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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56039022 No.56039022 [Reply] [Original]

>told a whore standing outside the building yesterday to put some clothes on
>HR roastie calling me bright and early this morning on my Work AND Personal phone
Well boys it was fun, that 10 seconds of freedom really felt good though

>> No.56039058
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Time to call HR fascists and quit

>> No.56039080

one of my main issues in office workplaces was women dressing and smelling and wearing makeup like whores, my brain literally cannot focus on what youre saying if I can see half your tits in my peripheral vision

>> No.56039090
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>be on cig break
>new hire roastie taking selfies pushing her hips and ass out with coffee in the other hand a couple feet from me
>tell her she shouldn't objectify herself that much people value sincerity more
>end of the day HR sends me an urgent meeting invitation with my line manager and his manager cc'd in

>> No.56039106

Threaten to sue.

>> No.56039159

You should have offered to take the photos instead of going full autist

>> No.56039189

I fingered a chick at the office Christmas party in front of HR with no consequences. Such is the life of a sigma male

>> No.56039202

why do they wear perfume, shit makes me nauseous I swear to god it's not attractive just obnoxious

>> No.56039508

hr is your boss?
if youre already hired what do they have to do with you

>> No.56039553

not sure but the lady I called out said I called her a whore (I didn't) and she has a brother that works there
for all I know her brother is my supervisor

>> No.56039662

also HR intervention is the warning shot before the bad news, usually always
the fact that they called me outside of work hours on both my phones means there's some serious discussion happening behind the scenes

>> No.56039690

That's what you get for being a wagie.

>> No.56040175
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I will gladly earn my keep in life while you rot in misery and your bloodline fades into oblivion NEET

>> No.56040197

t. got vaxxed and is probably sterile

You will probably need NEET Chads like me to donate our sperm if you ever want to have children, kek.

>> No.56040291

roll a pipebomb in her office and hold the door closed

>> No.56040428

Suck my dick fag slurp slurp slurp

I wish, I wouldn't risk jailtime over some random HR roastie I would at least try to take down a local politician or something

>> No.56040506
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>Working at my office job
>Say hello to a female employee and wish her a good day
>Get an urgent email from my HR office, a phone call from my boss on both my work and cell phones, and see police cars out the windows
Lads I think it's over for me

>> No.56040541
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to cover the stink of their menstruation

>> No.56041085

Broke rule nr 1 at work
never ever under any circumstances interact in any meaningful way ever with women at work, ever... Just smile and wave. You rather want to be perceived mysterious than as a incel creep.
>90%+ of all women are grown children and are as such intellectually incapable of understanding simple pointers/feedback without lashing out at the "pAtRIarCHY".

>> No.56041158
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>having sex with qt coworker
>slap her face
>choke her
>pull her hair
>call her all kinds of names
>no issues at all
>a week later tell her work friend she looks nice while at the office
>HR calls my personal phone that night to tell me I'm fired

>> No.56041255

this is why I decided to become a neet
honesty should not be held hostage with your life income

>> No.56041298

Spit in her coffee, or better, bring her some juice and rinse your balls in it before giving it to her, and then go home, open a cold one, buy pond and fuck a bitch

>> No.56041303

unfathomably based except for the pond part, fuck layer 0

>> No.56041313

Imagine, I'd love to do that with my HR roastie

>> No.56041343

That's the thing, you DO the stuff, but say nothing, asshole

>> No.56041345

You don’t know who your supervisor is?

