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56032011 No.56032011 [Reply] [Original]

>own a business in CA
>get robbed
>if you intervened you get fined 18k
if you don't have puts on literally any and every stock that has a retail store in CA when this bill passes then stay poor.

>> No.56032025

is this another one of those bills proposed by negroe "representatives" which stands no chance at actually being passed into law?

>> No.56032028

the fuck is the reasoning behind this

>> No.56032030

does this law apply to amazon warehouses?
real chin scratcher here

>> No.56032031

>the fire rises in california

>> No.56032042

i expect a massive wide spread collapse of small businesses in commiefornia
is the plan for large corp entities to swallow up all the business?

>> No.56032048

non violent crime does not justify violence

>> No.56032052

They can propose bureaus handling the logs and calls to make statistics and fill them with crowneys and funnel public debt I mean funding into their pockets

>> No.56032073

>T. Non-violent thief lobbyist
We gotta take down Big Thief. They've grown to powerful.

>> No.56032085

right now anything less than $950 is just a misdemeanor. that's why stealing is rampant. the reasoning i believe is that they want to lower prison population

>> No.56032088

thing is it's california

there are no actual adults in the room

>> No.56032105

The current mayor is some blackie . They voted for this and deserves whatever happens

>> No.56032115

How can theft be non-violent?

>> No.56032116

non intervention implies doing nothing at all and seems like open season for anyone to just pick up what they want and walk out of the store, surely they see that.

>> No.56032137
File: 36 KB, 594x675, california.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hourly california OBSESSION thread

cope seethe and dilate

>> No.56032155

Rep *clap* a *clap* ray *clap* shuns

>> No.56032165

the stealing would not be this rampant if people could afford to live here. I know this because when it was more affordable to live here the stealing was not this widespread. when you drive by streets full of tents people see that and decide they would rather steal than become homeless.

>> No.56032176

Tell your former residents to go back to the hell hole they created.

>> No.56032184

most people that leave cali weren't even from there originally.

if you can't make it here go be poor somewhere else. that's what the rest of the country is for: poorfags and losers who can't afford california

>> No.56032191

create unstable and anarchichal society so masses get angry and fight amongst themselves wile ignoring the elites in power

>> No.56032226

literally the prison island in the film "Escape from New York"

>> No.56032228

If theft really non violent? Think about it, a person trades a tiny part of their very life to produce an object/transport it/stock it/sell it. When a thief steals an object, they have stolen a tiny part of multiple peoples lives. It's basically micro murder.

>> No.56032261

Actual rich Californians are creating a gated city to get away from the poors, they see the writing on the wall of your 35% white state.

>> No.56032266

this retarded post just micro-murdered me by 10 seconds

>> No.56032273


>> No.56032272

It's already anarchical. What is the average age of the leo in commiefornia? Likely as everywhere else, going straight toward 60 with recruitment quotas not filled and workload increasing.

>> No.56032282


you don't know anything about my state, nigger, and don't try to pretend that you do

>35% white
no one outside of 4chan gives a shit about any of this

touch grass you fucking retard

>> No.56032294

The ultimate destruction of America and its people. Imagine this is just one of many multiple thousands of tendrils of the beast.

>> No.56032298

Ah yes, that is why property prices fall in relation to the amount of niggers and spic in the districts

>> No.56032309

>property prices are directly correlated with skin color and nothing else

ah yes, im so glad its this easy and not totally nuanced by things like racism/discrimination, blockbusting, redlining, etc etc

you're a stupid nigger

>> No.56032331


Tech bros are building a Citadel while you pretend that your state hasn't gotten significantly worse since the 80s.

>> No.56032338

Holy cope.

>> No.56032340

>racism/discrimination, redlining

NPC or troll detected, not replying to you anymore.

>> No.56032348

has to be a grift, everyone knows billionaires are buying up new zealand as their ultimate plan b.

