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File: 879 KB, 1125x2057, 9FD5B3FC-E988-403D-8A64-01B32FDA7AA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56052949 No.56052949 [Reply] [Original]

Jp Morgan putting Chainlink out of business. How the fuck is there not a post on this? This board is dead

>> No.56052963

looks like all of you have to start posting Dimon instead of Sergey every day now

>> No.56052964

B-but chainlink uses environment variables and makefiles.

>> No.56052974
File: 304 KB, 1125x687, BDE28EA9-BCB8-4FE1-B4BB-6B0D3665EE55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times have we sat here and told you over and over…why would banks need a Russian scam artist

>> No.56052990

Are you retarded? Thiey are going to use chainlink lol ....

>> No.56052996

Plenty of crumbs between J.P. Morgan and Chainlink. No reason they couldn’t use this and a link integration.

>> No.56053000

but does it have smart oracles huh? how is it going to pull off-chain data into the defi space to supercharge the future of finance?

>> No.56053004
File: 577 KB, 1125x1263, 4CEB4BDF-175C-4BE4-9291-822892637C86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao right on cue, the crypto bagholder locusts swarm in and start begging. This is the bargaining stage.

Replace Link with XRP in those comments and its exactly what you are thinking.

>> No.56053011

the regulators have to approve you brainless fuck, Chainlink has already been approved

>> No.56053010

Sounds more like eggs are pee to me.

>> No.56053028

Lint to xeet??

>> No.56053061

>fuddies then: JP Morgan is a dying dinosaur institution so their work and input on link doesn't matter
>fuddies now: umm linkies, JP Morgan is making a cbdc which perfectly fits in with how chainlink will operate with banks according to all the pilots and other work they're doing

>> No.56053075

>Jp (((morgan))) basically makes just another shitcoin
>op sucks cocks
Just another day on biz I guess

>> No.56053094
File: 625 KB, 1125x1433, 011B4A6C-3FE1-4FD9-886B-089A9176A263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not going to take them seven years either. Why? Because they have people that actually work. Not a bunch of freaks who sit at home and copy paste buzzwords on twitter

>> No.56053111

You're never getting your money back

>> No.56053121

>most of the infrastructure
I wonder what they're missing

>> No.56053124

>babby gets confused about real world

Bahahhaaha imagine thinking a random altcoin has regulatory approval over JP fucking Morgan bahahahahaha. Holy shit youre clueless

>> No.56053131

>xrp is completely fucked
>here’s why this is bad for chainlink

>> No.56053137

>p-please feel fear uncertainty and doubt sirs
oh no im absolutely terrified its not like link is balls deep in swifts plans for tokenized settlements and transactions or anything
just sold 100k again op, big brain fud thread as always - looking forward to seeing the next 20 you make today!

>> No.56053146

>triggered and seething fuddie
awww poor baby
are you projecting your bancor losses onto me or something lmaooooo

>> No.56053196

Truth hurts doesnt it? Ive been saying here for a few years that banks will use the underlying blockchain tech, but why the FUCK would they ever need a scam altcoin and its online loser cult.

And now that reality is sinking in for you. Knowing how big of a cuck Sergey is, he’ll probably help them build their own coin. If he hasnt already that is…

>> No.56053206
File: 641 KB, 1125x1854, 7201792A-A6A3-4258-AB96-4644FD355A71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry though “marines”, you may have lost the banks, but you still have defi shitcoin cross chain revenues, r right

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh linnnnnnnnnnkie

>> No.56053219

I'm familiar with this project, it will not interact with Chainlink in any way shape or form. It's private permissioned and not meant to move to other chains due to its architecture and purpose

>t. insider

>> No.56053218

seek help

>> No.56053227

linkie baggots will cling to this bullshit post like its a liferaft.

>> No.56053228
File: 226 KB, 1382x1455, 04818002-D8E9-41F1-8BB3-6DD6E1123450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons shit on the FUD spammers attempt at a new FUD angle almost immediately because it makes 0 sense
>FUD spammer becomes more upset and irrational instantly
How long do you guys reckon until he starts samefagging to *try* and salvage this train-wreck of a thread?

>> No.56053242

I'm assuming you're being facetious. That said, logically there's two options here. Option A, they have to go through CEX's to flip back to fiat, and allow CZ and company to not only collect a % of all global finance, but also have centralized control of it. The same CZ they are all trying to destroy as we speak.

