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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5602863 No.5602863 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain this huge fucking faggot to me? He is literally giving crypto seminars and traveling the world to speak about "investing". He coined this bullshit term called "ICO metrics" which is just a combination of more bullshit terms like "all star team"

This gorilla posted his blockfolio... He's only made 2MM dollars and half of that comes from ICX ICO. This guy is such a joke, why the fuck is he getting hype? Because he's a nigger who can use a computer?

Look at this pic! This guy has youtube vids of him presenting in front of 50 people! Crypto is truly a fucking joke.

>> No.5602923
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To put in in perspective, here is MY blockfolio.

I made this in 9 months, in between jacking off and playing street fighter. Do you see me in front of crowds trying to talk about ICO investing?

NO. Because this is all bullshit, it's all fake monopoly money scheming. It's a ponzi scheme.

At least I acknowledge this and count my blessings, unlike this orangutang who actually thinks he's a skilled investor. LOL.

>> No.5602973

stay mad, salty white racist. diversity is the future. maybe you're not as superior as you think you are. there are more brown/black skinned people making money with cryptos than racist scum like you. HAHAHAHA. people like you just can't seem to adapt. shaking my damn head.

>> No.5603061
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you just don't get it do you? your "money" means nothing in the future. SOCIAL ECONOMY is the future. people like you are just not capable of living in the brave new world.

>> No.5603071

How the fuck am I not adapting? By not putting on a suit and attempting to scam others with bullshit lectures? This nigger just got lucky in the GREATEST bull market the world has ever seen. You can't fucking lose. Like I said, I trade in between jacking it and I'M ONLY WORTH 500K LESS THAN HIM. I research for maybe like 3 minutes then gamble.

This is gambling, let's be clear. It's gambling except the returns are huge and you never lose all your money.

>> No.5603139

Brave new world of lying to innocent people looking to make money?

Maybe you guys are too stupid to understand my point. Blacks are inferior humans because they lack self-awareness. This nig nog thinks he's actually a skilled investor when he has been "trading" for years. I've been trading for 9 months and by trading maybe spending 30 minutes a week. This nigger makes videos that are hours long and travels the world talking about.

He is not AWARE of the fact that he is just lucky. He looks like a fucking idiot. This is why no one respects black people, they're fucking retarded.

>> No.5603185

>never lose all your money
Confido bagholders would like a word anon

>> No.5603356

you sit on your room jacking off like a loser, jealous of other people's accomplishment, thinking that other people's success happened by luck alone (just because your did), while this guy travels the world to share his knowledge with others. You add no value to society whatsoever. You're a waste of genetic material and also the very definition of "subhuman".

>> No.5603438

OP sounds so asshurt haha! Literally jealous of this guys accomplishments, might even be a speaker that considers him competition but nobody wants to listen to faggot OP :,D

>> No.5603484

Lmao, you're a lame. Take this 'L'.

>> No.5603486

Try listening to this nig nog explain ICX. You'll want to kill yourself.

It's all luck. Just pick an ICO coin with team members from Ivy league schools or former execs at huge companies and you win. THERE. CAN I BE A TOURING LECTURER FAGGOT NOW?

>> No.5603525

Aww, you're so pathetic you have to resort to name calling him to feel better ;( Poor ugly social reject anon, who would be better off dead.

>> No.5603548

>He's only made 2MM dollars
And you've made $20? LOL
It wasn't a long ago that I saw his portfolio was 200k and he already has 2M. He's a fucking genius and you're a stupid fuck who made a pointless thread.

>> No.5603581
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ian made me some money man.
I know his ratings are bullshit but I used his videos as a source to find out about upcomming icos and pretty much did the oposite of what he said. I went big on Kyber for example. Thanks crypto nigger

>> No.5603607

probably not, because no one wants to listen to salty bitter cucks like you. they prefer the charismatic, "happy go lucky" Tyrone.

>> No.5603704

Did you not see my second post? I HAVE MADE 1.5MM WHICH IS ONLY 500k LESS THAN HIM.


>take this L

your entire existence is one big "L" good luck with your $300 investment you spic nigger lmao

>> No.5603804

ACtually, he made more than 500k than you because he's getting paid to do those lectures, lol. Don't just make money, make money off making money.

>> No.5603805

only 2mm lol.

How much have you made OP?

>> No.5603816
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He's trying to run his own thing, milking normies enthusiasm for crypto to line his pockets. He saw an opportunity, took it. Him being a coon doesn't affect anything. I'm pretty racist too but this Ian balina nog is okay in my book, he is scamming retards who deserve it.

>> No.5603820

Ian made a video on muh ZEN PROTOCOL and he didn't download the ALPHA client because "it's not his thing". You need to download the client to understand how it works, Ian.

t. ZEN shill

>> No.5603848

Pol please leave this board there’s no place for you

>> No.5603863

bow down to the negro fuccboi cracker

>> No.5603946

niggers, willing to destroy their reputations for peanuts.

Learn to read you fucking retarded faggot. I posted my portfolio.

