn't really anything here.

>> No.56063112

Yeah i mostly agree with that. It's going to be a tough sell to have normies using blockchain day-to-day alongside the millions of crypto scammers, not to mention the general volatility of it all. In saying that though the internet was swamped with scammers and spammers early on (and still kinda is) and it was more about just educating people how to identify and avoid scams. The internet has a lot more flexibility to be useful compared to blockchain though for sure. Right now blockchain is pretty crappy, but I don't want to rule it out as being eternally crappy. I reckon it's going to be a few more bull/bear cycles yet until we see some decent use cases for any of this stuff, if the gov doesn't intervene within that time. There was articles claiming that the internet was just a fad back in like 2000 too, it's just kind of hard to predict where things are going, but there's definitely a lot of fake kind of hype in the crypto sector, it's pretty clear the general public doesn't think to highly of a lot of it

>> No.56063116

its a gmx copy but it might pump a little now so get out then before it plummets another 99%

>> No.56063144

the internet was about information and communication, things natural and desirable to all humans.
"crypto" is about speculation and gambling, something the vast majority of the world didn't do when we had safe stock markets, they're never going to be interested in "crypto".

people in crypto shit on nfts and nfts in gaming a lot and rightfully so. they fail to realize that video games get worse when you add monetization and nfts for the same reason everything gets worse when you add monetization ("crypto").

money, savings, gambling. that's all this is going to be, and the majority of the world will never participate, and that's fine.

>> No.56063468

>"crypto" is about speculation and gambling
sort of. I think that's more just a use case of crypto, but fundamentally crypto is about being able to transact data or value between multiple parties digitally without the need for 3rd party mediation with a built-in historical record of everything that happens. And now with NFTs it's not just transfer of some amount of value or data but record of ownership. The technology is sound. Like the gov is making there own, so it is useful, it's just not really implemented or managed usefully right now, probably because it's all run by random members of the public. Some people definitely overhype some of the more useless parts of it a lot though, NFTs for owning monkey jpegs being one of the most obvious. But blockchain/crypto/web3 I think is almost certain to be integrated into a lot of things in the future, not just financial. DAOs for trustless voting is a good use case, and web3 authentication is really seamless compared to traditional auth using a username/password. There are non-financial use cases for it all, but moving money around seems to just be the main focus right now, probably because it involves money which means a potential to make money so VCs and the like are directing money to support development in that direction rather than into less finance based ideas

>> No.56063477
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the proper USDC coin is on Base now, fyi

>> No.56063497

Seriously how do I find gems on BASE before they take off? Do you just scour the basescan addresses?

>> No.56063523

but it only lets you transfer things that are represented entirely by the digital data. off chain assets will always settle with those who have physical possession and no government is going to change property rights.

it's useful, but not for physical objects, just items that are tickets, like tokens, whether monetary or not. everything else just builds on the idea of moving those things around. trying to expand outside the idea of money/tickets leads you quickly to dead ends or places where blockchains are unnecessary.

>> No.56063565
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bumping this base(d) thread

Base, Arbitrum, Optimism, are all competing on top of Ethereum, using side-chains that are not compatible.

Meanwhile, the bridges that connect them are not user-friendly and susceptible to hacks.

All these chains are selling shovels. The question is, what happens when the market for shovels becomes oversaturated?

The value we've all been chasing in crypto was mainly driven by speculative money. How much longer will this speculative interest continue (because it's certainly not a reliable source of support - without money printing, especially since the cost of creating tokens, blockchains, and dApps is either very low (0) or rapidly decreasing?

>> No.56063828

the value of money (bitcoin) will always exist because its the one thing you can't distill any further. but everything else is fighting for not adoption from users but adoption from developers, who in turn fight for adoption from users. it causes cascades because those developers can cut their losses much faster.

at the end of the day all this non-monetary use was always going to be temporary, you can't pull the same altcoin trick to the same group. when you tap out the inflows of the desperate and gullible everything collapses back down again.
the consolation price is that bitcoin already won, and ethereum hasn't seen any platform take any sizable share of it's users (the developers writing contracts). it's a bad time to be exposed to anything else though.

>> No.56065331

I am betting on Alien Base, they’re the only ones who actually did new things, only ones who seem to be working clean, only ones that made AMAs, aka not afraid of any question, their community is fucking solid, actually the best community on base period. Not to mention they just launched Area 51, a place to trade new tokens launching on base and all ALB holders get airdropped every single token launching. Best to do is buy ALB stake, earn airdrops and wait for bull run, chances are at least one of the tokens will make 100-1000x and ALB will for sure fly high.

>> No.56065658
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Gee wizz it's almost like Base's initial pump was nothing but complete speculation thanks to it having Coinbase's branding behind... Almost as if it was destined to fail short term... Weird huh? Hope you bought and solded like two days after (like me). Anyways Kinetix grows users on the daily and you probably haven't even heard about it, so here you go. One pity alpha for ya.

