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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56036701 No.56036701 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up at 8:40 am
>browse internet in bed
>turn on work laptop at 9 am
>no emails, no messages
>do some chores around the house
>sit in a few boring status update meetings
>have very little to do
>may ask for work later to avoid being accused of doing no work
>currently browsing internet
>plan to go walking during lunchtime

All motivation for my job has disappeared. I thought working from home at this pay would feel like heaven. It's definitely a huge improvement in my quality of life but I just want more money.

>> No.56037904

should i start a /newChads/ thread? (not even working chads) I'm on another world travel. I'll return home in about 10 months from now. currently in istanbulli. will move more south when weather gets less comfy

>> No.56037997

>wake up 6:45 am baby is crying and toddler is hungry
>try to ignore it while wife does all the work but its loud as hell
>"help" get kids ready while listening to wife complain about shit and list things to do as her coffee high hits her
> ~8:20 am go outside to detached office
>get a couple emails from people that do not have computer literacy, make them feel like shit and ignore them
>Im home all day and everyone knows it. Any woman in life expecting me to do X because I just wfh. Any free time I have available if they find out they will make plans for.

My job is sort of hybrid wfh, I can come and go as I please. We use to have one giant empty office no one went to. I would go there on our days off and tell my wife I had to work and go in to fix something. I would go into work a shit ton more if there was even 1 half decent chick to stare at and climb under her desk to hook up a printer. IMO just force all the hot people to work in the office and all the ugly people can wfh. I think its a win/win. Id fall into ugly category cause I just dont care anymore and Im fat as hell. Though I'd lose weight so I could get back into the office and smell those feet again. /rant

>> No.56038053

I've got a very weird setup. The baby sleeps in my wife's room. I still keep my own bedroom, and I make enough that she doesn't have to work, so she catches up on sleep around the baby's sleep habits.
I work hard when working from home, though I've been on parental leave for a long while.

>> No.56038079

I work in software sales, WFH. Demand for my product is a total zero. I'll probably get fired at End of Year since I'll have zero quota attainment, but I've already got a hundred applications for other remote jobs already out there.

>> No.56038098

>fat IT loser doesn't help raise his child
Sometimes I forget I'm on 4chan until I read shit like this

>> No.56038099
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>Do nothing for months
>Crunch time project the last 3 weeks

>> No.56038282
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>I forget I'm on 4chan

ive got pretty much the same setup. my wife wfh though too and its easy enough job, really no reason for her to quit. we should be able to "make it" in 10yrs if I invest correctly. If i can get a 2nd wfh job we could prob be pushing 300k a yr with a 70k a yr cost of living.

>> No.56038285

>currently 1.5h meeting until 17:00 haha finna go enjoy the weather

>> No.56038297

Okay, so use all the time you're wasting to go to school and get a masters degree and move up to some specialized job or become a manager.

>> No.56038307

>masters degree
>time you're wasting to go to school
*time and money

>> No.56038539

He's much better off just applying for another remote job why on earth would he pause everything to get a master's? And pay it?

I graduated from undergrad with very little debt which I paid off working at my first job for a year or so, and 6 years later I'm barely on track to escape mortgage hell in 20 years and hopefully have enough in mutual funds to just retire/slow way down. If I'd started more in the red via grad school I'd simply be fucked. 10 years ago I would've said "grad school isn't for everybody" but looking back I'd say grad school is for NOBODY, or at least not anybody who gives any amount of shit about personal wealth.

>> No.56038595

He's not pausing anything. He already said how much time he wastes all day. He could get schoolwork done easily during "work hours".

Master degrees also aren't that expensive. You don't need to go to some top tier school. Go to a state school, or even some cheap online school. A degree is just a check mark for HR when you apply to higher level jobs.

He wants more money from his job? Getting the qualifications needed for a higher paying job is the way to do this.

>> No.56038651

You're right, I got a little passionate. Even the scenario I painted would probably be cheaper in the long run than letting all those women fill that time in for him.

>> No.56038667

I’ve been WFH for a year and it has pretty much driven me crazy. I hate it.

