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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56042076 No.56042076 [Reply] [Original]

>There are people here complaining about not making it in their 30s
>TFW I'm 40 & restarting over over again financially after getting divorced

>> No.56042118

Ahhhh you fell for the betabuxx deluxe you dirty cuck

>> No.56042120

no crypto lost in boating accident?

>> No.56042138

your fault was not hiding assets. the moment you get a payment you start hiding things. then 30 years later when you divorce you have a secret stack worth a house and you are happy.

>> No.56042164

>he didn't immideiatly make the "if i get divorced" stock pile of assets when he got married
>doesn't have gold / silver piled up
>doesn't have a secret bank account the wife doesn't know about

you were ngmi from the start fren
sorry, women are just not to be trusted, even if they seem ok at first

>> No.56042177
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Probably was a RealMan™ who thought he was le redpilled alpha who found le goodwoman and globohomo's effects didn't apply to him.

>> No.56042231

what perplexes me is how people fail to make it. I understand if the average blow can't do it but when you dedicate some time to it it's not really that hard. work, save, invest in index. It's really hard to mess up if you have some discipline.

>> No.56042329

Some people aren't interested in the slave mentality like you are. Some are more interested in legacy and creating a path for themselves through art or other creative content. I write screenplays for example and while I don't make a million dollars I have a legacy becuase of it. Who are you? Who cares? Nobody. Your wealth is nothing and neither is your mindset.

>> No.56042367

Life is just one big struggle. You didn't reach your goals in your teens, you start over. You didn't do shit in your 20s, you're starting a new. This is just how it is. Enjoy the hecking journey I guess. You might still get lucky.

>> No.56042381
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Don't be too hard on yourself, OP. You were around in a time when women were still alright.

Source: I was there too.

>> No.56042383

you sound like a massive faggot

>> No.56042402


have fun fucking animal

>> No.56042421

if you had a legacy youd be making a lot of money without trying because your content was influential

>> No.56042558

Seething is unhealthy friend.

>> No.56042568

My content is influential to the people who view it, just because YOU don't find it influential is irrelevant to me. Seethe.
U mad? Neither of you have a single creative bone in your body and you will die alone, miserable and never having anything to your name other than a drop of money in a very large bucket. Enjoy!

>> No.56042601

This. There are more important things than money. If money isn't your motivating factor then it's hard for normies to understand. I write music and I just get burned out so hard during normal jobs because there's a voice in my head that won't stop screaming you're wasting time not practicing.

>> No.56042641

Right there with you bud. Keep writing and don't stop, the creative bar is so fucking low right now so keep at it and when you get really good you'll know.

>> No.56042686

For example I'm in my late 30s and for my whole life, everyone I've known has encouraged me to find a marketing job that pays me lots of money. It's so hard to get past interviews, the hiring manager can smell on you that don't want to work for them, that you feel like you're giving something up. But you keep trying, you work a few jobs, and just, the internal screaming doesn't stop. I got my music degree in 2008 when they economy collapsed and not a single person in my life was like, oh yeah that thing you've studied for over a decade, you should continue doing that and make money. Nope, go into advertising, go into neuroscience, you're really smart you're gonna make so much money.

You really don't start to *get it* until you're old. It occurs to you, shit, no one knows what it's like. Everyone I know is normal. Working doesn't actively make them depressed. They don't feel the opportunity cost. They've never had the taste of playing and singing for rooms full of people losing their minds. They haven't done anything they could lose days without noticing except maybe video games.

It's basically like having autism but with NO institutional support.

You just have to stop thinking in terms of how old you are or it being too late by x age. It never stops. It never goes away. Feeling like you're in the wrong timeline, you missed something, you've been disenfranchised, something stolen from you. It's all true and it's all bullshit and just pretend you're 20 again.

>> No.56042734

'Leaving a legacy behind' is an even more materialistic ideal than chasing after money.

>> No.56042741

I've skirted society and it's expectations only until my 30's.. Every generation, including my own have been so miserable, that distancing myself from it as much as possible always appeared the best solution.

Now I place bets on stock exchanges and work part-time.

>> No.56042767
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Nice legacy nigga, let me wipe my ass with your screenplay manuscripts, fuckin' big guy ahahahaha

>> No.56042841

Thanks man. The low creative bar is actually a whitepill.

