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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56032965 No.56032965 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>55995996
Bullrun is coming in 12-16 months. Any job right now is effectively paying 10x-35x per hour if you put the money in smart plays.

Get a skill/get a job. Do it and teach it. Save some cash. Buy something you think will be worth more in the future.

This thread is for:
- Answering questions about finding jobs that pay well despite being not having a significant barrier to entry
- How to bullshit resumes/interviews in order to get these jobs
- Leveraging job experience to job hop every 2-4 months to get better positions
- Overemployment

If you absolutely can't find a job, go become a barback at a restaurant or a bar. Don't work fastfood.

>> No.56033289

Putting on a trip just made for this general and its lurkers. I'm a designer that specializes in making personal logos for people among other things like business cards. If anyone is interested in having a personal logo to their name or a a complete brand set (logo, biz cards, etc), please reach out with your email and we will talk about the process and how much I'll charge. I'll solely use this trip code to respond to people so people know it's me.

>> No.56033366
File: 41 KB, 480x360, cheeryouon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello again anon, looking forward to this thread already.
Seems many anons last thread remarked that they can't explain gaps in their CV's

My advice on that would be "lie".
Lie about it in acredible way.

>> No.56033665

Finally figured out what kind of industry I wanted to be in, went ahead and applied for a google cert to get my uneducated ass started in that direction. Now I just need to get hired in the interim while I study so I don't end up homeless. Wish me luck.

>> No.56033922

Just put in 3 weeks notice today. What's the easiest WFH to get? Part-time or full-time, doesn't matter

>> No.56033947

Exactly what I'm doing right now, just got a job for $80k a year and have around $170k in the bank. Will be sinking all my paychecks into SOL, MOBILE, & DIMO

>> No.56034178

>apply for library page
>hear back
>they want me to take a virtual written test
shit, I just applied to that one because. wtf am I supposed to know as a page? the dewey decimal system? famous authors? how books are made and how to clean them?

>> No.56034517
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>37yo making $40k
>stem bachelor's degree
>spotty work history
>just got MBA with a 4.0 GPA

what do? i have no friends/connections so would struggle to come up with references. desu i have no real specialized skills.

>> No.56034523


>> No.56034578

what're you supposed to do with an MBA? what subject did you major in?

>> No.56034601

you could literally change lightbulbs for a living for like, 55k. wtf are you doing bro.

>> No.56034604

>what're you supposed to do with an MBA?
beats me

>what subject did you major in?
BS Information Science, MBA Supply Chain Management

>> No.56034615

>you could literally change lightbulbs for a living for like, 55k. wtf are you doing bro.

i have a 7 year gap where i just didn't work.

>> No.56034623
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>Bullrun is coming in 12-16 months

>> No.56034634

so fake your resume.

>> No.56034663

idk bro. try to get a job with the FED if you can. they probably have some supply chains. once you are in you are IN. you'll never be laid off and you'll get all those good benefits. usajobs is your friend

>> No.56034719

Marketing anon here with a little over 4 years experience. Mostly do a lot of technical SEO/ front end design (WordPress) and a little bit of content creation and everything else (social, newsletter, youtube, etc).

My question is how tf do I get out of this industry or get a job that won't make me kill myself.

Every place I've talked to wants 10+ years condensed in a variety of specialties when in the end marketing shouldn't really be this fucking difficult. The pay is also absolutely garbage. I don't even mine the pay but the stress that comes with not posting a shit graphic right this second is immense for such a shitty industry.

>> No.56034743

You could still make 55k changing lightbulbs for a living. At least if you're in a city. Look for "maintenance technician". Wild.
So what's your story, anyway? 7 years is a long time to do anything, much less nothing. What happened there?

>> No.56034932

this general is a comfy idea but in reality empty

>> No.56034952

the only maintenance techs making around 1k+ a week are seniors/managers and it's more mechanical than just "changing lightbulb"

I will add if you do maintenance for some apartment complexes you can gets rentals for cheap or even free but it comes with the price of being on-call 24/7/365.

>> No.56034977


find some small company that shut down during covid

you worked there

>> No.56035032
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>7 years is a long time to do anything, much less nothing. What happened there?

Several factors....
>was being underpaid at the job i took after college
>saw retirees in my family and elsewhere who had too many health issues to enjoy their free time in retirement. decided i wanted free time in my 20s/30s
>drinking too much in general
>social anxiety
>shitty low class upbrining left me devoid of social skills and any sort of a network
>didn't join a frat or any other networking org in college
> also later a doc determined i had undiagnosed ADHD

The 7 years I didn't work were mostly just spent shitposting and drinking with a few bucks here and there from flipping random shit on ebay.

on the plus side... my physical health is good and i'm not a fatass or anything. plus i'm good at public speaking and frequently get compliments from strangers on my voice. also pretty good at problem solving and pattern recognition... probably have a at least a touch of the 'tism.