>> No.56038945

It's not the job's fault for me, it's actually been having to be around my live-in girlfriend all day. I don't think marriage is for me but I'm glad I got this lesson now

>> No.56039732

Being in an office is based. I’m a fucking autistic introverted retard and even I can acknowledge that emails, slack, and video meetings are nothing compared to being facts-to-face with coworkers.

Marriage is for everyone, brother. If you worked in an office, you’d get 8 hours away from the ol’ ball and chain. Don’t give up

>> No.56039741

I hate wfh dude. It’s just Groundhog Day every day. You don’t have anywhere you need to be, but that means you don’t have anywhere to be either. You just log on, log off, waste your time during and after, rinse and repeat. It’s like life on autopilot.

>> No.56039783

Same here. I mean, I tend to think I’d hate to be in the office more but really it’s just a different kind of miserable. I’ve managed to make my schedule flexible effectively. So I really only work when projects need to be done and I spend the rest of the time doing what I want, which is better than sitting around working or waiting for an email. But I still spend most of the day doing nothing in particular. Worst of all, it’s a golden handcuffs situation. If I was in the office, I probably would’ve left for a better job already. But since I have a good thing going, I hesitate to leave for more money if it means going back to the office.

>> No.56039794

Literally me rn.

>> No.56039853

I literally do this
If I didn't procrastinate I'd be like a fuckin carmack out here a one of those 1,000,000x devs

>> No.56039934

Who cares? All of the business opportunities are stale and all you’ll get out of your rockstar labor is giving away more of your life for marginal increases in pay.

>> No.56040161

Yeah but he's like rich to the point where if he didn't want to he wouldn't have to code again

>> No.56040211
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Just bought a MIDI keyboard. Watching tutorials on how to use it. I’m hoping I can make EDM.

>> No.56040255

I don't procrastinate. In fact, I do everything up front then chill until the deadline. Dumbass special project from friends of the boss is the situation and said dumbass decides to give me the deliverables like an hour before the deadline.

>> No.56041693

That's the real slavepill right there: have at least a few hot chicks in the office for the love of God HR...

>> No.56041734

Have no motivation to work, got lied to about a promotion I just log on everyday, browse 4chan and watch YouTube videos. Today I did fantasy football drafts, anytime my boss ask me what I’m doing which is about once a week I simply say I’m “training” on something.

>> No.56041818

>wake up at 7:00, hop on early because Lul no commute
>slam coffee, try to complete any immediate items I got overnight before meetings start
>8am, attend various meetings on urgent issues while sending more emails in the background
>11am, morning onslaught is done, start reaching out to coworkers with status on immediate pending action items
>1pm, no time for lunch, start responding to morning emails that no follow up was done on, reach out to clients and vendors as necessary
>3pm, respond to any lingering or dumb emails
>4pm, close up shop, take first food break, start working on my ongoing tech projects to boost team efficiency
>6pm, decide if I have anything better to do today then keep working on tech projects. If not, work until sleep time

I don’t understand how you guys have so much free time, there’s always something fucked up right in my face to complete

>> No.56042000

Because I am not an ITcuck and don’t deal with tickets.
I do 1 big report per month and like, 5 small dailies that can be done in 15 minutes.

>> No.56042092

That is IT cuck shit anon, im in financial controlling and literally work 5h per week MAX

>> No.56042151

Just stop caring man. You're not going to get canned for doing less work than your fellow employees. The bar is low, you only need to hover just above it.

>> No.56042187

Not IT. Financial services

I don’t want to not get canned, I want to learn more and hopefully get promoted. I like my job

>> No.56042198

can i do this lifestyle with cyber security? i’m about to start

>> No.56042256
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Have Jira Ticket,
new endpoint, Copy Paste, Copy Paste.
Minimal logic added.
1 hour of work at most.
Played vidya all day as I watch Git Pipelines.
5pm: Put reviewers on MR.

Thats $900 take home pay today.
Thank you younger self, for pursuing a degree in Comp Sci at 21 instead of the History.

