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56035982 No.56035982 [Reply] [Original]

THORchain is integrating BSC this week. That means, once ThorSwap aggregates into PancakeSwap, you will be able to swap native btc, eth, etc for dog bat. Is this the promised return?

>> No.56035988

delete sir

>> No.56036037

baggie are you ok?

>> No.56036043

Holy fuck dog bat og is so back

>> No.56036065

We are back brothers. This is it. Load up your bags. The big daddy shall rise again.

>> No.56036090

Dogbat eth scam/mers btfo

>> No.56036630

Burn 100% Dobeaux ETH to restore trust. No other way around.
Burn or get burned.

>> No.56036986

The only true dobeux is on bnb no matter how much ethfags seethe with their rug. I have 1T is it enough to make it anon

>> No.56037017

Stfu copelet no one cares you bought the top. In literally getting juicy bags at/below 1mil with no downside. Keep seething nobonker

>> No.56037255
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It's over

>> No.56038542

It's funny to see this guy seething so hard about the community moving away from his bags that he started trying to help do8o bnb by... fudding do8o eth. What a visionary. Shows much promises in bnb

>> No.56038690

Sorry that eth and presale fags are forever dumping in your ass. Bnb dobeux is the only real one. Every fake and copy died and this die the same way. Eth fags btfo. Another batch of dobbagies are being made on eth now kek.

>> No.56038866

Look it’s the same salty BNB baggie samefagging his own thread trying to fud eth dogbat because he thinks it will magically pump BNB, point and laugh children, Sage and move on

>> No.56038901

Kek eth dobaggies completely btfo when whales and presalers are dumping without mercy to zero. How heavy are those dobbags dobbagie? This will slowly bleed to death while the only true debeux on bnb is slowly primed with thorchain integration. Damn you eth dobbagies are even more delusional. POINT ANd LAUGH AT ETH DOBAGGIES EVERYONE HAHA

>> No.56038917

Means I’m loading up

>> No.56038935

1T here how comfy are we dobros?

>> No.56038951

BNB dobaggies coming out of the woodworks first time in years. Meanwhile BNB tg full of literal pajeet scam bots shilling their wallet drainers. Nice job BNB dobaggies, nice job.

>> No.56040176

Oooooo eth dobaggie how is that pumperino going kek oh wait its completely ogre

>> No.56041180

The return of BNB dog bat is upon us, frens.

>> No.56041624

Kek stfu Dobaggot scammer shill
Kys , you will never pump and will never be a real woman
>>56039730 take a look at this and cope
Go back to your pajeet redditor's telegram

>> No.56041735

You seem to be very irrationally angry about dog with a bat. 1T locked and loaded. Cope and seethe more nobonker

>> No.56041762

ohhhhhh dobaggieeeee

>> No.56041775

Ah yes 4chink copers dont realize not everyone buys the top. Many such cases. The seethe about dog with a bat is truly sight to behold kek

>> No.56041824

Careful. The DOBAGGIE is getting mad. He might hit you with his massive DOBAGS

>> No.56042038

Hello there eth dobbagie how is that red dildo treating ya i know you are getting completely raped but its okay bnb vdobaggies will gladly accept you. Our big boi here is VERY furious kek

>> No.56042326
File: 129 KB, 1130x842, Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 5.49.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its up 50% in 6h hours dr bonker. Maybe you should grab a bag so you can pay for people to fud with you with profits

>> No.56042456
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>> No.56044167

Wagmi on both BSC/eth, massive buys on eth as expected and a huge $10 buy on bsc bonk!

>> No.56044959

Dont worry eth dobaggie ath is way up there. You know what comes after euphoria pump right? The dumpening