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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56032445 No.56032445 [Reply] [Original]

Are airports dying?

>> No.56032455

No, airlines are. The vacsneed mandate and diversity hires are making them too incompetent to function.

>> No.56032465

I fuckin hope so. Air travel sucks so much.

>> No.56032487

"The DMV of the skies"
Some kike use this in an ad

>> No.56032489
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Regional ones are

>> No.56032499

Who is that?

>> No.56032503
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>> No.56032517

Her name is backgrid

>> No.56032528
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we're very proud of the DMV what a compliment

>> No.56032536

>go to airport
>60% of the travelers are black
>70% of the staff are black
no. the west is dying

>> No.56032563

They're planning on pricing out the middle class from flying, they'll have to cut a lot of routes because they went for the diversity route to hire ATC/pilots. There has been two total ground stops for airlines this year.

>> No.56032660


flyovers only spend money on trucks and jet skis

>> No.56032722

She made herself into a celebrity just by pretending to be crazy.

>> No.56032904
File: 888 KB, 621x702, Air India.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a massive pilot shortage in Canada due to ultra low wages.

>> No.56032951

she isn't real it's ai

>> No.56032984

>Sirs, I shall redeem

>> No.56033005

She’s so cute, look at her little legs!

>> No.56033085
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She's innocent

>> No.56033109

Millennials killed airports

>> No.56033128

who is that airliner penis shiner?

>> No.56033140

New queen of /biz/ unfortunately

>> No.56033158

Tiffany I love you

>> No.56033217



>> No.56034885

do you think her titties have ever gotten sucked while her pussy was fucked?

>> No.56034914

She's hot af

>> No.56034973

>I'm sorry sir, you're only allowed one personal item, no carry-ons. But we'd be happy to provide you with an in-flight complimentary bag of flaming poo on your tray table.

>> No.56035012

Sir! No fly!
>yes sir I am flying plane

>> No.56035113
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>> No.56035130


>> No.56035132
File: 730 KB, 1170x1925, C2CBE5FA-B815-4BC2-AC12-B792DB22732D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.56035188

Airlines are so grossly mismanaged by kikes that it's impossible for them to even function as businesses without government intervention. Delta is a considered a "zombie" company, meaning that it has so much debt that the interest is more than its net profits every year.

As said above, the vaccine mandates are still in effect ant the TSA has been violating the 4th amendment for over twenty years now. Then you have the ridiculous amount of druggies and shitskins that make flying as bad as seeing a movie in a theater on a friday night.

Flying first class is now the only way to fly, and that doesn't even guarantee you any peace. Flying is just too expensive and too hostile for your average middle class normie at this point. No one flies for fun anymore, only business expenses. I was 19 before 911 and you could literally just get a flight for $50 two states over, get a taxi, meet my best friend, have lunch, and then fly back and it you would have only spent $200 for the day and the entire process was seamless and fun.

>> No.56035225

She should be banned from all airports. Want to travel? Take the bus, you schizo fuck.

>> No.56035266

I hope so. (Airline safety) fucked everything up. If the USA hadn't inside-jobbed itself back in 2011, airports might still be decent places. But now they are militarized, stressful, and full of the melanistic folk who are currently reveling in their newfound power to fuck up your flight, your day, and your life.

>> No.56035274

>medium left
SAMIR, listen to my calls

>> No.56035283

No reason for flying to be accessible for everyone. Enjoy your homeland

>> No.56035286
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>> No.56035333

Few remember.

Till this day, I have not gone in an airport scanner and actively request a pat-down. I'm 36, and do remember the pre-911 days. Everyone accepts their slavery now, few realize they can opt out. I spent 3 whole months travelling this year. Constantly in airports. Very stressful places to be, but at least I can take showers in private airport lounges. That helps a bit. Even still, no respite from the awful "rich" people who inhabit those places. Go in, get free food, shower (if there is one), get out. Then go find the emptiest terminal, whip out the laptop, put on headphones, do some work in peace. Just be sure cancel your airport lounge credit card before the $695 annual fee hits.

