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56032926 No.56032926 [Reply] [Original]

If you have any stock in Bethesda short it this week. Things are looking grim around the office. Todd’s head is on the chopping block and he may not make it to retirement. Starfield might have put us in the ground 6 feet under. Expect a massive dip starting next Monday.

>> No.56032934

i thought people liked starfield

>> No.56032945

Mass refunds from 3rd party stores like Steam. I don’t know how Microsoft will handle refunds but I don’t think they’re happy with the product.

>> No.56032952

2.5 hours to go bros. I can't wait

>> No.56032958

Solid post retard, you didn’t even bother to see if they’re publicly listed. They’re owned by M$

>> No.56032959

Steam is offering refunds for those who have played over 100 hours.

>> No.56032986

nice proof you got there
steam had a strict 2 hour playtime policy since forever

>> No.56032994

Waiting for the pump, then going to short. Not going to be your liquidity scamstreet

>> No.56033011

It's gotten really mixed reviews and to be totally honest I think it's one of the most boring open world games I've ever played.

>> No.56033020
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>> No.56033028

>Premium Edition


>> No.56033047

are there any bethesda stocks? i figured they were owned by zenimax, which in turn was owned by microsoft, and microsoft is solid enough not to get fucked by some bethesda dudes

>> No.56033062

Am I schizo for thinking seeding bad data by pre-ordering copies based on tweets with bad ideas to try and steer development and then refunding them all is a great corporate sabotage strategy

>> No.56033071


>> No.56033076

No, we could shut down Amazon in one day if we all ordered something cheap and then returned it.

>> No.56033092

>Currently, the company Bethesda Softworks is not publicly traded, nor is its parent company, ZeniMax Media.

The closest way to invest in Bethesda at this time is by investing in Microsoft, as it purchased ZeniMax Media in March of 2021.

If its prior success through obtaining funding via investors remains high, it is unlikely that Bethesda will have an Initial Public Offering (IPO) any time soon.
op i....

>> No.56033127


Simple as (buy it if you like it)

>> No.56033498

If you are an nigger loving tranny faggot, you’ll love star field. If you have even an ounce of normalcy in you then you’ll hate it.

The game is condensed woke globohomo goyslop trash. Bethesda is now a garbage company destroyed by faggots, women and kikes.

>> No.56033524

>make shit game
>gets punished financially
All is right with the markets.

>> No.56033534

I'm playing fit girl version look alright

>> No.56033553

Starfield is fucking great though. OP is tarded

>> No.56033566

He's a tard. Your expectations of tards are wàaaay to high. Starfield is fucking great.
Incoherent /pol/ noises

>> No.56033567

Explain what’s great about this snooze fest

>> No.56033577
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>buy our game
You mean your latest Skyrim mod.
Make a new engine and I'll think about it.

>> No.56033587

Are you the shit game? What the fuck is this tard spam thread. Starfield is fucking amazing. It's going to print money for a devade at least

>> No.56033598

If it's a snooze fest to you you probably hated skyrim and dpend your time speedrunning super mario bros like a tard. vr8xxw

>> No.56033607

Bethesda hasn't made a good game since fucking Morrowind you clown

>> No.56033617

I liked Skyrim. The game has barely any enemy variety and the landscapes are unremarkable. Again I’m asking YOU what is good about the game

>> No.56033633
File: 11 KB, 480x360, Learnding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In five years, modders will have filled every single critical hole in the game
Here's 200 creature, entity, Flora and town mods!
Here's 400 weapons mods!
Here's 400 ships!
Here's four mods that make the OG devs look like trash!

>> No.56033644

I don’t even think the motivation to mod the game is there desu I played 20 hours and it’s boring on all accounts. Skyrim drew in modder autists with its fantasy setting

>> No.56033683
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I will stick to the patrician space game.

>> No.56033697

BTW I know how to make nebula backgrounds as seen here in various colors and clouds simply in paint.net. Game design is fun when having to think outaide the box (I.E convincing the players' mind is seeing what they believe to be seeing)

>> No.56033702

>It'll be a good game with mods
Then the game is still shit even with good mods, and you still shouldn't buy a shit game.

>> No.56033715

Based Starsector Chad

>> No.56033741

my normie friend at work is absolutely loving this game, it's all he talks about

>> No.56033759


>> No.56033766

Can you write what excites him when he plays? I’d genuinely like to know the mind of someone who enjoys this

>> No.56033770

Extremely unpopular opinion here, but...