>> No.56042261

speak for yourself i smoke pot. that sounds like my dream.

>> No.56042291

This is my case too, except i sometimes finish it earlier if I get a burst of motivation.

>> No.56042311

>bragging about waking up at 8:40 AM

kys wagie

>> No.56042440
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>Becoming better at your job leads to a promotion
He doesn't know pfffffffffttttttt.

>> No.56042481

I’m making a tactical play that with boomers leaving management, the era of productivity not going unpunished will be coming to an end. I think most zoomers are very incompetent and general competency and productivity will once again be returned to a premium. After all, the best application in the world is worth fuckall if there’s no one to use it. So far this bet has worked out well for me, I’ve gotten the max bonus two years in a row and a kitty corner move up and out of the zoomer play pen teams into a real adult team.

>> No.56042577

Damn, you find a place that promotes based on merit?! Great score anon. I'm my team's workhorse and I don't get anything ever. I'm looking to jump ship because this place doesn't care about good work. I hope your gamble is correct and great workers like ourselves are finally rewarded.

>> No.56042663
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>WFH job
>Started off chill, but as I learn new things the duties keep piling up
>Raises not until Jan
>Juggling 2nd tier support problems, submitting a good dozen JIRAs a week that need to be tracked/updated
>Deploying at least 12 customer systems at any given time

I've got a good 18 months at this job
I put in 2 at my last (and first) IT gig at an MSP

I think it's time I start chasing those fat 6 figure jobs. I basically do the work of a Sales Engineer, I should start looking into it.

>> No.56043462

>go to meeting
>see a dude I trained got promoted above me
>message my leadership telling them to include me in our upcoming layoffs
im such a bitch but I feel like a depressed retard at work now

>> No.56043752

That is pretty fucking bluepilled anon. Wake up. For your own sake.

>> No.56043761

Could be worse. Raises were taken off the table for me during COVID and now they’re based on years of experience. I have another year before I get promoted.

>> No.56043813

got laid off today bros. but 10 weeks severance so could be worse

>> No.56044964

Holy fuck I think I just had an epiphany.

So there are a bunch of us who have somehow ended up in these wfh jobs where you can coast doing 10-20 hours of work per week. I'm sure it's occured to the rest of you, why not have multiple of these jobs? But looking/applying could be tricky ... You don't want to get found out.

What if we made a group of wfh bizraelis and we get each other jobs at our place of employment? Say in a group of 4, we are each working at all 4 of the jobs? Think about it. We could coordinate with each other to do the bare minimum to get by. Imagine if we had a group of 10, doing 10 jobs, collecting 10 salaries.

>> No.56044975

I just finished my masters in electrical engineering and I should have stopped after the bachelor's.

>> No.56045006

>wake up around 7:30
>turn on laptop
>do one hour of work
>make breakfast
>3 slices of bacon, 3 eggs, tall glass of milk
>go back to sleep at 9
>wake up at noon
>game until 5
>turn off laptop
>make dinner
>steamed broccoli and ribeye steak
>don't eat all the steak, so steak and eggs for tomorrow's breakfast
>watch movies and/or game until 2
>>wake up around 7:30
been doing this since march of 2020 and it is amazing

>> No.56045293

I'm a marine engineer, work offshore for $250kpa 4 weeks on 4 off. So only 6 months a year. But I can't stand spending half my life away anymore. I have a comp sci degree which I've never used. I'm 35. What's my best way to pivot to wfh? Do I go get a masters degree? I don't know if I can handle giving up my current salary to be a whf code monkey. Are IT security and database engineer roles just memes? How do I retrain and who would hire me? 6 months off a year to travel is nice at least. But I wantbyo settle down and raise a family.

>> No.56045296

Good thread for retards like me.