>> No.56035361

>full of the melanistic folk who are currently reveling in their newfound power to fuck up your flight, your day, and your life

Had this happen to me at LAX recently. Requested pat down as usual, got a short Mexican dude on a power trip. It was worth it though, I'm never going into a scanner.

>> No.56036380

What's the thing with scanners? Why do you make sure to avoid them.

>> No.56036385

>Girls with lots of makeup and designer bags


>> No.56036424

how do i short Airline managers ?

>> No.56036438

By chuck?

>> No.56037899

I'd rather drive 25 hours across the country then spend 5 hours on a flight filled with nogs and greyhound bus homeless. I bought first class last time on united and it was a complete joke. I've been flying on planes by myself since I was 10. I am almost 40 now. The quality and smell has gotten so bad. Putting a kid on a plane alone now would be child abuse.

>inb4 it was child abuse then, this only displays the proof of how far its fallen.

>> No.56038315
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Financially speaking, yes most airports are under stress. Too few routes and too many regulations.

But are you surprised?

Picrel is Heathrow under construction. I wonder what they meant by that? Hiding in plane site.

>> No.56038330
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The first amendment is dying.

>> No.56038546


>> No.56038721

Is this the girl from the not real flight, tiffany something

>> No.56038762

Uhhh.. what do we think? Semite? I think yes.

>> No.56038780

Anons seem to think so.

>> No.56038799

You can't justify a regional flight in the UK...
Our trains suck but they're still some of the best in the world.

>> No.56039046


Why are people so utterly retarded? Every transportation method requires massive societal group efforts to build and keep going. Roads, rail, boat, air, none are exempt. Any to any air travel was a fun meme for a while but it was never going to last because airlines cannot sustain most regional destinations on ticket prices. They need huge subsidies to do so. Constant, massive cash injections to keep your little shuttle dock. Air is the most expensive transport method, so you'll be paying through the nose.
So what to do? Build a goddamn rail line. For the price of ten years of funding an airport, you can get 50 years of railway and station. If our airports became a hub and spoke of a massive airport and branches of rail, you could buy a ticket from anywhere to anywhere with two train rides and a plane ride. Rarely would you get an air to air layover, and even more direct destinations open up because trains can trivially stop along their route. Layovers delays in general would be far lower because the hot routes would be much hotter with more frequent flights, and trains can run frequently even with a 50% passenger load without the operational cost being much higher. All the expenses in rail are infrastructure, not fuel and operation. Almost the opposite of air.

We will never get this because we're dumb as shit gorilla niggers, all of us.

>> No.56039438

Still would

>> No.56040928
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>SAMIR, listen to my calls
I haven't seen that video in years.
thanks anon

>> No.56040954

>Just take 10 days to go from Seattle to Chicago!

Fucking retard

>> No.56040964


there aren't vaccine mandates to fucking fly, you would know if you weren't larping from your basement

>> No.56040991

You're a complete retard

>> No.56041015

Checked but AMEX charges the annual fee the same month you open the card

>> No.56041056
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No, i fly a few times a month. Airports are packed at different times of day, just depends on the schedule.

>> No.56041533


>> No.56041558

As a business traveler, airports are not dying but the interest and desire to work in an airport is dead. Air hostesses are rude, the men are hyper gay. The security is always in a bad mood, the baggage handlers don't give a fuck. It's over

>> No.56042276

where Mr garrisons IT when you need it

>> No.56042591

the middle class discretionary leisure travellers are happier to drive to their nearest major airport to save a few bucks and not have to deal with a connection

the business travellers, what's left have them, are all flying pt 135 now. at least on trips like this.