>> No.56032355

>tech bros

kek literally NO ONE here cares about tech bros. you'd know if you could afford to live here faggot

>racism/discrimination, blockbusting, redlining

these are all well-documented parts of US history and have measurable effects on housing prices in diff neighborhoods

literally the second you niggers get hit with actual historical information you scurry off to your safe spaces like roaches. get rekt

>> No.56032364

Im not going to bother posting the source because it’s easily searchable(CA data is public )but crime rates (violent / non violent) have been on a steady decline since the early 60s in CA. at the same time California (as crime rates have dropped) has become more diverse. Really makes you think..

>> No.56032401

>California is...LE GOOD?!?

>> No.56032408

>id: b0tz
>bot-tier post

kek yea, we're the best state and there isn't even a close 2nd

>> No.56032415

Absolutely seething.

>> No.56032416

Shh, don't try to use logic here, everyone is retarded. Just like nobody bothered to actually look up the bill, they just believe fox news. The part of the bill regarding shoplifters was already removed. And even when it was still part of the bill, all it said was that employers can't force an employee to confront a shoplifter, which is pretty fair. I'm not going to risk my life to stop someone from stealing from a chain store, and those mom and pop stores are still allowed to defend themselves, they just weren't going to be allowed to force an employee to confront a shoplifter. But again, that part if the bill was already removed, and everyone is too retarded to actually read it.

>> No.56032418

California has a massive porch-piracy problem.

>> No.56032422
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>get btfo
>"u.u.u mad!"

every time

>> No.56032426

Cool tell traffic cops to disarm then.

>> No.56032437

I learned to weld so I could attach a 10lb glob of steel onto a hammer handle and I DAMN WELL BETTER GET A CHANCE TO USE IT

>> No.56032449

I started stealing after they let niggers riot and destroy with no repercussions. I pay for about 1/2 of the things I obtain. If it fits in my pocket, it’s free. If it doesn’t, I just walk right out the front door, smile, and wave. Saved myself thousands of dollars. Until rules are enforced, I’m not playing by them anymore.
I don’t steal from my local privately owned spots, but corporations that make love to black rock can all suck my fat white dick.

>> No.56032469


>> No.56032480

that video of store getting robbed in california by some guy on bike and employees just looking was funny af

>> No.56032492

So you must have security but they're not allowed to do anything? Is there a big security guard lobby/union in California or something?

>> No.56032494

>tech bros don’t matter
>in a state where the remaining industries are tech and entertainment
I get that you are delusional but come on man. I lived in the bay for a few years after moving for work, the tech sector is the basis of CA’s economy at this point. Even the guys working in finance are usually tech-adjacent.
The data I’m seeing shows that California pretty much followed the national trend, with violent crime peaking in the early 1990s and coming down since then. It’s not like niggers are killing each other the way they did back then, the crime the media follows now is usually retarded street level strong arm shit. But the media is retarded as well so it fits.

>> No.56032508

You can steal $10k worth of shit and they won't prosecute.

>> No.56032527

Violence does not need to be justified

>> No.56032533

>most people that leave cali weren't even from there originally.

Dumbass. Most people leaving are California natives are middle class families. You wouldn't know since you live in El Monte, Paco

>> No.56032544

California is a third world shithole where rich people go to smell their own piss and ignore the problems they create haha
>muh natural beauty, muh weather
LOL listen chud I make $150k and I'm RICH, I'm LOADED where I am, I could buy 3 more cars and I'd still have money
If I took my skillset to California I'd live like some lower middle class loser and I don't even get to enjoy the beauty because muh private beaches
Californians are in such a massive state of COPE literally everybody in the country thinks your state is a dumping ground for the rich and retarded, (oftentimes it's rich and retarded)
As the actual money moves away it'll just be a state of fart sniffing suburbia fags who deplete their money while also transferring it to the homeless via the state
Without your suburb bubble in CA you would hate it, the ONLY reason you think CA is some heaven on earth is because you live in a BUBBLE, you are DETACHED from reality and the world around you. Just like everyone else there.