> Bethesda's swan song/last truly great game was Oblivion

That's right, Fallout 3 and 4 both sucked. Skyrim sucked because it tried to be more Fallout than Elder Scrolls. I don't see why people are so surprised that Starfield is a cash grab flop.

Bethesda will suffer the same fate as Bungie.

>> No.56033771

Starsector. Go watch Sethtzeentach's video on it.

>> No.56033774


>> No.56033792

Fallout 3 was okay and Skyrim is only good in vr with 100 gb of mods

>> No.56033827

Microsoft are already telling people to "prepare for review bombing".. As though it is contrived.

>> No.56033835

think it's just general game play he likes, he tells me about the different ships and their weapons. he also talks about the unforsaken or whatever they're called. I'm sorry anon I'm only ever half listening to him when we're smoking cigarettes. if this post is up in about 10 hours I'll try find out more

>> No.56033855

there was a streamer that literally refunded the game on stream after already having played 25 hours

>> No.56033865

Western devs create shitty games because consoomers don't care and because greedy/cheaper costs.

Did you know rockstar got caught selling cracked GTA games on steam?
They hate modders/mods when they don't give them money

>> No.56033940

It's a private company, retard.

>> No.56034137

>get home from work ready to play
>123GB day 1 patch

mfers every single time

>> No.56034203
File: 898 KB, 1920x1080, starfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starfield sisters who else is playing rn?

>> No.56034564

holy shit the only good thing about this game is it has a quit to desktop button. It's just a shittier version of Fallout

>> No.56034619

That's the graphics? Did they really just build another game in an 11 year old engine?

>> No.56034628

Oh my dear sweet anon, they're using the same engine from Oblivion with slight modifications. It's 17 years old.

>> No.56034630

Let's do this. Call it "Amazon stress test day" and make it look official as if from amazon. Tell normies they may win a free gift card if they do it and request refund on whichever day.

>> No.56034643

the faces look great with good lighting

>> No.56034686
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>> No.56034744

>mostly peaceful citizens from the inner galaxies

>> No.56034924

Oblivion used a modified version of the Morrowind engine. It's 21 years old. Actually even older than that because the engine must have been more or less done sometime before the game was released, since they needed it to build levels in etc.

>> No.56035015

I had fun with fallout 3 and Skyrim

>> No.56035039

2 hours is for released products.
Early access can be refunded whenever.
That's what they get for selling unfinished games.

>> No.56035646
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> it's maaaaaaaam

>> No.56035665

Is there a mod yet replacing these abominations with humans?

>> No.56035926
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This shit is atrocious.

>> No.56036095

What the fuck is wrong with them? That engine has never been good. Their procedural dialogue animation is SHIT. Their character modeling and rigging is SHIT. Their combat mechanics are SHIT. You know what I don’t want to do in my free time? Have hundreds of conversations with a bunch of soulless aboriginal troons. Like what the fuck?

>> No.56036126

>Early access
>from one of the biggest game studios
i guess that's one mystery solved

is everyone black, brown or a tranny in the future?

>> No.56036135

Dios mio…

>> No.56036144
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>> No.56036146

Starfield is trash. The only reason it's having any semblance of success is because the glitches remind people of oblivion. But oblivion had soul and shitfield doesn't

>> No.56036168

Open world games are fucking garbage in general, tired of this shit being shoehorned into literally everything

>> No.56036367

shocking when you take away the restrictions of a setting with culture like medieval europe you get nothing but brown abominations and soulless storytelling
peak american gaming

>> No.56036396

That's not unpopular. It's what everyone who has known Bethesda from the start thinks. Oblivion, maybe morrowind depending on the person, and that's it. Fallout NV was only great because Bethesda didn't actually make it lmao. Company is megafucked since always. Too bad consoooomers are brain dead and take ten years to figure out an obvious scam pattern.

>> No.56038451

Been playing for 20 hours, needs couple big patches and some mods and its good

>> No.56038497


that opinion isnt unpopular at all. skyrim was made for console babies and fallout 3 was just an oblivion reskin

>> No.56038585

Remember these words. Every time a company loses money while earning ESG score Blackcock prints more money to make up for it. In other words (you) are punished for not enjoying marxist shit.

>> No.56038604

I like them when I was younger but honestly who the fuck has time and energy to explore huge generated maps with little content after 30. Games like Kotor, Gothic and Deus Ex hit the sweet spot between space, exploration and content.

