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56052287 No.56052287 [Reply] [Original]

With access to the Internet and an IQ over 125 or higher, and a strong work ethic, you should be able to make millions of dollars.

>> No.56052315

Not in todays intoc new liberal fascist horror clown world. It's worse than the Spanish inquisition meets French witch hunters

>> No.56052325

i am literally more intelligent than every worthless human on this planet but i was born poor and with ugly shit genetics. you simply don’t beat this even as a super genius god.

>> No.56052359

I have no problem pulling every womens look no matter the age and have enough cash, doesn't matter, if you have your own head and refuse to comply with bullshit braindead easily disprovable assumptions and axioms meant to protect their pyramid scheme, the inquisition and witch hunter that got put in as gate keepers are going to keep you out

Only alternative way, literally becoming a traitor and cooperating with Ivan oligarchs

>> No.56052368

yeah i noticed this too which is why i have black friends online. black people don’t care about any of this shit.

>> No.56052371

Really? It didn't work for me.

>> No.56052388

They do, but Niggers are groomed from child on to be slaves and keep their mouths shut, while you can't domesticate an independent White mind, and such minds don't break, they plot, wait, stalk and go berserk when the moment arrives and the prey is weakened

>> No.56052403

>should be able to make millions of dollars.
Not even in theory. Plenty of intelligent people all throughout history who made nothing out of their lives.
It's even easier to fail nowadays, with such an easy access to information a very committed socially adept retard can pass as an intelligent person and by the time someone notices he already got all the social connections he needed to keep on going.

Also my IQ is only 123, so I got an excuse.

>> No.56052415

Should i invest in shitcoins that can go up thanks to memes and shilling or should i invest in more traditional and stable things like stocks?

>> No.56052417

> not MENSA

>> No.56052455

Jesus Christ, you faggots really need to fick off and be tortured to dead with hot irons and have your skins removed while alive and whenever you black out, be woken up again

>> No.56052467

You just do backend software engineering. There's an expectation that you're hideous and antisocial.

>> No.56052477

Checking in at 115 (Ashkenazi and Anglican average). What am I in for? Willing to do some criminal things btw.

>> No.56052614

I'm close to a one million net worth and I've gotta say, being neet was better. Soon I'll be neet again but this time I won't be poor, gotta love that.

>> No.56052707

I am

>> No.56052720

Anon, this isn't very nice.

>> No.56052753
File: 343 KB, 647x1031, B18DE3BB-6AFE-49CB-A1AD-48732AA6063D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon has never stepped outside

it’s only you guys acting like naggy bitchy females

>> No.56052765
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>IQ of 185
>use the internet to masturbate to pictures of Osaka

>> No.56052833

Your projecting hard MIT fag

>> No.56053139

Too much IQ leads to hedonism. Midwits are winners

>> No.56053653
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my ritual to keep my mind clear is to have a night alone, with a fleshlight and my laptop with osaka sounds
that or playing duck race makes me go to work motivated the next day

>> No.56053713
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>> No.56054050 [DELETED] 
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I've been here for years and have never gotten more than suffering and a momentary chuckle, duck race can count as a good thing, but I still need more

>> No.56054061

Well I'm low IQ so I had to settle for getting an engineering degree and working a 9-5. Feels bad man.

>> No.56054086
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You’re fucked if you have any original thought or idea. Everyone is out to get you now and throw you under the bus, not because of greed, jealousy, or even pettiness. No, it’s fear now. Your coworkers and even friends fear the totalitarian hellscape they’re in so much that throwing you under the bus might give them a little more time before they’re next on the HR hellscape.

We’re NGMI

>> No.56054993

the fact that you are willing to do illegal things should tell you enough. there is much more money to be made if you're not locked up, or pay a hefty fine.

>> No.56055106
File: 198 KB, 900x727, Edgelord+the+chosen+one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The edgiest of them all