So overall, shut the fuck up California faggot your opinions on topics are moot and everyone who has business meetings out there and is from the northeast thinks you all are such soul sucking idiots and the only clear reason CA continues is because it's a collective of those who are rich and retarded (like (You))

>> No.56032552

California a hole full of shit on fire with liquid magma shit underneath it. I was born and raised here and watched it decline for almost 40 years. The violent crime was contained to garbage heaps like Oakland and other nigger cities. Look what happened to Antioc when murder dubs and other projects were torn down. All the niggers moved there and destroyed the place.
The nicest places are the ones negros can’t afford to live in, but that’s all being systematically destroyed by affordable housing projects. Ruins the common areas, public transportation, the schools, the neighborhoods. Everything.

>> No.56032569

Nationwide crime rates have been dropping for decades.
Nationwide, levels of diversity do correlate with crime.
Lowest crime states are all massively white states.

>> No.56032586

Until the Jews stop feeding the blacks nigger media to manipulate their low IQ brains and letting them off with no accountability, it’ll only get worse.

>> No.56032587
File: 112 KB, 1000x995, ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the tech sector is the basis of CA’s economy

also, re-read what i said. literally no one outside of the bay area gives a fuck what >muh tech fags are up to, and even in the bay area they're laughed at for being uppity pompous faggots

didn't read. maybe one day you can afford to vacation here a couple days? this month alone ive traveled to SF and Irvine, both great but i prefer my own city better

>"uh ok so yea crime is down and diversity is up i guess"
>"but uh white states good!"


>> No.56032603


>> No.56032609

this guy gets it. Either way, Dems win.

>> No.56032612

Maybe not to buy the businesses themselves (they will all fold), but to grab the spaces they occupied.

>> No.56032624

They're targeting jewelry stores

>> No.56032632

Did you leave for greener pastures? It’s obviously increasingly common, and as someone who doesn’t live in a destination state for fleeing californios it’s interesting to watch. The community I lived in while I was there wasn’t connected to a BART line which kept out the darkies. The cops even got in trouble for picking up bums and driving them to Oakland, telling them not to come back. Its cucked now but it would have been amazing 70 years ago.

>> No.56032648

As a legal south american sudaca myself living on shittyfornia. I'd love to see more deportations from my fellow sudacas, nigger incarcelation (prison time) and faggotry removal from this state.
The only reason i'm here is because money but holy shit this state is no different than my original shithole country

>> No.56032650

You can absolutely tell who's never been there, and those who live in those bubble areas like newport beach
Newport Beach is the perfect example of California too, an area that's >90% white, completely surrounded on all 3 sides by >90% black/Latino, any house more than a block or so from the beach has mega walls to keep out the third worldness around you.
As soon as you leave that bubble you are surrounded by terribleness at all angles, that's why those areas have tried to be as self sustainable as possible, because it's literally only sustainable to be a normal functioning person in CA if you live in an area like that and don't leave.
I despise most people from California, every meeting I ever have out there is easily the most vapid and retarded.

Lol I have "vacationed" to CA, it's all a dump now, want some pics from my last time there? I was late to my meeting because the hotels' second gate to get into the parking lot was stuck. It's not a place for smart rich people, it's a place for stupid rich people. Your wealth doesn't go into improving your quality of life, so the only indication there's any wealth in that state is if you look at the houses, if you look at everything else you'd think you were in Mexico and the large mansions must be the corrupt winners haha

>> No.56032661

Fucking greasy taco mexifags everywhere, niggers doing nigger things, drugs, crime, bums, excesive state enforced faggotry-troonnism, pajeets everywhere, high taxes
It's joever.
Shithole county

>> No.56032667

also you didn't read because of course you didn't, you're from California, you're too fucking slow to read anything I know readings pretty hard bud that's okay maybe someone will develop an app called readIt: the app to help Californians read

>> No.56032672

Did you look at your own image you retard? See how there isn’t a little bar labeled “technology”? What do you think business services and information are? And the financial sector is largely concerned with FinTech, the largest bank connected to California is Wells Fargo and the CEO works out of an office complex in Brooklyn. You’re right that tech bros are absolute fucking gaylords though, just the most pretentious fags.