>> No.56038613

Larry got the message you fail chang propagandist, he cancelled the esg fund, his head is going to be removed anyway, and your country is going to go up in flames, enjoy WW3: Asia on fire

>> No.56038700

Based pajeets portraying them all as crackheads

>> No.56038727

All the programmers are Todd’s personal pals from way back in the day and it’s the only thing they know how to work with. They’ll never use a new engine, as evidenced by this game.

>> No.56038743

Nothing changed they’re just not using the term ESG anymore.

>> No.56038779

Todd go back to your chess club you faggot nerd

>> No.56038796

Good. Bigoted scum like you don't belong in the star trek future.

>> No.56038798

>in the future homo erectus will be brought back to life and no one will have noticed

>> No.56038829

slow day on /pol/ schlomo?

>> No.56039109

There is a difference between us two, you are a sheep, a sheep that got brainwashed by Changs running shit psyops while I'm aware. One can hate changs and jews at the same time

>> No.56039125

Does it really get better later? I can't keep grinding through this bullshit at 25 fps on low

>> No.56039130
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Wasn't fallout 4 a mess at launch too? This is hardly a surprise, every Bethesda game is a buggy mess at launch

>> No.56039175

>stock in Bethesda
It's a private company owned by Zenimax which is owned by Microsoft, and you're delusional if you think this is going to affect Microsoft's stock price.

>> No.56039183

>Deus Ex
Fuck you I will not crawl through the hvac system and hide behind a wall. I will explore the mission hub and watch that hobo lady eat endless hotdogs out of the trash. I DO WHAT I FUCKING WANT I GO WHERE I FUCKING WANT AND I WILL NOT COMPLY WITH YOUR LINEAR TRASH GAME REEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.56039210

It's still trash. It's not even enjoyable in vr

>> No.56039235

Why the fuck would you focus on something like Starfield when you have one of the most successful franchises in house and it already takes fucking 5 years to develop a game?

Bethesda should literally just keep producing elder scrolls until people stop buying it

>> No.56039578

it's a lot harder to create a justification for more ugly mutts to appear in a game in a beautiful fantasy setting.

>> No.56039746

I remember playing Skyrim as an early teen for the first time and thinking that in ten years graphics will be pretty much photo realistic.

>Mfw It's 2023

>> No.56039781

>Bethesda is now a garbage company
They've always been garbage.

>> No.56040130
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>If you have any stock in Bethesda short it this week.
looks ok to me

>> No.56040157

Skyrim wasn't even fun lol. Fallout 4 was mediocre. Only Bethesda game I made it through was Fallout New Vegas

>> No.56040308

Fallout New Vegas was developed by Obsidian, it was only published by Bethesda. Bethesda also infamously rushed development on the game in what's widely believed to have been a concern that Obsidian was making a better game using their IP, which is why a lot of the map ended up being empty to the north and over that mountain ridge that was meant to be playable. And the game was still better than FO3 lmao.

>> No.56040341

the future of mods will be divided between sites that allow wrong-think mods and those that don't
the ones who don't will devolve into furry sex mods
most big modding sites are controlled by trannys and communists

>> No.56040393

also those literal sprite trees at the background :D

>> No.56041282

One of the reasons the industry is dying while they have to insert literal spyware into the files to have some form of income. Offer doesn't drive demand, and if the offer sucks like communist and furry shit, the offer dies because no demand

>> No.56041644

when will retards learn to stop buying these thrown together soulless big title games
there is so much better out there

>> No.56041707

There is nothing. There was an extreme short lived vr golden age, that got instantly crashed by thirsty (((investors))) trying to insert (((diversity))) and other new liberal fascistic propaganda into the genre and now the medium is totally dead, with the only users being furfags and degenerates erping in vrc and ripping avatars to sell to gooks

>> No.56041791

play online only games like rust, arma, battlebit
if you want single player just replay the classics from halo, splintercell, gta etc
you can even play modded roleplay versions of gta 5
the only good big game title coming will be gta 6

>> No.56041801

Sold everything to stack my bags up with KAS and FUN. Best choice I made during this bear

>> No.56041883

I don't play anything at all anymore. Using vr for dry combat simulation training in custom self made contractors maps of potential targets, and for the rest the last I played was Rust, and after exactly 666 hours, quit. Not going to go back to gaming. It's dead

>> No.56043230
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I'm having fun with the game, keep seething lil chudcels

>> No.56043382

Your marketing "agency" needs to fuck off

>> No.56043642

I don't understand why they aren't making more elder scrolls games. Skyrim was a cash cow despite being low quality in comparison to Morrowind and Oblivion. They need should've at least done a Morrowind remake in the meantime.