>> No.56042939

Then stop fucking taxing me if you’re not gonna do any beneficial shit for people with the money. What the fuck.
Train idea is actually ok tho but California has been trying forever and it’s still not fucking done

>> No.56042946

In my experience
>60% of the travelers are Indian
>60% of the staff are black
Basically every lazy union or federal job will be entirely staffed by blacks and there's enough Indians to bury the entire rest of the world

>> No.56042954

Wow I didn’t realize it would take that long, I thought it was high speed or whatever, plus there will be a lot more train accidents if they do this along the rails, “terrorist” people trying to stop the trains by putting a giant brick wall in front of it, homeless jumping aboard, etc

>> No.56042987

I’ve had wonderful experiences for example I was gonna be late for a flight and a black bag checker woman changed my flight to one later in the day (one hour later) free of charge

>> No.56044602

This perdectly put into words what I've observed. I've had countless conversations about this with others who've noticed the same thing. It's frightening and staggering

>> No.56044677

Yes, all me btw

>> No.56044693

for peasants? yes. I hope the air car fails from the get-go.

>> No.56044704

and not 2001? Kek.

>> No.56044733
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Take a balloon instead.

>> No.56044763
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>blacks were going on expensive vacations and you didn't think there was a bubble?

god she's so perfect

>> No.56046139

this guy has been making some videos on the IQ crisis in the west lately and how it is having widespread effects on our infrastructure

>> No.56046153
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they're not, but flying sucks each year a little more and more

>> No.56046171


>> No.56046742
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>Just take 10 days to go from Seattle to Chicago
Right, no one in their right mind is doing that (foamers notwithstanding). Similarly, someone likely isn't taking a high-speed train from say Seattle to San Diego.

But what about say Portland or Eugene? Or further down the route, if you're going from say San Jose to Sacramento?
We'll take the Seattle-Portland or Eugene example first:
>driving takes about 4-6 hours without traffic
>flight is only 45ish minutes, but requires 1hr lead time at each airport, and requires transportation to/from each respective city center

Say you were taking a theoretical west coast HSR route, on an express service, city center-city center. Throw in a few 15 min stops in Tacoma, Olympia, and Vancouver (WA), at an avg speed of 150mph (assuming 190-200mph top speeds) -- you're looking at about 2 hours of total travel time (stops included) between Seattle and Eugene, shorter for Portland ofc.

Each mode has a relative optimal distance
>Local Transit (depending on the area's urban layout)
between 0-25mi
>Personal Auto
between 25-100mi
>Regional High-Frequency Rail
between 50-150mi
>High Speed Rail
between 100-500mi
>Air Travel
Anything 500mi+

There are dozens of city pairs across the US where this makes sense, especially when routed between major airports and city centers.

The midwest is a great example here - you could have a hub network radiating from Chicago connecting to each major Midwestern city. Would most people take the full route from say Minneapolis to Toronto connecting via Chicago? Probably not, but TC-CHI or CHI-TOR or CHI-DET or DET-STL or any combinations of those cities would pick up immense ridership between the three.

And with how bad traffic is and how awful air travel has become, modeshift is inevitable if our government can get it together (I'm not confident they will). Would be an incredible addition to our nation's transportation offerings.

>> No.56046812
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>show up at Baltimore airport early in the morning
>wife's bag is overweight
>need to buy a special tag for it
>niggerbitch clerk tells us to go way way down the end of way to buy the tag
>walk down the way to where the clerk pointed
>2 niggerbitch employees standing around
>ask them where 'the kiosk for overweight bags are'
>she looks around and says there's nothing open over here and points us back to the clerks like we're slow
>I look at her and go:
>I'm not re-tard-ed
>she gets insanely offended and acts like I just george floyd'd her
>she finally calms down and says it's over there
>we walk back up the way and find the right kiosk
>it's unlabeled and looks exactly like the others
Further proof that blacks cannot into empathy. They have no idea what it's like to put themselves into someone else's shoes. It's astounding. Thank God for the gift of self awareness and understanding my own gifts and faults. No amount of cheap labor is worth putting up with these missing links.

>> No.56046886
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>it’s another /biz/ spergs out over minor issues episode
flying these days is totally fine

>> No.56046959

Overtourism is becoming a thing


I'm starting to believe that the Rothchilds and others trying to depopulate the earth were right all along.