>> No.56032690

why don't the large stores lock their doors when a stealing raid begins? barricade the fuckers in and have a cup of tea until the police arrive

>> No.56032705
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silence is violence
someone robs me I'm gonna get loud

>> No.56032712

sticky fingers typed this post

>> No.56032739

true, but theft is violence.

>> No.56032738

>Citation needed

>> No.56032802

hey retards i know none of you care about the facts but this law just means owners can't order wagies to chase thieves when that isn't their job

>> No.56032833

Hey retard, you do know cops have arrested the flash mob members and released them the same day right

>> No.56032892

>this law just means owners can't order wagies to chase thieves
They already cant though.

>> No.56032920

The world owes you nothing. You can't afford to live i Geneva,London,Greenland or New York either. You have no right to steal, ever.Move somewhere that somone of your luck/iq is suited to

>> No.56033016

when it comes to faceless judeo-corporate entities, perhaps, as employees lives are not worth stolen goods from a multi-billion dollar corpo, but if I ran a small business and some socioeconomic factor tried stealing from me I would kill it like vermin, and it would deserve to be killed.

>> No.56033065
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But what about the HUSTLE and the BUSTLE

>> No.56033073
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There are no accidents.

>> No.56033094

why would you ever compare somewhere like Geneva to third world shit holes like London and NYC

>> No.56033108

Niggers are good boys

>> No.56033131

Normoids (which is what buisness owners are) are surprisingly resistant and will quietly accept and suffer under clownworld. This will get passed and life will go on as normal (continue to get worse) and they will do nothing.

>> No.56033136

I just don't know, anon. Who would want to turn criminals into victims and punish victims as if they were criminals? What ideology has used this as a tenet of its subversion for hundreds of years? Truly it is a mystery.

>> No.56033144

It's right out of the playbook FFS

>> No.56033278

Crime rates go down when the state refuses to prosecute.

>> No.56033297

>Fox News

Keep your biased half-truths cheap sensationalist bullshit back on pol

That too

>> No.56033310

>crime rates (violent / non violent) have been on a steady decline since the early 60s in CA.

My God you're naive

>> No.56034576
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No cope. Its fascinating to watch something fall apart...by purely self inflicted means.

If you told me 10 years ago the wealthiest, smuggest, and possibly most beautiful city in the US would empty out (SF), I would have said you were insane.

>> No.56034624

who cares it was fun that way at the very least California produces some of the best "real life" content between the daytime clean outs of rite aid to the car chases or the compilation of people shitting on the street or passed out with a needle in their arm to the occasional stupid distracted blonde lady who gets pushed into the street because she was acting like California is still a nice and safe place to be KEK I want CA to stay this way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.56034650


>certain people fund bills to protect criminals
>allows chaos to rein
>value of businesses & property drop
>shop owners sell businesses & property for cheap
>certain people buy up everything
>certain people fund bills to crack down on criminals
>chaos dampens
>value of businesses & property pump
>certain people sell businesses & property

You should be buying property now, and board it up, make it temporary toxic to squat in. Sell when certain people have brought the suburb back to life.

>> No.56034684

If this bill passes, I'm going to California on the biggest theft spree the world has ever seen. It ain't nailed down? I'm taking it.

>> No.56034693

the moment a business owner attempts to stop you, threaten to call the police for maximum memes
fucking KEK

>> No.56034776

what does israel think of that?

>> No.56034783

>be california
>make bullshit crazy laws that nobody would actually agree with
>dont follow that law
>get "arrested"

>> No.56034868

No Ivan it's not combunism

>> No.56034957

>ignore criminals
>repoeted crime goes down
Wow, it's magic. Maybe we should legalize murder, this way murder crime will drop by 100%!

>> No.56035041

good post. this is LITERALLY how bureaucracies incentivize people to think. just so everyone knows a huge part of the problem.

>> No.56035096

This person sounds like the equivalent of the Dominican SUB-HUMANS who've taken over all of New York and talk with their hideous accent saying "eeyyyy deadass bro we real new yorkers cuh you ain't a real new yorker real new yorkers eat chop cheese" and think you're from fucking Texas if you say "cawfee"

>> No.56035097
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>employees can't intervene
>private security companies can
I really, really like where this is going. Psuedo segregation anyone?