>> No.56043707

The fud campaign for this game is fucking unbelievable. Every single forum has been spamming anti Starfield threads from the first minute it was released. The amount of hate is too focused and relentless to be organic, especially since the game is exactly what everyone thought it would be. It's a massive walking simulator that isn't too challenging and is good to play while stoned after a hard day at work. Basically Skyrim in space. It isn't the best game I've ever played, but it's pretty decent. It's a solid B+. It's far from the dumpster fire that everyone here is pretending it is.

>> No.56043775

Yeah. Nah. Whoever hired your advertising agency needs to sue the shit out of you

>> No.56043810

If they can survive Fallout 76, which was the worst release and worst "game" of all time, they can survive this. It's called: Elder Scrolls 6. Even if it sucks, it will be the best selling game of all time

>> No.56043822
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>> No.56043827


>> No.56043837 [DELETED] 
File: 364 KB, 804x1528, TIMESAND___4w4bY44w36V7gyY0b3i6dg4wGffdghqsqxPg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted a few charts relating to the jewish scam that my rapist Helene sponsored in cahoots with her kike gang in 2016, but there is another detail I have not belabored as much due to my inability to find the corresponding chart as a jpg. (The little-mentioned detail appears near the end.) The image above shows all the things that happened on the day I went to Exide in 2018 to demand the paperwork I had been unable to obtain by phone calls and emails. The procedural error in the Mueller investigation is that the people at Exide had to lie and bullshit me more than they were expecting to have to, but then the Supreme Court's FISA court (or something) told them that they have unlimited impunity to lie to me and deceive me as much as they want to.

>> No.56043864

You guys seems to know your games. What gaming crypto is gonna pop off this cycle? Looks like GALA is permafucked.

>> No.56044096


>> No.56044111

This game is flaming ass cheeks. Whoever at Bethesda that decided they needed another fallout style game needs SHOT

I just want TES6 and have it blow my mind. It’s simple, I’ve been waiting 12 years for this shit Bethesda. Your core audience WILL BE GERIATRIC by the time TES6 is out you retards. They released 3 arguably 4 FUCKING FALLOUT GAMES before releasing another elder scrolls. Ren faires will be dead and out of style when it comes out.

Shut the fuck up Jester you piece of shit

>> No.56044130

Do it

>> No.56044213

that's not X2 The Threat

>> No.56045696

That’s what I’m wondering… like wtf lmao

>> No.56045713

New Vegas was probably one of, if not the best game I’ve ever played. The story had me hooked and I related hard since I grew up in the south west. Every other story game except for maybe Skyrim pales in comparison. If they would remaster new Vegas using fallout 4s engine or even better a newer one! I’d spend $100 on it easy; all of these new games are trash. Oh well, once ai gets better I’m going to use it to make my own video games anyway… fuck Bethesda and their new age cock sucking ways

>> No.56045718

>people still player single-player RPGs

Kek what fucking year is this? If it doesn’t have online multiplayer/PvP/co-op throw it in the fucking trash

>> No.56045719

Everything after Morrowind was trash.

>> No.56045739

You can’t replay classic’s because they aren’t the same as when you were a kid. You can never relive the moment! That’s why when you fuck an ex gf thinking the memories and dopamine will give you that euphoric high like it did when you thought you were in love… only to quickly come to the realization that she’s just a coom dumpster skank as soon as you come will shatter your fantasy. That’s how it feels when I’ve tried to play Skyrim (even with mods), or any old shooters.

Personally I only play strategy games nowadays! HOI4 or Civilization, was thinking about getting into the total war series. They have Troy and the Three kingdoms (dynasty warriors fans would love it). You’re actually in charge playing from the role of the general rather than some cuck battle royal that waste 20 minutes of your time and you die in 30 secs or less.

>> No.56045767

Baffling business moves.

They should be releasing skyrim dlc every year.

Extra land area
Extra quests and storylines
Extra skills
Mini games
Relationships and romancing

Easy money

Instead we get fallout 76, eldersxolls online, and black people in space.

Bethesda needs some competition.

