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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56027188 No.56027188 [Reply] [Original]

Factory work is meant to be terrible but this looks comfy as fuck. Have we been psyopped into cubicles?

>> No.56027191

I like keeping my limbs and all my digits

>> No.56027239

retarded targets (please push yourself to your limit for 10% extra production goy!) and toxic chemical exposure is/was the worst thing

other than that its pretty based, you get to shoot the shit with your coworkers all day, none of that office political correctness you see in an office either

>> No.56027269

Giant diesel anything is top end mechanical work. Those were the guys everyone stuck at Ford or GM dreamed of being.

>> No.56027287

Each of these men could comfortably afford a house and car with their factory wages and got an 18 year old loyal virgin wife. Their purchasing power was probably around $100k in today’s money

Yes you’re a dumb goy office wagecuck who will be poor forever and never have a young virgin wife

>> No.56027293

Most factories have you work forced overtime 10-30+ extra hours a week and just to get in you usually have to start on night shift.
>t. former sweatshop worker

>> No.56027305

it looks nice because there's no non-humans (browns) in the picture

>> No.56027318

the focus was on quality, for a lot of reasons. Brands and names were more important than anything else because bad actors in the marketplace would get crushed by competition faster than anything we are used to today because of Govt intervention. Because of the emphasis on quality, as opposed to volume, the workers themselves were not asked to output more, but rather ensure quality and performance was high. While yes, the Ford production line as a concept seems like it is intended to produce higher output, the emphasis from Henry Ford himself was that each worker would become an expert at a single task, and as a result quality would not diminish but in fact would be increased by the assembly line concept versus single fabricator/vehicle technique.
Because the government is largely in charge of our economy today, people are not accountable for poor quality like they used to be, and to a govt, what is important is not quality but quantity, especially when the govt is distributing the stuff for free to buy votes, in which case it barely gives a fuck if it works a second beyond the day of the election.
Nobody gives a fuck anymore because the government will never allow Ford, GM etc to fail... so why give a fuck lol

>> No.56027323

idk, but I can tell you right off the bat that those guys made more per hour than you do once you adjust for inflation.
And they could actually afford a house.

>> No.56027409

this anon gets it
gtfo retard >>>/pol/

>> No.56027428

I wouldn't quite say comfy. Those people were training themselves to operate off of muscle memory at an hourly rate for shifts that were eight hours long while keeping up a productivity score and an accuracy score. At the risk of losing their fingers or possibly more. Which also depended on how quirky the machines were.

Who do you think in that factory line was most at risk for losing a finger or a hand to the machine based on their expressions?

>> No.56027543

factory work fucking sucks, your back, joints, and feet hurt and one of those hurts extra for a few weeks

>> No.56027551

My first job was in a factory as a CNC guy. It was pretty chill.

>> No.56027559

>Have we been psyopped into cubicles?
Find a modern factory operating like that.

>> No.56027581

You don't have even half the skill and knowledge those guys have though, nor the work ethic, so why would you expect to be compensated like they were? Let me guess, because "progress."

>> No.56027582

>posts factual state,ent
>go back to pol
Yes, we know, pol is always correct

>> No.56027697

Your personal delusion is not fact /pol/tard. Now go back to your containment board faggot.

>> No.56028072
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it looks like a place where I would lose one of my senses just to go to the bathroom, I'd better stay at home playing duck race until I lose my sense of sight by my own hand