>> No.56035108

>steals all your shit
>dont be angry though

>> No.56035110

>GG qq id
Praise Kek

>> No.56035120

Nogs, shoplifters, criminals are not the enemy of the state, they can do nothing to hurt it and are completely dependent on it.
You however, are an enemy of the state, you don't need it to exist and don't surrender power to it, which threatens them.
So they use blacks, antifa, etc., As a weapon against you. So that you are too busy fighting them to fight the state.

>> No.56035145

And people wonder why Commirefornia is going to get nuked form orbit, just to be sure

>> No.56035152

violent incident log? nigga theft IS violent. they should be hanged by next dawn FOR their violence (thievery)

>> No.56035329
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>> No.56035389

Bro imma cut off they HANDS
They think Ching Chong Wong playin around
They come around when whitey isn't in town, it's CHOP CHOP

>> No.56035489

California government wants to make Escape from LA a reality, Disney Land isn't cutting it anymore

>> No.56035533

>crime rates (violent / non violent) have been on a steady decline since the early 60s in CA
That's completely false. The fed flat out doesn't record most crime because it looks bad for politicians and the cops. There was an article a few years ago showing that the number of local reported crimes in NY was nearly 25 times higher than what the state reported, with 90% of those being in NYC.

>> No.56035536
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Stop you’re making corny ass wypipo sound badass

>> No.56035555
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>be jannie
>20 years experience
>still doing it for free
>see anti California post
>ban user for "posting gibberish"
Sober up and then kill yourself tranny jannie

>> No.56035687
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>> No.56035937

this. I'm moving there from Canada for the free meat.

>> No.56035953

You are a dumb kike

>> No.56036034

u can do it right now i always go to college bookstores and take some stuff and sell it online

>> No.56036056 [DELETED] 

i got arrested at a cal state uni bookstore for robbing like 2000 dollars of textbooks and they released me the next day i only did like few hours in the jail room wasnt even bad just slept and talked to some random people and it was over i would do it again

>> No.56036108

i got arrested at cal state uni bookstore for robbing like 2000 dollars of books now i just do the community college bookstores and make sure its under 950 dollars

>> No.56036129

does this count as reparations?

>> No.56036130

Okay, so... how is it legal for the government to enforce non-compliance with its own laws? When do we stop putting up with this Orwellian bullshit?

>> No.56036137

>no one outside of 4chan gives a shit about any of this
and yet, here you are

>> No.56036142

built next to air force base too

>> No.56036156
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>> No.56036159

Blacks have shown themselves to be completely incompatible with civilisation so the only way we can reduce their prevalence in crime statistics is to abolish the crime itself.

>> No.56036166

It's gad damn byoutiful

>> No.56036243

>Im not going to bother posting the source because it’s easily searchable(CA data is public )but crime rates (violent / non violent) have been on a steady decline since the early 60s in CA. at the same time California (as crime rates have dropped) has become more diverse. Really makes you think..
That you made that up. Yes.

>> No.56036279

As long as retards like >>56032282 are posting here then we have NOT hit the low of the cycle yet.

>> No.56037848

Checked for blatant tranny janny misuse of power

>> No.56037862

I'm actually thankful that we have California as a parable for the rest of the states. This is the beauty of semi-autonomous states in the US, it isn't all or nothing there's a market of different regions trying different things and if yours goes insane you can just move.

>> No.56038129

That's false imprisonment

>> No.56038270

You’re witnessing Cultural Marxism asymmetrically taking hold.

>> No.56038272

Theft is violence retard, especially if it's done against a small business owner. You're fucking with their livelihood, making it impossible for them to earn a living and put food on their tables.

>> No.56038825
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Might makes what they do right. Might also makes what you do to them right.

>> No.56039049

That’s just spic/nigg mentality if you can’t afford move out and get a better job like any normal human would do

>> No.56039102

The proper and just penalty for thievery is hanging. Unfortunately that motivates thieves to murder since they have no morals and can't get in worse trouble, so we settled on throwing them in a cage.