>> No.56045805
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>> No.56045858 [DELETED] 
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yes, the answer is always yes. Nyan Cat Money is a meme token that has grown a large organic community full of highly active members. It has a doxxed team, a good roadmap and a long term vision. It's a solid bet and when we make it we will be able to pay for elder scrolls 6 ourselves and have the beta early. The only thing we should be buying right now is Nyan Cat Money

>> No.56046006 [DELETED] 
File: 423 KB, 638x638, 70315104752033532935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Scorch community is a meme-driven beast with a large cult following and loyal holders, just like Nyan Cat Money. They're both solid bets and you can make a lot of money buying either one! The sky's the limit! Buy Scorch, Buy Nyan Cat Money, make money, easy

>> No.56046094

Starfield is legitimately pretty shitty and only caters to the lowest common denominator like everything bethesda ever made (except even more than normal with the esg faggotry on display) but they're far from being bad enough to tank Microsoft. Hell they raped halo to death and shit in its mouth in broad daylight and nobody stopped them, the sick fucks probably got off even harder to starfield being about as engaging as a bowl of cold unseasoned oat meal. Honestly I'm bullish on Microsoft because if they can keep making their customers suck down piss and shit and cum with a smile while barely paying for games to get out of development that's a license to print money.

>> No.56046245 [DELETED] 
File: 432 KB, 638x638, 89772858346767693083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starfield is going to be a dumpster fire and anyone that actually plays games knows it. Scorch Coin will benefit from this because when people's expectations get dashes and then they don't buy Starfield at $70, they will be left with all that disposable income burning a hole in their pockets. They will look toward other investments and maybe even discover Scorch Coin. The stars (or stars fields) will really align when Starfield isn't a very good game and Scorch makes the moon rocket. Trust the process, and buy Scorch

>> No.56046610

I doubt Bethesda will ever surpass Skyrim, they hired a shitload of people the last 10 years becoming too big for their own good.

>> No.56046684

i just dont get how they went from skyrims npcs to this
they've made uglier npcs than a 11 year old game they themselves made

>> No.56047396

fallout 4 > fallout 3 > skyrim = oblivion

>> No.56047827

Bethesda did a good job with Fallout 1 and 2. I know they are old 2D games but they did a good job setting up the style and worldbuilding.

>> No.56047862

nice trolling

>> No.56048209 [DELETED] 
File: 450 KB, 638x638, 51302712176151691008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up nerds and virgins, how about this

>> No.56048368

Finally, a good trolling idea

>> No.56048372


>> No.56048373

Speedtree is a helluva drug.

>> No.56048429

>Mass refunds from 3rd party stores like Steam

>> No.56048432

Mana and axie noob.

>> No.56048434

I only play Dark Souls and Elden Ring in offline mode.

>> No.56048457

So why didn't they just make TES6 instead of this pile of hot garbage?

>> No.56048468

>Am I out of touch?
>No, it's the fans who are wrong!
t. Todd

>> No.56048495
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>remaster new Vegas using fallout 4s engine
why do you think 4 had so many bugs and glitches? it's the same engine, bro. they've been reusing the same engine for over a decade.

>> No.56048628

That's because ESO unlocked the perpetual pay pig (PPP) business model with recurring subscription and a biquarterly paywalled mandatory DLC update. Why go back to the old model if its more work for less profit? But clearly they think they have it figured out, my guess, you will see Sims 4 level of DLC for ES6. I imagine the full game will cost $300-$500 all said and done.

>> No.56048660

They all suck. Entropia universe is the closest to a real cash economy any game has gotten and it sucks cock. Just an old, tarnished casino. The #1 problem with any RCE game is balancing supply/demand of resources against the abaolutely unrelenting infinite supply of gamer labor which produces those resources, causing deflationary spirals and removing all economic incentive in short order. Basically if its so fucking easy to "make money playing a game" everyone will do it until the opportunity is lost. If the "make money playing a game" is through PvP elements it is more easily sustained but the addressable market shrinks by a factor of 10x or more

>> No.56049054

17 years for a new ATH
23 years for a mere 5x

i don't know who are worse, toddler hogwarts drones eating new bethesda goyslop or stock market traders tarding on either ultra high 10000x leverage casino (that is worse than lowcap degengamblers) or waiting until their basement finally rots away so they'd buy new one (on debt) with their insane 1.1x they made.

>> No.56051113

they put a literally D train riding crackhead in the game, as some... "future citizen"

>> No.56051305

Any way to the UI not look like ass? I tried it but the fonts look too 90s and tiny on a laptop QHD screen

>> No.56051413

There is a mod that removes the blacks
its hosted on basedmods

>> No.56051986

Literally all Todd had to do was release the next Elder Scrolls and he messed it up.
It is not the engine.