Good luck with everything. You make your own luck, you find when you put yourself out there bizarre coincidences and serendipity keep pushing you forward. Artist's Way is a good book.

>> No.56042879

it doesn't really mean something is still here when i'm dead.

It means you lived without dying. You chased something meaningful and made something. You spent your wakefulness fighting and pulling something beautiful out of the nothing we all come from.

It's hard to put that into words so we say leave a legacy. Artists who die don't die. Mozart, Beethoven, Robin Williams, Jimi Hendrix, they're all still here like they never left. That's the opposite of materialism.

>> No.56043001
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>> No.56043052


>> No.56043300

Lmao it's IDEALISTIC you dumb shit. If you're so dumb you don't know the difference then keep playing in the sandbox with all the other crypto kiddies.
How sad, I pity you my man.

>> No.56045458

do u have kids

>> No.56045462

if u have kids u already made it anon
make it == get married and have kids

>> No.56045497


Isn't it obvious

>> No.56045501
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>> No.56045538

rip 35 not far behind you anon lead the way

>> No.56045558

>doesn't have a secret bank account the wife doesn't know about
Her lawyer (who she is now screwing) will find it. And the (((bank))) will sell you out immediately anyway. The only way to do it is hiding a stack of gold/silver,

>> No.56045564

>make it == get married and have kids

Hahahahahahhahahaahah holy shit you’re pathetic

>> No.56045575

Her face looks like a mask. Like the eyes look very unnatural in conjunction with her face. Hard to explain. And no, I’m not schizo.

>> No.56045603

Explain this better and educate your fellow plebs.
>Details via green text plz

>> No.56045618

Just because you're even less successful than me, doesn't mean I suddenly got more successful. After 10 years of warning men I have no sympathy left for fools who fall for the marriage meme. That's on you.

>> No.56045702

Agreed. Even in places generally thought of as conservative and advocative of traditional family values, marriage is still a meme. All women are stupid cattle who have been thoroughly corrupted by globohomo and feminism no matter the geographic origin, race, ethnicity, religion, family background or upbringing.

>.t Richfag Paki in my 30s. Divorced my whore wife after I found out she was cheating and collected all the proof. She didn't get shit from me except for child support (Thank you, Sharia Law). I also leaked the proof of her unfaithfulness and screwed her sister in revenge.

>> No.56045728
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>> No.56045747
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So you're saying my soul is redeemed thanks to my pregnant Markiplier fanfiction? Also I got this captcha while replying to you

>> No.56045759

that's why you millennials are getting cucked by them en masse lololo

>> No.56045787

>not making it in your 20s
Will be treated to larps about 25 year olds making 300k at google
>not making it in your 30s
Will have to look back and wonder if you were just a retard, would you have been able to get HPV on tinder from 500 sluts instead.
>not making it in your 40s
Buckle up because retirement is probably no longer in reach, if it ever was.

>> No.56045790


>> No.56046041 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56046070

They will have life extension tech for the wealthy by the time you’ve made it. You’ll be good.

>> No.56046172
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NEET anons is this the wake-up call for us to leave the basement? Don’t forget there are police chiefs making 750k a year in some counties in the USA so it’s the most corrupt time ever to participate in the system.

>> No.56046485 [DELETED] 
File: 424 KB, 638x638, 56637402734999658099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes of course. Life extension tech is the ultimate hedge because it means you can live longer to see the real value of your Scorch Coin emerge. The time horizon for the investment is now expanded so the upside is enormous. This is especially the case if you lock your Scorch into a long term contract, where the time premium for the coin will be massive once people start understanding its true value

>> No.56048308 [DELETED] 
File: 420 KB, 638x638, 50479028039926332347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scorch will disrupt the financial elite and free us from wage slavery, allowing us to pursue more creative interests like collecting funko pops, watching e-thots on twitch and writing fan fiction. The only limit is your own imagination!!

>> No.56048580
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So what did you see in her that made you fall in love with her in the first place? What red flags have you overlooked all these years ago?

Do tell, I'm just a KHV and I don't want to make the same mistakes when I'm older.

>> No.56048592

In particular, was she the first girl who acknowledged your existence?