>> No.56039233

ok but you have to stay there

>> No.56039244

>rampant if people could afford to live here.

That's weird. Most of these flash mobs are blacks and mexicans. Why aren't there whites or even Asians. There are lots of first gen Asians here. How much of a fuck up are you that literal ESLs from way way around the world got better jobs before you

>> No.56039285

1, 2, 3, and 5 are not real GDP
finance GDP of CA is mostly illiquid securities and CRE (also illiquid)
your screenshot from trading economics is not a gotcha lol

>> No.56039498

People vote for it. The people who live there actually want that.

>> No.56039502

they are stealing from large corps to begin with

>> No.56039571
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>get banned again
>oh wait nevermind
Guess who's back nigger tranny jannie kike faggot. WATCH OUT JANNIE I FOUND YOU

>> No.56039639

flyovers itc coping as per usual

>> No.56039661

Don't you get banned for posting your IP?

>> No.56039692


Nigger woman "logic".

>> No.56039694

>implying it fucking matters

>> No.56039704

>if people could afford to live here

People can afford to live there.
You just men "if the poor could live in the highest end areas."

>> No.56039714

The media, academia, the federal government and corporate America care a great fucking deal about it dishonest spic puke.

>> No.56039724
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>a day later
>retards still responding to my posts

kek as i said yesterday, fucking OBSESSED with us Calichads

>> No.56039753

Checked kekd and rekt
There's one jan who's a total fucking faggot, he mutes me for the absolute dumbest shit, comes in around noontime EST, purges the board of threads he doesn't like, and then leaves. So by 1:30, you can shitpost all you want, it will be staying up for awhile, but post ANYTHING remotely off topic at 12:15 EST and you're suspended.
They have removed this post before because one of the other jannies must be covering for the faggot or doesn't want more people to start timing certain jannie actions to prevent a name and shame

>> No.56039759

Your potato chips are insured, fatty. Is your prison time worth the racist impulse? "vermin"? Who talks like that?

>> No.56039787

Uh sweaty if you rob a store in my state you still get arrested, I don't deal with "orwellian bullshit" lmao only you do (and you voted for it too so stay there and take the shit you vote for on the chin)

>> No.56039828

Liberal-progressive moralizing. You have to understand that critical theory and progressive moralizing have infected every social science department for decades, and in a day where every attempt at getting certain communities up to speed in lowering crime rates, they’re willing to consult these academics on just reinventing the wheel rather than accepting that these drivers will never figure it out on their own. White civilization has lost the potency to demand assimilation by popular method as well. So in cities where black people runnwild there are two options: 1) strong arm law enforcement (unthinkable to progressive moralizers) or 2) change the law, change the moral code. This is the inevitable result of the post-war consensus being in reality the civil rights regime. We have certain demographics a second constitution and now they have free rein to draft a new penal code for the people to whom it applies.

>> No.56039876


>build luxury homes
>must also build low income too
>people move out

Redlining hasn’t been a thing since the 1960s, same as block busting. Simple fact is nobody wants to live next to welfare people who pay $50 per month while everyone else pays $2500+. If someone is spending good money, the last thing they want is to live near poor leaches who turn everything to shit.

>> No.56040265
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- To ensure their voters aren't locked up.
- Blackrock private security on every corner and a camera for every angle.
- To destroy small mom & pop stores and allow megacorps to swoop in.
- To destroy the housing market, swoop in and buy everything for cheap, renovate neighborhoods, rent out all housing.

>> No.56040528

>no one outside of 4chan gives a shit about any of this
Spoken like a guy who lives nowhere near nonwhites. So yes, you do care, or else why not live in East LA?

>> No.56040801

A cunning tactic to ensure votes is almost too much to believe these people are capable of.

>> No.56041042

>no one outside of 4chan gives a shit about any of this

You don't cause you're a bean, Paco

>> No.56041078

why wouldn't communist globalists be cunning and manipulative? they spend all day every day for DECADES obsessing over a world government. they ONLY think about subversion. it's an obsession for them.

look up anarcho tyranny, we've known this was coming.

