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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56029312 No.56029312 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather have 4 million dollars or an 8/10 GF who will love you unconditionally forever

>> No.56029325

I'd rather kms than have to go anywhere near a hole ever again

>> No.56029326

I'll take the 8/10

>> No.56029358
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I'll take the 4 million first. and then take my chances on what might happen next

>> No.56029363

You can have a revolving door of under 21yo girls for life

>> No.56029385

4million because I'm not ugly. It's not quite as much money as I thought though once converted from mutt monopoly money.

>> No.56029393
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take the trad 8/10

>> No.56029397

AI is getting better and better. I'd take the $4M and attract a 10/10 gold digger.

>> No.56029409

I have a 7/10 wife and a good one too.
4 million would not be enough for me to return to the dating pool.

>> No.56029432

How did you meet ?

>> No.56029458

Would she do anal every day? this is the dealbreaker

>> No.56029599

Church retreat

>> No.56029636

Divorce after 25 years inbound

>> No.56029649

You can easily find 10/10 with $4 million.

>> No.56029661


>> No.56029713

Bitter, jealous loser lmao
Congrats buddy

>> No.56029735

>GF who will love you unconditionally forever
Is she retarded?

>> No.56029742
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based enjoyer of tattoo-free virgins

>> No.56029748

I have a decent wife & three kids, so I would take the cash.

>> No.56029801

the gf easy, because i could potentially earn 4 million in my lifetime but a beautiful loyal gf who doesn't even care if you make that 4 million or not is impossible magic that I will never experience otherwise.

>> No.56029826
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I am 30 years old. I have never had a girlfriend. And I can tell you....it is simply NOT possible to get an attractive girlfriend in 2023 without raping her the moment you meet her.

>Inb4 you don't talk to them

I go out every night, run a gazillion approaches, travel the world, get tons of positive responses and numbers. I would love to run approaches with you absolute fucking autistic larping shut ins sometimes, you mother fucking subhuman faggots fuck fatties and oldcunts then turn around on this board and larp as chads to massage your ego and hide the truths from your pathetic incel faggot selfs.

>You are just not doing X anon, it's EASY anon

Shut the FUCK UP, you utterly clueless fucking retarded FAGGOT, in all my fucking 6+ years of going out regularly and hitting on women actively, you cringe muppets with your gay boomer advice are nowhere to be found actually *TALKING* to women. If you subhuman copers even came within five fuckint feet of some of the foids I have no trouble approaching you’d piss yourselves.

What the fuck is the point of business and finance? What the fuck is the point of this gay board? What am I gonna do with a 20mil I couldnt already do with 500k?

Answer: there is none. Just like muscles on fit, it is a MASSIVE cope

The only way to get a girlfriend is to escalate aggressively the moment you meet her, throw away all social norms you were cuck trained taught as a child. Women don't care about money (unlike many incel cucks in this board claim) they don't care about intellect or nice things, they want one thing, for a guy to confidently and aggressively physically escalate them, plow through their resistance, drag them back to some location and FUCK their brains out. Everything else is COPE, and if you cant do that in 2022 you are removed from the gene pool.

Simple as. So yeah, I would take the 8/10

>> No.56029856

Depends. Is the girl redhead?
if yes, than I'll go with the loving gf.
But if the girl is some sort of chink (including the k-pop plastics that yellow fever fags adore), I'll go with the money.

>> No.56029864

4 million. I’ve been married 13 years. I can’t even remember what that kind of love feels like. My kids love me.

>> No.56029887

$4mm since I'm married

>> No.56029914

found the incel

>> No.56029923

What's the sex like?

>> No.56029927

The money.

>> No.56029934

This works to get as much pussy as possible. Ideally you dont want to date a girl who is immediately receptive to a stranger's sexual advances. Preferably a girl who doesnt go out to bars/clubs in general

>> No.56029935

Read that all back and ask yourself if you'd want to be friends with you

>> No.56029966
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Clueless fucking basement dwelling larp tards. I have 30 mil, I am more attractive than you, more charismatic than you, and I can assure you that that is simply not the case unless you move to and learn Russian

But what you subhumans consider an “8” is actually a 3-5 so there’s that

>> No.56029970

ez, $4mil. Stop wanking and improve yourself, then approach non stop. I won't give a fuck with 4 mil.