Option B, they go with SWIFT's solution, and never even have to leave the blockchain.

>> No.56053251


>> No.56053267

>26 posts
>no mention of Christine Moy and JPM's Liink

>> No.56053288

Fucking hell, why did you have to give them the idea? I'm so sick of seeing that fatass and his dead shit coin.

>> No.56053289

Kek baggies. We told you.
>token not needed

>> No.56053315

Fudders have literally zero understanding of what is going on. Why do you think the fud is so generic? They didn't even make a thread ripping on Sergey's Singapore talk until they read my post saying it wasn't very good. They literally don't even bother to follow Chainlink content.
Which tells you they have absolutely no intention of going toe-to-toe with OGs and are happy just to make noise for the newfags.
Jokes on them, though, there are no newfags at this part of the cycle. They're talking to empty air.

>> No.56053350

Im an insider of your moms pussy and that shit without a doubt uses chainlink oracles

>> No.56053359

They are literally using Chainlink

>> No.56053385

>nooo you can't doubt the heckin brandarino
kys retard

>> No.56053396

Chainlink is not a blockchain

>> No.56053528

>For example, facilitating Delivery vs. Payment (DvP) with stablecoins/cash/deposit tokens by performing transactions with the exchange of assets across blockchains
>deposit tokens


>> No.56053602


>> No.56053716

Dont worry they’ll go option C. Also no one cares about decentralization, banks included…and chainlink isnt decentralized

>> No.56053720
File: 87 KB, 748x363, candid jp morgan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56053723

>its a secret

The market agrees (down 90). My bet is on the bank that has all of the necessary insider connections and is public so has some accountability to shareholders. Much better than the work from home offshore grift with a fat slav slob whos already rug pulled one project. The writing is on the wall

>> No.56053725
File: 59 KB, 746x374, jp morgan link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56053731

>JPM Coin x Chainlink

>> No.56053732
File: 173 KB, 836x1092, ccip chains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember J.P. Morgan started Quorum.

>> No.56053735


>> No.56053761

Fudniggers btfo

>> No.56053768
File: 201 KB, 1080x754, DepositTokens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chief Cornerstone.

>> No.56053775
File: 81 KB, 906x424, deposit token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A deposit token use-case was mentioned in the Chainlink blog from 8 days ago:

>> No.56053816

Sneed 'em and feed em I says.

>> No.56053817
File: 485 KB, 2456x2063, notsurprisingatall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their own existence btfos them even without their retarded arguments getting shat on every single time
every time you see a fudcuck poster they are always, without exception:
>a mouthbreathing scammer that worked for an actual multi level marketing / pyramid scheme company
>a bancor / celsius retard that lost everything gambling
>a third-worlder who bought high
>a tranny / immigrant lover from r9k

>> No.56053880

Nigger this is what CCIP does. It takes the Chase tokens and moves them onto public blockchains where you can use them outside of the banking network. This is exactly what Sergey means by "bank chains."

>> No.56054026

big if true the silence is legit deafening fr no cap

>> No.56054250

lol, don't forget the helm charts!

>> No.56054472

Fuddies are so retarded lmao

>> No.56055621

Fuddies are so dumb, it's true. They are just scared they missed out but guess what - Scorch Coin is gonna make a lot of people rich. You don't wanna get left behind like these losers. They have a chance to get in on something big but they prefer to be negative nancies while everyone else profits. Get with the program already and join the Scorch community! www.scorchcoin.com/

>> No.56055768

chainlink is a dunb scam

>> No.56055848

You see what's happening with the Chainlink price right, the only ones who got rich are the insiders who got out while they could and left you bagholding this junk. Now, I'm not saying all coins are scams like Chainlink, because there was no way for us to know the inner circle of insiders were going to dump on you. But with Scorch you know the game ahead of time, because the whitepaper is clear, which is why you don't want to be the last person holding this junk. I'm shilling Scorch cuz it's got the best chances. Read the whitepaper, king

>> No.56056010


investor here, i read alot of contrary reactions, yet the ones against chanlink never explain why it's a scam, the research i do looks pretty promising, what am i missing?

>> No.56056021

You don't dump oracles in the crypto space. Take a look at Supra Oracle

>> No.56056079

Thank you for this information! This is bullish af