>> No.56041144
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, laughingmycahonesoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big Thief

>> No.56041147

>Be afraid
>Frog post
You really should gtfo losers

>> No.56041289

i guarantee you're some 2nd or 3rd generational chink immigrant

>> No.56041327
File: 422 KB, 1388x917, wire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think we will get a SF crime gang show like the wire? Or is california so gay it wouldn't be as aesthetic?

>> No.56041712
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>> No.56041755

only Poot made it out alive and then he died of gonorrhea and chlamydia

>> No.56041769

Tv/Netflix shows are dead. Nobody watches such crap anymore

>> No.56041795

Corny white people, Karens, moms with salt crystals and "life is a journey not a destination" signs are the greatest agent for change. Why do you think so much effort goes into subverting and reprogramming them?

>> No.56043091
File: 91 KB, 632x446, Big-Bus-Tours_San-Francisco_Big-Bus_at_Fishermans_Wharf_desktop_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of starting a travel service to Sunny California that, instead of group tours, offers LEGAL group shoplifting.

So a 1 week "stealcation" to CA will net you $6900 of clothes and goods.

As the tour leader, I will stand ring up items for the group to ensure legality and that no one passes over the $1000 limit per day.

Day 1: Gucci
Day 2: Prada
Day 3: Armani
Day 4: Home Depot
Day 5: Nordstrom
Day 6: Free Day
Day 7: Fendi

Accommodations will be at a luxury Air BnB that I will rent, then squat at, as I cannot be evicted.

This could be the most profitable idea in the history of the travel business, and I will seek venture capital to make it a reality.

>> No.56043161


>> No.56043186

I mean that is what happened in the Russian revolution. They let out all the prisoners if they'd join "the cause" and part of "the cause" was turning every family home and apartment in St. Petersburg into a 50-person pigsty, where the criminals were the ones doing it by gunpoint

>> No.56043224

Amazon now controls the government and is systematically killing its competition.

>> No.56043265

Based fuck Jew corporations

>> No.56043322

Liberals think black crime is a form of reparations.

>> No.56043401

yep, which is entirely fair
honestly, in general, "mom & pop" shops fucking suck to work at compared to globocorps
shit benefits, worse wages, have fever worker protections, etc
sure it's great if you're the paki or armenian who owns the store, but wagies are better off working for walmart lmao

>> No.56043604

The rich that run california don't go to retail outlets. This bill allows the lower class to terrorize the middle class. And the rich get to twist it into a race thing and use it to virtue signal at the expense of retail wagies.

>> No.56043797

this only applies to business selling nigger-related items

>> No.56043859

You son of a bitch
I'm in
How do I pre-order?

>> No.56043877

don t they have an exception if suspect is white ?

>> No.56044521
File: 52 KB, 396x432, 1620366312164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shh, don't try to use logic here
Stopped reading there. Retards like you who encourage other retards need to gb2 plebbit

>> No.56044790

>but crime rates (violent / non violent) have been on a steady decline since the early 60s in CA.

>stop enforcing the laws
>stop reporting crimes
>stop convicting people
>stop releasing figures
>crime rates magically drops
fucking amazing. That's like going to a nuclear accident and saying the levels of radiation are completely safe because your geiger counter only goes up to 3.6 Roentgen.

>> No.56044818

They're trying to make the black problem too obvious to ignore any longer.

>> No.56044844

Woodchippers don't count as violence against thieves

>> No.56044850

lmao yep

>> No.56045959

This makes sense. No one should be forced to confront a shoplifter.

>> No.56045978

>Buy a shop that sells books, tasteful clothing, skiing equipment, etc.
>Immune from robbery

>> No.56045980

Who the fuck is pushing these dumbass bills? Its like they want to destroy the entire state on purpose.

Punish the workers but not the criminals?

>> No.56046001

My sunblock shop does extremely well.

>> No.56046009

Do you want theft tourism? Because that’s how you get theft tourism. I know California is known for their gold rush. but is this really how they wanna bring it back?

>> No.56046027

Except he’s right.

