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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56050435 No.56050435 [Reply] [Original]

How do I turn 200k into 5 million?

>> No.56050831

You have to multiply it by 25.

>> No.56050867

>Smash capitalism
>On a laptop made my the most capitalist company in the history of the planet

>> No.56050873

all in dog with a bat ethereum

>> No.56050909

>goes by pierro or something equally gay
>birth (dead) name: michael clark
>hometown: Libertyville, IL (94% white)
>gender: ? (goes by he/they)
>parents' jobs: principal at consulting firm & marketing exec
>degree: gender studies from UW Madison
>cost to it: $0
>loves bike lanes
>lives in major city with massive crime problem, tells everyone it doesn't exist because it doesn't exist in it's wealthy white enclave of said city
>consistently votes for higher taxes
>thinks the wealthy people in said city (it, and it's parents) are the problem and should be taxed/eradicated
I could go on but we ALL know someone like this right

>> No.56051596

>the apple logo remains uncovered

>> No.56051689

with a Starbucks cup. life is full of these pokemons

>> No.56051714

>kids are so hecking dumb these days!!!
Maybe if boomers and xers didn't suck so much jew cock and actually raised their damn kids to not be weak faggots we wouldn't be here.
The fatherless woman in the op picture is just a testament to the failures of (you) and everyone else who lets shit like this happen.

To any anons reading this: don't neglect your kids and don't allow them to get perverted by propaganda.

>> No.56051729

In crypto, the only thing that will blow past that is PoolTogether. Its market cap is shit, but it’s a multibillion dollar idea. Pending launch.

>> No.56051819

I propose a campaign to shift public opinion into believing that Doc Martens are the “Choice Boot of Nazi’s”. How do we go about this?

>> No.56051920

lol of course, can't have people not thinking you're an S-tier consumer

>> No.56051933

buy chainlink

>> No.56051992
File: 55 KB, 900x900, pepefrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get a girl like that?

>> No.56052122

That pic represents a model citizen in the globohomo worldview:
>full of ideas, empty in actions
>basic needs fulfilled by corporations, no apparent ties to family or tribe except the ones provided by the system (I'm a ~ist)
>consuming a lot, producing little
>probably working, with no visible beneficiary of their work
>completely convinced of the usefulness of his/her efforts and cause
>highly specialized utilitary skills (coder, designer, community manager), completely devoid of basic survival skills (cooking, fixing, crafts).

>> No.56052136

there is a chance that the person in the picture makes sense:
if she stole those things

>> No.56052770
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>g-g-g-guys she's using a product created by the very system she's criticizing!
you realize the entire fucking world has been completely subjugated by capitalism right? like, there's no escape. using tools around you to fight an oppressive system might be a reasonable idea.

>> No.56052797

I can fix her

>> No.56052832

the average freetard on /g/ is more of an ideological purist

>> No.56052956

Help us create a random millionaire outside of state run Ponzi schemes by using PoolTogether.

>> No.56053006

It is still humorous to observe the sticker on a Mac, regardless of the practicality of owning or not owning a Mac

>> No.56053479
File: 360 KB, 1178x457, 989F8B46-3947-47E6-A9C6-5A8A3395FFF8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I really do try to be insufferable, but it amazes me that these people have me beat and they don’t even put effort into it.

>> No.56053510
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What a faggot.

>> No.56053593

Hating labor and work is kind of based. Just cut the mutt mop, stop being a fag, and maybe bully some troons and they have the making to be future NEETs

>> No.56053603

Spend the 200k on life expenses while you master a skill. Use the skill to win competitions or sponsorships.

>> No.56053641
File: 456 KB, 1668x1007, 1693949181553261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH or Monero. Understand nothing has changed and most other coins are distractions.

Monero is still the #1 coin for its usecase with a huge amount of market cap to grow. Even if exchanges ban it, there is nothing stopping anyone from purchasing BTC, and then using a global exchange that doesn't require ID to swap for Monero and vice versa.

ETH because every alt or jeetcoin uses its network, more gas gets burned than minted, and it doesn't have any signs or news that it will stop being #2 anytime soon. Due to the above it will become more valuable and there is nothing you can do about it anon.

>> No.56053654

Why are you on this board then, nigger? Go back.

>> No.56053815

You're missing the point completely. The one being used and the only tool in that picture is herself. A computer nowadays is definitely not a tool, at least not for its user, it's more like a surveillance device. The idea that she's fighting the oppressing system is ridiculous, since she's clearly doing everything in her hands to help it oppress her. The only way the system can be fought is by creating independence from it, that is, not participating in it at all. The Amish and other off-the-grid schizo types are doing more to fight the system than bogus activists like her or any other kind.