>> No.56035077

“I signed an nda”

Simple as. Hard to do this if your CV is only fast food joints. But if you’ve had any other legitimate experience in the corporate world in any capacity, you can quite easily use this

>> No.56035127

>“I signed an nda”
do you just write any nonsense work/project then? and then say that during the interview?
that's not a bad idea, but I'm always anxious of the idea of them trying to verify my claims

>> No.56035187
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>that's not a bad idea, but I'm always anxious of the idea of them trying to verify my claims

yep any company worth a shit is paying for background checks from those dirtball services that keep crazy amounts of data on everyone.

Lying rarely works in 202x. it's why when you sign up for a bank account/UPS account they ask questions about cities you lived in decades ago, where distant relatives live, and cars you owned a decade ago.

>> No.56035295

any male flight attendants here? was interested and was wondering how hard would it be to get a job as one without a degree or experience.

>> No.56035411


worst case scenario is they take back their offer which you wouldn't have gotten in the first place

nothing lost

>> No.56035442

How do you guys feel about the job market? I feel like I’ve started getting more offers recently, and it might be a good idea to take my experience and move up. But also then the market might crash and I’ll be fucked, I also have a comfy job I wouldn’t mind staying in for another couple years.

>> No.56035485

Has anyone forced themselves to stick with a crappy job? I want to apply for mortgage soon so I can't do any job hopping like I used to.

>> No.56035493

Someone answer this.

>> No.56035645

i dont want to. id rather let you get a job and leech off your taxes. when you decide to do teh same thing and everyone stops working because the system is fucked and they demand no more taxes then ill go back to work when taxes go away. otherwise forget it, jsut redsitribue me free shit from the cucks who work

>> No.56035648

>mfw the people who say get a job dont actually help you get a job

>> No.56035656
File: 32 KB, 418x743, GET OUT JANNIE REEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder 4chan jannies will ban you for offtopic if you tell people to get a job and stop buying jeet coins. Really makes you think

>> No.56035970

I'm actually trying to get into this field, but as an entry point for an industry I really love, and with both jobs and entrepenuership in mind. Though marketing itself isn't my end goal as much as a starting point for the sort of production and mangement work I want to do. What do you hate about it, aside from the pay? What sort of jobs have you had?

>> No.56036149
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>> No.56036157
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Good luck to you anon.
People that aspire and do the work to lift themselves up will be the most eligible to have lady luck on their side.

>> No.56036260
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Got accepted as an apprentice electrician with a union, but I'm kind of getting cold feet after the first day of class. They've not set me up with a work assignment just yet, but I've seen we're only going to make $14.50.
I know the payoff will subsequently increase every year with a large one after five years once I become a JW ,but I'm really gonna have to eat dirt for a while.
Worked at a trailer plant and they paid out almost 50% more than that to a 0 experience dumbass such as myself. Even my current part-time would pay out more than that if I got 3 full days of work.
I think a big part of why I'm kind of put off is that a lot of the study is online/digital coursework. I dropped out of college since I didn't have the motivation to fuss with online courses since they're usually so dry.
I don't know bros, I'm gonna give it a year, but I just dont like having this looming anxiety so early.

>> No.56036320

i'm scared of wasting my life like this. i tried to quit drinking for a year, picked it back up again just recently. i picked up hobbies such as Computer Generated Animation, and i like to make video games in unity. at least if i'm not working, i'm steadily becoming good at something i enjoy.

>> No.56037416

Probably the best thread on 4chan right now and certainly the best general.
I need some advice about this too. How do we deal with work gaps? Recruiters and employers are such cunts about this. How do you fake the resume and make it look real without them checking every detail and trying to call everyone?

>> No.56037418

Death to America
Bomb America

>> No.56038237

>Putting on a trip just made for this general and its lurkers. I'm a designer that specializes in making personal logos for people among other things like business cards. If anyone is interested in having a personal logo to their name or a a complete brand set (logo, biz cards, etc), please reach out with your email and we will talk about the process and how much I'll charge. I'll solely use this trip code to respond to people so people know it's me.
I'm still here if anyone needs anything. Remember that personal branding and a biz card can go a long way for you.

>> No.56038803

The job market is rough right now. I have a decade of experience in IT and a year as a director. Since March I've had three interviews. All of them went to the final phase but two ghosted me completely. The must recent one is very promising but I can't get my hopes up.

I'm lucky that I have a spouse that makes good enough money otherwise I would be totally fucked. Despite having several ins across many industries, there are literally no job openings at any of the companies I know people at.

But, somehow, there are tons of job openings that never reply.