>> No.5603955

Yeah nice fake folio bitter fuck. Even if that wasn't a fake you're still a stupid insecure pleb. Your brain didn't grow in the same proportion.
Which is why you've invested in it too? People like you stress over things so easily (i.e over people who succeed) and it only harms you. I'm glad you're gonna die from a heart attack.

>> No.5603963

Don't worry not all /biz/ is blind and blue pilled. This nig is comedy. And yes, black people are almost entirely lacking in self awareness. It takes them over a year longer of infant-development and growth to be able to recognize themselves in a mirror than white infants.

"Oooga boooga muh crypto gibs from muh chart science muh researches into the psyche of the white devil. Oooga booga I am as smart as the people who actually coded these products, ooga."

>> No.5603971 [DELETED] 

Hey anon you got so much cash why not throw some my way. I'm sure it'd make you feel better knowing what could be chump change to you can make another anons week so much better

>> No.5603989


>> No.5604089

who says I'm stressed? I just find it hilarious that some dumb nig is touring the fucking world talking about ICOs when he can barely form a coherent thought. Listen to his "ICO metrics" if you want to fucking laugh. He literally talks about nothing complex or technical, all just feel good stuff because HIS BRAIN LACKS THE CAPACITY FOR HIGHER THOUGHT.

I invested because it was fucking obvious to invest, but since I am a man of integrity and not a monkey primate, I don't go around tricking people for my own personal fucking gain. Ian is a fucking criminal and he doesn't even know it, this is why blacks cannot function in society.

>> No.5604096

This t b h
You can hate on the nog all you want, but he's hustling, and he's actually creating value.
The value isn't in giving professional advice, but in making people believe he is, that they are smart and important people themselves by association.
Trillions of dollars are made by telling people the right story. He's working for his small share of the pie; and in a crazy bull market, most people who follow his retarded advice probably make money.

>> No.5604126

>I just find it hilarious
Which is why you made a thread where you vent about him and become even angrier. LOL

>> No.5604154
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Why are you salty and worked up about some nog anyway? He is relatively alright, made something out of all this madness despite being black. Don't you have other things other than being jealous that a nigger beat you by 500k?

>> No.5604169


any sources for the claim that it takes a year longer?

>> No.5604213

what did you build your account from? any tips for a 4k portfolio?

>> No.5604258

this nigga salty cuz Ian made a mill from nothing by 23 and OP is sitting on LINK since the ATH

>> No.5604309
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Nice blockfolio larp

>> No.5604320

holy shit why do white racists always get upset when a black man makes it?

>> No.5604369

For that matter, just look at your portfolio.

Is there really a difference between David "smart refugee city" and Balina? IOTA is a centralized scamcoin that got where it did through bullshit marketing aimed at people of slightly above average intelligence who believe they get the underlying technology but really don't. Muh IoT buzzwords.

170k usd worth of power ledger? Really? Literal vaporware shitcoin looking for a problem that doesn't exist, as systems to sell and trade energy are already incredibly optimized. Muh p2p renewable energy, muh solar panels buzzwords.

There's literally just ETH that isn't a meme in your portfolio, and even ETH didn't get to a 70b marketcap on merit, but on the viral appeal of "world computer" and "smart contracts" branding.

I'm more racist than your nigger game playing ass could ever be, and your resentment is ridiculous. Buy yourself a whore or two because jacking off isn't doing it.

>> No.5604410
File: 1.65 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who IAN is but I do know Anton Kreil.
Million ways to make a million dollars don't know why you're so salty.

Check my balance before and after

>> No.5604458

take a photo of your private key then I'll believe you

>> No.5604747

>take a photo of your private key then I'll believe you
That is a impossible with a trezor (hardware wallet) the keys are hidden and encrypted.

>> No.5605325

You're on 4chan where all white losers congregate, I mainly come on /biz/ to see what the normies are shilling. You might find a gem or two on here but most of it is already mooned garbage.

>> No.5605765
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This to be honest. I tend to agree with /pol but when these retards hold niggers to an unrealistic standard I wonder if they realize how unintelligent they come off.

Yes he might be a nog but like this poster said he is doing his own thing. He is ambitious, an hustler and trying to milk a niche he found. Good for him. Maybe he isn't the most successful crypto investor in the world but he had some success and he is running the same scheme a lot of other lolbetarians early bitcoin investors are running on YouTube.

A sign of intelligence is being able to read individuals and not need to pick on sub humans of supposedly lower intelligence. If you are a /pol /bizmen and you gladly let jews, slavs, and chinks con you (obsidian, bancor, bitcoin cash) but this "nigger" that tries to inform you on ICOs and provides decent crypto investment content is your biggest target for hate and /pol diatribe, you are a hypocrite and by all metrics your IQ is probably only slightly above that of a nigger.

Yes he is black. But /pol has never been about blind, low intelligence racism. This nog isn't your enemy. Nogs like him aren't your enemy, specially in this space when (again) slavs, chinks, and jews have fucked you royally and you have smiled and trusted them as they leave you holding bags. If you truly are /pol red-pilled you would reserve your racial wokeness for worthy characters, not for someone that is merely a different color than you but poses no threat to you

>> No.5606155


You sound very salty. Lets assume he got lucky. You are making whole threads about a "nigger" and how he compares to YOU.