>> No.56041351

You fucked up with that last part, I like no women and I hate vaporwave

>> No.56041433

I know who my supervisor is; but this is a workplace, why the fuck would I know who his family is

>> No.56041529
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Yes. HR is your ultimate contact if you're not in the upper chain, they're there to protect the firm's interests not you. They can override my manager's words and wishes at a whim if they deem I have committed cardinal sin against company policies, no matter how good of a good wagie I was and how much value I've produced for the company. They're the fucking gestapo of the company life, except it's all walled single and/or divorced bitches drunk on power who hate unwealthy men, but would break their own arms just to suck one of the company's heads cock

>> No.56042306

unfortunately for me, a slight against one whore is a slight against them all; I stand no chance at a fair trial so even during my "interview" where the HR roastie said she was launching an "investigation" I didn't say shit and only confirmed or denied the allegations. Unfortunately I still think I'm axed in the worst case or to hope for me to just stay on the chopping block with some sort of bullshit "sensitivity" training and a write-up or stern talking to

>> No.56042347

there is nothing more cucked than the modern wagie

>> No.56042351

jfc ffs working in an office in the post-modern workplace sounds like actual communism

>> No.56042362

It's not forgetting yourself and singing "nigger, nigger, nigger" on a conference call, but not bad, Opie.

>> No.56042372

Damn I didn't know we were int /tg/ cause everyone in here is LARPing

>> No.56042432

I've almost done that, once
I wish I was lol

>> No.56042461

you told her to put clothes on because she looked cold, so?

>> No.56042472

literally everyone talks shit about each other its fucking hell on earth
>t. autist

>> No.56042482

It was 70° and she was wearing yoga shorts with her cheeks hanging out and a crop top
Unfortunately she added the "whore" part herself when reporting to Roastie HQ so that's why I'm in hot water

>> No.56042502

As a kommando my primary target has always and will always be the local ATF branch with the IRS as a secondary if im able to stay on the lamb long enough

>> No.56042536

kek yea but this hr roastie system is literally like something out of a communist housing block where if you said the "wrong thing" you'd get called to the commie block officer to explain yourself
very 1984 really

>> No.56042561

Why would you do something like that, though? You sound like a lunatic for telling random people how to dress unprompted.

>> No.56042594

>put some clothes on... or you will catch a cold

see how it easy it actually is?

>> No.56042599

I don’t get why you can’t just completely deny the contents of the conversation and say no, this is what was said? It’s her word against yours

>> No.56042752
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Because I'm quite proud of what I accomplished that day

>> No.56042818

except the fact that it’s precisely 90 degrees today. it’s fucking sweltering.

>> No.56042832

to be fair women dressing in such a manner is tantamount to sexual harassment. i am pushing for dress codes for women in public maybe online. i fucking hate women i wish they would all die.

>> No.56042848
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Love from kazakhstan

>> No.56042873


Based Patrice. RIP.

>> No.56042898
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I love women but I hate whores
There's an overwhelming beautify and attractiveness to women who dress modestly and is a quality so many modern women toss aside so readily for attention/validation. I don't know if it's shame women are missing or something else, so personally I don't/didn't stand down and chose to ignore the situation in its entirety

>> No.56042948

every single woman is a whore they all start taking birth control in high school

>> No.56042979
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get ducked Fedboy! :-)

>> No.56042986


>> No.56042992

Lmao what a faggot

>> No.56042998

13 now bitch :)

>> No.56043296
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Nah, what they do nowadays is drop your company ELO to the lowest possible level in the performance rankings meaning you can kiss your bonus and raise goodbye and effectively force you to quit. They save a lot of money that way while also robbing you to take legal actions as you'd have no grounds.

>> No.56044527

I reported my manager because she was insulting me during 1 on 1 meetings. She said things like “You’re re a waste of time” and “look up the definition of active listening.”

I’ve really tried to put up with it but I just had enough her back when she started fucking around with the projects assigned to me.

HR did absolutely fucking nothing. But she writes me up for false accusations that I prove with a paper trail of emails.

HR sides with her regardless of the facts.

Women in the workplace was a terrible idea.

And also, do have a girlfriend, volunteer in the community regularly and /fit/.

>> No.56044546

Tell the HR roastie to put some clothes on, too

>> No.56044551

>your bloodline fades into oblivion
>as if this matters when you're dead

>> No.56044652
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It does in fact, actually matter. It's about literally the only thing that actually matters