It's very strange.

>> No.56039453

I think what I hate most about it is the fakeness and high expectations needed on the job. Hard to describe but go ahead and google/youtube some of digital marketing/digital nomad spiel.

Its a lot glamorization of an industry that ultimately doesn't provide as much and is filled with attention starved assholes. Everything is a brand, a meme, a story, a dancing e-thot. Don't get me wrong, great marketing can be the difference between your business making it or becoming a statistic but a lot of the job has this "holier than thou" attitude to it when in the end we are literally posting shit on instagram. As for the high expectations. Every listing, every client, every job DEMANDS the most out of you. You aren't just a "digital marketer" but a video editor, photographer, graphic designer, developer, etc. Each request is its own specializations in of its self and even though I've tried my hand at each and every one I wouldn't necessarly call myself and expert yet HR roasties and management want a fully fledged expert swiss army knife to hit home run after home run with a hair string budget, do or die deadlines and indian contractors (if you even get those). Its unrealistic and beyond stressful for what amounts to posting a blog on wordpress so the C-suite execs can self-fellate.

Every doctor is a doctor but not all doctors are brain surgeons. Get what I mean?

As for my experience I've done just about most industries. O&G, medical, tons of restaurants, small business, B2B/B2C, e-commerce, etc and it really just boils down to making things look nice and work as intended.

If you're really interested I highly recommend:
- Ogilvy on Advertising
- They Ask, You Answer by Marcus Sheridan
- Focusing on technical SEO fundamentals
- Write your own case studies

>> No.56039551


Ogilvy has a great way of writing that honestly makes you hype af to don draper people. He stresses hard data over chasing fads. (ex: look at the fiasco with budlight. Absolute fuck up)

They Ask, You Answer is an absolute masterclass when it comes to marketing. No frills, no filler straight to the point and easy to understand. That's what marketing boils down to, answering your prospective clients questions in an easy to understand way. Great, great book, learned the most out of that one.

SEO is what makes your sites work in google, etc. Its constantly changing but the core fundamentals remain the same. It looks and works like its supposed to. Getting even a solid grip on the fundamentals and you're already leagues ahead of most people. You'd be surprised how many multimillion dollar companies have the shittiest sites due to mismanagement.

Write your own case studies to present to prospective clients/interviews. I learned this the hard way and didn't start writing these until much later, forgetting a lot of the key points. Google Analytics, etc any hard, factual data is your friend. "Increased traffic by x%, generated Y sales" is a powerful statement to get a client/the job. Chat GPT helps a ton here because you can fill in the gaps or shorten paragraphs to get to the point.

>> No.56041987

Thanks a lot for the recommendations.

From your posts in this thread I was mainly just wondering if your beef with your work is really about what you actually do/the kind of work you do, or if your problem with it was just that you were in industries you didn't care about at all. Like, if you were working in an industry or on marketing something you really cared about, would you enjoy your work? Like if you had your own business for example. One of the reasons I wanted to get into marketing was for that reason, that a lot of the skills seem greatly useful for someone who wants to make it on their own instead of relying on a corporation to give them work. Because there are industries I can see myself being passionate about and caring about both in the context of entrepreneurship and even working for a company in that industry. I can see how what you mentioned about being expected to be a jack of all trades would be annoying, but that's kind of expected in the industry I'm planning to pursue anyway.

>> No.56042021

ok brandan

>> No.56042286

>beef with your work is really about what you actually do/the kind of work you do, or if your problem with it was just that you were in industries you didn't care about at all

A little bit of both. On one hand, marketing to me can be a bit like a game and I enjoy that process of "grinding" up but its really difficult to enjoy that process when you've got clueless exces and middle managers breathing down your neck for quick results. As for industries it becomes less the company and more of the client/owner of that particular industry. You're going to end up working on industries that are boring as fuck but the client is chill and that's fine where as you might end up working for an "exciting" start up but the client is such a massive ass. I've been doing this long enough that you want comfy & boring > fast paced and exciting.

>"Like if you had your own business for example."
Oh absolutely. Marketing, even the basics are absolutely fundamental to making it, ESPECIALLY as a small business, you want to know enough you can handle some of the small stuff on your own or let someone else handle it but know you aren't being ripped off as this happens a lot in this industry.

>" expected to be a jack of all trades would be annoying"
Absolutely. Its the harsh reality of this shit industry. If you're planning on breaking out on your own its a must to be able to know a little bit of everything but when it comes to your run of the mill 9 to 5 its abuse. I don't expect accountants, doctors, or even lawyers to multiclass, they've main spec for a reason, so should marketers imo.

Anyways it sounds like you have a good vision of where you want to go with this and that's always good. Best of luck in your journeys.

