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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56040051 No.56040051 [Reply] [Original]

just looking for any tips on where to begin, simple projects I can look into to get the idea of what im trying to accomplish here, ofcourse the goal is to make money but I would like to learn more about the process and how it works. links to articles and points of solid information would be greatly apreciated, if there is a thread already dedicated to this please point me in that direction.

>> No.56040133

Lurk moar, newfag.

>> No.56040177


>> No.56040203

/biz/ is the last place to ask for financial help. This board is just pajeets shilling their shitcoins so they can dump it on you.

>> No.56040297

thanks for the honesty I will return to my job

>> No.56041418

So much this >>56040203
/biz/ is a containment board. It was created so that other boards can get rid of the crypto scammers.
Work, sellable skills and luck is how you make money. Get rich quick with crypto is a hook for suckers.

>> No.56041488

save some money until the next bull. learn the ropes of trading shitcoins, never hold too long and dont buy unless you are early. shitcoins in a bear will ruin you
oh and do not buy chainlink, ever.

>> No.56041720

good job biz :^)
another job well done

>> No.56042961
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anon you need to try ICP dont miss the chance to be millionaire

>> No.56044235
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If we talking crypto, Kava is a braindead long choice. Their push for inserting Ethereum tech into Cosmos can potentially set them up as the home for defi on Cosmos since their SDK is lightning fast allowing devs who use ERC-20 (90% of crypto devs). Kinetix's wKava rewards are absolutely based, too, if you want short term gains.

If we talking real life, just buy gold. Arabs will carry it for the time being.

>> No.56044244

the chance to make it with this shit made by thieves passed. your fault for not taking the chance when you could. must suck being on the same boat with fucking linkies of all people.

>> No.56044255

Biz tried to tell you multiple times to buy kaspa and xrp and that was this year alone, and those were the biggest alphas you could ever ask for. Wanna see a real shitcoin wasteland? Try Twitter.

>> No.56044256

>doing any longs at all besides bitcoin
fucking troglodyte

>> No.56044264
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Holy shit *THIS*. It's incredible how trannies here will completely ignored the good from this board and will only call it a trashy place for stupid banter and shilling.

>> No.56044277

Still won't buy your bags Jerome

>> No.56044287
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I just want kinetix to fully deploy so I can do x50 leverage on kava. just like the good old gmx/arb days.
ignition makes it a worthwhile choice.

>> No.56044295

what makes you think that'll give you a real return and won't liquidate the fuck out of your ass?

>> No.56044301

If you are a complete beginner create an account in either Binance or Kraken. Both are KYC but whatever. Then learn from their free booklets on how to buy crypto etc. You can also consult sites like TradingView with public TA analysis on alts or bitcoin itself to see why people think X thing will do well and why, etc. Finally once you feel more accustomed to things you can try using $20 dollars or something to buy your first tiny stack of something that catches your attention and see what happens in 24 hours or whatever.

>> No.56044307

do not pay attention to the inordinate amount of link threads etc. dont buy anything people really really REALLY want you to buy.

>> No.56044311

Well, look you pathetic fuck, I know how Cosmos fucked up big time, you won't convince me this is any better

>> No.56044316

that's literally my everyday

>> No.56044319

Some tips:
> Watch out for projects with unlimited issuing supply/shitty tokenomics/hyperinflation! One such example is ICP. These projects will tell you that they'll become deflationary eventually with more network usage, but you'll quickly realize this is a ponzi trick they use as the network usage will never amount to nearly as much as a deflationary environment would demand.
> LINK gets shilled here endlessly. Yes, the tech is amazing, but tech does not always translate to massive potential. ONLY hype matters in crypto. It just so happens that innovative great tech can feed into the hype narrative.
> Beware of "old" alts. Lookup the story of how EOS competed with ETH back in 2017-2018 and it's local bullrun highs kept getting lower and lower, while BTC and ETH stood the test of time and kept breaking their previous ATH's. Old alts have a reputation for having their followings/hype fizzle out with subsequent bullruns and old bagholders are anxious to dump on new investors in following bullruns, hence the reason why old alts often never revisit their previous ATH (all time high price).
I missed a bunch of other tips for sure, but yeah:
> Summarized: hype matters more than tech, but hype can fizzle out - for long term holds, target evergreen projects which the devs still work on and the fans still stick around.

>> No.56044320

just don't be a retard and do the exact opposite of what biz tells you to do

>> No.56044327
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i dont see them doing giveaways. what makes you think normies will start buying in if they got no cheap short term interests?
>airdrops are bad!!!
kava has enough capital to give away a little bit to desperate fucks that participate in their ecosystem in the first place

>> No.56044338

>Quitting after shitposters tell you not to do something
Enjoy never growing or learning how to invest and go back to your waggie job until you fucking die. Loser.
This nigga is 100% right. Biz warned everyone about LUNA's downfall too, even though that shit was obvious to anyone with a functioning frontal lobe.

>> No.56045136

Fuckin idiots.
The real financial advice is to never get involved with crypto.
Buying internet scam points with the hope that you will find a bigger idiot to sell to is precisely what not to do.

>> No.56046537 [DELETED] 
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You're a financial moron dude, the smart ones are always getting rich off the idiots. It's called speculation, look it up idiot. I bought Scorch Coin at launch because I'm not a pussy. I bought it on the hope that it would go up (which it did). It's called a free market, if the idiot is dumb enough to buy my internet money that's on them. You can stay poor working your 9-5. Here's a link for Scorch Coin www.ScorchCoin.co

>> No.56046544

Kaspa and dynex. No I will not elaborate. Good luck.

>> No.56046551

Just buy chainlink

>> No.56046949
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>trying to get into /biz/
>where to begin

this is a better attempt special agent.
but your wording is too generic. if youve been lurking here youd ask about something more specific.

>> No.56048359 [DELETED] 
File: 401 KB, 638x638, 55060398579338063811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo yo yo pimp squad, have any you all heard of Scorch Coin? The new ETH killer? That coin finna moon and I've been hearing rumors of a possible listing on binance! I've been buying SCORCH since launch so I'll let you all know when it takes off. Don't miss this train cuz you'll be asking yourself if you were even worth taking a selfie with on my yacht

>> No.56048766

dont buy crypto
or do
better risk to reward is regular stocks rn, but this board is infested with stinky indians who will say otherwise
better to have a diverse portfolio, but get some regular good stocks first, you will be thankfull when you can make money more than once every 4 years

>capcha: PPHAV

>> No.56049464
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join the boomers

>> No.56051253

CryptMi app is a good place for beginners.
It user friendly and offers the best cashback plan

>> No.56052937

LINK is more like a stablecoin now
I just started using this when my Binance card got frozen and it's a good replacement for most of my crypto cards