>> No.56052547

I love it

>> No.56052590

they reused Fallout 4's engine (and assets) to make Fallout 76 too. Some cut content from Fallout 4 is playable in 76.

>> No.56053857

Fallout 4 is about to get a whole lot better now that the grounded commonwealth mod has a torrent.

>> No.56053920

skyrim = oblivion? cmon man, I'm old enough that I played both when each came out, and setting aside the 2000s nostalgia I can admit that skyrim was a much better game

>> No.56055250

I refunded it, it's unplayable even by modern standards. And I even liked Fallout 4.

>> No.56055555

bro, you obviously just need to be a better gamer. I refunded dark souls, doesn't mean its bad. Same with scorch, if you can't handle the heat then you are for sure not a Scorchchad. Get in now and join me in the winner's circle.

>> No.56055562


>> No.56055763

People do enjoy Starfield, you're just in an echo chamber and there's this hate narrative about the game that came out of nowhere.

I got it for $10 on game pass and played it for 12h. I didn't expect much and I like it. It plays like a typical Bethesda game. Everyone gives you quests, some of the quests are simple and dumb, some are interesting and have stories, enemies are bullet sponges, the combat is kind of janky (better than Fallout 4 though), the ship building and combat are awesome, the main story seems kind of dumb but I barely touched it. I also like the tycoon mechanics when it comes to base building, trading and other shit. Overall it's Fallout 4 in space with some new mechanics. If you liked the game then you're going to enjoy Starfield.

When it comes to performance, yeah, it's shit, but I manage to get around 50fps medium on my RTX 2060 which is enough for me and it's like a 5 year old mid range card. There aren't any drops or stutters, game doesn't crash, it just runs on low FPS. If you care so much about the graphics then get a better PC.

Maybe I like it because I didn't have any expectations and never watched any marketing material for the game. From what I see on steam most people complain not about the fact that the game is bad, they complain that it isn't what they expected it to be, and they got a Bethesda game instead of a super fleshed out space sim.

And when it comes to the loading screens and fast travel. Would people really prefer to see the same fucking sequence and animations for a couple of minutes (like in no mans sky) to travel back to another planet rather than just simply pressing 2 buttons and spawning there in like 30 seconds?

>> No.56056397

>"this is our first new universe in over 20 years"
>puts out mediocre 5/10 game
>200 hours of travelling space via fast travel navigating menus, 4 planets with premade maps, 20 planets with some set pieces and 100 procedurally generated dead worlds
> the game is good

5/10 by gamers
of course sell outs and fanboys are doing to simp

>> No.56056455

go woke, go broke

>> No.56056503

neck yourself

>> No.56056784

I can't remember but is there no way to scale up UI? If it's not in the game options itself look for a mod

>> No.56057643

Is the new age of empires worth getting?

>> No.56057740

how do you think they’re going to work races in the next elder scrolls?

>> No.56057766

I came across a ship of humans that had been adrift for 200 years. Generations lived an died on that ship. And there was still a fat nigger with an african accent who was the ship "elder" giving sage advice.

>> No.56059796

buncha dumb nerds in this thread lol

>> No.56059989

i have no idea how they spent 200m+ on this, very grim times for bethesda. they somehow made cyberpunk 2077 look like a magnum opus

>> No.56060021

holy j-curve

>> No.56060061

it has turned from an attempt at serious complex procedural world building and simulation to an overused cheap trick to make the content seem more than it is. "open world" is now just a meme like anything else in this meme economy.

>> No.56061319
File: 60 KB, 640x640, 1693385650942164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well said. every industry is. why do kikes have to exsist bro :(

>> No.56061321
File: 41 KB, 798x644, EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insufferable faggot noises

>> No.56061389

>is now
They've been trash after peaking with Morrowind.

>> No.56061493

Everyone claiming there are only niggers and trannies in the game, wrong, practically everyone is white, with a few exceptions as far as I saw until now
For the rest, more repetitive than skyrim. If you saw 5 outpost you saw them all, If you landed on 4 planets you landed on them all, they are just copy pasted, environment is boring and empty, 8 hours, and I wont finish this game
thanks for the torrent

>> No.56061505

>ship combat
doesn't come close top a 23 year free game they tried to copy, freelancer did it better

>> No.56061516

you must be fucking kidding, right?

I fucking late-blooming normies. let me guess, next you're going to find out that something's up with the racial crime statistics?

>> No.56063051

You speak in math and buzz like a fridge.