>> No.56029995
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You have to be an absolute subhuman nigger to think 4 mil is a lot in 2023. But most of you are subhuman white trash so it makes sense

>> No.56029996

4 million? doesn't sound very likely does it

>> No.56030047

Yeah but most will just want to baby trap you or trick you into marrying them to take half your stuff. With a loyal wife you could at least create a healthy family. That is worth more then 4 million

>> No.56030088

>But what you subhumans consider an “8” is actually a 3-5 so there’s that
Maybe because you are the true 3-5, inside and out

>> No.56030120

i thought school had started already

>> No.56030121

Either massive larp (many such cases!) or you're too autistic like Elliot Rodgers

>> No.56030162

Get the $4m and easily get an 11/10 who will love me unconditional

>> No.56030173

The gf

>> No.56030176
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look, i've been in the game and known autists like you who could never fuck any girl despite thousands of cold approaches. it's always the same profile: autists who are completely oblivious of how socially awkward they are. it's ok if women dont want you and keep you out of the gene pool, you just have to come to terms with it. Your massive weirdo vibes give women the ick as soon as you open your mouth, that's the reason why they reject (You)

>> No.56030193

>you cant find anyone attractive to love you unless you move countries!!
>btw im really handsome and good with people

one of these is wrong and you know it. but keep buying clothes for yulia she'll come around

>> No.56030206

I have a 9/10 wife who likes me a lot, I'd rather that than some girl with a crush who sobers up.

>> No.56030218

is this a bot? if you can't get laid with 30M and being attractive enough and charismatic enough, i can't imagine how fucking clueless and delusional you are about social interactions. you're probably mentally ill on top of being seens as weirdo.

>> No.56030229

Okay but how tall are you?

>> No.56030237

Meh, I have about 10 million at the moment and I get stalked a lot by gold diggers at cafes and local delis because they target the area. I don;t wear a wedding ring and get a lot of Brazilians, Koreans, Chinese, East European blondes trying to talk to me. I already have a beautiful woman so it is just embarrassing and awkward, I've started telling them I'm gay, some of them throw rage fits when you say no.

>> No.56030247

I'd take 4 million and have my current gf with a chance she won't love me one day for whatever reason

>> No.56030252

This could be some sort of devil's bargain. A girl could be 8/10 and love me unconditionally, but crazy and infertile. All sorts of other scenarios. Give me a nice girl to start a family with who is 8/10 and loves me forever, and I won't be tempted by the money at all.

>> No.56030299

Here my advise to you, buy a suit (black shirt white, get it tailored, buy a good paid of comfy Italian leather shoes, get a haircut). Go to any upmarket bar, if you are uncomfortable bring security and have them arrange a place. Go early, if you see a girl you like ask her to dine with you, if she has a friend (female) bring them both. Then just have fun and drop a thousand at a Michelin 2 star. Don't try and grope them, don't try and finger fuck them, ask about where they are from, what languages they speak, what art they like, what cars they like, where they want to travel to, where they have gone, shit like that. Don't tell them much about yourself or be vague and for fuck sake leave security to wait outside. if they get in touch meet up for a drink ask them on a weekend away. Pick a decent 5 star hotel and have them go horse riding. Don't get rapey, don;t give them cash or jewellery. Don't tell them you are rich. If you must tell a lie tell them your dog just died and it's nice to have company. Shave. Its not fucking hard. I was single for years and once you have a few million and rent/dividend/interest/coupons coming in earnings its not much to drop 1 on a night out.

>> No.56030306

if you need 4M for that it's not unconditional

>> No.56030324

you can also cut all that bs and hire a hooker you know

>> No.56030348

Oh and brush your fucking teeth go to a dentist and have them cleaned, wear some aftershave. Honestly its easy to have women lined up if you can afford the restaurants, drinks and weekends. I really enjoyed bringing girls to places like Rome and Paris and places in the med. Its fun exploring with a pretty companion. Quite a few actually fucked and insisted they pay their share so no its not just the same as hookers.