>> No.56046038

You can push utterly absurd bills in CA, so long as they only put a tiny Paw Patrol band-aid on the gushing wound that is income inequality in the state.

Go to Laguna Beach in Orange County. Remember what that looks like. Now go to the outskirts of King City where the people who harvest the strawberries live. Fucking third world adobe mud huts.

The License to Steal really only gives poor people the option to steal from each other and multi-billion dollar business that have $1k in shrink daily anyway just from shit expiring or breaking on the truck. If this was the right to break into Rodeo Drive homes the bill writer would already be "accidentally" set on fire by the LAPD.

>> No.56046042

i don't get why people think
>i'm rich and i hate 4chan values so i come on 4chan
is a flex
when i was poor the last thing on my mind was hang out around people i disliked
once i got rich i made sure to use my money to minimize any interaction with people i disliked
if you have the means to live happily, why choose to be miserable?
is this a trust fund kid thing? you never had to earn anything so you lack purpose?

>> No.56046206
File: 417 KB, 638x638, 98602303291960610076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro wtf are you talking about? I just came to promote my favourite token Scorch. Just read the white paper bro, it's a new paradigm, you'll understand once you read the white paper. I mean, look at how chill the devs are, and look at how fire the graphics on the website are. Just buy the damn thing already, it's a sure fire winner

>> No.56046215

>you're putting poor BIPOC lives at danger by calling the police!
>muh reparations!
>all stores are owned by evil rich white men and everything is insured so it's a victimless crime!
>he says, as another (((judge))) lets a jogger walk free after beating a pregnant woman to death because he claims she called him "nigger"

>> No.56046306

Why would you need to intervene cops are so great they'll just catch the guy and give you your stuff back. I love the police

>> No.56046488

No, you stopped reading there because you realized you were about to read something that actually made sense, instead of some sensational headline.

>> No.56046501 [DELETED] 

i used to dream of moving to cali now it looks like a nightmare and i enjoy my crisp cool mountain air and rain

>> No.56047367

Kill all goy businesses

>> No.56047518

I grew up there and the holdouts are finally packing it up now too, used to be "but my family and everyone I know is here" turned to "my family and everyone I know is leaving, so I guess I'm leaving too"
Only issue with leaving was everyone hates you everywhere you go, I heard a lot of unironic "go back" IRL

>> No.56047663
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I'm from Tasmania, hopefully it's close enough to be safe.

>> No.56047696

You know how this unfolds rabbi. I'd start making preparations to leave for Ukraine now.

>> No.56047725 [DELETED] 

jannies do it for free, they clean up my shit, for free, they tongue my anus, for free

>> No.56047777 [DELETED] 
File: 429 KB, 638x638, 90651796919035529123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so glad you asked, as a scorchchad, i believe we should relate everything back to Scorch and how amazing it is. The crisp mountain air and rain can only be found when people have the means and financial independence to escape to these types of locations. Therefore, I would suggest that we need to get into Scorch early and make our millions. This will allow us to explore the crisp mountain air and rain anywhere we want, any time we want. It really is a great investment

>> No.56048008
File: 119 KB, 513x590, 1690858607554030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know there will be consequences for your actions then you will be better behaved. It's that simple. Society should teach that you shouldn't be a dumbass because you might get shot rather than being a dumbass is your God given right.

>> No.56049959
File: 216 KB, 871x862, 1688671313995702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked & thiefpilled.
>be anon
>move to ca
>open amazon storefront
>steal many hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise from each store in your neighborhood
>repeat in all surrounding neighborhoods
>repeat every day
>"re"sell all of your stolen merchandise on amazon
>livestream 24/7 the entire time

...should I do this?

>> No.56050137


>> No.56051633
File: 62 KB, 654x680, 1684021827674220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK predditor.

>> No.56052960

Read the Gulag Archipelago.
Or the Talmud.
You'll understand then

>> No.56052988
File: 78 KB, 1170x643, Fyr-N5SaAAYFPL_.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but Amazon has already been paid for the stolen package when the nog takes it from your porch

>> No.56053016

I look at California in the same way I look at Chris Chan