>> No.56067184

That sounds right. It is just a digital technology and depends on it all functioning correctly and everyone using it properly. It could be used to replace a lot of different kinds of legacy systems that operate on trust and historical records. Like wikipedia would probably suit a blockchain, just not with the payments really, but I suppose they could use that part of it to take donations or something to keep the system running. 4chan probably wouldn't really be suited to blockchain even though it might benefit from a distributed ledger kind of database, just because 4chan doesn't really care about historical record with all old content constantly being deleted by design. It's the things no-one has developed or even thought of yet that are probably more interesting, takes time to work that stuff out I guess.

>> No.56067246

Yeah it does look like one of the better ones so far. The dexes I've been watching on Base are AlienBase, BaseSwap (and BaseX), DackieSwap and SwapBased. There's another dex called Autotronic but it has a 5% tax so i'm not really watching that one. AlienBase does seem like probably the best one. I like DackieSwap too, if you check out their discord it's pretty active and there's always some admins around answering stuff and just overal it looks like they put a lot of work into custom themeing it and coming up with their points system and other things like that. But the price dumped hard right at launch and is still really low, but it looks like they're not giving up. SwapBased seems ok too but seems to be a fair bit less active

There's also another dex called DiamondSwap and it seems fairly popular in their tg but most of their smart contracts are unverified, even the pair contracts it generates are unverified, at least last time I checked, so I've just avoided that one. There's a token called Blue Moon on DiamondSwap which trends on DexTools sometimes and is apparently developed by some former SafeMoon people, i think that's why DiamondSwap was getting a bit of attention. In their tg the DiamondSwap devs were saying they wrote all the dex code themselves so maybe that's why they don't want to share the source, but it still seems a bit sus

Synth and Based.Markets look like ok perp trading platforms too. Based.Markets looks a bit nicer

The only meme coins I've been watching really are Toshi, Moshi and PepeOnBase. The dex RocketSwap was a rug too so avoid that one if you see it

>> No.56068848
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little bit more activity over the last 2 days. Overall market is real slow though right now.

>> No.56068856
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...BSC txns are down about a 1/4 too over the same period which is a fair bit. Ethereum is like dead flat

>> No.56068873


fuck coinbase and fuck you fag

>> No.56068893
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>fuck coinbase and fuck you fag

>> No.56069170
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Leet staking to be relaunched soon. Audit of new DEX contracts passed. Leet 2.0 token relaunched on all leet compatible chains with currently no functionality. Whitelist and vetting process for token devs ongoing for the last 2 weeks for a suite of safe tokens on staking relaunch.

Leet will rise from the ashes, like a phoenix.

>> No.56069198

at this point everything on base was a rug

>> No.56069227

giant scam organized by the team behind kek tools

if you want to see the names of the scammers behind it's all there: https://talk.harmony.one/t/kek-tools-the-fastest-decentralized-blockchain-explorer-adding-harmony-support/15467

>> No.56069459

how is it a scam though ? 100% of liq is locked. Are they selling tokens or something ? I thought kek.tools was ok, they were partnered with rubic. They're gone now but a lot of projects failed over the last few years so it's not surprising

>> No.56069595

i'm convinced that the seed round was all a big lie and they own 90% of the supply

>> No.56069618

Base is slowly rugging. The new action will be on shibarium if they can get the fucking thing up and running properly this week

>> No.56069622

nobody's ever moved back to old alts one cycle later. shib and everything associated with it is just pvp among all the idiots left holding the bag.

next cycle is going to be all about fresh coins, just like it has been every cycle since 2013

>> No.56069733

I've been farming based on aerodrome at bullrun tier apr without price collapsing for the past 4 days

you won't believe this because biz is just ngmi since all the smart people left in 2021 so whatever though

based dot farm if you wanna cope and seethe later

it's a tomb fork

>> No.56069918

they just farm with 3000% apy and dump nonstop while there are idiots buying in. this is 99% of defi projects btw

>> No.56070416

Base fucking slowed down, could pick up again. In the meantime, Supra Oracle network is base

>> No.56070439

Nigger, open your fucking eye, SupraOracles network instead

>> No.56070449

Pajeet keep being morons, add to that Supra Oracles.

>> No.56070633


Why would you do this? Its not organic at all. I can say that I will not buy Supra Oracles but I will tell everyone else not to as well

>> No.56071183

I've been dealing with this as well as a small scale developer. Any advice on how I should pivot?

>> No.56071611
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DackieSwap created a new DACKIE/ETH pool to replace the existing one, just restarts the chart really without creating a new token. It has about 60k liquidity too. But this chart looks much better than the old one. So this will replace the old one

>> No.56072778
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NFTs on guacchat.com lets you post anything for free and then that post can be minted as an NFT on base chain for only ~$1. This is the web3 everything twittergram rumored that will save crypto and web3. Post it once on guac chat, mint it as an NFT and now that post is available everywhere that supports NFT uri viewing. (Open Sea, Rarible, Coinbase NFTs). This will revolutionize e-commerce as NFTs are platform independent imagine not having to list your products on Amazon, then not list them on eBay, then not list them on FB mp, then you dont get conflicting orders because only one NFT. Anyways guac chat they just released their erc20 linked to the NFT contract. The payout reward per NFT minted is 9 quintillions of the gcc tokens. This is not a drill 10000000000000000x incoming. The market cap is so low this project can literally only go up.

>> No.56074210

Sounds interesting. There is a Guac Chat Cash token on Base but it only has $95 liquidity