>> No.56053918

Spend the 250k in a fancy weeding , marry a 5 million networth roastie. Problem literally solved, swaety

>> No.56054082

The only way is with leverage trading. Just don't go over 25x or your retarded

>> No.56054092

Leverage trading

>> No.56054097


>> No.56055162 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 638x638, 4490806393423537467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally agree, the only way to be sure to make money quick is to leverage 25X on Scorch Coin. If you're smart, and you have the cajones to handle 25X leverage, you can be as rich as me. Don't believe it? I will show you

>> No.56055166 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 638x638, 54572162775465859572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leverage Trading is like going all in on Scorch. Sure, sometimes you lose it all. But other times, you strike it absolute rich and get to buy your mom and wife lambos. It's all about making the right call at the right time, just like everything else. With great risk comes great reward. And with great reward comes the ability to buy your own rocketship to the moon, and a ticket for your family. Don't miss out on the chance to be a Scorch Chad.

>> No.56055218
File: 511 KB, 989x998, 1689915278160594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, leverage trading could do that if you are in a rush but the risk is also high. I'll put part there while also accumulating assets like RIO and RIDE that are building with great potential and can also make well over 25x in the next bull run.

>> No.56055286

because non-capitalist ideologies only work in ethnostates or micro-nations.
nobody is going to put anything voluntarily in filthy brown hands.

>> No.56055648

Listen, I've said before and I'll say it again, Scorch can solve the biggest problem on earth, income inequality. The distribution of funds is one of the main issues facing humanity. With our patented smart contract technology we can make sure everyone gets a piece of the pie by investing in new projects and ventures. In addition to this, our tokenomics are set up in a way that makes our coin deflationary but also offers the ability to make our investors rich. So, in short I would say that Scorch coin is the answer to your problem. Check our white paper at Scorchcoin.co

>> No.56055770

Not stickering over the precious wealth indicating capitalist logo is not very anti capitalistic senpai

>> No.56055789 [DELETED] 

Nice picks anon, but I have a positive feeling about SUPRA in the next bull season.

>> No.56055881

SUPRA is just a bullshit hype project. People buy the hype and the devs dump on them. Scorch on the other hand is building something real and revolutionary in the space. They are about to drop Scorch v2 with a brand new contract and it's gonna blow up. All the big youtubers will soon be shilling and normies will FOMO in and it'll be on everyone's radar

>> No.56055914

Keep your money and learn coding, though it's hard to code but it's better fag

>> No.56055919

Communism is ironic. Every time, communism is pushed through by society's rejects: fags, limp wristed onions boys, freak women, kikes. Once communism is achieved and there's no need for them any more, the uniparty state becomes filled with strongmen and the power hungry, who eject the rejects and put them in chains, because they're fundamentally useless to the state.

>> No.56055925

Aside LINK, I have a positive feeling about SUPRA in the next bull season.

>> No.56055943

Its low hanging fruit for sure but the cult of apple is consumeristic and antithetical to smashing capitalism

>> No.56055981
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While in a hurry, leverage trading might be an option, but it carries substantial risk as well. Rn, attention is currently on QANX that is literally on the verge of getting exploded with the private blockchain launch around the corner.

>> No.56055995

Listen, eat your fucking curry.

>> No.56056081

I don't do shits, I buy cryptos and don't miss out on great potentials

>> No.56056157

Ask the holocaust guys

>> No.56056187

Buy RAIL, You shouldn't be missing out anon

>> No.56056880

Ranjeet! Fuck off with this shithole dead project

>> No.56056942

Been hearing of it, no specific date yet.

>> No.56057177

Wtf should I do with this shit, fuck it off anon

>> No.56057250

The private blockchain will be launched next week.

>> No.56057266

It's always funny when a jeet (You) calls another jeet a jeet, kek

>> No.56057379

Focus on the new and promising oracles, especially Supra Oracle.

>> No.56057392


>> No.56058773

Buy and wait to cash out when it becomes a multibillion dollar capped token. Fucking easy.

>> No.56059009

That's how promising low caps work anon. I'm already holding a few like Itheum, Ride and Zcash for profits when the bulls take over.

>> No.56059482

the boots alone are atleast 900. apple laptop is 2000

>> No.56059527

1. buy 200k of sp500
2. wait 90 to 95 years
4. profit. 2 billion dollars worth

>> No.56059555

All in link desu ,probably lowest risk highest reward ratio

>> No.56059699
File: 57 KB, 1079x705, photo_2023-08-29_17-33-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do I find these kinds of women who are into ethnic men?

>> No.56059720

$50k in MOBILE, $50k in DIMO, $100k in SOL

>> No.56059767

>he doesn't know the amish subsist on handouts from the system and only maintain the illusion of independence by interacting with it through intermediaries

>> No.56059996
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Obviously abusing XOR's dump right now and waiting a year, it will surely have a 10-20x when Sora Card launches
Don't miss this one OP

>> No.56060014

That's a man.

