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5603630 No.5603630 [Reply] [Original]

Putin is taking over Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Exchange CEO Kidnapped Leaving Office


>> No.5603873


>> No.5604046

R.I.P in pieces, guy

>> No.5604105
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A large amount of transactions IP geolocated to the Red Square occured at the early end of the spring boom.

>> No.5604177


he looks like a thug, so probably something drug related

>> No.5604292


>> No.5604324

hahahaha should've cashed out dumb mexican


>> No.5604355

Shouldn’t have been in Kiev.

>> No.5604376

Why the fuck is it always these "literal who" exchanges that exit scam and take people's money?

And then the media goes and reports on it like some big hack happened and a ton of people lost money. It's always these small fucking exchanges that nobody ever uses. There are, obviously, some notable fucking exceptions though. And I use something like 20 cryptocurrrency exchanges.

>> No.5604413

>mt gox

Worth a couple billion now.

>> No.5604432

I watched them occur, the records are likely out there somewhere, but I don't have them. There were many of them and they went on for a while though.

>> No.5604557

Approx how many coins?

>> No.5604611

Kiev is in Ukraine
Ukraine's president is a kike who accuses Russia of trying to invade it and is backed by Deep State kikes from the US and Soros.

Not Putin.

>> No.5604677

What kind of a name is Lerner?

>> No.5604704

that sounds like something a drug dealing thug would say.

Watch your back for my buddy Vlad

>> No.5604942

How big of a threat is Putin to Bitcoin?

>> No.5604961
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>> No.5605126

Putin supposedly like Ethereum.

>> No.5605252

Glen Lerner is the lawyer for you call 222-2222™

>> No.5605548

Because vitalik is his nephew

>> No.5605621

Huge if the CIA or US government is actually behind bitcoin

>> No.5605944
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Why does Vitalik act alpha around Russians and like a beta cuck around western audiences?

>> No.5606721
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>he thinks Putin is not a part of a secret jewish cabal
his mother is jewish (pic related) and he's ripping off Russia together with his, once again, jewish oligarch pals, everybody in here with half a brain knows that.

>> No.5606767

why would an exchange doing a run make statements and shit? they'd do it like nicehash and just go whoops we got hacked
they wouldnt stage something like this where the state gets involved

>> No.5606779
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>> No.5606848

Meme country

>> No.5607394


What's the Next Bitcoin?