>> No.56030361

Why would I want to invite prostitutes with dead souls into my life let alone fuck them. Why

>> No.56030373

Your fault for letting everyone know you are rich

>> No.56030402

Nah. In love in a very high value property area. The a+ gold diggers actually travel here. They can tell that men who are on foot life in the area and if they are 30+ and out during working hours are rich. They wear shit like ultra tight yoga pants and have greasy big smiles like flight attendants one of the first questions will be do you live in the area. I'm not a good looking man. I know what the deal is with them. You get them anywhere that is non rental and has very high property prices in major cities.

>> No.56030409

great advice for anyone 40+

>> No.56030423

>I live in a very high value property area.
fixed. For example if you live in Knightsbridge or the 1st arrondissement or wherever they will spot you sooner or later and try and hit on you.

>> No.56030453

Or anyone over 30. If you want to detect if they have a brain or education look for ability to speak French or Italian, can play chess, can ride a horse, can play tennis, knowledge or art, history, economics etc. Don;t talk about politics or religion. Don't bother with dating apps or anything online, look for good looking girls that are a bit bored looking in places that have expensive bars.

>> No.56030459

4 million dollars every fucking day

>> No.56030469

You can have both. 4 million is not much anyway. Just not quite enough. You need 7 million or more, you have to pay tax and property expenses as well as an accountant etc.

>> No.56030477

Already married so would keep my wife and take the cash.

>> No.56030485

you just found out what the USD to whatever-your-currency-is exchange rate is?
How long have you been using /biz?

>> No.56030510

That's because the best you can do is landwhales working in walmart who still look down on you. If you had a chance to sniff pic related and she looked at you like that instead of disgust or disinterest you would walk through deserts

>> No.56030523

no hymen, no dymen. keep seething roastie. chads like me simply aren't interested.

>> No.56030553
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>can ride a horse
anon, I - nevermind

>> No.56030681

4 million dollars

>> No.56030691


>> No.56030708

I feel like you could probably make 4 million in a year or two if you've got a hot ride-or-die woman that's supernaturally loyal. Companionship really is a buff to all stats.

>> No.56030721

get some workout to have a big, manly chest. after doing so you can tell them you dont date women with boobs smaller than yours. i tell you, its like dosing a fire with gasoline

>> No.56030741

Yes you faggot I bet having to spend money and plenty of your free time with a woman will greatly boost your productive endeavors. Your problem isn't that you're an incel but a lazy low IQ incel

>> No.56030798

>pic unrelated

>> No.56030809

as my current self? 8/10 unconditional gf way harder to get than 4mil Sadge

>> No.56030814
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take the $4mil
build a business with it
use money to search for a loving, well-skilled 5-6/10
live comfortable and happy with companionship and family while building a small business venture with bros
die at a reasonable age surrounded by people that love and respect me

>> No.56030960

no woman is worth 4 mil

>> No.56031024


>> No.56031162
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MFW I already have both

>> No.56031255

She was a virgin so the first 3 weeks were actually quite bad/ awkward
Its been 5 years and now its off the chain

>> No.56031326

GF. Close to being a millionaire already and the primary heir to a multimillion dollar estate but dating and relationship culture are absolute hell.

>> No.56031466

I'll take the money.

>> No.56031495

That’s sounds a little extreme anon. What about using the DENNIS system instead?

>> No.56031597

this is just you being terminally ameriburger. ameribrain is more or less a x20 debuff to your stats, so your $30M is worth maybe $1.5M
as yuropoor i sleep with 9/10s with no money. $4M would let me have material comforts on top, and is not actually a requirement for girls

>> No.56031607

you should just know what he's saying
if you know what i'm saying

>> No.56031623

Shit larp

>> No.56031746
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>> No.56031831

Whitepill is the new blackpill

>> No.56031909

8/10 that loves me forever is a great inflation hedge

>> No.56032079

>I am 30 years old. I have never had a girlfriend
Everything you said after that paints a perfect picture on why that's the case, kek.

>> No.56032210

4 million.

>> No.56032658
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>> No.56032671

after having 3 kids and an old maid who isnt into this anymore ill take the 8/10 forever.
life is pretty hard after you've loved and lost and live in a union with starfish sex.

>> No.56032680

I'm already on my way to get a figure much bigger than 4mill so I'll take the 8/10.

>> No.56032685
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my lawyer advised me to not explain this further

>> No.56032709

Any kids?