>> No.56060022

Every thread on /biz/ is:
1- a larp
2- weak bait
3- a scam
4- rage farming
created by different spambots for other bots to take a large dump in.
/biz/ officially fucking dead - lowest post counts per day ever, highest bots counts per day ever!

>> No.56060051

shes very black and white

>> No.56060645

still more independent than you or me

>> No.56061018

Bunch of busts. Ngmi

>> No.56061027
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>> No.56061064

>using tools around you to fight an oppressive system might be a reasonable idea.

she coulddo something meaningful like boyscott starbucks or apple, but she won't because she's a stupid consumer slave just like you redditard

>> No.56061424

This is quite easy there's a series of buttons you can push on your personal computer that will do this for you in about a week

>> No.56061494

Buy 200k worth of guns and rob a bank

>> No.56061534

You're wrong jeet, one of them was live at the IAA mobility showing users how to make long road trips fun with the metaverse experience.

>> No.56061559

azero, not yet wait for market to go down a bit. or pls. or any layer 1 released in the bear. sui even.

>> No.56061581

What do you mean they don't put any effort into it? They're constantly vigilante about being the morality police, all to the point where they're anxious all the time and have to take anti-depressants to live with themselves. It's a ton of effort, and they've basically trapped themselves in their own mental prison that they can't stop.

>> No.56061729
File: 3.32 MB, 1800x1322, Jean-Léon_Gérôme_-_Diogenes_-_Walters_37131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>participating in society

>> No.56061837

put it in the bank and suck 4800000 dicks for 1$ apiece

>> No.56061841

Damn right it has. Socialism/communism can't survive in a world with even a single capitalist state because the capitalist state is so unbelievably superior. It will easily subjugate all socialist/communist shit holes. And the world will be better for it.

>> No.56061845
File: 1.46 MB, 1440x2592, b278f1f4-211f-470e-9cc0-8726311b8caa_upscaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capitalism can't subjugate, it's based on voluntary exchange. People who don't like it don't like the consequences of making decisions for themselves, usually because they have intellect but no willpower.

>> No.56061847

Buy 30k Chainlink

>> No.56061912
File: 18 KB, 1024x586, pltrcustomergrowth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im all in palantir so the shill in me says palantir. good earnings and new british NHS contract for 480m pounds(606m dollars). Good AI play.

My shilling out of the way, LMT just dumped, If you got 200k and you want to be on the safer side, buy altria for that near 9% dividend and exposure to the vape market. Colgate because its a dividend zombie and it has dividends enough to match or beat inflation during normal conditions but they are 60 when they should be 70. LMT, hersheys and maybe pepsi(pepsi is better than coke because of frito lays, also coke is just gross it can be used as insecticide look it up)
have it evenly divided and reinvest dividends.

Im not sure if theyd be a good buy right now but medtronic is a established medical supply company and i like that they have surgical robot technology i think it will grow at a fast pace. I want to get in eventually but im shoveling money into PLTR I got 380 shares, price target is 22 and i got some of my shares for 14, just nibbled some 15.20 today. Selling profits and putting into more conservative companies, also I just like dividends and i want to collect that 100 share altria dividend.

Also section 8 housing is great because check comes every month but the downsides is you have to deal with spooks.

>> No.56062210

That sounds like some plebbit’s little sisters currency idea.

>> No.56062633

Diogenes is a very based role model, I'll give you that. Are you posting from your sleeping barrel/pot right now?

>> No.56062760

>Leverage trading
Trading isn't necessarily bad, if you know your way around it, but me, I'm all about holding and staking.
I've got my stash in ETH, MATIC, TRX, BNB, Kava, and ADA all staked on different platforms.
And my Cloudbreaker NFTs locked up on XOXNO to earn Ride tokens.

>> No.56062911

Nothing wrong with honest hard physical work, as long as it isn't enriching your kike-boss or the enemy along the way.

>> No.56062925

I think it's more that she is using and consuming the most capitalistic products imaginable that are produced by extremely exploitative labor, not that she is using a laptop that is built by a capitalist system.

It's a bit like how I have to constantly explain to govern me harder daddy faggots as to why I will take all the government benefits I possibly can while also simultaneously hoping every faggot in Parliament get made into street lamp ornaments.

>verification not required

>> No.56062929

Buy raw land, finance half of it on a fixed rate. Use the remaining cash to hire a contractor, architect and engineer to develop it into lots and sell them individually.

>> No.56062943

>the most capitalistic products
what the fuck does this even mean? incoherent babble
>using a laptop that is built by a capitalist system
laptops are built by workers, not by capitalism