>> No.56048612

Let's face it, most people aren't retiring.

>> No.56048814

Better to have fucked and lost, then never to have fucked at all.

>> No.56048898

Did you at least get some children out of your failed marriage?

>> No.56048977

Thanks for this. Neet that mostly finds passion in making music. Feeling pressure to bring in steady income somehow but really only find meaning in creation

>> No.56049520

Because each day is getting much harder to even escape the rat race. Crypto is being attacked by Gensler while inflation keeps getting higher, meaning that wages are getting lower. Owning real estate has become a fucking luxury these days and it's become almost impossible to afford a single family house unless you're making >100K/year and it's STILL really fucking difficult. Climbing up the corporate ladder has been reserved for (((them))) exclusively. Don't even get me started on the fact that Western countries are being flooded with third world immigrants, further driving wages down to keep White people in poverty. All I have left is to pray for my bags to actually do something during the next bull cycle. Currently got some ETH because it's a no brainer, SOL because they got rid of SBF and I'm gambling a tiny amount of my folio on Kava, hoping it does end up making a name for itself now that they seem to be onboarding people that have proven to have some level of competency such as the team behind Quickswap. Is it going to pay off in the future? I'm not 100% sure but these are desperate times so sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

>> No.56049531
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boy i sure do love these "the walls are closing in and you cantt do anything about it, unironically" blackpill doom posts. they sure help brighten up my fucking day

>> No.56049537

For every post marriage mayhem thread I see my disgust towards the complete retardation that is legally bounding yourself to another individual grows. Thanks OP.

>> No.56049544
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Based. All the (You)'s from Patrick Bateman-wanna be losers only exemplifies your post further. Cheers to that shit brother.

>> No.56049547

The USA is turning into a third world shithole and nobody seems to give a single fuck about it.

>> No.56049552

liquidate all your assets and go full btc. immediately. are you fucking stupid???

>> No.56049557

I'm not saying that you can't realistically do anything about it. I'm just saying that the odds are stacked against us because (((they))) don't want you to progress and eventually have the resources needed to get rid of them.

>> No.56049565
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Extremely based folio with good fundamentals. Gonna make it.

>> No.56049574

BTC gives diminishing returns each new cycle and I don't have enough capital to take full advantage of a potential new bull run, retard. Leverage trading is not an option for me either because that requires taking massive amounts of risk.

>> No.56049583

You mean dual funds, right? Right???

>> No.56049587
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>no bnb anywhere to be seen
idiotic nigga alert

>> No.56049593

>implying it isn't already
Lol. Lmao. Kek. Rolf. xD even.

>> No.56049603
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Just fucking adapt and overcome the obstacles, man. If it's too hard for you, like you unironically can't find a way out of it or you are absolutely sick of your stomach about modern life, become a non-drughead vagrant and travel by foot far away from everything.

>> No.56049615
File: 1.41 MB, 498x500, _biz_ - Is marriage a good investment- - Business & Finance - 4chan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56050008 [DELETED] 
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I just broke up with what I thought would be my wife. I refuse to fap or fuck women and I am only focused on stacking silver and gambling on junior mining plays.

No debt, no Kids, just chickens and bees.
I have accepted the DOOM timeline and just want to live a relatively easy life now.

>> No.56050318

Yes, that's why I'm starting over.

>> No.56050354

Read Artist's Way. Do your morning pages.

>> No.56051294

I'm in my 20s and to a great extent I'm doing well, even though I'm not yet a millionaire, which I plan to be in the next bull market with the solid altcoins like RIO, COTI and CYMI that I'm buying at the moment

>> No.56051394

The secret bank account idea is juvenile. You would really have to know your shit to make it work because the vindictive bith wife's lawyer will hire a forensic accountant who really knows their shit.

>> No.56052908

You have a good list of alts. I'm using CYMI's card and the cashback on it is awesome

>> No.56053249
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why are they all sitting like this?

>> No.56053271

We could be friends!
- virgin

>> No.56053502
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I am also 40 years old, anon. I have been happily married for 13 years. My wife asked me to buy the kyspa scam. kek. I'm hoping to drop a bit and buy 100,000 Kaspa.
Regarding your current situation, you will come out stronger.
Here in this picture, 95% live and are supported by their parents.