>> No.56046998

i hope so. air travel generates extreme amounts of pollution and most people have no business traveling via plane.
>business travel
video calls and/or local talent
shouldn't have abandoned them to move around the world
low IQ

>> No.56047042

>coming home to merica in the customs line
>90% of the US passport line is brown
>90% of the foreign passport line is hwhite

>> No.56047125

the UK is literally on its deathbed, it deserves this fate

>> No.56048177

the catalan fags dont want tourists but want refugees instead.

>> No.56048232 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 638x638, 67221558755299733444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scorch Coin is a shining beacon of light in the darkness, even as the UK descends into bankruptcy and total collapse, it will still be there. It is a rock of stability, something to hold onto in an age of turbulence. So how about we invest in the only thing that will always be there for us

>> No.56048248

Air travel is based
I'm not going to listen to the opinions of a bunch of loser incels who never leave their basement. You can travel by trad buggy and horse if you want.

>> No.56048270

looks like a 90's Prodigy album cover

>> No.56048395

Only American airports, like the rest of their godforsaken country.

>> No.56048424

By who else?

>> No.56048442

>There's a massive pilot shortage in Canada due to ultra low wages.

You mean due to deaths from the vaxx

>> No.56048562

>fly in from Singapore to usa
>nothing but brown and blacks
>shake my head in satisfaction
>shake hands with Pablo at the tsa who also happens to do my lawn and handyman work
>fist bump ak47, shay-kwan, and Ty-ree

Things are looking good, bros. Gonna fly to europe next month. Hope I see nothing but Mohammed’s and umtufu oomgwanga

>> No.56048948

That guy's videos randomly got recommended to me, and I pretty much enjoyed them.

>> No.56049032

>a black person actually did their job

extraordinary occurrence!

>> No.56049300

>be Canadian
>want to be pilot
>require 100,000 just in training, not including living costs
>well it's okay, Airline pilots make good money
>finish training
>first job pays 25k
>it's ok, just gotta pay my dues
>next job gets you maybe 50k
>it's alright just gotta make it through this job
>covid happens
>industry shits bed for 2 years
>it's ok everyone hiring
>get to a regional, pay worse than before (ac jazz and wj encore pay 40k starting)
>move up, he'll maybe even onto an actual airline
>make 60-8]k
>government fucking with inflation and other shit, causing an inevitable collapse next year
>laid off, no transferable skills
Why would anyone want to be a pilot anyway? Your gonna train with pajeets and changs who can't fly/understand anything anyway. Just to get paid shit your whole life

>> No.56049312

You know, I can tell what your facial profile looks like without even seeing it

>> No.56049332

Didn't read, picture was gay.

>> No.56049363

your zoomlets who never travelled before coof have no idea what 2014-2020 was like. we are still at 50-75% levels of the old peak, and I don't care what the published numbers say.

>> No.56049415

what is already happening is the fragmenting of aviation into large commercial 121 carriers for the proles and 135 charters (some of them even scheduled!) for those who can afford it. interestingly until extremely recently this meant 121 carriers were getting more expensive and 135 carriers were getting cheap.

aviation isn't going to collapse. it will become more scarce, and you're already seeing that with the exodus from regional airports.

I don't think it'll be long until you can really only fly between about 40-50 airports in the USA and abroad on the major airlines. everything else will be driving or pt 135 charters.

>> No.56049431
File: 110 KB, 1024x1023, ADB40863-2EE6-4DBF-BE5D-D3C3BDB8E230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is dying anon.

>> No.56049437

You expect me to take someone wearing a tie under his shirt seriously?

>> No.56049676

The picture is hilarious. Fuck you nigger.

>> No.56049829

Ver well written article
Faith in humanity: restored

>> No.56050668
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Oh that is just SO romantic uwu

>> No.56050820

He's actually surprisingly based.

>> No.56050836

This is what happens when you deregulate the fucking airlines and let niggers and poos fly to these countries. These people actually think that the White people that live there want them pooing up their cities.

>> No.56051163


>> No.56051443

If they are it's because airlines are getting too greedy and setting themselves up for collapse.