Basically I'm a nurse in catheterization Lab (same environment as an operating room) so I'm in a very task related job. Basically no abstraction needed, no high mathematics, no "meetings" etc etc..
I'm transitioning into a master's degree to aim to be a clinical trial manager 3years from now and this is the kind of job that can be done at least partially as wfh.(sometimes full time wfh is possible).
Starting salary are 100k and reach 120-130 with 5 years and top around 140-150 with 10 years.
It would mean I step out the low middle class to reach the real middle class lifestyle.
I'm kinda afraid to make the leap but I know this also how I will keep learning, keep grinding, take more responsibilities etc...
I'm afraid of the corporate world, feels really feminine and sorry but somehow gay. All these linkedin all these emojies, all these "great work stan you're the best!"
Is it possible to cope with that ? How is it to live with a schedule full of "meeting at 11" "coffee with n+1 at 13h30" and all that bullshit ?
Is it possible to learn some basic python or any meme code so I can automate some writing work, automate as much as I can so I can train and do sport while having a good performance at the job ?

Also I'm kind of lean guy I always took time to train, running, biking and trained as a lifeguard and all the guys I saw at big corps are either smashed bugs either big whales. I don't want to end up like that.

What are your advices ? Wfh related, automation related, schedules, personal time..

>> No.56045319

You are pathetic man.

>> No.56045443

Scam token upsell

>> No.56045447

are you cooming?post some webms

>> No.56045455

Why not become a travel nurse? I see roasties doing that all of the time and they get paid 6 figures to travel around, take the cock carousel, and do their jobs.

>> No.56045456

>may ask for work later
Doesn't that make you seem superfluous?

>> No.56045464

Absolutely based.

>> No.56045629

Travel nurse is for women basically, I know one and it's completely impossible to get this job as a man.
Also it's very lonely and weird despite being extremely well paid.
She went into depression a bit but coped with the money, I think I would have an existential crisis too with this job desu.
It's basically extremely boring & you're truly alone it's this kind of job that makes you sad in life over time.
Anyway even if I truly wanted to do it I couldn't do it roasties only. (And not the ugly ones obviously)
Net pay : 10k/month

>> No.56045723

>t. neet
it obviously means anon is very "efficient"

>he doesnt know it has nothing to do with grinding
at least you learner anon

>> No.56045803

Are you retarded? Get a hobby jesus

>> No.56046037 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 320x239, 28728296124132794198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scorch is the biggest opportunity in human history. When they start teaching kids about Scorch in school they will ask...what were people doing who DIDN'T buy Scorch in late 2022? It was so obvious, but for some reason people decided to miss out on generational wealth. I just can't understand it. If everyone does their research and buys Scorch, we could cure cancer and climate change and have world peace. This is not even a joke. There will be a statue made of me one day because of what I've done

>> No.56046459 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 638x638, 35964168870502944622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly! When the world is in a state of turmoil and there's no hope left, a ray of light will be the Scorch token. When the rest of the world is left fighting over scraps, us Scorch chads will still be sipping lemonade on the beach. We'll be too busy building the new world order and curing cancer to worry about what the plebs are fighting over. As I've said before, buying Scorch is not only smart but it is your civic duty

>> No.56046487 [DELETED] 

how can i do wfh if i’m anti social?

>> No.56047184

>All motivation for my job has disappeared
>I just want more money
I can relate, it's because we realize that even having it all we're still stuck. More than money I desire to not rely on a third party for my livelihood. We're still tethered to our work computers and it's still staring at a screen all day.
My dream is to day trade.

>> No.56048283 [DELETED] 
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The only way I'll ever escape my cubicle and 9-5 grind will be through Crypto. It provides the opportunity to make life changing gains, without having to sell my soul for some shitty career that i hate. Scorch Coin is the perfect way for people to get in early and make those gains. So the link? Just visit the website and read the motherfucking whitepaper https://www.scorchcoin.com/ it couldn't be simpler anon.

>> No.56048560

No wonder you have no free time. 90% of your day is complete busy-work, bullshit.

People think that all their precious emails and meetings are more important than they actually are. You should only need 1-2 hours per day to do all that shit you listed. Check your emails once in the morning, and then don't look at them again until the next morning.

You're just doing low value, low impact paper pushing shit. Read some books on time management and deep work.