Without realizing it, your subconscious is speaking load and clear. it's saying "I am only slightly above a nigger in intelligence and that's why I think is fine to make threads about him and compare him to me".

Do you see any true intelligent schmuck worth 1 million dollars making threads about how a nigger with 1 million dollars is or isn't his equal? You have exposed yourself and you don't even realize it

>> No.5606599
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>> No.5606939

I am not salty, just stating facts

>> No.5606984

you are salty that a nigger is more successfully than you. Just let it all out.

>> No.5607075

Ian Balina probably gets more than you running his little investment fund , stop being jealous. You could have become a public figure being an ico whore but you didn't and now he controls the audience

>> No.5607439

If race is such an issue with you, why are you holding the chink coin DBC, you dumb fuck?

>> No.5607555


>> No.5607668
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>> No.5607917

He has invest in over 50 icos and had about 5 6 successful ones giving his entire net worth.

>> No.5607959


i agree anon
niggers are disgusting creatures and we shouldnt have to pretend theyre remotely human

>> No.5608006

Finally a solid Crypto group. Yall are missing out

>> No.5608245

You should stop eating all the curry food to once have solid shit on the street

>> No.5608515

How are all you retards missing my point? He has accomplished NOTHING that requires skill.

Crypto this year has been shooting fish in a barrel. If you lost money you are genuinely retarded. I was already sort of wealthy through inheritance (parents are still alive, but I'm an only child and they've been slowly transferring assets), and yeah, I get he's "doing his thang" or whatever the fuck in ebonics, but he is SCAMMING PEOPLE, and I think he actually BELIEVES his own bullshit.


>> No.5608947


I agree, but he's like the only fucking big crypto marketing black guy (that I've seen). He's just another internet marketer. THAT'S IT. Fuck the fact he's a nigger and ignore him, he's low energy low-tier salesman not worth following but I hate all salesman in the end. I hate sales and I hate marketing in general. I especially hate myself for shilling coins. Fuck this gay ass game, I can't wait to get out after enough profits hopefully within the next couple years. Sick of all coins at this point, even while making profits I'm sick of hearing about crypto in general at this point.

>> No.5609228


Giving seminars and shit doesn't require skill. If you're willing to dress up nice, smile, and potentially make a fool of yourself you can give seminars too.

>> No.5609325

because nazi virgins need an outlet.

>> No.5610003


Who cares what cryptonigger and his followers think. Just make money and fund jew-aware white racialist movements.

>> No.5610167

OP can you get on 4chan and tell us your picks then? Cause I've only made 15k in the last month off of 10k.
I really want to get rich but I promise Ill use the money to fund research that will benefit humans. Like buying more Skycoin

>> No.5610170


Good post. Main enemies are jews, traitor whites, and then the Chinese in the future are a huge threat. I don't "hate" the other races (besides the jews, ofc), just they have no place in our countries.

>> No.5610187

Still trying to figure out why you are so upset.

>> No.5610283
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>why the fuck is he getting hype? Because he's a nigger who can use a computer?

>> No.5610413

>Crypto investors never invest before
>People are clueless and will listen to anyone with a camera
>He's pro-active and because nobody else does it he gets an audience

Sorry OP but thats the way things go, ever saw that guy Tai Lopez? He has 30k people who buy his crypto classes whilst he's only started for less than 1 month now. He litterly knows nothing but people don't know he doesn't know, he just has to make it look like he does.

>> No.5610979

photo tour everybody this is what a worthless human being looks like. any amount of money multiplied by zero charisma equals zero value as a human

>> No.5611164

First of all, OP you’re a fag. Secondly, I agree with you, he’s a nigger who thinks he’s Einstein because he got lucky and many NEETS are doing what he does. Lastly, get over it, let the normies waste and lose their money.

>> No.5611553

btw if you live in the US, and Ian Balina is who you're worried about, instead of the fact that you live in a trigger-happy police state, you are part of the problem


>> No.5612157

How will the racist rednecks of future generations react when their skin colour eventually turns into a dark shade of Native American and Mexican shitbrown?

>> No.5612230

Better you fags kill yourself and save your future generation from facing the shame of looking like a darkie.

>> No.5612725

we have a nig nog problem in the US though

>> No.5613458

Whiter than you, burger.
Everyone got your point, you're the one screeching autistically.
We get it, you're american, you play the video game preferred by black people, you watch blacked porn, you basically have a nigger fetish.

>> No.5613522

does it include Ian Balina of all people
get a life man

>> No.5614122
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>ignore what my actions show. Listen to the words I say!

lol you are such a brainlet. No wonder you make threads comparing yourself to a nigger.

>> No.5614201
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Lol he's so pathetic. This much money and he cant even buy a mic or a nice camera.
I cant bring myself to watch his vidoes because they all sound like crap.

He's disgusting to listen to and his constant mouthbreathing makes me cringe.

Maybe its only me but idc