>> No.56042350

Thanks a ton for the info and the well wishes, anon. Good luck to you too, I hope you find work you can enjoy soon.

>> No.56042470

is cyber security a good option for wfh?

>> No.56042476

Yeah same exact experience for me. I don't have as much experience in the industry and you do but back during like covid and pre covid I was constantly getting badgered by job offers and recruiters.

>> No.56043350

Came here to ask this. About to graduate with a CS degree and wondering if "WFH Security Analyst" is a good bet

>> No.56043380

just cheat my nigga, if its a test online literally look for the answers on a separate computer next to you lmao

>> No.56043407
File: 2.34 MB, 2144x2944, I Found You Jannie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets banned
>teleports behind you
>calls you a nigger
>gets banned
>teleports behind you
>calls you a nigger
Watch out jannie, I'm unstopable

>> No.56044351

nah can't, they're making me use a specific browser and set up a virtual proctor with camera

>> No.56044385

is a psyop thread bc the market is actually about to soar?

>> No.56044457

Right now I'm a dietary aide at a assisted living facility that is in a network of nursing homes. I make 11.05 rn but im about to get 1 year review for 30-50 cent raise. If I become an RA I'd make 12.50 and if I became a stna then switched to another facility I'd make 17 a hour. I live with parents rn and I pay $100 a month in insurance, like $40 in gas. Rn I get 6-800 checks and i invest 3-400 every 2 weeks, 6k portfolio rn. at 12.50 I'd make 1000 a check. Should I pursue this or should I do something else? Give me suggestions
>inb4 construction
No I am 6'9 lanklet im not trying to ruin my back

>> No.56044508

officially laid off as of today. how's the job market for those who have been searching recently?

>> No.56044552

Just type about how much you love niggers and the newest jew book
>he thinks librarians are about books

>> No.56044572

pretend to be not 100% computer savy
put a piece of blacktape over the camera
do the test

claim you didn't know the camera was off
see how the shit flys
if it don't fly, lie on your next job search

>> No.56044626

>put a piece of blacktape over the camera
no can do, they need me to use the camera to show ID and then a mirror/phone to show my desktop to make sure I'm not cheating. Also
>hear back about library associate position
fuck, that's a position I'd actually like. Sounds really comfy and comes with benefits if full time. It's nice to hear back from this but, just wish that I got replies from my other applications as well...
So does no one here really have any experience working as a librarian or in a public library?

>> No.56044807

i don't understand whats going on in your picture, is this a pic of a jannie? id beat the shit out of that nigger.

>> No.56044829

It's jannie turning around and seeing the unbanable

>> No.56045426

been NEET for 7 years. dont care how the job market is. but you better keep paying your taxes i need my gibbs faggot

>> No.56046066

Hi anon here's what I got so far:
I graduated from college recently and landed a job as a production engineer. Sounds cool, right? Well, not really. The engineering part hasn't kicked in yet because we're still setting up all the equipment for a new galvanizing plant. The work is kind of boring and I don't learn anything new because it's all pretty obvious stuff. I've always wanted to be a design engineer and I've seen an opportunity at a marine equipment company, but the pay is lower. This year, I'm also starting my master's degree in design engineering.
>what do?

>> No.56046097
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Having soon Bank representative interview, how should I act/do to get hired?

>> No.56046105

you either extend a job u worked in to fill the gaps or u make something completely

>> No.56047647

Walk in and give they/them a firm handshake

>> No.56047747

im a 30 year old, been unemployed for a year, and i live in an Ohio college city. whats a good job i can have,

>> No.56047780
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Learning to code with Python rn. Is it easy to get a coding side hustle with it or its just a meme?

>> No.56047789

I lived through the "learn to code" era, they are all looking for something else now.

>> No.56047832

Suck it up, stay on the floor and learn as much hands-on work as you can. You may not think you're learning anything but it will come in handy down the road.

If all engineers were required to work in maintenance for whatever they're engineering before they get turned free to design new shit, the world would be a much better place.

I am primarily a mechanic/machinist with formal training and years of experience in CAD/CAM and industrial engineering/design.

I can't count the amount of times I have had to cut up, modify, and re-design "engineered" equipment in place because the engineer either didn't know how the machine will have to be disassembled to be maintained or because it outright didn't fit.

Worst part is often the "engineers" were informed beforehand but disregards the input because they think they know better.

Don't be a dick know-it-all. Talk to the people that work on your shit, and listen to them.

>> No.56048272 [DELETED] 
File: 430 KB, 638x638, 31600273956675989976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up y'all, Scorch CHAD here telling you that if you missed BTC then you can make up for it with SCORCH COIN. Read the whitepaper here

>> No.56048375

Fuck off shill. Your coin is garbage

>> No.56048447

Say you were on a taglit to Israel