>> No.56032734
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Give me a 5/10 and I'm happy

>> No.56032763

because the girls attracted to all your cringe strategies are already hookers/gold diggers anon, you're already paying for pussy. i'm sorry if the reality is too hard on your ego.

>> No.56032812

Nah. BTW only the complete dregs fuck prositutes.

>> No.56032895

why does she look so old ready? camera angle?

>> No.56033174

i would be happy working my factory slave job and coming home to a meal and hugs/kisses

>> No.56033192

4M. one day you will understand

>> No.56033253

only the dreg of society have to pay for michelin restaurants and go in five stars hotels in the hope to get laid. the girls you meet at those hotels bars are escorts and gold diggers buddy. only beta cucks with an ego think they're too good to fuck hookers. pathetic.

>> No.56033304

The gf, money is only a means to an end, and honestly, it's a LOT easier to get money than it is to get a loyal woman.

>> No.56033439
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you know the best thing about twenty eight year olds?
there's twenty of them

>> No.56033986

Yeah, I chose the last option this life and it is a good life yk, full of life's wonders, if I had to choose again, I would double down... Life is not about money, it is about the journey.

>> No.56034012

this is fucking based anon

>> No.56034036

Only answer.

>> No.56034364

>i would be happy working my factory slave job and coming home to a meal and hugs/kisses
my sentiments exactly
if you ever get it dont let it fade

>> No.56034394

An actual 8/10. The girl you posted is a 6 at best and I bet she's a 4 without the makeup.
If you can't figure out a way to exploit a beautiful woman who will do whatever you say to make millions then you never had a chance to make it

>> No.56034429

>who will love you unconditionally forever
You missed to read that part anon.

>> No.56034447

>GF who will love you unconditionally forever

So your mom would be your GF?

>> No.56034493

That's a fallacy. He likely became this way over time, but probably was not like this inherently. Easy way to point the finger and say "no wonder" instead of asking the question "how"? No doubt he used to be a good person, but isn't anymore obviously.

>> No.56034594


>> No.56034605
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The 8/10 will be a 4/10 in 10 years and a 2/10 in 20 years

The 4 million will be worth 16 million in 20 years if you invest in the S&P and average 7% returns (already adjusting for inflation)

>> No.56034606

> to escalate aggressively the moment you meet her
Not exactly, your idea is actually not far from the truth, but it is give and take, the pressure has to be adjusted depending on the subject, it is a study actually, very Pavlovian, this is not math yk... But you not far from the truth, the moment you are pissed and you sense that she is almost pissing herself, trembling, that is the moment that you just know that she is the one... But you are almost there anon, keep trying. Don't let you feeling get in the way at first, the feeling for men come LATER, don't be an idiot to enter a failed marriage bc you got swindled by a woman. Be a man.

>> No.56034687
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give or receive ?

>> No.56034699

>for a guy to confidently and aggressively physically escalate them
he is right. took me year to understand. one day (you)will too

>> No.56034705
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>> No.56034715
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you will get bored. i prefer to lease my car and change regularly...

>> No.56034845

>those hoops

>> No.56034854

The 8/10 so she can support me while I continue to hustle.

>> No.56034869
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i would like to see her without the garbage eyes makup. do women think it s attractive ?

>> No.56034871

>continue to play video games and shitpost on /biz/ except now im rich
I'll take the gf

>> No.56034877

oh didnt see those the first time.

>> No.56034878

If she is a virgin and unvaxxed, the GF/future wife.
If not, the millions.

>> No.56035507

ive had many many women fall in love with me so ill take the money and then i can go meet more girls to fall in love with.

>> No.56035610

Pointless hypothetical.

>> No.56035659

The money. I'm bi so I can still get an 8/10 BF who will love me unconditionally forever

>> No.56037326

>If you must tell a lie tell them your dog just died and it's nice to have company
Am I retarded or is this bad advice? You're equating her to a dog. I think most girls I've dated would take offence

>> No.56037445

He’s not equating her to a dog just saying he’s lonely now because he doesn’t have anyone in his life.

If the girl is dumb enough to think he’s making a comparison there you should drop her

>> No.56037544

you forgot to add that your IQ is at least 150 to make it more believable

>> No.56037601

If it really lasts the 8/10 without even thinking about it. Money can't make you as happy as a fulfilling relationship, period.

>> No.56037608

4 million. Fuck women