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56033996 No.56033996 [Reply] [Original]

Gotta earn 1k in 3 days or my legs are broke. What are some casino strats (particularly roulette ) i can use to get me outta this jam?

>> No.56034002

Also I only have 100 to my name.

>> No.56034021

You're better off with poker or craps but whatever.... If someone tries to break your legs you can kill them and claim self defense I'd just get a gun if I were you.

>> No.56034053

>some casino strats
rob an old person

>> No.56034180

show up at the casino with kneepads

>> No.56034184

Put half on red and the other half on black

>> No.56034222

all in on green-bean

trust me bro

>> No.56034285
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Martingale. You literally can't lose.

>> No.56034331

find a wheel with double 00 for better odds

>> No.56034373

>lands on green

>> No.56034404

You need a to get few hundred more dollars first. When you do put $50 on 1-12, 13-24, or 25-36. Those bets pay 2:1 so if you're wrong on your first bet just double it and you'll win. Good luck pal hope that leg heals ;)

>> No.56034575

Play craps instead of roulette

>> No.56034894

I’m down to 50 bucks

>> No.56034899


>> No.56034941

bet .1 on black.
if it's red, double your bet; keep doubling till you hit black again.

when you hit black start again at .1

easier with a bot.

>> No.56034947

The Satanists around here getting tired of pretending not to be Satanic?

>> No.56034951


>> No.56035049

Just put it all on black and wallah, you're back to even.

>> No.56035114

vegas chad here, split 34 and 35
17 to 1 odds
last i hit plus a quadrant, this is financial advice.

>> No.56035439

craps or poker anon.
nothing but luck will make this happen for you

>> No.56036148

what if you get red 20 times?

>> No.56036426

Use the 100 to buy a gun

>> No.56036431

start counting cards, or find a roulette with one green not two, and bet it all on red. Thank me later.

>> No.56036454

Bet on Black. Bet $5. If you lose, $10. If you lose again, $20. If you lose again $40. Once you win, start again with $5. Repeat until millionaire

>> No.56036466

The martingale strategy is a meme. You will eventually lose everything.

>> No.56036565

Increase your capital. You should be able to make several hundreds in a pinch. Do any odd job you find and sell anything that isnt essential to you and then go to your bank and ask for a loan for the remainder. In fact, ask anyone who would remotely consider giving you money to do so. You can stagger out payments to a bank and a friend will have enough patience to allow you to get the money in a safe fashion.

If you failed to acquire enough money, review how much money you made in step 1. This determines how much risk you have to take going forward. If you're relatively close, then you can attempt stretegies that carry lesser risk. If you are still at your starting cash at this point, then you have to face the real possibility that you're not going to have the required sum come deadline. Multiplying your capital by ten is extremely difficult, even over longer time spans. On top of that, trying to do that by gambling might wipe out your remaining funds or even increase your debts depending on your strategy.

On that note, how did you even get into the unfortunate situation to owe money to people who are willing to mutilate you over it? It kind of sounds like gambling debt in the first place to be honest.

So, instead betting your wellbeing on pure luck, consider what >>56034021 has said or buy a train ticket and get out of dodge. In that case, sell your communication devices. Every bit of cash carries you further from your assailants and not having access to the internet etc. will prevent you from giving up your location.
Keep us informed about what course of action your pursue from here on out. And use the opportunity to learn not to borrow money from shady sources.
Good luck, Anon! I Hope you can get out of this alive and well.

>> No.56036588

There are no strats. You are expected to lose 5% every spin. Casinos wouldn't exist without this edge. In the long run your return will tend to this whatever you do. The only way to gain an edge in roulette is to somehow exploit mechanical flaws in the actual spinner.

>> No.56036617

I have a strategy for roulette and card counting that has helped me retire early. Nyan Cat Money has a legitimate shot of 1000x and has the marketing budget to reach the masses. Don't listen to me though I'm a "moron" so what do I know?

>> No.56036628

You’re not a “moron”, you’re a moron

>> No.56036633
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Bet on Black=Nyan Cat Money token $5 = 1000 NCM you gotta accumulate and hold to get rich. NCM is the next big thing. I feel it in my bones

>> No.56036656


>> No.56036679

Play $x amount on 1-12, repeat until you lose. If you lose, multiply x by 1.5 and keep doing that until you win, at which point you will reset back to the initial x. I play this all the time (with a decent enough bankroll) and have never busted yet

>> No.56036730

Hahahaha. Best answer.

>> No.56036988

Wtf why does this actually work holy fuck why havent i been playing casino games this whole time

>> No.56037006

Try to do this I dare you

>> No.56037274

Sign up for sports betting promos and put the bonus bets on some parlays. If it has to be casino, field bets on the craps table.